81 research outputs found

    Target Baca: Alternatif Penumbuhan Minat Baca Sastra

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    Kebekuan pembelajaran sastra tidak terlepas dari faktor lemahnya budaya baca. Artinya, guna memecahkan kebekuan pembelajaran sastra, kegiatan membaca (khususnya sastra) harus dibudayakan.Target baca.Merupakan salah satu alternatif bagi upaya pembudayaan membaca di kalangan siswa.Kegiatan tawaran bagi guru Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia ini dilaksanakan melalui proses membuat kesepakatan, penyetoran, dan penulisan. Masing-masing proses tersebut akan terlaksana dengan baik jika guru yang bertindak sebagai motivator juga mencintai sastra

    Analisis Struktural Fabel Tegodek Dait Tetuntel: Representasi Perilaku Dalam Masyarakat Sasak

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    This study analyzed structure of Tegodek Dait Tetuntel fable. Through these structures, it will be seen the role of each character in relationto the behavior of Sasak community based on the social levels . By using the structural analysis methods of Levi-Strau,it is shown that Tegodek and Tetuntel fable is not only presenting two main characters, ‘Godek' (monkey) and Tuntel (frogs/toads), but it is also presenting some phenomena of opposition figures such as ‘Godek' is always insuperior position, while figures of Tuntel is always in inferior position. This indicates that ‘Godek' figure is representation of a higher social class, while Tuntel is representation of a lower social class. Relating to the behavior, the ‘Godek' character has a more active behavior, while the Tuntel figure tends to bea passive behavior. If it is related to "working" activities, Tuntel figures have more knowledge than the characters of Tuntel. In relation to the behavior of revealing facts, the Tuntel figures tend to reveal something accordance with the facts, while the ‘Godek' figures tend to precede the prestige that sometimes they do not meet the facts. When it is dealt with a problem solving, ‘Godek' figures are more like doing intervention, whereas Tuntel figures to be relentless

    Perbandingan Cerita Rakyat Sasak Dan Samawa: Upaya Memahami Masyarakat Sasak Dan Samawa

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    In this paper, there are two problems to be answered, namely are (1) the comparison between Sasak and Samawa folktales and (2) the description of Sasak and Samawa people based on the folktales. The folktales used as data are (1) Batu Goloq (Sasak) and Batu Plantolan (Samawa); Mandalika (Sasak) and Lala Buntar (Samawa); and (3) Tegodek dait Tetuntel (Sasak) and Ne Bote Ne Kakura (Samawa). Data are gathered through library research. Problems are answered using Levi-Strauss structural theory saying that tale is the gate of understanding the people. It is found that the relation of each group of tales shows a consistency in similarities and differences. Batu Goloq and Batu Plantolan give a description that Sasak people tend to solve problems by themselves as a consequence of being closed people, while Samawa people tend to invite others in solving their problems as a consequence of being opened people. The similar characters found in Mandalika and Lala Buntar specifically in miteme processing, in taking decision, and solving problems. Mandalika is characterized as a closed figure, while Lala Buntar is an opened one in deciding and solving the problems. The comparison between Tegodek dait Tetuntel and Ne Bote Ne Kakura shows that Sasak and Samawa people tend to protest any mistreatment from high class community toward a lower class community. It is the manifestation of the same view toward refusal and disagreement to the oppression done by high status people

    Identifikasi Mantra Suku Sasak di Lombok

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    Mantra (uni kodèq, base beciq, kerante kodèq) dalam masyarakat suku Sasak terdiri atas sebelas jenis, yaitu senggègèr, senteguh, sengasih-asih, sengadang-adang, senjerit, sembongkem, sengkalis, sembalik/sempalik, sempoter, begik, dan jejampi. Sebelas jenis mantra tersebut diperoleh dengan melakukan wawancara secara langsung kepada orang yang mengetahui, terlepas dari masih atau tidaknya memercayai atau menggunakan mantra tersebut. Dari wawancara tersebut kadang didapatkan data-data tertulis berupa mantra-mantra. Setelah dilakukan pengidentifikasian, struktur mantra dalam masyarakat suku sasak terdiri dari judul, pembuka, pengandaian atau Perumpamaan, tujuan, dan penutup

    Identifikasi Kebimbangan Tokoh Hasan dalam Roman Atheis Karya Achdiat Karta Mihardja

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    Tokoh Hasan berada dalam posisi tarik-menarik antara dunia lama dan dunia baru. Dengan kata lain, Hasan berada di dunia “antara”, antara dunia lama dan dunia baru. Dunia tersebut menjadikan Hasan bergumul dengan kebimbangan. Kebimbangan tersebut dibongkar menggunakan identifikasi struktur kepribadian psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud. Pengidentifikasian tersebut lebih difokuskan beberapa insting yang terdapat pada tataran id. Insting kasih sayang, penghargaan, dan kebebasan yang ingin direalisasikan dibenturkan dengan pertimbangan-pertimbangan yang ada pada tataran ego maupun superego. Pertimbangan-pertimbangan tersebut memunculkan pengaktualisasian insting yang tidak dapat direalisasikan dalam dunia lama, tetapi dimunculkan kembali dan direalisasikan dalam dunia baru. Sebaliknya, terdapat pula insting yang tak dapat direalisasikan dalam dunia baru, tetapi memungkinkan untuk direalisasikan dalam dunia lama

    Pirolisis Kayu Pinus (Pine Merkusil) Menjadi Bio - Oil Menggunakan Katalis NiMo/NZA

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    Availability of petroleum as a fuel that can not be updated further reduced by increasing the use of oil for human needs. For that we need to do a conversion innovation of energy that do not depend on fossil resources and can be renewable and have an output similar to that produced from fossil resources. One such innovation is the conversion of biomass derived from pine merkusii wood to bio-oil. Bio-oil can be produced by pyrolysis of pine merkusii wood with catalyst NiMo/NZA. Objective this research to produce bio-oil from pine merkusii wood as an alternative fuel, studying the effect of the weight ratio of the catalyst NiMo/NZA to the biomass, studying the effect of metal impregnation Nickel (Ni) and Molybdenum (Mo) on Natural Zeolite deAluminated (NZA) and characterization of physical properties and chemical properties of bio-oil. Process pyrolysis was carried out at 320 0C, silinap 500 ml, 50 grams of biomass with + 100-200 mesh sieve size, variations in the catalyst NiMo/NZA to the biomass of 3%; 5% and 7% by weight and Nickel-Molybdenum metal variation on NZA of 0%; 1%; 2% and 3%. The results of this study produce bio-oil yields the largest on the use of the catalyst NiMo/NZA 5% by weight of the metal content of 3% by 65,076%. Characterization of physical properties of bio-oil obtained in the form of density 0,986 g/ml, 15,816 cSt viscosity, acidity 36,879 mg NaOH/g sample, flash point 48 0C and calorific value 39,12 MJ/kg. While the characterization of the chemical properties of bio-oil using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GCMS) obtained some dominant chemical components such as phenol (19,42%), toluene (13,48%), tetradecanoic acid (12,93%), phenol,2-methoxy (12,18%), acetone (11,72%), benzene,1,2-dimethoxy (9,30%), and 2-furancarboxaldehyde (3,76%)

    Pembuatan Bio Oil dari Kayu Cemara Laut (Causarina Equisetifolia L) dengan Teknologi Pirolisis Menggunakan Katalis Ni/NZA

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    The fundamental problem of national energy today is the tendency of fossil energy consumption increasing, which is not offset by the availability of fossil energy itself. So that the necessary strategic steps to face the energy challenge in the future with the development of renewable energy. One of them by converting biomass into bio oil through pyrolysis technology with the aid of a catalyst. The aims of this research was to produce bio oil from casuarina wood (Causarina equisetifolia L), knowing the physical and chemical characteristics of the bio oil from casuarina wood, determine the effect of supported Ni metal on resulting yield bio oil. Pyrolysis process uses 50 grams of casuarina wood (-100+200 mesh), the catalyst Ni/NZA with metal variation (0%, 2%, 3% w/w) and the variation amount (2%, 3%, 4% w/w), silinap 500 ml, carried out at a temperature 320 0C, stirring speed of 300 rpm by flowing nitrogen gas. The highest yield obtained on 2% of uses catalyst and 3% of Ni metal of 58,058%. Characteristics of the resulting bio oil, in the form of density 1,001 gr/mL, 6,761 cSt viscosity, acid number 17,760 mg NaOH/gr, and the flash point 48 oC

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Wordless Picture dengan Komputer untuk Kecakapan Writing di Pontianak

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    : The purpose of this research and development is to produce a package of learning and skill learning media for writing skill using wordless picture-based media computer the researcher also use some tools of data collection such as guide interview, observation checklist, which now facilitates all necessary data can be obtained from the results of the interview, observation and question form distribution during the learning process. After all the process were completed in this research, so there are several findings, namely, the products of learning media in the form of skills writing using wordless picture with computer-based in the form of a Power point presentation gained a positive responses from students as users and language teachers. In addition, both in terms of presentation materials, instructional design and media used, get a good appraisal from experts so worthy to be used as a product in research development
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