9,101 research outputs found

    3D model of amphioxus steroid receptor complexed with estradiol

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    The origins of signaling by vertebrate steroids are not fully understood. An important advance was the report that an estrogen-binding steroid receptor [SR] is present in amphioxus, a basal chordate with a similar body plan as vertebrates. To investigate the evolution of estrogen binding to steroid receptors, we constructed a 3D model of amphioxus SR complexed with estradiol. This 3D model indicates that although the SR is activated by estradiol, some interactions between estradiol and human ER[alpha] are not conserved in the SR, which can explain the low affinity of estradiol for the SR. These differences between the SR and ER[alpha] in the steroid-binding domain are sufficient to suggest that another steroid is the physiological regulator of the SR. The 3D model predicts that mutation of Glu-346 to Gln will increase the affinity of testosterone for amphioxus SR and elucidate the evolution of steroid binding to nuclear receptors

    Safe storage and handling of grain (1993)

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    Storage and handling of large volumes of grain on Missouri farms is common. In 1978, on-farm storage capacity for shelled grain was approximately 309 million bushels. Much of this grain is stored in bins with capacities ranging from 20,000 to 100,000 bushels. Grain is also handled more quickly today. Today's large augers can transfer from two to four times as much grain as the augers of the past. Also, using automated equipment often means a farmer works alone most of the time. Increased storage capacities, larger and faster handling capacities and automation contribute to many potentially hazardous situations during the harvest and storage season. This guide sheet identifies many of them and suggests preventive measures that control or eliminate the hazardous exposure

    Worker protection : an employer's guide to worker protection standard compliance (1996)

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    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued final rules governing the protection of employees on farms and in forests, nurseries and greenhouses from occupational exposure to agricultural pesticides. The new Worker Protection Standard (WPS) covers two types of employees: Agricultural workers-those who perform tasks related to the cultivation and harvesting of agricultural plants ; Pesticide handlers-those assigned to handle pesticides in any way, including mixing, loading, transferring or applying pesticides; handling open pesticide containers; acting as a flagger; or cleaning, adjusting, handling or repairing contaminated equipment. Employers are responsible for making sure that workers and handlers receive the protections required by the pesticide labeling and the WPS. The standard defines two types of employers: Agricultural employers-those who employ or contract for service of workers, or who own or operate an establishment that employs workers. ; Handler employers-those who hire pesticide handlers or are self-employed as a pesticide handler. This includes commercial applicators and companies that supply crop advisory services on agricultural establishments.New 10/93, Reprinted 1/96/7M

    Pesticide application safety (1997)

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    The great variety of pesticides used in America's agricultural production system presents varying degrees of hazard. These products were made to alter life cycles of living pest organisms, and many of these products are dangerous to people if not handled properly. The purpose of this publication is to help pesticide applicators understand and appreciate potential dangers. Items related to pesticide application but not discussed in this publication include personal protection equipment (see MU publication G 1917, Personal Protective Equipment for Working with Pesticides), pesticide poisoning (MU publication G 1915, First Aid for Pesticide Poisoning), and calibration procedures (MU publication G 1270, Calibrating Field Sprayers). If an applicator uses his or her own knowledge, common sense, and the information contained in this and the other publications referred to, he or she can apply pesticides safely and effectively.Revised 11/97/7M

    Cleaning stovepipes and chimneys (1993)

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    With ever-increasing fuel costs, heating with wood has again become very popular with Missourians. But this increased use of wood-heating equipment brings with it the need for constant, careful attention to assure the safe and efficient use of this heat source. One area often ignored is the special care needed for the chimney.Reviewed October 1993

    Simulation and inference algorithms for stochastic biochemical reaction networks: from basic concepts to state-of-the-art

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    Stochasticity is a key characteristic of intracellular processes such as gene regulation and chemical signalling. Therefore, characterising stochastic effects in biochemical systems is essential to understand the complex dynamics of living things. Mathematical idealisations of biochemically reacting systems must be able to capture stochastic phenomena. While robust theory exists to describe such stochastic models, the computational challenges in exploring these models can be a significant burden in practice since realistic models are analytically intractable. Determining the expected behaviour and variability of a stochastic biochemical reaction network requires many probabilistic simulations of its evolution. Using a biochemical reaction network model to assist in the interpretation of time course data from a biological experiment is an even greater challenge due to the intractability of the likelihood function for determining observation probabilities. These computational challenges have been subjects of active research for over four decades. In this review, we present an accessible discussion of the major historical developments and state-of-the-art computational techniques relevant to simulation and inference problems for stochastic biochemical reaction network models. Detailed algorithms for particularly important methods are described and complemented with MATLAB implementations. As a result, this review provides a practical and accessible introduction to computational methods for stochastic models within the life sciences community

    Worker protection standard for agricultural pesticides : key features (1996)

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    On August 21, 1992, the U.s. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the final Worker Protection Standard (WPS) governing the protection of employees on farms and in forests, nurseries and greenhouses from occupational exposure to agricultural pesticides. The Standard covers workers in areas treated with pesticides and employees who handle pesticides for use in the production of agricultural plants. The new Standard took effect on October 21, 1992, and is enforceable when a WPS-labeled pesticide is being used. The new Standard expands the requirements for issuing warnings about pesticide applications, using personal protective equipment and restricting entry to treated areas. New requirements have also been added for decontamination, emergency assistance, maintaining contact with handlers of highly toxic pesticides and pesticide safety training. The new Standard also requires that pesticide registrants add appropriate labeling statements referencing the WPS regulations and specifying application restrictions and other regulatory requirements.New 10/93, Reprinted 5/96nM

    Wood stove maintenance and operation (1993)

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    After selecting and installing a wood stove you will be anxious to get it going. Learn to operate and maintain the stove so it can provide warmth and comfort in a safe and efficient manner.Reviewed October 1993

    Unvented portable kerosene heaters - safety considerations (1987)

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    Dramatic increases in home heating costs have resulted in a significant expansion in the sales and use of portable kerosene heaters.Reviewed and reprinted: 1DI87/8M

    Using agricultural anhydrous ammonia safely (2001)

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    Revised February 2001
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