9 research outputs found

    The legal and economic aspect of money

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    U ovom radu analiziran je ekonomski i pravni aspekt novca. Novac nije čista pravna pojava niti čista ekonomska pojava, nego je potreban zajednički pristanak da bi neka kulturna pojava poprimila svrhu novca. Iako je novac oduvijek imao svoje pravno i ekonomsko motrište, prvobitno je bila veća značajnost novca kao društvene i ekonomske pojave. Povijesno gledano postojale su brojne situacije kada su države svojim uplitanjem nastojale očuvati vrijednost monetarnih jedinica, što je u konačnici najčešće uzrokovalo razvoj „sivog tržišta“ koje je i dalje djelovalo pod utjecajem ponude i potražnje, ne umanjujući značaj pravnog aspekta novaca. Kako značaj novca u suvremenoj ekonomiji i društvu nije samo ekonomski, javlja se potreba reguliranja monetarnog sustava zakonskim aktima i propisima, radi ispunjenja suverenosti države. Naime, radi se o prilagođavanju potrebama društva i ekonomije radi bolje učinkovitosti. Novac pruža mogućnost participantima koje ne mogu pružiti druge robe svojom pojavom na tržištu, te kao najvažnije funkcije novca možemo izdvojiti bitno skraćivanje vremena i troškova same razmjene.The purpose of this paper is to analyse the economic and legal aspect of money. Money cannot be seen neither as a pure economic or a legal phenomenon, but a common consent is required so that a cultural entity would accept the purpose of money. Though money has always had its legal and economic point of view, initially social and economic aspect of it was more considerable. Looking back in the history, there has been numerous situations where various states interfered in order to preserve the value of their monetary units, which ultimately led to a development of the "grey market" that continued to exist influenced but market's demand and supply and not diminishing the importance of the legal money aspect. Since the importance of money in modern economy and society is not only economic, there comes a need to regulate the monetary system by legal acts and regulations, in order to fulfil the sovereignty of the state. Actually, it is about adapting to the needs of society and the economy for the purpose of its better efficiency. Money provides the opportunity for participants who cannot provide other goods with their appearance on the market, and as the most important function of money, we can identify considerable time and cost saving of the exchange itself

    The legal and economic aspect of money

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    U ovom radu analiziran je ekonomski i pravni aspekt novca. Novac nije čista pravna pojava niti čista ekonomska pojava, nego je potreban zajednički pristanak da bi neka kulturna pojava poprimila svrhu novca. Iako je novac oduvijek imao svoje pravno i ekonomsko motrište, prvobitno je bila veća značajnost novca kao društvene i ekonomske pojave. Povijesno gledano postojale su brojne situacije kada su države svojim uplitanjem nastojale očuvati vrijednost monetarnih jedinica, što je u konačnici najčešće uzrokovalo razvoj „sivog tržišta“ koje je i dalje djelovalo pod utjecajem ponude i potražnje, ne umanjujući značaj pravnog aspekta novaca. Kako značaj novca u suvremenoj ekonomiji i društvu nije samo ekonomski, javlja se potreba reguliranja monetarnog sustava zakonskim aktima i propisima, radi ispunjenja suverenosti države. Naime, radi se o prilagođavanju potrebama društva i ekonomije radi bolje učinkovitosti. Novac pruža mogućnost participantima koje ne mogu pružiti druge robe svojom pojavom na tržištu, te kao najvažnije funkcije novca možemo izdvojiti bitno skraćivanje vremena i troškova same razmjene.The purpose of this paper is to analyse the economic and legal aspect of money. Money cannot be seen neither as a pure economic or a legal phenomenon, but a common consent is required so that a cultural entity would accept the purpose of money. Though money has always had its legal and economic point of view, initially social and economic aspect of it was more considerable. Looking back in the history, there has been numerous situations where various states interfered in order to preserve the value of their monetary units, which ultimately led to a development of the "grey market" that continued to exist influenced but market's demand and supply and not diminishing the importance of the legal money aspect. Since the importance of money in modern economy and society is not only economic, there comes a need to regulate the monetary system by legal acts and regulations, in order to fulfil the sovereignty of the state. Actually, it is about adapting to the needs of society and the economy for the purpose of its better efficiency. Money provides the opportunity for participants who cannot provide other goods with their appearance on the market, and as the most important function of money, we can identify considerable time and cost saving of the exchange itself

    Use of financial statements in Croatia budget accounting

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    Financijski izvještaji predstavljaju završnu fazu računovodstvenog procesiranja informacija neophodnih za donošenje odluka o poslovanju proračunskih subjekata. Temeljni zadatak računovodstva proračunskih korisnika je prikupljanje, obrada i kontrola podataka financijske prirode te izvještavanje tako dobivenih podataka zainteresiranim korisnicima. Informacije dostupne u financijskim izvještajima predstavljaju određene podatke prikazane u obliku razumljivom za korisnika te posjeduju značajnu vrijednost u tekućim i/ili budućim aktivnostima i odlukama. Istraživački dio rada proveden je putem anketnog upitnika. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na to da proračunski korisnici koriste informacije sadržane u temeljnim/internim računovodstvenim izvještajima te da se proces odlučivanja temelji na modernim računovodstvenim informacijskim sustavima. Učestala promjena zakonske regulative, preopsežnost / prezahtjevnost financijskih izvještaja te nedostatna razvijenost internih izvješća odražava se na kvalitetu računovodstvenog izvještavanja, a samim time i na kvalitetu donošenja odluka pri upravljanju.The financial statements represent the final stage of accounting processing of the information required for decision-making on the activities of budgetary units. The basic task of budget users' accounting is to collect, process and control data of a financial nature and to report the data thus obtained to interested users. The information available in the financial statements represents certain information that is presented in a user-friendly format and has significant value for current and / or future activities and decisions. The research part of this work was conducted through a survey questionnaire. The results of the research show that budget users use the information contained in basic / internal accounting reports and that the decision-making process is based on modern accounting information systems. Frequent legislative changes, excessive / overly demanding financial statements and insufficient development of internal reports are reflected in the quality of financial reporting, and thus in the quality of management decision-making

    Use of financial statements in Croatia budget accounting

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    Financijski izvještaji predstavljaju završnu fazu računovodstvenog procesiranja informacija neophodnih za donošenje odluka o poslovanju proračunskih subjekata. Temeljni zadatak računovodstva proračunskih korisnika je prikupljanje, obrada i kontrola podataka financijske prirode te izvještavanje tako dobivenih podataka zainteresiranim korisnicima. Informacije dostupne u financijskim izvještajima predstavljaju određene podatke prikazane u obliku razumljivom za korisnika te posjeduju značajnu vrijednost u tekućim i/ili budućim aktivnostima i odlukama. Istraživački dio rada proveden je putem anketnog upitnika. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na to da proračunski korisnici koriste informacije sadržane u temeljnim/internim računovodstvenim izvještajima te da se proces odlučivanja temelji na modernim računovodstvenim informacijskim sustavima. Učestala promjena zakonske regulative, preopsežnost / prezahtjevnost financijskih izvještaja te nedostatna razvijenost internih izvješća odražava se na kvalitetu računovodstvenog izvještavanja, a samim time i na kvalitetu donošenja odluka pri upravljanju.The financial statements represent the final stage of accounting processing of the information required for decision-making on the activities of budgetary units. The basic task of budget users' accounting is to collect, process and control data of a financial nature and to report the data thus obtained to interested users. The information available in the financial statements represents certain information that is presented in a user-friendly format and has significant value for current and / or future activities and decisions. The research part of this work was conducted through a survey questionnaire. The results of the research show that budget users use the information contained in basic / internal accounting reports and that the decision-making process is based on modern accounting information systems. Frequent legislative changes, excessive / overly demanding financial statements and insufficient development of internal reports are reflected in the quality of financial reporting, and thus in the quality of management decision-making

    Utilization of Explainable Machine Learning Algorithms for Determination of Important Features in ‘Suncrest’ Peach Maturity Prediction

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    Peaches (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) are a popular fruit in Europe and Croatia. Maturity at harvest has a crucial influence on peach fruit quality, storage life, and consequently consumer acceptance. The main goal of this study is to develop a machine learning model that will detect the most important features for predicting peach maturity by first training models and then using the importance ratings of these models to detect nonlinear (and linear) relationships. Thus, the most important peach features at a given stage of its ripening could be revealed. To date, this method has not been used for this purpose, and at the same time, it has the potential to be applied to other similar peach varieties. A total of 33 fruit features are measured on the harvested peaches, and three imbalanced datasets are created using firmness thresholds of 1.84, 3.57, and 4.59 kg·cm−2. These datasets are balanced using the SMOTE and ROSE techniques, and the Random Forest machine learning model is trained on them. Permutation Feature Importance (PFI), Variable Importance (VI), and LIME interpretability methods are used to detect variables that most influence predictions in the given machine learning models. PFI shows that the h° and a* ground color parameters, COL ground color index, SSC/TA, and TA inner quality parameters are among the top ten most contributing variables in all three models. Meanwhile, VI shows that this is the case for the a* ground color parameter, COL and CCL ground color indexes, and the SSC/TA inner quality parameter. The fruit flesh ratio is highly positioned (among the top three according to PFI) in two models, but it is not even among the top ten in the third

    Utilization of Explainable Machine Learning Algorithms for Determination of Important Features in ‘Suncrest’ Peach Maturity Prediction

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    Peaches (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) are a popular fruit in Europe and Croatia. Maturity at harvest has a crucial influence on peach fruit quality, storage life, and consequently consumer acceptance. The main goal of this study is to develop a machine learning model that will detect the most important features for predicting peach maturity by first training models and then using the importance ratings of these models to detect nonlinear (and linear) relationships. Thus, the most important peach features at a given stage of its ripening could be revealed. To date, this method has not been used for this purpose, and at the same time, it has the potential to be applied to other similar peach varieties. A total of 33 fruit features are measured on the harvested peaches, and three imbalanced datasets are created using firmness thresholds of 1.84, 3.57, and 4.59 kg·cm−2. These datasets are balanced using the SMOTE and ROSE techniques, and the Random Forest machine learning model is trained on them. Permutation Feature Importance (PFI), Variable Importance (VI), and LIME interpretability methods are used to detect variables that most influence predictions in the given machine learning models. PFI shows that the h° and a* ground color parameters, COL ground color index, SSC/TA, and TA inner quality parameters are among the top ten most contributing variables in all three models. Meanwhile, VI shows that this is the case for the a* ground color parameter, COL and CCL ground color indexes, and the SSC/TA inner quality parameter. The fruit flesh ratio is highly positioned (among the top three according to PFI) in two models, but it is not even among the top ten in the third

    Assessment of Various Machine Learning Models for Peach Maturity Prediction Using Non-Destructive Sensor Data

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    To date, many machine learning models have been used for peach maturity prediction using non-destructive data, but no performance comparison of the models on these datasets has been conducted. In this study, eight machine learning models were trained on a dataset containing data from 180 ‘Suncrest’ peaches. Before the models were trained, the dataset was subjected to dimensionality reduction using the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) regularization, and 8 input variables (out of 29) were chosen. At the same time, a subgroup consisting of the peach ground color measurements was singled out by dividing the set of variables into three subgroups and by using group LASSO regularization. This type of variable subgroup selection provided valuable information on the contribution of specific groups of peach traits to the maturity prediction. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) values of the selected models were compared, and the artificial neural network (ANN) model achieved the best performance, with an average AUC of 0.782. The second-best machine learning model was linear discriminant analysis with an AUC of 0.766, followed by logistic regression, gradient boosting machine, random forest, support vector machines, a classification and regression trees model, and k-nearest neighbors. Although the primary parameter used to determine the performance of the model was AUC, accuracy, F1 score, and kappa served as control parameters and ultimately confirmed the obtained results. By outperforming other models, ANN proved to be the most accurate model for peach maturity prediction on the given dataset

    Applicability of hydraulic dynamometer for measuring load mass on forwarders

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    In the last few years, with the start of wood biomass production from wood residues, the need for determining the quantity of extracted wood residuals on a landing site has appeared. The beginning of intensive usage of wood residues for wood biomass starts in lowland forest where all wood residues are extracted with forwarders. There are several ways to determine load mass on a forwarder, first and probably most accurate is the use of load cells which are installed between forwarder undercarriage and loading space. In Croatia, as far as it is known, there is no forwarder with such equipment, although manufacturers offer the installation of such equipment when buying a new forwarder. The second option is using a portable measuring platform (axle scale) which was already used for research of axle loads of trucks and forwarders. The data obtained with the measuring platform are very accurate, while its deficiency is relatively great mass, large dimensions and high price. The third option is determining mass by using hydraulic dynamometer which is installed on crane between the rotator and the telescopic boom. The production and installation of such a system is very simple, and with the price it can easily compete with previously described measuring systems. The main deficiency of this system is its unsatisfying accuracy. The results of assortment mass measuring with hydraulic dynamometer installed on a hydraulic crane and discussion on factors influencing obtained results will be presented in this paper