4 research outputs found

    Transporte público e mobilidade urbana: Determinantes do preço da tarifa de transporte público urbano por ônibus - um estudo do caso de Limeira/SP

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    Este estudo buscou analisar a questão da mobilidade urbana, a partir dos determinantes do preço da tarifa de transporte público urbano (TPU) por ônibus, tendo como estudo de caso o município de Limeira/SP. Metodologicamente, foram realizadas revisão bibliográfica e pesquisa documental do tema proposto. Como resultados, verificou-se que, no caso brasileiro, a prestação do serviço de TPU por ônibus ocorre de forma indireta, por meio de concessão para a iniciativa privada. No modelo de financiamento do sistema, o usuário pagante costuma arcar com o valor de uma tarifa que é acrescida pelo ônus dos usuários não pagantes. A metodologia para o cálculo do preço da tarifa varia entre os municípios, dado que não há regulamentação para o uso de um modelo padrão. Dessa forma, foram levantadas as metodologias mais recorrentes na literatura, com especial atenção à metodologia de cálculo do Grupo de Estudos para Integração da Política de Transportes (GEIPOT), devido a sua utilização no município de Limeira/SP. Os determinantes do preço da tarifa de TPU por ônibus identificados foram: custos operacionais, subsídios extra-tarifários, gratuidades e benefícios aos usuários, vale-transporte, fatores estruturais, além de conflitos políticos e de interesse

    Melhoria da qualidade de vida em indivíduos vegetarianos por meio da educação alimentar e nutricional

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    A dieta vegetariana tem efeitos benéficos à saúde, embora haja risco de deficiências nutricionais caso não seja bem planejada. Diante disso, este trabalho teve por objetivo promover a saúde, a qualidade de vida e a prevenção da deficiência nutricional em vegetarianos e desenvolver habilidades práticas nos discentes e nos profissionais de saúde. Trata-se de um estudo transversal com vegetarianos, adultos, de ambos os sexos. Dados antropométricos, sociodemográficos e de estilo de vida foram coletados nos 476 atendimentos nutricionais realizados em 239 vegetarianos. Foram criados protocolos e realizados simpósios e oficinas. Após diagnóstico nutricional, elaboraram-se orientações para cada indivíduo. A deficiência de vitamina B12, ferritina e hemoglobina ocorreram em 93%, 37% e 11% dos indivíduos no 1º atendimento. Após as intervenções, a maioria reduziu a deficiência, demonstrando a importância do acompanhamento aos indivíduos vegetarianos

    Dental Caries and Salivary Oxidative Stress: Global Scientific Research Landscape

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    This study aimed to analyze the research trends on salivary oxidative stress associated with dental caries and to perform bibliometric approaches for existing publications on this association. A search was performed using the Web of Science Core Collection, without any restriction of language or publication year. The number of periodicals with the most published articles in this theme, most published authors and keywords were mapped; other metrics were also evaluated such as the countries that have more research on the subject and the period in which there were more publications on the subject. During the knowledge mapping, the most frequent experimental designs were analyzed, type of saliva collection, stage of caries disease, evaluated oxidative parameters were retrieved and analyzed from each manuscript. Between the 43 selected articles, the Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry was the periodical appearing the most with 4 published articles. The authors who published the most were Celec, P., Tothova, L., Hegde, A.M., Shetty, S., Antoniali, C., and Pessan, JP with three articles each, and a total of 180 keywords representing the evolution of the theme. India and Asia were found to be the country and continent with most publications, respectively. Most articles collected non-stimulated total saliva, with total antioxidant capacity being the parameter most often evaluated. The type of study that appeared the most was cross-sectional studies, and articles published in the period of 2017–2022 were the most frequent. Studies show that dental caries can be associated to the changes in salivary oxidative biochemistry with an increase in lipid peroxidation, a biomarker of oxidative damage, and an increase in antioxidant capacity in chronic caries, in response to cariogenic challenge. Some studies evidence the reduction of lipid peroxidation after treatment of the carious lesion. Our findings reveal worldwide research trends, as well as a clearer knowledge of the evolution and future scenarios of this issue, also showing the mechanisms associating dental caries with changes in salivary oxidative biochemical parameters are not clear

    Dental Caries and Salivary Oxidative Stress: Global Scientific Research Landscape

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    This study aimed to analyze the research trends on salivary oxidative stress associated with dental caries and to perform bibliometric approaches for existing publications on this association. A search was performed using the Web of Science Core Collection, without any restriction of language or publication year. The number of periodicals with the most published articles in this theme, most published authors and keywords were mapped; other metrics were also evaluated such as the countries that have more research on the subject and the period in which there were more publications on the subject. During the knowledge mapping, the most frequent experimental designs were analyzed, type of saliva collection, stage of caries disease, evaluated oxidative parameters were retrieved and analyzed from each manuscript. Between the 43 selected articles, the Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry was the periodical appearing the most with 4 published articles. The authors who published the most were Celec, P., Tothova, L., Hegde, A.M., Shetty, S., Antoniali, C., and Pessan, JP with three articles each, and a total of 180 keywords representing the evolution of the theme. India and Asia were found to be the country and continent with most publications, respectively. Most articles collected non-stimulated total saliva, with total antioxidant capacity being the parameter most often evaluated. The type of study that appeared the most was cross-sectional studies, and articles published in the period of 2017–2022 were the most frequent. Studies show that dental caries can be associated to the changes in salivary oxidative biochemistry with an increase in lipid peroxidation, a biomarker of oxidative damage, and an increase in antioxidant capacity in chronic caries, in response to cariogenic challenge. Some studies evidence the reduction of lipid peroxidation after treatment of the carious lesion. Our findings reveal worldwide research trends, as well as a clearer knowledge of the evolution and future scenarios of this issue, also showing the mechanisms associating dental caries with changes in salivary oxidative biochemical parameters are not clear