87 research outputs found

    Report on Director of Faculty Mentoring Experience

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    Report written to document the author's experience as Director of Faculty Mentoring in IUPUI's Office of Academic Affairs from January 2018-February 2019

    University Library Mentoring Program

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    Poster presentation given as part of the IUPUI Mentoring Academy.Overview: University Library’s (UL) Mentoring Program has the goal of developing and retaining productive, professional librarians who can achieve tenure. The program was created to address the needs expressed by tenure-track librarians for more professional guidance. Following receipt of a Mentoring Academy award in September 2015, UL Mentoring Program implementation became Tina Baich and Kathleen Hanna’s IUPUI Next Generation 2.0 capstone project. Outcomes: The program launched in January 2016. The activities described below were intended to teach librarians how to be good mentees and mentors, help them identify needs and strengths, and encourage mentees to initiate mentoring relationships. The library purchased copies of the Mentor’s/Mentee’s Guide for each librarian; Kathleen Hanna and Tina Baich facilitated a meeting during UL’s Organization Week to introduce the program, answer questions, and distribute books; Hanna and Baich also facilitate a monthly book discussion; three additional workshops, a lightning sharing session, and a group webinar viewing have been held. Short-term goals outlined in the proposal will be assessed at the end of the first year. Lessons Learned: Attendance at mentoring program events was lower than anticipated. It also took longer for tenure-track librarians to seek out mentors than expected. The low attendance at events and slowness to identify mentors pointed to a lack of engagement among the tenure-track librarians. However, after making an effort to speak with them about these issues, I learned that engagement was not the problem. Instead, they lack the time in their busy schedules and need additional support from the program to reach the level of engagement they desire. I am considering program modifications to better meet the needs of our mentees

    The US Repository Network: Acting on a Community Vision for U.S. Repositories

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    The U.S. Repository Network (USRN) is a distributed and inclusive network committed to advancing repositories in the U.S. through advocacy, good practices, and community building. It is an initiative launched by SPARC with the support of the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR). In its Modernizing the Global Repository Network Initiative, COAR identified the need for assistance in breaking down institutional silos and developing a more cohesive approach and greater collaboration around repositories in the U.S. Through a Visiting Program Officer, SPARC engaged an expert group of library/repository professionals as well as the broader U.S. repository community to develop a strategic vision for U.S. repositories. The strategic vision is an interoperable network of repositories is an essential component of our national research infrastructure, offering rapid and open access to research, and plays a crucial role in collective efforts to transform global research communications, leading to a more open, inclusive, and equitable system. This strategic vision guides the USRN Action Plan, which is structured to advance the vision and to ensure the ongoing engagement and sustainability of the network. This presentation will share the USRN Action Plan 2022-2023 and describe progress in each action area. Attendees will be able to offer feedback, suggest future actions, and learn about opportunities to engage in the execution of the action plan

    Open access to the world: locating international publications to fill ILL requests

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    Google, WorldCat, and other online discovery tools have increased the likelihood that users will identify non-U.S. resources, but multiple catalog records and myriad open access repositories make it less likely that users will be able to locate them. ILL practitioners play a vital role by bridging the gap between identification and location yet many find the process of locating potential lenders of non-U.S. resources difficult. This presentation will describe online finding aids and open access repositories that can assist ILL practitioners in this process. Identifying appropriate lenders and utilizing open access resources speeds the process for end users and fosters goodwill among our international partners. The resources described in this presentation can help ILL practitioners overcome the simplest of barriers to international ILL, citation verification

    Finding the hard to find: locating newspapers, historic documents & international publications using the internet

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    Handout and slides from 2009 Indiana Library Federation Annual Conference presentation.Do you groan every time you see a newspaper, historic document or international publication interlibrary loan request? This presentation will discuss various resources that will help you locate these hard-to-find documents. The focus will be Web-based finding aids and digital repositories that provide instant access to documents. Another key is tracking your finding aids so you can easily return to them and you'll hear recommendations on how easy this is to do. By the end of the program, you'll no longer be groaning

    Guided by Values: Creating an Open Values Statement

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    Slides from 2020 Coalition of Networked Information (CNI) virtual spring membership meeting presentation.IUPUI University Library has long been committed to advancing Open, including efforts related to research, digital collections and data, publications, scholarly products, and technological resources in support of that commitment. Recognizing that the Library does not have the resources to make an impact in all areas of this work, we established an advisory group to assess current and future investments in open initiatives. The first step in this work was to create an Open Values Statement, and thus a guidepost, for assessing the ways in which we invest in the advancement of open scholarship and infrastructure. This Project Briefing will describe the inclusive process used to develop the Open Values Statement, share the values themselves, and describe the next steps for the advisory group

    Resource Sharing Tips and Tricks 2

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    Presentation slides from 2019 IFLA World Library & Information Congress.This presentation offers tips for successful international interlibrary loan, primarily through sharing sources for finding items in a library or via open access repositories

    Charting New Waters: Partnering to Provide “On Demand” Services

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    ILL Librarians are charting new waters by taking on new roles and projects beyond traditional interlibrary loan. As many libraries shift their focus from ownership to access and “just in case” to “just in time” provision of materials, we must embrace a broader view of resource sharing. At IUPUI University Library, the Resource Sharing & Delivery Services Librarian is working collaboratively with Acquisitions to provide access to materials when they are needed through “on demand” pilot projects. The “Books on Demand” project will expand on the traditional ILL purchase on demand program by allowing users to request purchases of both print and electronic books through records in the online catalog. The “Articles on Demand” project gives faculty access to unmediated article purchasing from journals to which the library does not subscribe. This presentation will describe these two pilot projects and the role they play in University Library’s new strategic direction for collections. The objective of the session is to provide attendees with a guide to planning and implementing similar services as well as an idea of the obstacles they may encounter

    International Interlibrary Loan Committee Survey Report: An Overview

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    Script from presentation given at the Interlibrary Loan Discussion Group during the 2009 American Library Association Annual Conference.The STARS International Interlibrary Loan Committee conducted a survey of US libraries in 2007 to assess the current practices regarding international ILL. This presentation provides an overview of the results and the barriers identified in participating in international ILL

    University Library Mentoring Program Proposal

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