17 research outputs found

    Wholegrain intake and risk of type 2 diabetes: Evidence from epidemiological and intervention studies

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is one of the most common metabolic diseases and represents a leading cause of morbidity and mortality because of its related complications. The alarming rise in T2DM prevalence worldwide poses enormous challenges in relation to its social, economic, and a clinical burden requiring appropriate preventive strategies. Currently, lifestyle modifications—including approaches to promote a moderate body weight reduction and to increase regular physical exercise—are the first crucial intervention for T2DM prevention. In the light of the difficulty in reducing body weight and in long-term maintenance of weight loss, quality changes in dietary patterns—in terms of macro and micronutrient composition—can also strongly affect the development of T2DM. This may provide a more practical and suitable preventative approach than simply implementing caloric restriction. Along this line, there is increasing evidence that wholegrain consumption in substitution of refined grains is associated with a reduction of the incidence of several non-communicable chronic diseases. The aim of the present review is to summarize the current evidence from observational and randomized controlled clinical trials on the benefits of wholegrain on T2DM prevention and treatment. Plausible mechanisms by which wholegrain could act on glucose homeostasis and T2DM prevention are also evaluated. Altogether, the totality of the available evidence supports present dietary recommendations promoting wholegrain foods for the prevention and treatment of T2DM

    Cambiamenti ambientali indotti dalle variazioni climatiche oloceniche e dall’uomo nell’area dell’abitato antico di Pontecagnano

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    L’abitato antico di Pontecagnano (vii-iii a.C.), sorge su un alto morfologico di natura travertinosa, che in antico emergeva di pochi metri dal settore NO della pianura alluvionale costiera del Fiume Sele. I lavori per l’ampliamento dell’autostrada A3 SA-RC hanno intercettato livelli archeologici rappresentativi di ampie porzioni del territorio urbano e periurbano dell’abitato antico e messo in evidenza un record archeostratigrafico che va dal Pleistocene Superiore ad oggi. Lo studio geomorfologico ed archeo-tephro-stratigrafico di dettaglio, corredato da analisi paleoambientali, ha consentito di delineare gli aspetti salienti dell’evoluzione del paesaggio e degli ambienti nel corso dell’Olocene. Le modifiche dell’ambiente e del paesaggio sono state prevalentemente indotte da condizionamenti antropici sul sistema idraulico e forestale e sull’organizzazione del territorio soprattutto per il periodo di vita dell’abitato, dove si coglie un importante bonifica. Nei periodi precedenti e successivi alla vita dell’abitato i cambiamenti ambientali sono stati indotti da variazioni climatiche e dai prodotti delle eruzioni dei vulcani napoletani.The ancient settlement of Pontecagnano (7th-3rd centuries B.C.) was built up on the travertine plateau overlooking the Sele river on the NW sector of the alluvial-coastal plain. Motorway construction works brought to light archaeological remains of an ancient urban and suburban settlement. Archaeostratigraphical records dated between the late Pleistocene and today have been elucidated. The geomorphological and archaeo-tephro-stratigraphical study, coupled with palaeoenvironmental analysis, allowed us to outline the evolution of the environment during the Holocene. The environmental changes have been mainly induced by human activities, during the 7th -3rd centuries B.C., by land reclamation. During other periods of the Holocene the environmental changes can be attributed to climatic variations and, secondly, to the impact of the distal products of Neapolitan volcanic eruptions on geomorphic systems

    Advanced Imaging Techniques for Radiotherapy Planning of Gliomas

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    The accuracy of target delineation in radiation treatment (RT) planning of cerebral gliomas is crucial to achieve high tumor control, while minimizing treatment-related toxicity. Conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), including contrast-enhanced T1-weighted and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequences, represents the current standard imaging modality for target volume delineation of gliomas. However, conventional sequences have limited capability to discriminate treatment-related changes from viable tumors, owing to the low specificity of increased blood-brain barrier permeability and peritumoral edema. Advanced physiology-based MRI techniques, such as MR spectroscopy, diffusion MRI and perfusion MRI, have been developed for the biological characterization of gliomas and may circumvent these limitations, providing additional metabolic, structural, and hemodynamic information for treatment planning and monitoring. Radionuclide imaging techniques, such as positron emission tomography (PET) with amino acid radiopharmaceuticals, are also increasingly used in the workup of primary brain tumors, and their integration in RT planning is being evaluated in specialized centers. This review focuses on the basic principles and clinical results of advanced MRI and PET imaging techniques that have promise as a complement to RT planning of gliomas

    Advanced Imaging Techniques for Radiotherapy Planning of Gliomas

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    The accuracy of target delineation in radiation treatment (RT) planning of cerebral gliomas is crucial to achieve high tumor control, while minimizing treatment-related toxicity. Conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), including contrast-enhanced T1-weighted and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequences, represents the current standard imaging modality for target volume delineation of gliomas. However, conventional sequences have limited capability to discriminate treatment-related changes from viable tumors, owing to the low specificity of increased blood-brain barrier permeability and peritumoral edema. Advanced physiology-based MRI techniques, such as MR spectroscopy, diffusion MRI and perfusion MRI, have been developed for the biological characterization of gliomas and may circumvent these limitations, providing additional metabolic, structural, and hemodynamic information for treatment planning and monitoring. Radionuclide imaging techniques, such as positron emission tomography (PET) with amino acid radiopharmaceuticals, are also increasingly used in the workup of primary brain tumors, and their integration in RT planning is being evaluated in specialized centers. This review focuses on the basic principles and clinical results of advanced MRI and PET imaging techniques that have promise as a complement to RT planning of gliomas

    Hysteroscopic Resection Followed by Adjuvant Radiotherapy: Report of a New Therapeutic Approach to Primary Cervical Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma

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    The female genital tract can be involved as a secondary manifestation of disseminated lymphomas or leukemia but can rarely be the primary site of so-called extranodal lymphomas. Primary lymphomas of the female genital tract can affect the uterine corpus, uterine cervix, vulva, vagina or adnexa. Only about 0.008% of all cervical tumors are primary malignant lymphomas. The presenting symptoms are unspecific and also refer to much more common diseases of the female genital tract. Cervical cytology is usually negative. Preoperative diagnosis requires deep cervical biopsy. To date there is no consensus regarding optimal treatment. Radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery are used in different association. We report the first case reported in literature managed with an urgent hysteroscopic resection of a primary cervical diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, followed by adjuvant radiotherapy. Relevant literature was reviewed. Our conservative approach needs to be validated in the future, especially for women with pregnancy desire and for those with low performance status. To date, after 24 months from diagnosis, our patient is still disease-free

    Conservative Treatment of Stage IA1 Adenocarcinoma of the Uterine Cervix during Pregnancy: Case Report and Review of the Literature.

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    Microinvasive adenocarcinoma (MIAC) of the uterine cervix is rare in pregnancy. Published data on conservative treatment of MIAC both in pregnant and nonpregnant women are scarce. A conservatively treated case of MIAC in a 13-week-pregnant woman after a diagnosis of atypical glandular cells (AGC) on pap smear at the 6th week of pregnancy is presented. The problems of suspected adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) on biopsy and MIAC on cone biopsy in pregnancy, as well as the risks and benefits of a conservative treatment are discussed. After colposcopic guide laser cervical conization and expression of informed consent the patient underwent followup and vaginal delivery at 40 weeks plus 3 days of gestation. In this case, no obstetric complication has been recorded after the cervical conization, and after a followup of 18 months the patient was alive and free of disease, with negative results as far as pap smear, colposcopy, HPV status, and cervical curettage are concerned. In a stage Ia1 disease of endocervical type, with clear margins and without lymph-vascular space invasion, cervical conization performed during the second trimester may be considered a definitive and safe treatment, at least up to delivery, after expression of informed consent by the woman

    Conservative Treatment of Stage IA1 Adenocarcinoma of the Uterine Cervix during Pregnancy: Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Microinvasive adenocarcinoma (MIAC) of the uterine cervix is rare in pregnancy. Published data on conservative treatment of MIAC both in pregnant and nonpregnant women are scarce. A conservatively treated case of MIAC in a 13-week-pregnant woman after a diagnosis of atypical glandular cells (AGC) on pap smear at the 6th week of pregnancy is presented. The problems of suspected adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) on biopsy and MIAC on cone biopsy in pregnancy, as well as the risks and benefits of a conservative treatment are discussed. After colposcopic guide laser cervical conization and expression of informed consent the patient underwent followup and vaginal delivery at 40 weeks plus 3 days of gestation. In this case, no obstetric complication has been recorded after the cervical conization, and after a followup of 18 months the patient was alive and free of disease, with negative results as far as pap smear, colposcopy, HPV status, and cervical curettage are concerned. In a stage Ia1 disease of endocervical type, with clear margins and without lymph-vascular space invasion, cervical conization performed during the second trimester may be considered a definitive and safe treatment, at least up to delivery, after expression of informed consent by the woman

    Cambiamenti ambientali indotti dalle variazioni climatiche oloceniche e dall’uomo nell’area dell’abitato antico di Pontecagnano

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    L’abitato antico di Pontecagnano (vii-iii a.C.), sorge su un alto morfologico di natura travertinosa, che in antico emergeva di pochi metri dal settore NO della pianura alluvionale costiera del Fiume Sele. I lavori per l’ampliamento dell’autostrada A3 SA-RC hanno intercettato livelli archeologici rappresentativi di ampie porzioni del territorio urbano e periurbano dell’abitato antico e messo in evidenza un record archeostratigrafico che va dal Pleistocene Superiore ad oggi. Lo studio geomorfologico ed archeo-tephro-stratigrafico di dettaglio, corredato da analisi paleoambientali, ha consentito di delineare gli aspetti salienti dell’evoluzione del paesaggio e degli ambienti nel corso dell’Olocene. Le modifiche dell’ambiente e del paesaggio sono state prevalentemente indotte da condizionamenti antropici sul sistema idraulico e forestale e sull’organizzazione del territorio soprattutto per il periodo di vita dell’abitato, dove si coglie un importante bonifica. Nei periodi precedenti e successivi alla vita dell’abitato i cambiamenti ambientali sono stati indotti da variazioni climatiche e dai prodotti delle eruzioni dei vulcani napoletani.The ancient settlement of Pontecagnano (7th-3rd centuries B.C.) was built up on the travertine plateau overlooking the Sele river on the NW sector of the alluvial-coastal plain. Motorway construction works brought to light archaeological remains of an ancient urban and suburban settlement. Archaeostratigraphical records dated between the late Pleistocene and today have been elucidated. The geomorphological and archaeo-tephro-stratigraphical study, coupled with palaeoenvironmental analysis, allowed us to outline the evolution of the environment during the Holocene. The environmental changes have been mainly induced by human activities, during the 7th -3rd centuries B.C., by land reclamation. During other periods of the Holocene the environmental changes can be attributed to climatic variations and, secondly, to the impact of the distal products of Neapolitan volcanic eruptions on geomorphic systems.Le village antique de Pontecagnano (viie-iiie siècle avant J.-C.) est situé sur un plateau de travertin qui dominait la plaine littorale du Sele dans l’antiquité. Les travaux d’élargissement d’une autoroute ont mis en évidence différentes couches archéologiques représentatives de vastes portions de l’espace urbain et périurbain de Pontecagnano. Cette étude a mis en évidence une stratigraphie qui va du Pleistocene supérieur à nos jours. L’étude géomorphologique et archéo-tephrostratigraphique détaillée, ainsi que les analyses paléo-environnementales, ont permis de définir les principaux aspects de l’évolution du paysage et des environnements au cours de l’Holocène. Les modifications de l’environnement ont été essentiellement induites du fait de l’action anthropique au cours des viie-iiie siècles avant J.-C. Pendant les autres périodes de l’Holocène, les modifications de l’environnement ont été déterminées par les variations climatiques et par les impacts des éruptions des volcaniques