22 research outputs found

    Analiza kvantitativnih promjena morfološko-motoričkih obilježja učenika srednje škole pod utjecajem redovne nastave tjelesnog odgoja

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    The research was conducted on a sample including 166 participants - male students of “Combined Technical High School” from Travnik, who attended physical education classes regularly during the school year. In the research, five variables were used to assess the morphological status, and nine variables to assess the motor status of the participants according to the Eurofit Fitness Test Battery. The main aim of the research was to determine quantitative changes in morphological and motor status of secondary school students during one school year under the impact of programme content of regular physical education classes through a longitudinal study. Quantitative changes in morphological and motor status and analysis of differences between the initial and final measurements were determined by analysis of changes under the model of differences and standard model of multivariate changes (SSDIF analysis, Bonacin, 2004). A hypothetical measurement matrix was defined by projecting the measurement data, and explicating a set of linear shifts on the association matrix, which resulted in obtaining structural vector describing quantitative changes, while taking into account relations of the initial variables. Results of the SSDIF analysis indicate that a one-year curriculum of physical education has caused statistically significant changes at the global level (p = 0.0000) in both investigated areas, but the changes that have occurred are mild and without dramatic changes. Significant quantitative changes in the motor space occurred in body height and weight, and in the triceps skinfold, as well as in the following variables in the motor space: running 10×5 m (sideways), lifting the trunk from the lying on back position and the hand dynamometry, and the biggest and most statistically significant global quantitative changes occurred in the 20 m test run sideways with progressive acceleration (ŠATL20 0.8439).Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku ispitanika koji je obuhvatio 166 ispitanika – učenika muškog spola „Mješovite srednje tehničke škole“ iz Travnika koji su u toku školske godine pohađali nastavu tjelesnog odgoja. U istraživanju je primijenjeno 5 varijabli za procjenu morfološkog statusa i 9 varijabli za procjenu motoričkog statusa ispitanika prema programu Eurofit baterije testova. Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je da se longitudinalnom studijom u jednoj školskoj godini utvrde kvantitativne promjene morfološkog i motoričkog statusa učenika srednje škole pod utjecajem programskih sadržaja redovne nastave tjelesnog odgoja. Kvantitativne promjene morfološkog i motoričkog statusa i analiza razlika između inicijalnog i finalnog mjerenja utvrđeni su analizom promjena pod modelom razlika i SSDIF analizom (Bonacin, 2004). Projekcijom podataka mjerenja definirana je hipotetska matrica mjerenja, a eksplikacijom skupa linearnih pomaka na matricu asocijacije dolazi se do strukturnog vektora koji opisuje kvantitativne promjene, uzimajući u obzir relacije inicijalnih varijabli. Rezultati SSDIF analize upućuju na to da je jednogodišnji nastavni program tjelesnog odgoja izazvao statistički značajne promjene na globalnoj razini (p = 0.0000) u oba istraživana prostora, ali su nastale promjene blage i nisu dramatične. Do statistički značajnih kvantitativnih promjena u motoričkom prostoru došlo je u tjelesnoj visini i težini, kao i kožnom naboru tricepsa, a u motoričkom prostoru u varijablama: trčanje 10×5 m (tamo-ovamo), dizanje trupa iz ležanja na leđima i dinamometrija šake, a najveće i statistički najznačajnije globalne kvantitativne promjene dogodile su se u testu trčanje na 20 m tamo-ovamo s progresivnim ubrzavanjem (ŠATL20 0.8439)


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    This research work was carried out on the sample group of 137 football players, 14 to 16 years of age (cadets) , registered members of football clubs in the area of Srednjobosanski canton, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research applies a set of 12 tests of situational-motoric abilities, which determine the shooting accuracy, ball-handling, dribbling speed, curved running speed and the force used to hit the ball. The basic aim of the research was to determine the qualitative changes of situational- motoric abilities that developed as a result of the programmed training activities. The analysis of possible changes (differences) between the initial and final measurements of situational-motoric abilities has been performed using factor analysis - model of congruation. On the basis of obtained values of factor analysis as part of the model of congruation it can be concluded that the football programme has partially influenced the qualitaive changes of situational-motoric abilities

    Teachers Attitudes on Sports Talent in Primary School Pupils Transferring From Class to Subject Teaching / Stavovi nastavnika o sportskoj nadarenosti učenika osnovne škole koji prelaze iz razredne u predmetnu nastavu

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    The study was conducted on a sample of 102 respondents (teachers / professors) employed in the elementary schools of the Zenica-Doboj Canton, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main objective of the research is to determine the teachers / professors views on sport talent and any differences in attitudes on the students who pass from class to subject teaching, in activities that engage the student in terms of gender, working status, age and level of education of teachers. The total number of respondents was 102 teachers / professors permanently employed in the elementary school of the Zenica-Doboj Canton of the Federation of BiH.A five-level Likert scale questionnaire was used as a measuring instrument in the research, in which each statement has 5 answers (completely disagree, disagree, don’t have opinion / neutral, agree, completely agree). The questionnaire contains 4 indicators for declaring the sporting talents of children-students, as well as questions related to gender, job / position, age and level of education.LSD Post Hoc tests of success were applied for determination of the statistically significant differences between these group of subjects, the results of the test and analysis of the variation of the different groups.The results obtained indicate that there are no statistically significant differences in the attitudes of teachers / professors or sports talents (above-average achievements) in activities that engage the student in terms of gender, working status, age and level of education

    Analiza uticaja motoričkih sposobnosti učenika srednje škole na rezultate u nekim košarkaškim testovima

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    Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 120 ispitanika - učenika prvog i drugog razreda Mješovite srednje tehničke škole u Travnika, koji su u školskoj 2009/2010 - toj godini redovno pohađali nastavu tjelesnog i zdravstvenog odgoja. U istraživanju je primijenjen skup od devet motoričkih varijabli po prijedlogu EUROFIT baterije testova.Osnovni cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi uticaj motoričkih sposobnosti na rezultatsku uspješnost u nekim košarkaškim testovima, kao i da se utvrdi nivo usvojenosti nastavnog gradiva iz košarke.Za analizu uticaja motoričkih sposobnosti na rezultatsku uspješnost u nekim košarkaškim testovima primijenjena je regresiona analiza.Analizirajući rezultate regresione analize može se zaključiti da su statistički najznačajniji uticaj na kriterijske varijable ostvarile sljedeće motoričke sposobnosti: taping rukom (MBFTAP),trčanje 10x5 m (ŠATL10x5), ravnoteža „flamingo“ (FLAMIN), skok u dalj iz mjesta (MFESDM) i izdržaj u zgibu (MSAVIS)

    Prognostički kvaliteti eurofit baterije motoričkih testova u odnosu na specifične strukture kretanja u sportskim igrama // Forcasting Quality of Eurofit Battery in Motor Tests as Related to Specific Movement Structures in Sports Disciplines

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    Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 120 ispitanika-učenika Mješovite srednje tehničke škole u Travniku, uzrasne dobi 15 do 16 godina. Svi učenici koji su predstavljali uzorak ispitanika redovno su pohađali nastavu tjelesnog i zdravstvenog odgoja u toku školske godine, bez izraženih motoričkih i psihičkih aberacija. U istraživanju je primijenjena Eurofit baterija motoričkih testova, definisanih kao prediktorski skup varijabli i skup od dvanaest varijabli za procjenu usvojenosti specifičnih struktura kretanja u sportskim igrama svedenih na prvu glavnu komponentu, definisanih kao kriterij.Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje statističke značajnosti i veličina relativnih uticaja Eurofit baterije motoričkih testova, kao prediktora na nivo usvojenosti specifičnih struktura kretanja u sportskim igrama, definisanih kao kriterij. Za utvrđivanje statističke značajnosti i veličine relativnih uticaja Eurofit baterije motoričkih testova na nivo usvojenosti specifičnih struktura kretanja u sportskim igrama (košarka, rukomet, odbojka i nogomet) svedenih na prvu glavnu komponentu primijenjena je linearna regresiona analiza. Rezultati regresione analize ukazuju na visok prognostički kvalitet Eurofit baterije motoričkih testova na kvalitet realizacije specifičnih struktura kretanja u sportskim igrama (košarka, rukomet, odbojka i nogomet), a najznačajniji prognostičke kvalitete ostvarili su testovi snage u svim njenim manifestacijama, testovi segmentarne brzine, testovi agilnosti i opšte izdržljivosti.Dobijeni rezultati mogu biti od koristi izvođačima nastave tjelesnog i zdravstvenog odgoja kao dobra osnova kvalitetnijeg programiranja nastavnih sadržaja sportskih igara, odabira nastavnih sredstava, praćenja i kontrole efekata nastavnih sadržaja na antropološki status učenika, kao i objektivnog vrednovanja i ocjenjivanja postignutih rezultata u nastavnom procesu

    Analysis of Quantitative Change of Motor Child Indicators of Secondary School Students Under The Influence of Regular Physical Education // Analiza kvantitativnih promjena pokazatelja motoričkih znanja učenika srednje škole pod uticajem redovne nastave tjelesnog odgoja

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    The research was conducted on a sample of 166 students of „Secondary Technical School Travnik”, first and second malegrade who regularly attended elementary education during the 2016/2017 school year. A total of 15 variables were used in the research to assess the level of motor skills (three variables for assessing the motor skills of basketball, volleyball, handball, volleyball and athletics).The main aim of the research was to determine the quantitative changes of the motor skills of secondary school students through the longitudinal study in one school year duration under the influence of the program contents of regular physical education. Quantitative changes in motor skills and analysis of differences between initial and final measurements were determined by analysis of changes under the difference model and SSDIF analysis (Bonacin, 2004). By projecting measurement data, a hypothetical measurement matrix is defined, and by explicating the set of linear displacements on the association matrix, a structural vector is described describing quantitative changes, taking into account the relations of initial variables.The results of the SSDIF analysis indicate that a one-year curriculum of physical education has caused statistically significant changes in motor skills at the global level (p = 0.000). According to the results of the quantitative global changes, they are not particularly significant and extend across a whole set of analyzed variables. The greater the number of variables that contribute to these quantitative changes, but the contributions of some variables to the discriminating function are relatively small, which means that the effects produced are mild, without dramatic changes, and virtually all variables contribute positively

    Situacioni model treninga u funkciji integracije morfoloških odlika, motoričkih i situaciono-motoričkih sposobnosti kod mladih fudbalera

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    Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 137 fudbalera uzrasta 14 do 16 godina iz fudbalskih klubova Srednjobosanskog kantona, sa kojim je proveden posebno programirani trenažni postupak u trajanju od šest mjeseci sa 72 trenažne jedinice.Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi stepen povezanosti (relacije) morfoloških odlika i bazičnih motoričkih sposobnosti sa rezultatima u situaciono-motoričkim testovima u dva trenažna stanja.Za utvrđivanje stepena povezanosti (relacija) između morfoloških odlika, bazičnih motoričkih sposobnosti i situaciono-motoričkih sposobnosti primijenjena je klasična kanonička korelaciona analiza (inicijalni i finalno stanje). Dobijeni rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je program fudbala koji je u suštini bio usmjeren na direktno „programiranje“ obrazaca optimalnih kretanja u fudbalu proizveo integraciju i homogenizaciju istraživanih prostora u kojem su specifične strukture fudbalskih kretanja integrisana i povezana sa bazičnim motoričkim sposobnostima i morfološkim odlikama

    Globalne kvantitativne promjene bazičnih i situaciono-motoričkih sposobnosti pod uticajem programa odbojke

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    Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 73 učenika sedmih i osmih razreda Osnovne škole „Tojšići“ koji su u sklopu dodatne nastave realizovali precizno definisani program odbojke. U istraživanju je primijenjeno 15 varijabli za procjenu bazičnih motoričkih sposobnosti i 5 varijabli za procjenu situaciono-motoričkih sposobnosti iz odbojke.Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrde globalne kvantitativne promjene bazičnih motoričkih i situaciono-motoričkih sposobnosti pod uticajem tromjesečnog eksperimentalnog programa odbojke u okviru dodatne nastave.Da bi se utvrdile globalne kvantitativne promjene (razlike) između inicijalnog i finalnog mjerenja primijenjenih sistema varijabli primijenjena je kanonička diskriminativna analiza.Rezultati kanoničke diskriminativne analize pokazuju da je došlo do statistički značajnih globalnih kvantitativnih promjena (razlika) u prostoru bazičnih i situaciono-motoričkih sposobnosti pod uticajem primijenjenog programa odbojke u okviru dodatne nastave

    Analysis in Differences of Speed Swimming Crawl Technique Between Swimmers and Water Polo Players // Analiza razlika u brzini plivanja kraul tehnikom između plivača i vaterpolista

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    Research is spent on 50 respondents divided in two groups, of wich first group was combined by 25 swimmers and second group was combined by 25 water polo players from water polo club „Dabar“ from Sarajevo, at age of 12-14 years. The main goal of research was to spot the differences between speed in swimming craul technique disciplines of 25m, 50m and 100m between swimmers and water polo players of water polo club „Dabar“ from Sarajevo. It is analyzed the time swimmers will swimm craul techinuque every discipline separately: 25m (BK 25M), 50m (BK 50M) and 100m (BK 100M). For establishment of differences in speed swimming craul technique on 25m, 50m and 100m between swimmers and water polo players we used T-test analise of results for independent samples. Based on T-test analise of results for independent samples we can conclude that there is statisticly big difference between swimmer and water polo players in speed during swimming all three criterion variables (BK 25M), (BK 50M),(BK 100M)

    Latent Structure Indicators for Assessing Feautres of Young Sportsmen Coaches // Latentna struktura indikatora za procjenu osobina trenera mladih sportista

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    Research was conducted on a sample of 121 respondents in total-sportsmen aged 14-16 years old from five different sports (skiing, boxing, swimming, volleyball and basketball), trough a questionnaire containing 19 representative indicators – qualities that the coach should possess. Examined are the attitudes of young and promising sportsmen of the desirable characteristics of a good coach. It’s about the selected young and promising sportsmen, whose quality is determined on the basis of achieved results at official championships in of Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina and international competitions. The survey questionnaire was administered in which any claim has 5 replies as follows: always, often, sometimes, rarely did I ever. It’s about five-point Liker scale. The survey contains questions related to gender, length of training period and type of sport. In order to determine the latent structure of the appropriateness of indicators was used factor analysis with Varimax rotation in solution. Given results of the factor analysis with Varimax rotation in solutions showed stable set of four isolated latent dimensions that can be described as: (1) technical quality of the trainers (2) the general human traits coaches (3) external characteristics of trainers and (4) the ratio of coaches to the sportsmen. The results point to the fact that the qualities that a coach has to exhibit the work of young and promising sportsmen in training and competition is of great importance for the formation of the whole personality and versatile young sportsmen in his sport promotion