11 research outputs found

    Diversity Enhanced Narrative Question Generation for Storybooks

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    Question generation (QG) from a given context can enhance comprehension, engagement, assessment, and overall efficacy in learning or conversational environments. Despite recent advancements in QG, the challenge of enhancing or measuring the diversity of generated questions often remains unaddressed. In this paper, we introduce a multi-question generation model (mQG), which is capable of generating multiple, diverse, and answerable questions by focusing on context and questions. To validate the answerability of the generated questions, we employ a SQuAD2.0 fine-tuned question answering model, classifying the questions as answerable or not. We train and evaluate mQG on the FairytaleQA dataset, a well-structured QA dataset based on storybooks, with narrative questions. We further apply a zero-shot adaptation on the TellMeWhy and SQuAD1.1 datasets. mQG shows promising results across various evaluation metrics, among strong baselines.Comment: Accepted to EMNLP 202

    PEMA: Plug-in External Memory Adaptation for Language Models

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    Pre-trained language models (PLMs) have demonstrated impressive performance across various downstream NLP tasks. Nevertheless, the resource requirements of pre-training large language models in terms of memory and training compute pose significant challenges. Furthermore, due to the substantial resources required, many PLM weights are confidential. Consequently, users are compelled to share their data with model owners for fine-tuning on specific tasks. To overcome the limitations, we introduce Plug-in External Memory Adaptation (PEMA), a Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) approach designed for fine-tuning PLMs without the need for all weights. PEMA can be integrated into the context representation of test data during inference to execute downstream tasks. It leverages an external memory to store context representations generated by a PLM, mapped with the desired target word. Our method entails training LoRA-based weight matrices within the final layer of the PLM for enhanced efficiency. The probability is then interpolated with the next-word distribution from the PLM to perform downstream tasks. To improve the generation quality, we propose a novel interpolation strategy named Gradual Unrolling. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method, we conduct experiments to demonstrate the efficacy of PEMA with a syntactic dataset and assess its performance on machine translation and style transfer tasks using real datasets. PEMA outperforms other PEFT methods in terms of memory and latency efficiency for training and inference. Furthermore, it outperforms other baselines in preserving the meaning of sentences while generating appropriate language and styles

    From Values to Opinions: Predicting Human Behaviors and Stances Using Value-Injected Large Language Models

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    Being able to predict people's opinions on issues and behaviors in realistic scenarios can be helpful in various domains, such as politics and marketing. However, conducting large-scale surveys like the European Social Survey to solicit people's opinions on individual issues can incur prohibitive costs. Leveraging prior research showing influence of core human values on individual decisions and actions, we propose to use value-injected large language models (LLM) to predict opinions and behaviors. To this end, we present Value Injection Method (VIM), a collection of two methods -- argument generation and question answering -- designed to inject targeted value distributions into LLMs via fine-tuning. We then conduct a series of experiments on four tasks to test the effectiveness of VIM and the possibility of using value-injected LLMs to predict opinions and behaviors of people. We find that LLMs value-injected with variations of VIM substantially outperform the baselines. Also, the results suggest that opinions and behaviors can be better predicted using value-injected LLMs than the baseline approaches.Comment: EMNLP 2023 main paper accepte

    Translating Hanja Historical Documents to Contemporary Korean and English

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    The Annals of Joseon Dynasty (AJD) contain the daily records of the Kings of Joseon, the 500-year kingdom preceding the modern nation of Korea. The Annals were originally written in an archaic Korean writing system, `Hanja', and were translated into Korean from 1968 to 1993. The resulting translation was however too literal and contained many archaic Korean words; thus, a new expert translation effort began in 2012. Since then, the records of only one king have been completed in a decade. In parallel, expert translators are working on English translation, also at a slow pace and produced only one king's records in English so far. Thus, we propose H2KE, a neural machine translation model, that translates historical documents in Hanja to more easily understandable Korean and to English. Built on top of multilingual neural machine translation, H2KE learns to translate a historical document written in Hanja, from both a full dataset of outdated Korean translation and a small dataset of more recently translated contemporary Korean and English. We compare our method against two baselines: a recent model that simultaneously learns to restore and translate Hanja historical document and a Transformer based model trained only on newly translated corpora. The experiments reveal that our method significantly outperforms the baselines in terms of BLEU scores for both contemporary Korean and English translations. We further conduct extensive human evaluation which shows that our translation is preferred over the original expert translations by both experts and non-expert Korean speakers.Comment: 2022 EMNLP Finding

    Do You Feel What I Feel? Social Aspects of Emotions in Twitter Conversations

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    We present a computational framework for understanding the social aspects of emotions in Twitter conversations. Using unannotated data and semisupervised machine learning, we look at emotional transitions, emotional influences among the conversation partners, and patterns in the overall emotional exchanges. We find that conversational partners usually express the same emotion, which we name Emotion accommodation, but when they do not, one of the conversational partners tends to respond with a positive emotion. We also show that tweets containing sympathy, apology, and complaint are significant emotion influencers. We verify the emotion classification part of our framework by a human-annotated corpus