83 research outputs found

    Responsabilidad social y empresa sostenible

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    Bajo Sanjuán, Ana; González González, Marta y Fernández Fernández, José Luís (2013). Responsabilidad social y empresa sostenible. En: adComunica. Revista Científica de Estrategias, Tendencias e Innovación en Comunicación, nº5. Castellón: Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Comunicación adComunica, Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Universitat Jaume I, 223-243. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6035/2174- 0992.2013.5.14Las organizaciones empresariales, incluidas las de medios, cumplen un papel determinante en la sociedad, especialmente en el ámbito de la globalización donde se multiplican los efectos de manera exponencial en múltiples dimensiones no sólo económicas, sino también sociales y medioambientales. La actuación de toda empresa, independientemente de su tamaño, sector o mercado provoca una serie de impactos, positivos y negativos, de los que irremediablemente ha de responder ante una sociedad cada vez más exigente. Esta responsabilidad debe ser asumida desde una conciencia del ejercicio ético que, lo quiera o no, la empresa está obligada a llevar a cabo para legitimar su existencia. El artículo que aquí se presenta ha de ayudar al lector a conocer más a fondo qué es eso llamado Responsabilidad Social de la Empresa, a qué agentes de la sociedad afecta, cuáles son las motivaciones que empujan a las organizaciones a incorporarla a su gestión, de manera estratégica, así como los mecanismos e iniciativas de impulso que propician su implantación. Concluimos con una reflexión sobre el pobre balance que la incorporación de la RSE está teniendo en las empresas, en general, salvo una representativa minoría que parece haber entendido que, sobre todo en estos tiempos de crisis, no cabe otro camino para la subsistencia y el éxito en el largo plazo que la apuesta por la sostenibilidad.Business organizations, including those in the media sector, fulfill an important role in society, particularly within the scope of globalization where their impacts multiply exponentially in several dimensions such as the economic, social and environmental ones. The actions of every business, irrespective of size, sector or market, generate both positive and negative impacts, for which they are certain to become accountable to an increasingly demanding society. This responsibility must be taken from the conscience of ethical practice, which whether they like it or not, businesses are forced to conduct in order to legitimise their existence. The article which we are presenting should provide the reader a deeper knowledge of the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, the social actors that are affected by it and the motivations that drive organisations to incorporate it as a strategic part of their management as well as the initiatives and mechanisms that favor its establishment. We finalise with a reflection on the so far generally poor result of incorporating CSR into the corporate world except for a representative minority which seems to have understood that, particularly in times of crisis, betting on sustainability is the only path to subsistance and long term success

    Cognitive and contextual factors modulating grammar learning at older ages

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    Second language learning has been shown more difficult for older than younger adults, however, the research trying to identify the sources of difficulty and possible modulating factors is scarce. Extrinsic (learning condition and complexity) and intrinsic factors (executive control) have been related to L2-grammar learning in younger adults. In the present study, we aim to assess whether extrinsic and intrinsic factors are also modulating grammar learning in older adults. We compared the learning performance of younger and older adults in a L2 learning task. 162 Spanish native-speakers (81 young) learnt Japañol (Japanese syntaxis and Spanish lexicon) in either an intentional (metalinguistic explanation) or an incidental (comprehension of sentences) context. The complexity of the sentences was also manipulated by introducing (or not) a subordinate clause. Individual differences in proactivity were measured with the AX-CPT task. After the learning phase, participants performed a Grammatical Judgment Task where they answered if the presented sentences were grammatically correct. No differences between older and younger adults were found. Overall, better results were found for the intentional-condition than for the incidental-condition. A significant interaction between learning context and the proactivity index in the AX-CPT task showed that more proactive participants were better when learning in the incidental-condition. These results suggest that both extrinsic and intrinsic factors are important during language learning and that they equally affect younger and older adults.Junta de AndaluciaMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades-Agencia Estatal de Investigacion-Fondos Feder PGC2018-093786-BI00 A-SEJ-416-UGR20 PID2019-111359GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033Agencia de Desarrollo e Innovacion de Andalucia P20.00107Feder Andalucia A-CTS-111-UGR1

    Transfer effects from language processing to visual attention dynamics: The impact of orthographic transparency

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    The consistency between letters and sounds varies across languages. These differences have been proposed to be associated with different reading mechanisms (lexical vs. phonological), processing grain sizes (coarse vs. fine) and attentional windows (whole words vs. individual letters). This study aimed to extend this idea to writing to dictation. For that purpose, we evaluated whether the use of different types of processing has a differential impact on local windowing attention: phonological (local) processing in a transparent language (Spanish) and lexical (global) processing of an opaque language (English). Spanish and English monolinguals (Experiment 1) and Spanish–English bilinguals (Experiment 2) performed a writing to dictation task followed by a global–local task. The first key performance showed a critical dissociation between languages: the response times (RTs) from the Spanish writing to dictation task was modulated by word length, whereas the RTs from the English writing to dictation task was modulated by word frequency and age of acquisition, as evidence that language transparency biases processing towards phonological or lexical strategies. In addition, after a Spanish task, participants more efficiently processed local information, which resulted in both the benefit of global congruent information and the reduced cost of incongruent global information. Additionally, the results showed that bilinguals adapt their attentional processing depending on the orthographic transparency.Doctoral Research Grant, Spanish Government FPU16/01748Feder Andalucia A-CTS111-UGR18 P20.00107Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades-Fondos Feder A-SEJ-416-UGR20 PID2019-111359GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 PGC2018-093786-B-I0

    Second language acquisition of grammatical rules: The effects of learning condition, rule difficulty, and executive function

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    Learning a new language is an important goal that many individuals find difficult to achieve, particularly during adulthood. Several factors have related this variability to different extrinsic (learning condition, difficulty of the materials) and intrinsic (cognitive abilities) factors, but the interaction between them is barely known. In two experiments, participants learned English grammar rules in intentional (Experiment 1) or explicit (Experiment 2), and incidental learning-contexts. Overall, results of this study indicated that intentional-explicit conditions benefitted rule-learning, as compared to incidental conditions. This benefit was mainly present when participants were learning an easy-rule; explicit and incidental learning did not differ in the case of participants learning a difficult rule (Experiment 2). Moreover, individual differences in executive functioning predicted successful learning in interaction with difficulty. When learning an easy-rule, proactive control facilitated intentional learning. In contrast, when participants were learning a complex-rule, incidental learning was enhanced by lower involvement of proactive control.Universidad de Granad

    Does [-2]Pro-Prostate Specific Antigen Meet the Criteria to Justify Its Inclusion in the Clinical Decision-Making Process?

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    lntroduction: To assess whether [-2]pro-prostate-specific antigen (p2PSA) meets the criteria to justify its inclusion in a predictive model of prostate cancer (PCa) diagnosis and in the clinical decision-making process. Materials and Methods: A total 172 men with total prostate-specific antigen of 2-10 ng/ml underwent measurement of free PSA and p2PSA before prostate biopsy in an observational and prospective study. From these measurements, the Prostate Health lndex (PHI) was calculated. Clinical and analytical predictive models were created incorporating PHI. Results: Of 172 men, 72 (42%) were diagnosed with PCa, 33 (46%) of whom were found to be with high-grade disease. PHI score was the most predictive of biopsy outcomes in terms of discriminative ability (area under the curve = 0.79), with an added gain in predictive accuracy of 17%. AII the models that incorporated PHI worked better in terms of calibration close to 45º on the slope. In the decision curve analysis, a threshold probability of 40% we could prevent 82 biopsies, missing only 16 tumors and 5 high-grade tumors. Conclusions: PHI score is a more discriminant biomarker, has superior calibration and superior net benefit, and provides a higher rate of avoided biopsies; thus, it can be useful for aiding in making a more informed decision for each patient

    Integra BioFis 5.0. A collaborative, participatory and interdisciplinary experience for undergraduates in nursing

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    The pandemic has forced us to reinvent ourselves and to consider new strategies in education. Motivation, fundamental to student performance, has been seriously compromised. In this sense, the type of motivation we are interested in "fostering" is intrinsic motivation, closely linked to the concept of learning-centered goals and objectives. The action implemented is committed to the approach to challenge-based learning-gamification in the Degree in Nursing (UAH), in order to develop an integrative training with an interdisciplinary focus. Biochemistry and Physiology came together in Integra BioFis 5.0 and through participatory and collaborative techniques we pursued meaningful learning. All the students of the Biochemistry and Physiology subjects (n = 120) took part in the learning experience, organized in 12 teams. The action was carried out online through the virtual platform: - An initial session, in which the objectives, methodology, timetable and evaluation criteria were clarified. Topics that aroused the students? interest were randomly assigned (https://bit.ly/3tfJaCi). The assigned tutors guided the students in overcoming the challenges of each stage. - The development of the action consisted of a series of phases: i) documentation and literature search; ii) integration of objectives and choice of presentation format; iii) elaboration of the graphical document; iv) peer review of presentations and voting for the best contribution. The students' papers, as well as the rubrics with comments and suggestions from each of the instructors, were returned to the teams immediately. - A final session, in which they reflected on the activity they had carried out, highlighting the positive aspects of the training for the development of competences and skills: i) search for information from quality sources; ii) synthesis of contents; iii) work as a team; iv) elaboration of an original and own work. Voting was then shown for the papers presented, revealing the names of the three teams with the most votes, finalists and winners. Learning assessment was conducted by taking into account the influence of learning on motivation and the student's self-esteem and competences, with indicators such as progress, content, sources, graphical document production, teamwork and responsibility, among others. As an important element that makes gamification work, a reward for participation (awarding of a participation diploma) and for the best Integra BioFis 5.0 graphic document presented (awarding of diplomas and prizes-gifts to the members of the winning team) was considered as an important element that makes gamification work. From this educational strategy, it can be concluded that gamification is a constructive experience, taking advantage of all the benefits of implementing the overcoming of challenges in the educational environment. This has had an impact on teaching practice, to the extent that what has been "reflected" and "worked" in Integra BioFis 5.0 has contributed to improving the quality of virtual teaching, "fostering" intrinsic motivation in students.Universidad de Alcal

    Validación del índice de salud prostática en un modelo predictivo de cáncer de próstata

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    Objectives: To validate and analyse the clinical usefulness of a predictive model of prostate cancer that incorporates the biomarker ?[-2] pro prostate-specific antigen? using the prostate health index (PHI) in decision making for performing prostate biopsies. Material and methods: We isolated serum from 197 men with an indication for prostate biopsy to determine the total prostate-specific antigen (tPSA), the free PSA fraction (fPSA) and the [-2] proPSA (p2PSA). The PHI was calculated as p2PSA/fPSA×?tPSA. We created 2 predictive models that incorporated clinical variables along with tPSA or PHI. The performance of PHI was assessed with a discriminant analysis using receiver operating characteristic curves, internal calibration and decision curves. Results: The areas under the curve for the tPSA and PHI models were 0.71 and 0.85, respectively. The PHI model showed a better ability to discriminate and better calibration for predicting prostate cancer but not for predicting a Gleason score in the biopsy ?7. The decision curves showed a greater net benefit with the PHI model for diagnosing prostate cancer when the probability threshold was 15-35% and greater savings (20%) in the number of biopsies. Conclusions: The incorporation of p2PSA through PHI in predictive models of prostate cancer improves the accuracy of the risk stratification and helps in the decision-making process for performing prostate biopsies.Foundation for Biomedical Research of the Príncipe de Asturias University Hospital

    Inhibitory Effects of Antagonists of Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone (GHRH) on Growth and Invasiveness of PC3 Human Prostate Cancer

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    New approaches are needed to the therapy of advanced prostate cancer. This study determined the effect of growth hormone- releasing hormone (GHRH) antagonists, JMR-132 and JV-1-38 on growth of PC3 tumors as well as on angiogenesis and metastasis through the evaluation of various factors that contribute largely to the progression of prostate cancer. Human PC3 androgen-independent prostate cancer cells were injected subcutaneously into nude mice. The treatment with JMR-132 (10 ug/day) or JV-1-38 (20 ug/day) lasted 41 days. We also evaluated the effects of JMR-132 and JV-1-38 on proliferation, cell adhesion and migration in PC-3 cells in vitro. Several techniques (Western blot, reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, immunohistochemistry, ELISA and zymography) were used to evaluate the expression levels of GHRH receptors and its splice variants, GHRH, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)-1alpha, metalloproteinases (MMPs)-2 and -9, beta-catenin and E-cadherin. GHRH antagonists suppressed the proliferation of PC-3 cells in vitro and significantly inhibited growth of PC3 tumors. After treatment with these analogues, we found an increase in expression of GHRH receptor accompanied by a decrease of GHRH levels, a reduction in both VEGF and HIF-1alpha expression and in active forms of MMP-2 and MMP-9, a significant increase in levels of membrane-associated ?-catenin and a significant decline in E-cadherin. These results support that the blockade of GHRH receptors can modulate elements involved in angiogenesis and metastasis. Consequently, GHRH antagonists could be considered as suitable candidates for therapeutic trials in the management of androgen-independent prostate cancer.Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La ManchaComunidad de MadridUniversidad de AlcaláMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovacio