14 research outputs found

    Koncentracije radionuklida u uzorcima biljaka i zemljišta sa područja Prizrena

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    Специфичnе активности природних радионуклида 40K, 232Th, 235U, 226Ra и вештачког 137Cs мерене су у сувим узорцима различитих биљaka и у земљишту са којег потичу биљке у урбаним срединама и ван насељених места у региону Призрена. Мерења специфичне aктивности у свим узорцима урађена су на HPGe детектору коаксијалног типа методом спектрометрије гама зрачења. Mаксималне концентрације активности 232Th, 235U и 226Ra, измерене су у планинском чају и износе 45 Bq/kg, 11 Bq/kg и 99 Bq/kg, респективно. У плоду глога се максимално акумулирао 137Cs (48 Bq/kg), а максимална вредност концентрације 40K измерена је у парадајзу и износи 914 Bq/kg . Израчунати трансфер фактори радионуклида из земљишта у различитим биљним културама су у интервалу од 0,06-1,365 зa 40K. Концентрације 232Th, 235U, 226Ra и 137Cs биле су испод границе детекције у неким узорцима и биљака и земљишта, a максималне вредности трансфер фактора су 0,30; 2,5; 0,33 i 0,59 респективно.The specific activities of natural radionuclides 40K, 232Th, 235U, 226Ra and artificial radionuclide 137Cs were measured in dry samples of different plants as well as in the urban soil which plants originate, and from unpopulated areas in the region of Prizren. Measurements of specific activity in all samples were performed on HPGe coaxial detector type by spectrometry of gamma radiation. Maximum activity concentrations of 232Th, 235U and 226Ra were measured in a mountain tea and it amounted 45 Bq/kg, 11 Bq/kg and 99 Bq/kg, respectively. A maximum accumulated activity of 137Cs was for the hawthorn fruits (48 Bq/kg), and the maximum value of the concentration of 40K was measured in tomato (914 Bq/kg). Calculated transfers factors of radionuclides from the soil to different crop plants were in the range of 0.06-1.365 for 40K. The concentrations of 232Th, 235U, 226 Ra and 137 Cs were below detection limits in some plant samples and in the soil, and the maximum value of the transfer factors were 0.30, 2.5, 0.33 and 0.59 respectively

    Koncentracije radionuklida u uzorcima biljaka i zemljišta sa područja Prizrena

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    Специфичnе активности природних радионуклида 40K, 232Th, 235U, 226Ra и вештачког 137Cs мерене су у сувим узорцима различитих биљaka и у земљишту са којег потичу биљке у урбаним срединама и ван насељених места у региону Призрена. Мерења специфичне aктивности у свим узорцима урађена су на HPGe детектору коаксијалног типа методом спектрометрије гама зрачења. Mаксималне концентрације активности 232Th, 235U и 226Ra, измерене су у планинском чају и износе 45 Bq/kg, 11 Bq/kg и 99 Bq/kg, респективно. У плоду глога се максимално акумулирао 137Cs (48 Bq/kg), а максимална вредност концентрације 40K измерена је у парадајзу и износи 914 Bq/kg . Израчунати трансфер фактори радионуклида из земљишта у различитим биљним културама су у интервалу од 0,06-1,365 зa 40K. Концентрације 232Th, 235U, 226Ra и 137Cs биле су испод границе детекције у неким узорцима и биљака и земљишта, a максималне вредности трансфер фактора су 0,30; 2,5; 0,33 i 0,59 респективно.The specific activities of natural radionuclides 40K, 232Th, 235U, 226Ra and artificial radionuclide 137Cs were measured in dry samples of different plants as well as in the urban soil which plants originate, and from unpopulated areas in the region of Prizren. Measurements of specific activity in all samples were performed on HPGe coaxial detector type by spectrometry of gamma radiation. Maximum activity concentrations of 232Th, 235U and 226Ra were measured in a mountain tea and it amounted 45 Bq/kg, 11 Bq/kg and 99 Bq/kg, respectively. A maximum accumulated activity of 137Cs was for the hawthorn fruits (48 Bq/kg), and the maximum value of the concentration of 40K was measured in tomato (914 Bq/kg). Calculated transfers factors of radionuclides from the soil to different crop plants were in the range of 0.06-1.365 for 40K. The concentrations of 232Th, 235U, 226 Ra and 137 Cs were below detection limits in some plant samples and in the soil, and the maximum value of the transfer factors were 0.30, 2.5, 0.33 and 0.59 respectively

    A survey of indoor radon concentrations in Gora district, Kosovo and Metohija

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    Godišnja merenja radona u zatvorenim prostorijama izvedena su u 20 uglavnom prizemnih kuća u regionu Gore, u južnom delu Kosova i Metohije. CR-39 Gammadata detektori su postavljani u dnevnim i spavaćim sobama. Godišnja koncentracija radona u dnevnim sobama kretala se u rasponu od 26 do 315 Bq m-3 sa srednjom vrednošću od 85,7 Bq m-3 , a u spavaćim sobama u rasponu od 28 do 448 Bq m-3 sa srednjom vrednošću 75,6 Bq m- 3. Distribucije izmerenih koncentracija radona u dnevnim i spavaćim sobama imaju očekivani lognormalni oblik; Mann-Whitney test je potvrdio da ne postoji značajna razlika između koncentracija radona u različitim sobama. Najveće izmerene vrednosti koncentracije radona u obe sobe su u kući izgrađenoj od kamena i betona.Annual indoor radon measurements were carried out in two rooms of 20 mostly ground floor dwellings in Gora District, Southwestern part of Kosovo and Metohija. The CR-39 Gammadata detectors were placed in the living rooms and bedrooms. Annual radon concentration in the living rooms range from 26 to 315 Bq m-3 with a mean value of 85.7 Bq m-3, while the same one in bedrooms range from 28 to 448 Bq m-3 with mean value of 75.6 Bq m-3. The distributions of radon concentration measured in living rooms and bedrooms follow the expected lognormal shape; Mann-Whitney test confirmed no significant systematic difference between radon concentrations in the two room types appears. The highest value of radon concentration in both rooms was in dwelling built from stone and concrete

    A survey of indoor radon concentrations in Gora district, Kosovo and Metohija

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    Godišnja merenja radona u zatvorenim prostorijama izvedena su u 20 uglavnom prizemnih kuća u regionu Gore, u južnom delu Kosova i Metohije. CR-39 Gammadata detektori su postavljani u dnevnim i spavaćim sobama. Godišnja koncentracija radona u dnevnim sobama kretala se u rasponu od 26 do 315 Bq m-3 sa srednjom vrednošću od 85,7 Bq m-3 , a u spavaćim sobama u rasponu od 28 do 448 Bq m-3 sa srednjom vrednošću 75,6 Bq m- 3. Distribucije izmerenih koncentracija radona u dnevnim i spavaćim sobama imaju očekivani lognormalni oblik; Mann-Whitney test je potvrdio da ne postoji značajna razlika između koncentracija radona u različitim sobama. Najveće izmerene vrednosti koncentracije radona u obe sobe su u kući izgrađenoj od kamena i betona.Annual indoor radon measurements were carried out in two rooms of 20 mostly ground floor dwellings in Gora District, Southwestern part of Kosovo and Metohija. The CR-39 Gammadata detectors were placed in the living rooms and bedrooms. Annual radon concentration in the living rooms range from 26 to 315 Bq m-3 with a mean value of 85.7 Bq m-3, while the same one in bedrooms range from 28 to 448 Bq m-3 with mean value of 75.6 Bq m-3. The distributions of radon concentration measured in living rooms and bedrooms follow the expected lognormal shape; Mann-Whitney test confirmed no significant systematic difference between radon concentrations in the two room types appears. The highest value of radon concentration in both rooms was in dwelling built from stone and concrete

    Indoor radon measurements in Kosovo and Metohija over the period 1995-2007

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    The paper deals with the results of the investigations of indoor radon measurements in more than 300 rural and urban dwellings in Kosovo and Metohija. All measurements were carried out using CR-39 solid State nuclear track detectors by similar protocols and within two series in 1990-s and in 2000-s, in 34 settlements divided by 9 regions, thus covering significant part of Kosovo. For most of measured points the adjustment for seasonal variation was necessary and had been conducted. Highest average values of indoor radon concentrations were found in rural settlements of Lipljan and Vitina regions, 512 and 452 Bq/m(3), respectively. Combined analysis allows indoor radon concentration of 220 Bq/m(3) to be suggested as representative estimate for Kosovo, while additional data appear. Observed pattern of indoor radon seasonal variation and difference of radon levels between ground and upper floors suggest soil radon as primary source of indoor radon and significance of convection type radon entry. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    High natural radiation exposure in radon spa areas: a detailed field investigation in Niska Banja (Balkan region)

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    The measurement campaigns have been done in the rural community of Niska. Banja, a spa town located in southern Serbia, to evaluate population exposure to natural radioactivity. After a screening survey in 200 houses, annual radon and thoron concentrations were measured in 34 houses, and in 2004 a detailed investigation was carried out at six houses with elevated indoor radon concentrations. The paper presents the results of these detailed measurements. The complementary techniques were applied to determine radon and thoron concentrations in indoor air, in soil gas, radon exhalation from soil, soil permeability, and indoor and outdoor gamma doses. Soil and water samples were collected and analysed in the laboratory. Indoor radon and thoron. concentrations were found to be more than 1 kBq m(-3) and 200 Bq m(-3) respectively. Extremely high concentrations of soil-gas radon ( GT 2000 kBq m(-3)) and radon exhalation rates (1.5 mBq m(-2) s(-1)) were observed. These results will be utilised to set up the methodology for a more systematic investigation. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The concentrations and exposure doses of radon and thoron in residences of the rural areas of Kosovo and Metohija

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    This paper deals with the results of indoor radon and thoron concentrations and exposure doses obtained for 63 dwellings out of the 14 rural communities of Central Kosovo, North Kosovo and Prizren region. These research activities are part of overall radiological research that has systematically been carried out since 1986, particularly in Kosovo and Metohija regions. Passive radon/thoron discriminative detectors, exposed for three months, were used. The arithmetic mean concentrations of indoor radon and thoron are C(Rn) = 429 Bq m(-3) C(Tn) = 85 Bq m(-3). (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Collaborative investigations on thoron and radon in some rural communities of Balkans

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    This paper deals with the results of the first-field use in the Balkans, i.e. Serbia and Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Hercegovina), of a passive polycarbonate Mark II type and poliallyldiglycol carbonate (Cr-39) alpha track detectors sensitive to thoron as well as to radon. Both types of solid state nuclear track detectors were designed and supplied by National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS), Chiba, Japan. The commercial names for these detectors which all have been field tested in Balkan rural communities are known as: UFO and RADUET passive discriminative radon/thoron detectors. No database of thoron and thoron progeny concentrations in dwellings in Serbia or Balkans region exist, and as a result, the level of exposure of the Serbian population to thoron and its progeny is unknown so far.1st International Workshop on Environmental Thoron and Related Issues, May 19-22, 2010, Chiba, Japa