4 research outputs found

    Kampanye Produk Minuman Kesehatan Melalui Games Interaktif

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    Aplikasi Game adalah model permainan interaktif antara manusia dengan mesin sebagai penyedia menupermainan. Memainkan game membuat orang merasa terhibur dan sekaligus memacu ekspektasi kemenangan.Bagi orang marketing, substansi atau isi permainan game dapat digunakan sebagai media persuasi bagistrategi pemasaran produk. Karakter interaktif game membangun hubungan intens antara iklan dengancalon konsumen. Tujuan penelitian ini mengupas kemampuan game interaktif sebagai media kampanye bagitujuan pemasaran produk minuman isotonik yang berasal dari Jepang. Metode penelitian yang digunakanadalah studi kasus. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap game interaktif yang digunakan di Indonesia (versiIndonesia), di mana pemanfaatan game sebagai media kampanye ini tergolong baru. Sampai saat ini belumada strategi pemasaran demikian yang dilakukan untuk memasarkan produk di Indonesia. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa, game menjadi tools of marketing yang baik dan mendorong pengguna untuk bergerakseiring instruksi pada game. Salah satu parameternya adalah pada saat penelitian dilakukan pada 2014, gamesudah didownload oleh sekitar 15.365 pengguna dengan komentar dan opini di media sosial (facebook dantwitter) untuk game iklan ini cukup tinggi

    Representasi Maskulinitas Dalam Iklan Televisi Pond\u27s Men #Lelakimasakini (Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes Terhadap Representasi Maskulinitas)

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    This research aims to know the meaning of denotation, the connotation and the myth or ideology in television commercials POND\u27S Men that represent the masculine with #LelakiMasaKini edition. The method used in this research is the Semiotic analysis methods. The Semiotic analysis used in this research is the Semiotic Roland Barthes. The results of this research show that there are; meaning denote, the connotation and the myth or ideology in television commercials POND\u27S #LelakiMasaKini. The results obtained from the signs of the dominant in the preview scenes that are taken in accordance with the criteria that have been determined. Advertising on Rio Dewanto version described three meaning denotes, three meaning of the connotations and three myths. On the version of the advertisement, Keenan Pearce described three meaning denotes, three the meaning of the connotations and three myths or ideologies and on the version of the Marshall Sastra described three meaning denotes, three the meaning of the connotations and 3 myths or ideologies. Concluded the side or the form of masculinity is promoted of the physical appearance of the type of men who tend to metrosexual, the dream of women, the leader success, lack men who think creatively and have hobbies.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui makna denotasi, konotasi serta mitos atau ideologi dalam iklan televisi POND\u27S Men yang merepresentasikan maskulinitas dengan edisi #LelakiMasaKini. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis semiotik. Analisis Semiotik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis semiotik Roland Barthes. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat makna denotasi, konotasi serta mitos atau ideologi pada iklan televisi POND\u27S Men #LelakiMasaKini. Hasil itu diperoleh dari tanda-tanda dominan pada cuplikan adegan-adegan yang diambil sesuai dengan kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Pada iklan versi Rio Dewanto digambarkan 3 makna denotasi, 3 makna konotasi, dan 3 mitos. Pada iklan versi Keenan Pearce digambarkan 3 makna denotasi, 3 makna konotasi dan 3 mitos atau ideologi dan pada versi Marshall Sastra digambarkan 3 makna denotasi, 3 makna konotasi dan 3 mitos atau ideologi. Disimpulkan sisi atau bentuk maskulinitas yang dipromosikan adalah tampilan fisik tipe laki-laki yang cenderung metroseksual, dambaan wanita, pemimpin yang cerdas dengan kesuksesan, lak-laki yang berpikir kreatif dan memiliki hobi

    Sisingaan: A Local Resistence Efforts Of Colonial Identity : Proceeding International Conference on Transformation in Communication (ICOTIC) November 2016

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    The transformation of folk art is rarely to research as communication study. Many folk art have to reconstruct their ‘art’ and compromise with audience needs. This research considers folk art position and pictures it as part of postcolonial studies. Using Susanne Langer Theory of Symbol and John Fiske semiotics theory, this research assumed that humans feelings mediated through concept, language, and symbol. Sisingaan as genuine folklore form Subang Region had meaningful symbols of Subang’s people struggled in colonial era. The aims of this research is to find out and explain those meaningful resistency symbol. Eventhough nowadays Sisingaan become popular art and there is a consideration that many people in Subang do not care about the philosophy of the resistency, they just using Sisingaan as common ceremonial in circumcision celebration. In fenomenology area of findings, this research gathered information from many sources, mostly from the actor and opinion leader of Subang traditional folk art. Analitycal conclusion gathered from check and recheck validation. At the end, this research hopefully could provide information about nonverbal comunication in communication action and show Sisingaan as art brought meaningful philosophy in the life of people from postcolonial study perspective

    An Ethnographic Study of Communication with HIV-infected Children at Rumah Cemara

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    This study examines the ethnography studies of communication with HIV-infected children at Rumah Cemara Bandung by reviewing the elements of communication components. This research uses a qualitative approach with an ethnographic type of communication study. The research subjects were children infected with HIV in Bandung who was selected using the purposive method. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews, participatory observation, document analysis, and literature study. The results revealed that the genre in the communication component of children infected with HIV at Rumah Cemara was seen in the delivery of problems, namely the presence of viral infections in children. The setting that occurs in the communication component is carried out at the child's home/residence and Rumah Cemara as a community location and Klinik Teratai, Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung. Children use Indonesian and Sundanese as their daily languages. All HIV-infected children are infected with the virus because it is transmitted from their parents, namely the mother, and the mother is infected with HIV from her husband. Conversations that are usually carried out by informants when meeting at Klinik Teratai, Rumah Cemara, and at home are usually related to conditions of health development, children's adherence to taking anti-retroviral drugs, and mental and social development of children with messages of mutual encouragement and support as well as instilling a sense of optimism. Psychologically among People With HIV/AIDS (ODHA). The non-verbal language that children do in the form of silence; smiles; a nod of the head; shaking of the head, and laughing out loud