10 research outputs found

    Ocena wzajemnego przyciągania i partnerstwa w okresie menopauzy

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    Wstęp. Menopauza jest złożonym procesem fizjologicznym pomiędzy okresem rozrodczym i starością (senium). Złożoność problemów menopauzy może prowadzić do powikłań w relacji małżeńskich / partnerskich oraz w ocenie osobistej atrakcyjności. Celem badania była ocena wzajemnego przyciągania i partnerstwa w okresie menopauzy. Materiał i metoda. Badanie przeprowadzono w klinice ginekologicznej Szpitala Wojskowego z Polikliniką w Lublinie z wykorzystaniem badań diagnostycznych. Narzędziem badawczym był kwestionariusz stosowany do oceny charakterystyki badanej grupie, dobre małżeństwo Questionnaire (KDM-2), menopauza Rating Scale (polska wersja MRS-II) i SKAT skali wzajemna atrakcyjność. Wyniki poddano analizie statystycznej. Wyniki. Wyniki pokazują, że kobiety i mężczyźni różnią się znacznie w ocenie jakości relacji tylko pod względem poczucia rozczarowania. W grupie kobiet, poczucie rozczarowania jest wyższe niż u mężczyzn, co oznacza, że coraz więcej kobiet cierpi z powodu braku przyjemności bycia ze swoim partnerem. Ponadto, istnieją umiarkowanie silne, ale statystycznie istotne, ujemne korelacje między stanem psychicznym, autonomicznym, objawami moczowo-płciowego a oceną atrakcyjności partnera, ale tylko w przypadku kobiet. Wyższa ocena objawów menopauzy była związana z niższą oceną atrakcyjności partnera i słabszą potrzebą budowania ścisłych relacji z nimi, zmniejszony poziom postrzegania własnej relacji jako spełnienia siebie i własnej wartości, a także słabszym przekonaniem, że partnerzy mają podobne poglądy na temat relacji. Wnioski. Atrakcyjność partnera i jakość relacji jest oceniana znacznie wyższa przez mężczyzn niż kobiety. Wyższe wskaźniki objawów uciążliwości i irytacji podczas menopauzy wiążą się z niższą oceną atrakcyjności partnera tylko u kobiet. Wyższa ocena jakości, wiąże się z wyższą oceną atrakcyjności partnera, zarówno w przypadku kobiet jak i mężczyzn. Im bardziej zadowoleni są partnerzy z tych relacji, tym bardziej przyciągają się wzajemnie.Introduction. Menopause is a complex physiological process between reproductive period and old age (senium). The complexity of menopausal problems can lead to complications in marital relationships/partnerships and in the assessment of interpersonal attractiveness. The aim of the study was to evaluate the mutual attraction and partnerships during menopause. Materials and methods. The study was conducted in the Gynaecologic Clinic of the First Military Hospital and Policlinic in Lublin with the use of a diagnostic survey. The research tool included an independently developed questionnaire used to evaluate characteristics of the study group, Good Marriage Questionnaire (KDM-2), Menopause Rating Scale (Polish Version of the MRS-II) and SKAT mutual attractiveness scale. The results were subject to statistical analysis. Results. Results show that women and men differ significantly in the assessment of the quality of relationships only in terms of the sense of disappointment. In the group of women, the sense of disappointment is higher than in men’s, which means that more women suffer from the lack of pleasure from being with their partner. In addition, there are moderately strong, but statistically significant, negative correlations between mental, autonomic, urogenital symptoms and the rating of the partner’s attractiveness, but only in case of women. Higher rating of menopause symptoms annoyance was associated with lower assessment of the partner’s attractiveness and a weaker need to build a close relationship with them, a reduced level of perceiving one’s own relationship as fulfilment of the self and own values, as well as a weaker conviction that the partners share similar views on the relationship. Conclusions. The partner’s attractiveness and the quality of the relationship is rated significantly higher by men than women. Higher ratings of symptom nuisance and annoyance during perimenopause are associated with lower assessment of the partner’s attractiveness only in women. Higher quality assessment, therefore, is associated with higher assessment of the partner’s attractiveness, both in case of women and men. The more satisfied partners are with their relationship, the more attracted to each other they are

    Nicotinism and quality of embryos obtained in in-vitro fertilization programmes

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    Introduction: According to the World Health Organization, infertility is defined as the inability to conceive following 12 months of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. Cigarette smoking, alcohol and drugs are the main stimulants exerting a negative effect on the male and female reproductive organs. Objective: The objective of the study was analysis of the effect of cigarette smoking by the women examined and their partners on the quality of embryos obtained in in vitro fertilization programmes. Material and methods: The study covered 54 women treated due to infertility. The database and statistical analyses were performed by means of computer software STATISTICA 7.1 (StatSoft, Poland). Results: The study showed that among 100% of the women examined, 24.07% smoked cigarettes. No statistically significant difference was observed between cigarette smoking by the women in the study (p=0.42), and the number of cigarettes smoked daily (p=0.52) and the total duration of smoking expressed in years (p=0.56). In addition, the study showed that 33.33% of respondents were exposed to passive nicotinism, while 66.67% were not exposed to passive smoking. In the group of women exposed to passive smoking, Class A embryos constituted 11.11%, Class B embryos – 83.38%, whereas Class C embryos – only 5.56%. A statistically significant relationship was noted between classes of embryos and exposure to passive nicotinism (p=0.03). Passive smoking results in the development of embryos of poorer quality. A significantly higher number of Class 2 embryos were produced from oocytes of women exposed to the effect of cigarette smoke, compared to Class 1. Among women at reproductive age, an active campaign should be carried out against nicotinism on behalf of their fertility and future maternity

    Sexual education from the view of high school students

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    Introduction. Sexual education is still a non-defined area concerning the sex life of man. It is perceived differently depending on the country and its culture. In Poland, it should be implemented as part of ‘Family Life Education’. Objective. The aim of the research is to present the opinion of male and female high school students concerning sex education. Materials and methods. The research was conducted in 2014 on 450 male and female high school students in two provinces of Poland: 225 students from the Stanislaw Konarski High School in Mielec, Podkarpackie Province, and 225 from the Zbigniew Herbert High School in Lublin, Lubelskie province. Results. Close to half of the surveyed participated in a class ‘Family Life Education’ (48%); however, 32% and 22.9% were not satisfied with the class. Poor aspects of the subject were observed by the great majority of students (70%). Most of the youths (68.9%) desire a more complex approach to the subject, to be led by a medical specialist (68%). Conclusions. The students stated that sex education as part of ‘Family Life Education’ class is not satisfactory. They demand a specialist, medical knowledge of human sexuality. Parents, who should constitute a major source of information, had considerable influence in the sex education of their children

    Alcohol consumption and quality of embryos obtained in programmes of in vitro fertilization

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    introduction. Infertility is defined as a state when a couple fails to conceive a pregnancy after one year of regular intercourse without the use of contraception. Alcohol consumption is one of the main stimulants which negatively affect the female and male reproductive system. objective. The objective of the study was analysis of the effect of alcohol consumption by the examined women on the quality of embryos obtained during in vitro fertilization programmes. material and methods. The study covered 54 women who received treatment due to infertility. The database and statistical analyses were performed using computer software STATISTICA 7.1 (StatSoft, Poland). results. The study showed that 42.59% from among 100% of the women in the study consumed alcohol. In the group of women who consumed alcohol, class A embryos constituted 4.35%, class B embryos – 86.96%, while embryos of class C – 8.69%. A statistically significant difference was observed between the classes of embryos and alcohol consumption by the women examined (p=0.001). In addition, a statistically significant relationship was found between the amount of alcohol consumed and the classes of embryos (p=0.005). A significantly larger number of class B embryos came from women who consumed more than 25 grams of ethyl alcohol daily (72.72%), compared to those who consumed alcohol sporadically (44.44%), or those who abstained entirely from alcohol (30.00%). conclusions. Alcohol consumption causes the development of poorer quality embryos. Significantly more embryos of class B came from oocytes of women who consumed alcohol, compared to class A. An active campaign against alcohol consumption should be carried out among women at reproductive age to safeguard their fertility and future motherhood

    Dysfunction and pain temporomandibular disorder caused by impeded eruption of third mandibular molars

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    Introduction. There are reports in literature which indicate the connection between impacted third molars and occurrence of symptoms of craniomandibular dysfunctions and headaches. Objectives. The aim of this study was evaluation of the outcome of patients who reported specific symptoms of craniomandibular dysfunction and had impacted mandibular third molars. Materials and method. The research material consisted of 10 women who reported to the Department of Craniomandibular Disfunctions of the Medical University in Lublin, Poland, with pain and acoustic symptoms in the Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) area. During preliminary therapy, the patients used a silicone occlusal device; ionotherapy was ordered and the patients were recommended to eliminate parafunctions. Results. Clicks before treatments were present in 6 patients, after treatment with silicone occlusal device and ionotherapy with Profenid gel in 5 patients, while two years after extraction of the impacted teeth the clicks were no longer present, and differences in the presence of clicks analyses by means of the Q-Cochran test were statistically significant between examinations 1m vs.3 (Q=10.33; p<0.01) and examinations 2 vs.3 (Q=8.40; p<0.05). Conclusions. The study showed that extraction of the mandibular third molars can cause regression of some symptoms of craniomandibular disorders

    Hygiene, ways of storage and lifetime of removable dentures

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    Hygiene plays an important role in patients who use removable dentures. The proper way of cleaning and storage also provides better health of oral cavity tissues as well as for the remaining teeth. The research involved 162 patients, 133 women and 29 men, aged 60–90, with different levels of education, the majority with secondary education. All patients were using removable dentures. 85.8% declared earlier use of dentures, and a half of the patients had used dentures for no more than 7.5 years. A considerable percentage (33.95%) used dentures for the whole day. Storing in a container with fluid was used by 25.93% of the respondents. Over 70% used toothpaste to clean their dentures and about 14% immersed them in special preparations, e.g. CoregaTabs, while over 8% used soap. Among patients who cleaned their dentures, the majority cleaned them once a week (75%) and the minority – twice a week (25%). The greatest percentage of patients cleaned their dentures with a toothbrush and toothpaste, which is not recommended due to occurring microabrasions. It is recommended that patients should be educated regarding prosthesis hygiene and regular follow-ups