188 research outputs found
Multiple Target, Multiple Type Filtering in the RFS Framework
A Multiple Target, Multiple Type Filtering (MTMTF) algorithm is developed
using Random Finite Set (RFS) theory. First, we extend the standard Probability
Hypothesis Density (PHD) filter for multiple types of targets, each with
distinct detection properties, to develop a multiple target, multiple type
filtering, N-type PHD filter, where , for handling confusions among
target types. In this approach, we assume that there will be confusions between
detections, i.e. clutter arises not just from background false positives, but
also from target confusions. Then, under the assumptions of Gaussianity and
linearity, we extend the Gaussian mixture (GM) implementation of the standard
PHD filter for the proposed N-type PHD filter termed the N-type GM-PHD filter.
Furthermore, we analyze the results from simulations to track sixteen targets
of four different types using a four-type (quad) GM-PHD filter as a typical
example and compare it with four independent GM-PHD filters using the Optimal
Subpattern Assignment (OSPA) metric. This shows the improved performance of our
strategy that accounts for target confusions by efficiently discriminating
Joint Person Identity, Gender and Age Estimation from Hand Images using Deep Multi-Task Representation Learning
In this paper, we propose a multi-task representation learning framework to
jointly estimate the identity, gender and age of individuals from their hand
images for the purpose of criminal investigations since the hand images are
often the only available information in cases of serious crime such as sexual
abuse. We investigate different up-to-date deep learning architectures and
compare their performance for joint estimation of identity, gender and age from
hand images of perpetrators of serious crime. To overcome the data imbalance
and simplify the age prediction, we create age groups for the age estimation.
We make extensive evaluations and comparisons of both convolution-based and
transformer-based deep learning architectures on a publicly available 11k hands
dataset. Our experimental analysis shows that it is possible to efficiently
estimate not only identity but also other attributes such as gender and age of
suspects jointly from hand images for criminal investigations, which is crucial
in assisting international police forces in the court to identify and convict
abusers.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2209.0482
The Welfare Costs of Unreliable Water Service
Throughout the developing world, many water distribution systems are unreliable. As a result, it becomes necessary for each household to store its own water as a hedge against this uncertainty. Since arrivals of water are not synchronized across households, serious distributional inefficiencies arise. We develop a model describing the optimal intertemporal depletion of each household’s private water storage when it is uncertain when water will next arrive to replenish supplies. The model is calibrated using survey data from Mexico City, a city where many households store water in sealed rooftop tanks known as tinacos. The calibrated model is used to evaluate the potential welfare gains that would occur if alternative modes of water provision were implemented. We estimate that most of the potential distributional inefficiencies can be eliminated simply by making the frequency of deliveries the same across households which now face haphazard deliveries. This would require neither costly investments in infrastructure nor price increases.Water Supply Uncertainty, Water Storage, Distributional Inefficiency
The Anti-Corruption Education on the Basis of Religion and National Culture
AbstractActs of corruption have harmed many people and even tortured themselves. Corruption precaution through education way is considered not effective and encouraging since it could not eradicate corruption act which was committed by each layer of society even from educated to regular people. Moreover, it is not sufficient enough vanished with the law approach and enforcement. This study is empirical qualitative research conducted through a literature review and social reconstruction approach. Specifically, the study explains how the concept of visible anti-corruption character education on religious and national culture-based utilized as a strategic step to instill anti-corruption education among students. The results revealed that the embedding and developing students must be built upon faith and piety to Allah SWT, the optimal noble character, and being settled to the family environment. The learning concept of this notion is varied and arranged systematically, comprehensively, and proportionally according to the percentage of proposed effectiveness.Keywords: Anti-Corruption Education, Religion & National Culture AbstrakPerbuatan korupsi telah merugikan banyak kalangan dan menyengsarakan diri sendiri. Pencegahan korupsi melalui jalur pendidikan dinilai belum efektif dan menggembirakan, karena belum dapat memberantas korupsi yang dilakukan oleh lapisan masyarakat, bahkan kalangan terpelajar sampai keakar-akarnya. Pemberantasan korupsi ternyata tidak cukup pula dengan pendekatan dan penegakan hukum. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kualitatif empiris dengan pendekatan telaah literatur dan rekonstruksi sosial. Penelitian ini menjelaskan bagaimana konsep pendidikan karakter antikorupsi berbasis agama dan budaya bangsa yang visibel, sebagai langkah strategis untuk menanamkan pendidikan antikorupsi di kalangan pelajar. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan, bahwa penanaman dan pengembangan peserta didik harus berlandaskan keimanan dan ketakwaan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berkarakter (berakhlak mulia) secara optimal, dan telah ditanamkan lebih dahulu dalam lingkungan keluarga. Konsep pembelajarannya variatif dan disusun secara sistematis, komprehensif dan proporsional sesuai persentase efektifitas yang akan dicapai.Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Anti Korupsi, Agama & Budaya Bangsa АннотацияКоррупция нанесла вред многим людям. Предотвращение коррупции с помощью образования считается неэффективным и безнадежным, поскольку оно не смогло искоренить коррупцию, которая привержена обществом к своим корням. Оказывается, одного подхода и правоохранительных органов недостаточно для искоренения коррупции. Эта работа представляет собой качественно-эмпирическое исследование с подходом обзора литературы и социальной реконструкции. Это исследование объясняет, каким образом концепция антикоррупционного воспитания, основанная на религии и видимой национальной культуре, воспринимается как стратегический шаг к воспитанию антикоррупционного образования среди учащихся. Результаты исследования объяснили, что совершенствование и развитие учащихся должны основываться на вере и преданности Всемогущему Богу, оптимально быть человеком с характером (благородный характер) и в первую очередь внедряться в семейную среду. Концепция обучения разнообразна и организована систематически, всесторонне и пропорционально в зависимости от процента эффективности, который должен быть достигнут.Ключевые Слова: Антикоррупционное Образование, Религия и Национальная Культура
Clustering verbal Objects: Manual and Automatic Procedures Compared
As highlighted by Pustejovsky (1995, 2002), the semantics
of each verb is determined by the totality of its
complementation patterns. Arguments play in fact a
fundamental role in verb meaning and verbal polysemy,
thanks to the sense co-composition principle between
verb and argument. For this reason, clustering of
lexical items filling the Object slot of a verb is believed
to bring to surface relevant information about verbal
meaning and the verb-Objects relation. The paper presents
the results of an experiment comparing the automatic
clustering of direct Objects operated by the agglomerative
hierarchical algorithm of the Sketch Engine
corpus tool with the manual clustering of direct
Objects carried out in the T-PAS resource. Cluster
analysis is here used to improve the semantic quality of
automatic clusters against expert human intuition and
as an investigation tool of phenomena intrinsic to semantic
selection of verbs and the construction of verb
senses in context
Linking Verb Pattern Dictionaries of English and Spanish
The paper presents the first step in the creation of a new multilingual and corpus-driven lexical resource by means of linking existing
monolingual pattern dictionaries of English and Spanish verbs. The two dictionaries were compiled through Corpus Pattern Analysis
(CPA) – an empirical procedure in corpus linguistics that associates word meaning with word use by means of analysis of phraseological
patterns and collocations found in corpus data. This paper provides a first look into a number of practical issues arising from the task of
linking corresponding patterns across languages via both manual and automatic procedures. In order to facilitate manual pattern linking,
we implemented a heuristic-based algorithm to generate automatic suggestions for candidate verb pattern pairs, which obtained 80%
precision. Our goal is to kick-start the development of a new resource for verbs that can be used by language learners, translators, editors
and the research community alike
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