17 research outputs found
Pollen morphology of endemic ne anatolian cirsium taxa (asteraceae)
We would like to give our special thanks to Dr. Biilent TURGUT for statistical analyses and also Research Project Fund of Artvin Coruh University (Project No: 2011.F15.02.16) for financial support.In this study, the detailed pollen morphological structures of three endemic Cirsium (Asteraceae) Miller taxa showing the natural distribution in NE Anatolia, Turkey: C. trachylepis Boiss., C. sommieri Petrak, and C. pseudopersonata Boiss. & Bal ssp. pseudopersonata were examined. The taxa were investigated for the first time by using light microscope and scanning electron microscope. Pollen grains are oblate spheroidal and suboblate with tricolporate aperture type. Sizes of the grains range from 45.22 to 46.55 mu m on the equatorial axis mean and from 40.50 to 41.67 mu m on the polar axis mean. Exine structure is tectate and mean thickness of exine varies from 1.22 to 1.92 mu m. Pollen ornamentations are echinate-perforate-microreticulate or echinate-microreticulate with supratectal spines. According to the variance analysis, there are some similarities among taxa but most of values investigated have been found significantly different. The pollen morphologies observed in this study are in a harmony with their sectional classification of Cirsiumbased on morphological characteristics
Pojava ženki velikog smrekinog likotoča Dendroctonus micans (Kugelann, 1794) na vitalnim stablima kavkaske smreke u Artvinu, Turska\u27
SummaryDendroctonus micans (Kugelann, 1794), which was first discovered in 1966 in Turkey, has established almost in all oriental spruce forests in the Eastern Black Sea region until the late 2000s. In its expanding front it is responsible for killing spruce trees representing millions of cubic meters of wood. In recent years, oriental spruce forests have endemic population of this pest. But extreme climatic conditions that cause extreme weather circumstances may trigger suitable environment that favors D. micans outbreaks. In this study, we aimed to examine tree vitality of naturally infested and uninfested trees in the forest. Field studies were performed at a pure spruce stand in Taşlıca Forest Sub-District, Artvin Directorate of Forestry in 2016. Both infested and uninfested trees were selected in the stand closure. One core per tree was extracted from 30 naturally infested and 30 uninfested oriental spruce trees at the same stand. Core samples were taken at the second week of September. Phloem thickness, recent tree growth rates, diameter of breast height and the average number of xylem cells in a radial file formed until the sampling date were studied. Phloem thickness, recent tree growth rates and number of xylem cells were higher in infested trees. Host selection of D. micans was discussed in relation to characteristics of infested and uninfested trees.SažetakDendroctonus micans (Kugelann, 1794), koji je prvi put otkriven 1966. godine u Turskoj, do kasnih 2000-ih zahvatio je gotovo sve šume kavkaske smreke u istočnoj crnomorskoj regiji. Tijekom svog širenja, uništio je milijune kubičnih metara šume stabala smreke. Posljednjih godina šume kavkaske smreke sadrže endemsku populaciju ovih štetnika. No, ekstremni klimatski uvjeti koji uzrokuju ekstremne vremenske uvjete, mogu stvoriti uvjete koji pogoduju naglom razvoju D. micans. Ovim se istraživanjem željelo ispitati vitalnost stabala prirodno zaraženih i nezaraženih stabala u šumi. Terenska istraživanja obavljena su 2016. godine na čistoj sastojini smreke u šumskom podokrugu Taşlıca, Uprave za šumarstvo Artvin. U sklopu sastojina odabrana su i zaražena i nezaražena stabla. Jezgre su uzete iz 30 prirodno zaraženih i 30 nezaraženih stabala smreke u istom sklopu. Uzorci jezgre uzeti su u drugom tjednu rujna. Proučavana je debljina floema, stopa (debljinskog) prirasta stabala, prsni promjer stabla i prosječan broj ksilemskih stanica u radijalnom redu formiranom do dana uzorkovanja. Debljina floema, nedavna stopa prirasta stabala i broj stanica ksilema bili su veći kod zaraženih stabala. O izboru domaćina D. micans raspravljalo se u odnosu na značajke zaraženih i nezaraženih stabala
Artvin’de doğal yetişen arbutus andrachne l.’nin meyve ve çiçeklerinin toplam fenolik madde içeriği ve antioksidan aktivitesinin belirlenmesi
Arbutus andrachne L. is widespread as Mediterranean enclave in the Black Sea Region, while it is found naturally in the Mediterranean and Aegean Region of Turkey. In this study, antioxidant activity, total phenolic and total flavonoid contents were determined in the fruits and flowers of A. andrachne samples obtained from Artvin. The antioxidant activity was analyzed using the DPPH radical scavenging activity and FRAP methods. In addition, while the total phenolic content was determined using the Folin-Ciocalteu assay, the aluminum chloride assay was used to measure the total flavonoid content. According to the results, the flowers of A. andrachne have higher contents in respect to antioxidant activity (104.81±4.75 µmol FeSO4.7H2O/g dry sample), phenolic (43.57±2.85 mg GA/g dry sample) and flavonoid (114.28±1.49 mg Que/g dry sample) than its fruits. It was concluded that the flowers and fruits of A. andrachne are good source of phenolic and antioxidant.Arbutus andrachne L. Akdeniz ve Ege bölgesinde doğal olarak bulunurken, Karadeniz bölgesinde Akdeniz enklav’ı olarak yayılır. Bu çalışmada Artvin’den alınan A. andrachne örneklerinin meyve ve çiçeklerinin antioksidan aktivite, toplam fenolik ve flavonoid madde içerikleri belirlendi. Antioksidan aktivite, DPPH radikal temizleme aktivite ve FRAP yöntemleri kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Toplam fenolik madde miktarı Folin-Ciocalteu yöntemi, toplam flavonoid miktarı alüminyum klorür yöntemi kullanılarak tespit edilmiştir. Sonuçlara göre, A. andrachne’nin çiçekleri meyvelerinden daha yüksek antioksidan aktiviteye (104.81±4.75 µmol FeSO4.7H2O/g kuru madde) fenolik (43.57±2.85 mg GA/g kuru madde) ve flavonoid (114.28±1.49 mg Kue/g kuru madde) içeriğe sahiptir. A. andrachne’nin çiçek ve meyvelerinin iyi bir fenol ve antioksidan kaynağı olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır
Traditional uses of some medicinal plants in the central villages of Artvin
Bu çalışma, 2016-2019 yılları arasında Artvin ili merkez ilçesine bağlı 7 mahalle ve 36 köyde toplam
138 kişi ile yüz yüze görüşmeler yapılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada, Artvin ili merkez köylerinde
yerleşik yaşayan halkın doğal tıbbi bitkiler hakkındaki bilgi düzeyleri, bu bitkilerin yöresel adları ve
kullanılan kısımları, kullanım amaçları ve kullanma şekilleri ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Demografik
özellikleri de belirlenen yerel halkın, kendisine ait bitkisel herhangi bir karışımının olup olmadığı
sorgulanmıştır. Yöre halkı tarafından, tıbbi amaçlarla 27 familyaya ait 43 farklı bitkinin kullanıldığı
tespit edilmiştir. Tıbbi olarak en çok kullanılan türleri barındıran familyalar Rosaceae, Asteraceae,
Lamiaceae olarak sıralanmıştır. Analiz edilen veriler ile tıbbi bitkilerin kullanım değeri (VU), hastalık
grupları için kullanılan bitkiler hakkında bilgi verenler arasında fikir birliği olup olmadığı (FIC) ve bu
bitkilerin kullanım yoğunluğu (FL) belirlenmiştir. Başta grip ve nezle olmak üzere solunum sistemi
hastalıkları ve cilt hastalıklarında bitkilerle geleneksel tedavi yöntemlerinin kullanıldığı ve bu
hastalıkların tıbbi bitkilerle tedavisi konusunda fikir birliğinin yüksek olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.This study was carried out by making face-to-face interviews with a total of 138 people in 7
neighborhoods and 36 villages of the central district of Artvin between 2016 and 2019. In this study,
the knowledge level of the local people in the research area about natural medicinal plants, the
vernacular names of plants, used parts of these plants, their usage purposes, and usage methods were
tried to be revealed. It was questioned whether the local people, whose demographic characteristics
were also determined, had any herbal mixture of their own. It was determined that 43 different plants
belonging to 27 families were used by the local people for medicinal purposes. The families that
contain the most used medicinal species are listed as Rosaceae, Asteraceae, Lamiaceae. With the
analyzed data, the use-value (VU) of medicinal plants, whether there is a consensus among those who
gave information about the plants used for disease groups (FIC), and the use intensity (FL) of these
plants were determined. It was concluded that traditional treatment methods with plants are used,
especially influenza and cold, in respiratory system diseases and skin diseases, and there is a high
consensus on the treatment of these diseases with medicinal plants
Rhamnus microcarpa (Rhamnaceae)'nın morfolojik, anatomik ve mikromorfolojik karakterizasyonu
In this study, general morphological characteristics, the leaf and wood anatomical characteristics and,
leaf micromorphological features of Rhamnus microcarpa, which is native in Artvin were investigated
in detail. Leaves broadly ovate, 3.0-5.5 x 1.9-3.9 cm; stipules 4-7 mm; pinnately 7-10 veined; petiol 6-
15 mm. Bud scales dark brown transverse band at the base. Wood was semi-ring porous to ring
porous, rays heterocellular, fibers thick-walled especially in latewood. In leaves, dorsiventral
mesophyll, hypostomatic type stomata and simple unicellular trichomes observed. Also, epicuticle
scales in the lower leaf surface observed.Bu çalışmada, Artvin’de doğal olarak yayılış gösteren Rhamnus microcarpa’nın genel morfolojik
özellikleri, yaprak ve odun anatomik özellikleri ve yaprak mikromorfolojik özellikleri detaylı olarak
incelenmiştir. Yapraklar geniş yumurtamsı, 3.0-5.5 x 1.9-3.9 cm; stipüller 4-7 mm; damar sayısı 7-10;
yaprak sapı 6-15 mm’dir. Tomurcuk pullarının tabanında koyu kahverengi enine şeritler bulunur. Odun
yarı halkalı veya halkalı traheli, özışınları heteroselüler, özellikle yaz odununda lifler kalın çeperlidir.
Yapraklarda dorsiventral mezofil, hipostomatik tip stoma ve basit üniselüler tüyler tespit edildi. Ayrıca,
yaprak alt yüzeylerinde epikütikular pullar gözlendi
Comparative wood anatomy of atraphaxis taxa in Turkey
The wood anatomy of four Atraphaxis taxa that have natural distribution in Turkey-Atraphaxis billardieri Jaub. & Spach, Atraphaxis billardieri subsp. tournefortii (Jaup. & Spach) Lovelius, Atraphaxis spinosa L., and endemic Atraphaxis grandiflora (Willd.)-were compared in this study. The wood samples were sectioned according to standard techniques. Samples were macerated with Schultze's method. Tangential and radial vessel diameters, intervessel pit diameters, vessel wall thickness, vessel elements length, dimensions of libriform fibres (lengths, widths, cell wall thickness and, lumen diameter), and uniseriate and biseriate ray heights were measured, and the number of vessels per mm(2), number of rays per mm, and number of vessels per group were counted. The qualitative features such as growth rings, vessel grouping, presence of helical thickening and storied structure, vestured pits, type of perforation plate, and arrangement of axial parenchyma were determined. These four species of Atraphaxis shrubs differ in some wood characteristics such as growth rings, vessel grouping, vestured pits, height and density of rays, number of vessels per mm(2), and the dimensions of the vessel
Ecological wood anatomy of Fraxinus L. in Turkey (Oleaceae):intraspecific and interspecific variation
Wood anatomy features of eight taxa (four species) of the genus Fraxinus L. indigenous to Turkey were examined. Wood
samples were collected from different altitudes of their natural growth areas. Data were gathered on quantitative anatomical features
such as tangential and radial vessel diameters, number of vessels per mm2
, length of vessel elements, fibers (lengths, widths, thickness
of cell walls, lumen diameters), number of rays per mm, and ray width and height. By using vessel member features, the vulnerability
ratio (vessel diameter divided by number of vessels per mm2
) and mesomorphy value (vulnerability ratio multiplied by vessel elements
length) were calculated. Stem diameter, plant height, altitude of the locality, and plant age were determined for each individual tree.
Anatomic and nonanatomic features (altitude, height and diameter of plant, annual ring number) were correlated, and the effects of
these nonanatomic factors on anatomic features were examined at intraspecific and interspecific levels, and variations of wood anatomy
were determined. In the trends of genera and taxa, there is a negative correlation between altitude and radial and tangential diameter of
vessel, length of vessel elements, fiber lengths and widths, fiber of lumen diameters, and ray widths and height. When altitude increases,
the dimensions of these elements decrease; in contrast, the number of vessels per mm2
and number of rays per mm increases with
Wood anatomy of some dwarf halophyte shrubs in Turkey: Ecological implication
There are many plant species of shrubs and dwarf shrubs that spread in salt steppes and sandy areas in Turkey. In this study, the wood anatomical characteristics of five dwarf halophyte shrubs which grow naturally in Igdir and Konya were investigated; Calligonum polygonoides L. (Polygonaceae); Atriplex portulacoides L., Noaea mucronata (Forssk.) Asch. & Schweinf subsp. mucronata (Amaranthaceae); Reaumuria alternifolia (Labill.) Britten (Tamaricaceae); Frankenia hirsuta L. (Frankeniaceae). Quantitative (tangential and radial vessel diameter, number of vessels per mm(2), vessel element length, fibres sizes, ray width and height, number of rays per 1 mm) and qualitative wood characteristics (growth rings, vessel grouping, helical thickening, type of perforation plate, presence of vasicentric and vascular tracheids, axial parenchyma and crystals) were identified. Wood anatomical characteristics of Calligonum polygonoides, Reaumuria alternifolia have been examined in this study for the first time. It is emphasized that vessel dimorphism, vessel grouping, more numerous vessel, short vessel elements, presence of tracheids and helical thickening provide increase safety rather than efficiency in the conductive system in drought taxa. All these important ecological wood characteristics, including successive cambia, and various adaptive structures can provide advantages to halophyte plants in dry and saline environments.This study was financed by the Artvin coruh University Scientific Research Projects Unit with the project numbered as 2013.F10.01.02
Perforated ray cells of some oleaceae species in Turkey
Oleaceae family in Turkey, Fraxinus L., Fontanesia Labill., Phillyrea L., Olea L., Osmanthus Lour., Ligustrum L., Jasminum L. including 7 genus, is represented by 14 nature taxa, the others except Fraxinus are distributed in one species. Perforated ray cells in some species and genera of the Oleacaeae family have been previously reported. Perforated ray cells have been reported for the first time in Ligustrum vulgare L, Phillyrea latifolia L. and Olea europaea L. (Oleaceae) that grow in Turkey. In the specimens examined, the perforated ray cells are larger than the surrounding ray cells, more abundant and have a simple perforation plate in its radial walls similar to the vessel members