431 research outputs found

    Permanent magnets including undulators and wigglers

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    After a few historic remarks on magnetic materials we introduce the basic definitions related to permanent magnets. The magnetic properties of the most common materials are reviewed and the production processes are described. Measurement techniques for the characterization of macroscopic and microscopic properties of permanent magnets are presented. Field simulation techniques for permanent magnet devices are discussed. Today, permanent magnets are used in many fields. This article concentrates on the applications of permanent magnets in accelerators starting from dipoles and quadrupoles on to wigglers and undulators.Comment: 45 pages, presented at the CERN Accelerator School CAS 2009: Specialised Course on Magnets, Bruges, 16-25 June 200

    Problems faced by Independent Financial Advisers in the further enhancement of the market for Ethical Investments

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    Ethical investment is a small but growing market, particularly for retail Ethical Investment products. Within this sector of the UK financial market, Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) hold a key position placed as they are between consumers and suppliers, and have the potential to expand the market for Ethical Investment. It is suspected that several problems inside the market for Ethical Investment and the UK financial service sector are hindering the IFAs to do so. Hence, the purpose of this study was to discover the difficulties of Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) to develop further growth of the Ethical Investment market in the UK. The specific concern was to look at the challenges, but also the opportunities Ethical Investments have to offer for IFAs. The analysis is based on in-depth interviews with ten experienced professional IFAs, with an average of 15 years each of advising on Ethical Investments. All the IFAs were based within UK advisory companies, representing a cross-section of sizes between 2 to 8000 people. The participants were each interviewed by telephone with a semi-structured questionnaire. The results revealed several problems IFAs face in their work, whereby the lack of demand from clients for Ethical Investments products is considered to be the biggest impediment to growth in the sector. Additional problems include a lack of transparency about what lies behind products, a limited choice of funds, and a lack of collaboration amongst partners in the investment chain. The provision of adequate training in Ethical Investments is considered as crucial to encouraging interest and development of this area amongst IFAs. A number of actions were suggested which could be undertaken by the actors inside the financial market to eliminate some of the barriers to Ethical Investment. These include the offer of a wider range of funds, a better service including information flow and communication from fund and service providers, and more marketing and promotion for Ethical Funds to raise awareness. Perhaps the most significant suggestion to help raise demand was to provide every customer with the option of investing in Ethical Investments, rather than only those who ask for it

    Multimodale Bereichsanfragen im Kontext von Routenplanern

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    Um eine Route zu planen, müssen Start, Ziel und eventuelle Zwischenpunkte bekannt sein. Sind deren Koordinaten nicht bekannt, jedoch andere Informationen, so könnten die Routenpunkte mit Hilfe dieser Informationen gefunden werden. OpenStreetMap bietet hierfür eine interessante Datenbasis, da Geo-Objekte oftmals nicht nur durch Text sondern auch durch strukturierte Informationen beschrieben werden. Ein Supermarkt besitzt dabei neben den Koordinaten noch den Namen, den Typ des Supermarktes sowie eventuell Öffnungszeiten, Internetadressen und mehr. Diese Informationen sollen in dieser Arbeit durch eine Suchmaschinen-ähnliche Texteingabe zugänglich gemacht werden. Die Suche nach textuellen Informationen soll hierbei unter anderem eine Suche nach Teilzeichenketten ermöglichen. Die Ergebnisse der Suche können durch einfache Mengenoperationen miteinander in Verbindung gebracht werden, sodass eine einfache relationale Abfragesprache entsteht. Hauptanwendungsgebiet soll hierbei die Suche auf mobilen Geräten sein. Zu Vergleichszwecken wurde auch ein Programm zur Suche auf einem normalen Desktoprechner entwickelt

    Propagation of Coherent Light Pulses with PHASE

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    The current status of the software package PHASE for the propagation of coherent light pulses along a synchrotron radiation beamline is presented. PHASE is based on an asymptotic expansion of the Fresnel Kirchhoff integral stationary phase approximation which is usually truncated at the 2nd order. The limits of this approximation as well as possible extensions to higher orders are discussed. The accuracy is benchmarked against a direct integration of the Fresnel Kirchhoff integral. Long range slope errors of optical elements can be included by means of 8th order polynomials in the optical element coordinates w and l. Only recently, a method for the description of short range slope errors has been implemented. The accuracy of this method is evaluated and examples for realistic slope errors are given. PHASE can be run either from a built in graphical user interface or from any script language. The latter method provides substantial flexibility. Optical elements including apertures can be combined. Complete wave packages can be propagated, as well. Fourier propagators are included in the package, thus, the user may choose between a variety of propagators. Several means to speed up the computation time were tested among them are the parallelization in a multi core environment and the parallelization on a cluste

    Investments that make a difference- understanding impediments to growth in the Ethical Investment market

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    Ethical investment is a small but growing market, particularly for retail Ethical Investment products. Within this sector of the UK financial market, Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) hold a key position placed as they are between consumers and suppliers, and have the potential to expand the market for Ethical Investment. It is suspected that several problems inside the market for Ethical Investment and the UK financial service sector are hindering the IFAs to do so. Hence, the purpose of this study was to discover the difficulties of Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) to develop further growth of the Ethical Investment market in the UK. The specific concern was to look at the challenges, but also the opportunities Ethical Investments have to offer for IFAs. The analysis is based on in-depth interviews with ten experienced professional IFAs, with an average of 15 years each of advising on Ethical Investments. All the IFAs were based within UK advisory companies, representing a cross-section of sizes between 2 to 8000 people. The participants were each interviewed by telephone with a semi-structured questionnaire. The results revealed several problems IFAs face in their work, whereby the lack of demand from clients for Ethical Investments products is considered to be the biggest impediment to growth in the sector. Additional problems include a lack of transparency about what lies behind products, a limited choice of funds, and a lack of collaboration amongst partners in the investment chain. The provision of adequate training in Ethical Investments is considered as crucial to encouraging interest and development of this area amongst IFAs. A number of actions were suggested which could be undertaken by the actors inside the financial market to eliminate some of the barriers to Ethical Investment. These include the offer of a wider range of funds, a better service including information flow and communication from fund and service providers, and more marketing and promotion for Ethical Funds to raise awareness. Perhaps the most significant suggestion to help raise demand was to provide every customer with the option of investing in Ethical Investments, rather than only those who ask for it

    Novel Magnet Production Technique Used for an Elliptically Polarizing Undulator

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    A common problem for elliptically polarizing undulators EPUs is that the magnetic forces give a mechanical deflection in the magnet holder construction when changing the undulator phase. Gluing horizontally and vertically magnetized blocks together can increase the mechanical stability of the magnet holders. The gluing process of pairs of magnetized magnet blocks is time consuming, expensive and difficult to carry out with high positional precision. A novel magnet production technique has been developed where un magnetized pairs of blocks are glued together before magnetization. The large number of parts, the time for assembly, and the cost of the EPU can be reduced with the novel magnet production technique. The novel magnet production method has been used for a 2.6 m long EPU of APPLE II type, which has been built in house at the MAX IV Laboratory. The frame for the EPU is made of cast iron in order to get a small mechanical deformation when changing phase in the inclined mode. The paper includes detailed descriptions of the novel magnet production technique, including measurements of the magnetization, and the new EP

    Development of Advanced Magnet Structures for Cryogenic In Vacuum Permanent Magnet Undulators

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    Short period undulators and in particular in vacuum cryogenic permanent magnet undulators are the upcoming technique for FEL radiators, because they permit a significant reduction of linac and undulator length. For achieving high photon energies with low electron energies short period lengths, e.g. below lOmm permanent magnet structures are superior, due to their high surface current density of 16 kA cm as compared to electromagnetic or even superconducting devices. The geom.etrical to1erances scale with the period length. This requires new fabrication techniques and structure designs, particularly for sub cm period lengths. Salutions for these demands will be presented and results from a first prototype using various new technologies such as compound poles will be discussed and compared with common approache

    Ermittlung von derzeitigen und absehbaren Vermarktungsproblemen entlang der Wertschöpfungskette differenziert nach Produktgruppen (Probleme hinsichtlich z.B. Mengen, Preise, Qualitäten, Logistik etc.) Teilbereich: Produktgruppe Rindfleisch

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    Die Studie zur Ermittlung von derzeitigen und absehbaren Vermarktungsproblemen im Markt für ökologisch erzeugtes Rindfleisch wurde mit der Forschungsmethode einer „mehrstufigen Befragung nach dem Delphi-Prinzip“ bearbeitet. Den Befragungen war eine umfassende Analyse der Veröffentlichungen über den Markt für ökologisch erzeugtes Rindfleisch vorausgegangen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Branche sich in einem strukturellen Engpass befindet. Das individualistische Agieren zahlreicher kleiner Akteure stößt im größer werdenden Markt und angesichts zunehmender Komplexität an Grenzen. Es gibt Ansätze von verstärkter Kooperation, die auch mit Erfolg am Markt belohnt werden. Die Darstellung der Probleme im Ergebnisteil hat gezeigt, dass viele Probleme wie uneinheitliche Verbraucheransprache und fehlende Qualifikationen durch die Struktur des Ökomarktes allgemein entstanden sind. Andere Probleme wie Marktrisiken und Richtlinien liegen außerhalb des Einflussbereichs der Marktteilnehmer. Als ein zentrales Ergebnis, das sich wie ein roter Faden durch die Studie zieht, ist der Mangel an Kommunikation innerhalb der Branche und damit verbunden eine genereller Informationsmangel. Die vorgeschlagene Lösung, die als Schlüssel für einige angesprochene Schwierigkeiten gelten kann, ist der horizontale und vertikale Zusammenschluss von Partnern mit ähnlichen Interessen. Ein weiteres zentrales Problem könnte mit dem Begriff „Rechtsunsicherheit“ umrissen werden. Die Marktteilnehmer fühlen sich angesichts der Mängel der so genannten „EU-Öko-Verordnung“ (abweichende Produktions- und Kontrollstandards innerhalb benachbarter Märkte) stark verunsichert. Die Schwächen des bestehenden Kontrollsystems, das als zu schwerfällig, als zu ineffizient, als zu uneinheitlich innerhalb Europas aber auch innerhalb Deutschlands betrachtet wird, verstärken diese Unsicherheit

    Die Krise der Hierarchie im Wandel der Kooperationsformen

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