126 research outputs found

    Modifications to the Machine Optics of BESSY II Necessitated by the EMIL Project

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    The Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin and the Max Planck Society are going to build a new dedicated X ray beam line at the synchrotron light source BESSY II which will be used for analyzing materials for renewable energy generation. The new large scale project has been dubbed EMIL. In this document we present the modifications to the machine optics and to what extent these changes affect the performance of BESSY I

    The Energy Materials in-Situ Laboratory Berlin (EMIL) at BESSY II

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    The Helmholtz Center Berlin (HZB) and the Max-Planck Society (MPG) strengthen their research in renewable energies with the implementation of the joint Energy Material in-Situ Lab Berlin (EMIL) at the third generation light source BESSY II. The new facility is dedicated to the in-situ and in-system x-ray analysis of materials and devices for photovoltaic applications, (photo-) catalytic processes, energie conversion and storage. To obtain a comprehensive understanding of the involved materials, spectroscopic methods with x-rays from the soft- up to the hard x-ray regime reveal an almost complete picture of their chemical and electronic properties. The contribution presents the layout of the x-ray beamlines and their performance in terms of photon flux, energy resolution and spot sizes

    The status of the in vacuum APPLE II IVUE32 at HZB BESSY II

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    At BESSY II, two new beamlines for RIXS and for X Ray microscopy need a short period variably polarizing undulator. For this purpose, the first in vacuum APPLE II undulator worldwide is under construction. The parameters are as follows period length amp; 955;0 32 mm, periods 78, minimum gap 7mm. The design incorporates a force compensation scheme as proposed by two of the authors at the SRI 2018. All precision parts of the drive chain are located in air. New transverse slides for the transversal slit adjustment have been developed and tested. Optical Micrometers measure the gap and phase positions, similar to the system of the CPMU17 at BESSY II. They provide the signals for motor feedback loops. A new UHV compatible soldering technique, as developed with industry, relaxes fabrication tolerances of magnets and magnet holders and simplifies the magnet assembly. A 10 period prototype has been setup for lifetime tests of the new magnetic keeper design. The paper summarizes the status of the undulator IVUE3

    Governance von Arbeit im deutschen Erwerbssystem: Alte, neue oder keine Normalitäten?

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    Seit dem Ende der Industriegesellschaft lastet auf Unternehmen, Arbeitsmärkten, Sozialversicherungssystemen, Arbeits- und Beschäftigungsbedingungen in Deutschland ein anhaltend starker Veränderungsdruck; sie werden in hohem Tempo reformiert, modernisiert und 'umgebaut'. Die Organisation von Arbeit wird verstärkt an die Erfordernisse der Märkte angepasst, neue Segmente prekärer Beschäftigung entstehen, aber gleichzeitig wachsen in vielen Bereichen auch die Handlungsspielräume und die Ansprüche der ArbeitnehmerInnen. Der Beitrag analysiert den Wandel insbesondere unter dem Gesichtspunkt von institutionellen Reformprozessen und den darauf bezogenen Reaktionen gesellschaftlicher Akteure. In Anlehnung an institutionentheoretische Konzepte werden für das deutsche Erwerbssystem vor allem unzureichende institutionelle Anpassungen an gesellschaftlichen Wandel (Drift) und Anlagerungen 'neuer' an bestehende Institutionen (Layering) diagnostiziert; gemeinsam fügen sich diese Muster in eine Dynamik der Dezentralisierung von Regulierungs- und Entscheidungskompetenzen. Die reflexiven Reaktionen kollektiver und individueller Akteure wirken sich in Prozessen der Einkapselung traditioneller Beschäftigungsmuster, der Re-Organisation von Machtkonstellationen oder der Kompensation zusätzlicher Belastungen aus. Die sozialen Konsequenzen folgen einer Logik der bipolaren Heterogenisierung, d.h. neben dem fortbestehenden, aber schrumpfenden Kern der Erwerbsbevölkerung, dessen Lebenszusammenhänge weiterhin durch Normalarbeitsverhältnis, Normalfamilie und Normalbiographie bestimmt sind, entwickelt sich eine wachsende Divergenz von einerseits privilegierten, andererseits prekarisierten Lebensverhältnissen. Die Verteilung auf diese verschiedenen Segmente scheint dabei vor allem vom Bildungsstatus und der Familienform abzuhängen.Since the end of the industrial era, a pressure to change weighs heavily on companies, labour markets, social systems, working and employment conditions. The German system of labour organization and regulation experiences a lasting sequence of rapid reforms and modernisations. Labour organization becomes increasingly adopted to the requirements of labour markets, and new segments of precarious employment emerge. At the same time, the scope of action and the claims of many employees are expanding. These processes are examined under the aspect of institutional change and resulting reactions of different actors. Firstly, the dynamics of the german labour system are characterized by either insufficient adjustment to societal changes or by appending some new elements to traditional institutions. Both of these processes blend in to the decentralisation of competences and liability for decision making and regulation. Secondly, reflexive reactions of collective and individual actors result in encapsulation of segments of traditional employment, in an ongoing reconfiguration of power relations or in a compensation of additional risks and burdens. The social consequences of these changes in the labour system, thirdly, generate a tendency towards a bipolar heterogeneity: Beyond the persisting, but shrinking, segment of groups with employment patterns characterized by 'traditional normality', the labour system brings about an increasing divergence of privileged on the one hand and precarious living conditions on the other hand. The allocation of individuals to these segments by the mechanisms of the labour system seems to depend mainly on the educational status and the family constellation

    MassCode Liquid Arrays as a Tool for Multiplexed High-Throughput Genetic Profiling

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    Multiplexed detection assays that analyze a modest number of nucleic acid targets over large sample sets are emerging as the preferred testing approach in such applications as routine pathogen typing, outbreak monitoring, and diagnostics. However, very few DNA testing platforms have proven to offer a solution for mid-plexed analysis that is high-throughput, sensitive, and with a low cost per test. In this work, an enhanced genotyping method based on MassCode technology was devised and integrated as part of a high-throughput mid-plexing analytical system that facilitates robust qualitative differential detection of DNA targets. Samples are first analyzed using MassCode PCR (MC-PCR) performed with an array of primer sets encoded with unique mass tags. Lambda exonuclease and an array of MassCode probes are then contacted with MC-PCR products for further interrogation and target sequences are specifically identified. Primer and probe hybridizations occur in homogeneous solution, a clear advantage over micro- or nanoparticle suspension arrays. The two cognate tags coupled to resultant MassCode hybrids are detected in an automated process using a benchtop single quadrupole mass spectrometer. The prospective value of using MassCode probe arrays for multiplexed bioanalysis was demonstrated after developing a 14plex proof of concept assay designed to subtype a select panel of Salmonella enterica serogroups and serovars. This MassCode system is very flexible and test panels can be customized to include more, less, or different markers

    From Prototyping to Allotyping. The invention of change of use and the crisis of building types

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    The chapter analyses the invention and the form of the discourse on building conversion as one particular instance of redefining what a technology is and how it operates. I describe a shift from expert defined closure to lay based openness and tinkering as a shift from prototyping to allotyping: Since the early 1970s, change of use and building conversion have become a central and fashionable discourse among architects and architectural theorists. Before the 1970s, buildings were understood as technologies, as ‘society made durable’. The notion of building type was central to link a building to a given use. A bank was a bank because architects applied existing templates, prototypes, to turn a building into a bank. In the 1970s, suddenly buildings became flexible – discursively, since building conversion always existed: ‘Building type’ no longer was a meaningful link between a building and its use. A bank should not stay a bank, but become a hotel, a theatre or a flat, in short: an allotype. The chapter elucidate this central shift in thinking about buildings and reflects on the special case of allotyping buildings and how it continues to vex thinking about buildings
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