24 research outputs found

    Signaling by AWC Olfactory Neurons Is Necessary for Caenorhabditis elegans' Response to Prenol, an Odor Associated with Nematode-Infected Insects

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    Chemosensation plays a role in the behaviors and life cycles of numerous organisms, including nematodes. Many guilds of nematodes exist, ranging from the free-living Caenorhabditis elegans to various parasitic species such as entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs), which are parasites of insects. Despite ecological differences, previous research has shown that both EPNs and C. elegans respond to prenol (3-methyl-2-buten-1-ol), an odor associated with EPN infections. However, it is unclear how C. elegans responds to prenol. By utilizing natural variation and genetic neuron ablation to investigate the response of C. elegans to prenol, we found that the AWC neurons are involved in the detection of prenol and that several genes (including dcap-1, dcap-2, and clec-39) influence response to this odorant. Furthermore, we identified that the response to prenol is mediated by the canonically proposed pathway required for other AWC-sensed attractants. However, upon testing genetically diverse isolates, we found that the response of some strains to prenol differed from their response to isoamyl alcohol, suggesting that the pathways mediating response to these two odorants may be genetically distinct. Further, evaluations leveraging natural variation and genome wide association revealed specific genes that influence nematode behavior and provide a foundation for future studies to better understand the role of prenol in nematode behavioral ecology

    Odors and Genetic Pathways Influencing Resource-Seeking in EPNs and Free-Living Nematodes

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    Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are insect-killing parasitic worms that are utilized in agriculture and home-garden use against a variety of insect pests. It is the infective juvenile stage (IJ) of the EPN life cycle responsible for locating, infecting and colonizing a new insect host to continue the life cycle and produce progeny. My research revealed that EPN species within the genus Steinernema, responded to host volatiles, in species—specific patterns with regard to both behavioral trends to the progression of infection, as well as overall participation. Analysis of host-odor profiles- for both naive and infected hosts (including recently infected and long-term, resource depleted insect cadavers) produced a variety of odors and one of the more notable odors produced was 3-methyl-2-buten-1-ol (prenol). EPN IJs were found to be repelled by prenol at a variety of doses (ranging from 2M to 20mM) and prenol yielded age-dependent increases in dispersal, implicating prenol as a potential IJ dispersal cue. However, lack of molecular tools in EPNs prevented investigations into the molecular underpinnings of how prenol is detected and translated into the observable repulsion. To overcome this obstacle, we leveraged the model organisms: Caenorhabditis elegans which exhibits attraction to prenol. Through use of natural variation, genome-wide association, and leveraging multiple genetic resources in the C. elegans community we identified the involvement of the AWC neuron in detection and response to prenol as well as eight genes that influence responses to prenol, including genes that have not previously been shown to affect chemotactic behaviors: dod-17, clec-39, dcap-1 and dcap-2. For many of these genes, we have found EPN orthologs exist, meaning we have uncovered information that potentially could be utilized to better understand EPN behavioral ecology such that EPNs may be improved or utilized more effectively in the future