95 research outputs found

    World Allergy Organization (WAO) Diagnosis and Rationale for Action against Cow's Milk Allergy (DRACMA) Guidelines update – I – Plan and definitions

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    Since the World Allergy Organization (WAO) Diagnosis and Rationale against Cow's Milk Allergy (DRACMA) Guidelines were published 10 years ago, new evidence has accumulated about the diagnosis, therapy, and specific immunotherapy for cow's milk allergy (CMA). For this reason, WAO has felt the need to update the guidelines. We introduce here this update. The new DRACMA guidelines aim to comprehensively address the guidance on diagnosis and therapy of both IgE non-IgE-mediated forms of cow's milk allergy in children and adults. They will be divided into 18 chapters, each of which will be dedicated to an aspect. The focus will be on the meta-analyzes and recommendations that will be expressed for the 3 most relevant clinical aspects: (a) the diagnostic identification of the condition; (b) the choice of the replacement formula in case of CMA in infancy when the mother is not able to breastfeed, and (c) the use of specific immunotherapy for cow's milk protein allergy

    Adolescents' experiences of being food-hypersensitive: a qualitative study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Experiencing or being at risk of adverse reactions to certain food items is a common health issue, especially among children and adolescents. Research has shown that living with the risk of food reactions and always having to take measures to avoid certain food in one's diet has a negative impact on quality of life. The aim of this study was to illuminate adolescents' experiences of being food hypersensitive.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Three focus group interviews and six individual interviews were carried out with all together 17 adolescents, 14–18 years of age, who had exclusion diets at school due to food hypersensitivity. The interviews were taped and transcribed verbatim and a qualitative content analysis was carried out.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Five categories with subcategories, and one pervading theme, emerged. The categories were: <it>Perceiving oneself as being particular</it>, <it>Feeling constrained</it>, <it>Experiencing others' ignorance</it>, <it>Keeping control</it>, and <it>Feeling it's okay</it>. A pervading theme was conceptualised as <it>Striving to normalise the experience of being food-hypersensitive</it>. The adolescents regarded themselves as competent and courageous, but also described how they avoided the extra attention it implied to ask for special food considerations taken into account. Their self-conceptions were probably essential for their management of and attitude toward the hypersensitivity condition. They felt deprived, and those at risk of severe food reactions experienced insecurity and fear. Feelings of being disregarded were expressed, as well as facing unreliability and a lack of understanding from others. The continual work of constant vigilance and decision-making was described as time-consuming and frustrating. However, the adolescents also experienced considerate and supportive surroundings and were at pains to tone down the negative experiences and consequences of being food-hypersensitive.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Food avoidance by itself, and not only the somatic food reactions, brings about consequences with significant impacts on adolescents' lives. The findings from this study have implications for all of those who deal with adolescents who are food-hypersensitive, and not only health professionals. A deeper insight into adolescents' experiences gives an understanding which can improve the care-givers' efforts.</p

    Food allergy knowledge, attitudes and beliefs: Focus groups of parents, physicians and the general public

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Food allergy prevalence is increasing in US children. Presently, the primary means of preventing potentially fatal reactions are avoidance of allergens, prompt recognition of food allergy reactions, and knowledge about food allergy reaction treatments. Focus groups were held as a preliminary step in the development of validated survey instruments to assess food allergy knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs of parents, physicians, and the general public.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Eight focus groups were conducted between January and July of 2006 in the Chicago area with parents of children with food allergy (3 groups), physicians (3 groups), and the general public (2 groups). A constant comparative method was used to identify the emerging themes which were then grouped into key domains of food allergy knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Parents of children with food allergy had solid fundamental knowledge but had concerns about primary care physicians' knowledge of food allergy, diagnostic approaches, and treatment practices. The considerable impact of children's food allergies on familial quality of life was articulated. Physicians had good basic knowledge of food allergy but differed in their approach to diagnosis and advice about starting solids and breastfeeding. The general public had wide variation in knowledge about food allergy with many misconceptions of key concepts related to prevalence, definition, and triggers of food allergy.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Appreciable food allergy knowledge gaps exist, especially among physicians and the general public. The quality of life for children with food allergy and their families is significantly affected.</p

    Practical Considerations in Food Challenge Testing

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    The challenge test is the definitive procedure for verification of a cause-and-effect relationship between a particular food and certain symptoms. It is most reliable when conducted in a blind, placebo-controlled manner. Several factors must be considered in performing the test and in interpreting its result. In some patients, inhalation, rather than oral, food challenge might be required

    Factors Determining Development of Allergy in Infants

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    Gynaecological case report

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    Extraintestinal Manifestations of Food Allergy in Infants and Children

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    Food allergy is in itself a controversial subject. Since extra- intestinal manifestations of food-allergy constitute a much contestable topic, a group of experts reviewed the literature on this topic. Results are presented in this consensus paper. Definitions are proposed. Internationally accepted extra-intestinal manifestations appear limited (anaphylactic shock, urticaria, angioedema, asthma and rhinitis). An overview is provided on the flood of manifestations that have been published as related to food-allergy. The consensus of allergists from all over the world on this controversial topic constitutes one of the orginalities of this paper
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