25 research outputs found

    Influence of advertising on consumer-based brand loyalty

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    This paper examines the relationship between advertising and brand loyalty. Further, mediating dimensions are included in the research: brand trust and perceived quality. The data was collected via online survey. The data processing included a t-test analysis, regression analysis, and correlation analysis. Next, the findings have shown moderate influence of advertising on brand loyalty. Overall, satisfactory results are achieved. Certain limitations with online surveys didn't affect the results of the research. Furthermore, the findings in this paper contribute to future research, offering a solid basis for a more complex investigation of the marketing environment

    Promotional activities and customer satisfaction: Long-term influence or a temporary marketing 'mirage'?

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    In this paper the influence of promotional activities on customer satisfaction is examined. In addition, key marketing constructs were measured in accordance with the goals of the research. These constructs are perceived quality, brand loyalty, and customer experience. The goal of this study is to determine the effectiveness of promotional activities regarding customer satisfaction in a modern marketing environment. Data was collected through an online survey from 466 subjects (customers, consumers, and users of various products). The structured survey was distributed in Serbia. The findings imply that promotional activities have a major influence on customers' post-purchase experience. Further, the results show how promotional activities affect consumers' and customers' subjective views on products. As promotional activities and customer satisfaction play important roles in a marketing environment, it can be argued that this paper lends support and contributes to the existing body of literature in this domain

    Modelling the Influence of Product Development on Business Performance and Competitiveness in Manufacturing Enterprises

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    In this paper the influence of product innovation and development on business performance and competitiveness in small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises is addressed. The research was conducted via survey and it included over 2200 manufacturing enterprises from Serbia. The number of returned and usable surveys was 132 (5.98% return rate). The regression model included product development and innovation as two important engineering endeavours and business performance and competitiveness. Additionally, product quality, quality management system (QMS) and human resource management (HRM) were included in the data analysis. The results indicate that the observed relationships between the measured constructs are different, and they depend on how many employees the enterprise has. This paper contributes to the existing body of literature, provides a solid basis for future research in this domain, and other researchers and managers can use this paper as an insight to the relationships between important business metrics

    Transition economy and market factors: the influence of advertising on customer satisfaction in Serbia

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    Transition economies often face various issues in their socio-economic structures. Several studies analysed the differences and similarities between traditional capitalist economies and transition economies. In this research, advertising and customer satisfaction, two crucial market-driving factors, are measured in the emerging economy of Serbia. Additionally, perceived quality, brand credibility and brand relationship quality are included in the study as mediating factors. Four hundred thirty-two (432) customers and consumers participated in the survey. The findings indicate that advertising has a strong positive correlation with customer satisfaction. This provides support and invites future research in the domain of emerging economies when it comes to key market factors such as advertising and customers’post-purchase experiences

    Modelling the use of Industry 4.0 technologies with lean manufacturing

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    The lean manufacturing approach has the potential to lower production costs and increase productivity through the reduction of various forms of waste. It is evident that lean manufacturing as a business model offers stable financial performance and overall good business performance. The fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0 (I4.0) includes the use of evolving technologies such as cloud computing, blockchain technologies, Internet of Things, big data analysis, additive manufacturing, simulation and others. In this paper a thorough analysis of literature is conducted. Based on the findings, a theoretical model for I4.0 technologies application with lean manufacturing is developed. The model depicts an enterprise and the possible solutions for improving business performance with I4.0 technologies and lean manufacturing. The main goal of this paper is to challenge the idea of I4.0 application with the lean approach in order to achieve higher competitiveness. I4.0 technologies often require expensive infrastructure and extensive financial investments, but including lean into the “equation” it is possible to “reap” the benefits of these technologies at a lower cost. The limitations of the model are addressed and future research is proposed.IX International Symposium Engineering Management and Competitiveness 2019 (EMC 2019), June 21-22, 2019, Zrenjanin, Serbi

    Enterprise sustainable development throught the application of the 7S tools in additive manufacturing

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    Sve veća upotreba aditivnih tehnologija zahteva potpunu implementaciju 7S alata. Osnovna suština je da se viškovi i otpad u preduzeću eliminišu što je više moguće kroz poznate Lean tehnike. Međutim, primena 7S alata uključuje još dva bitna elementa: bezbednost i timski rad. U savremenim proizvodnim procesima preduzeća moraju da obrate pažnju na ulogu zaposlenih u obezbeđivanju organizacione kulture i potpune bezbednosti na radu. Da bi se obezbedila konkurentska pozicija na tržištu, neophodno je ispitati povezanost svih elemenata alata 7S sa principima aditivne proizvodnje. Aditivna proizvodnja polako zamenjuje konvencionalnu proizvodnju. Međutim, u oba slučaja mora se voditi računa o zaštiti zdravlja zaposlenih na radnom mestu. Isparenja tokom proizvodnog procesa i opasne čestice praha čine aditivnu proizvodnju nestabilnijom. Ovim radom smo pokušali da pokažemo koliko su Lean alati vitalni u funkcionisanju aditivne proizvodnje.The increasing use of additive technologies requires the complete implementation of 7S tools. The fundamental essence is to eliminate surpluses and waste in the enterprise as much as possible through the known Lean techniques. However, the application of the 7S tool incorporates two more essential elements: safety and teamwork. In modern production processes, enterprises must pay attention to the role of employees in ensuring the organizational culture and complete safety at work. In order to ensure a competitive position in the market, it is indispensable to examine the connections of all elements of the 7S tool with the principles of additive manufacturing. Additive manufacturing is slowly replacing conventional manufacturing. However, in both cases, care must be taken to protect employees' health at the workplace. Fumes during the production process and dangerous powder particles make additive manufacturing more unstabile. With this work, we tried to show how vital Lean tools are in the functioning of additive manufacturing

    Agriculture 4.0 and improving competitiveness of the domestic agro-food sector

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    The domestic agro-food sector has an important role in economic development and in overall GDP growth. The concept of Agriculture 4.0 that integrates the use of information-communication technologies presents a direction in which the domestic agriculture sector should focus. Additionally, besides conducting business within the frameworks of Agriculture 4.0, the standardization of processes in the agro-food sector can also contribute to achieving competitiveness on the globalized market. In this paper the importance and number of ISO standards are investigated. In addition, factors and indicators that characterize Agriculture 4.0 are analysed. Based on the collected and analysed data, a unified competitiveness factor (UCF) is calculated for the period from 2017 to 2020. The UCF provides and overview on the potential competitiveness of the domestic agro-food sector. The paper contributes to the existing body of literature as it managed to provide a strong basis for future research in this domain.Publishe

    A systematic literature rewiew in the domain of ISO 9001 certification and business improvement

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    In this systematic review the impact of ISO 9001 certification on business performance is addressed. A total of thirty (n=30) scientific articles in the domain of ISO 9001 certification are thoroughly analysed. The sum of samples of each analysed article is 9280. The findings indicate that almost half of the total sample size reported positive impact of certification. It is evident that ISO 9001 positively affects business performance. This paper can be used for further research as it provides a concise review on the effectiveness of quality management systems.7th International Symposium on Industrial Engineering SIE 2018, September 27-28, 2018, Belgrade, Serbi

    Lean startups with industry 4.0 technologies: Overcoming the challenges of youth entrepreneurship in Serbia

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    Youth entrepreneurship is important for reducing youth unemployment rates and it overall contributes to economic growth. The main idea of this research is to determine the barriers and challenges that young entrepreneurs face in Serbia. The paper analyzes literature in this domain, and compares the status of youth entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship overall between Serbia, the EU and the US. Furthermore, a theoretical model is developed that includes the application of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies and lean startup approach. The results indicate that taxation regulation and the lack of financial support for new startups are the main barriers that the young face in Serbia. In addition, the lack of adequate entrepreneurial education creates difficulties, and demotivates potential entrepreneurs. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce or modify existing regulatory laws and introduce effective financial support for new enterprises

    Industry 5.0: A New Paradigm in Manufacturing

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    The fourth industrial revolution - Industry 4.0has brought challenges to enterprises across the globe. In addition, the globalization of markets and the COVID-19 pandemic have put pressure on enterprises who want to achieve competitive ability. Amidst the challenges of the modern business environment, the concept of the fifth industrial revolution - Industry 5.0 arises as a Society 5.0 compatible and systematic transformation of the Industry 4.0 concept. Industry 5.0 is forthcoming and is not fully materialized. However, it derives and is complementary with the Society 5.0 initiative, which is present for five years now. In this paper, the drawbacks of Industry 4.0 and the concept of Industry 5.0 are analysed. The main goal of the paper is to present Industry 5.0 and the new paradigm of manufacturing and conducting business. The paper contributes to the existing body of literature and provides an adequate basis for future research in the domain of industrial revolutions, sustainability, and competitivenes