115 research outputs found

    Ground-recorded sonic boom signatures of F-18 aircraft formation flight

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    Two F-18 aircraft were flown, one above the other, in two formations, in order for the shock systems of the two aircraft to merge and propagate to the ground. The first formation had the canopy of the lower F-18 in the inlet shock of the upper F-18 (called inlet-canopy). The flight conditions were Mach 1.22 and an altitude of 23,500 ft. An array of five sonic boom recorders was used on the ground to record the sonic boom signatures. This paper describes the flight test technique and the ground level sonic boom signatures. The tail-canopy formation resulted in two, separated, N-wave signatures. Such signatures probably resulted from aircraft positioning error. The inlet-canopy formation yielded a single modified signature; two recorders measured an approximate flattop signature. Loudness calculations indicated that the single inlet-canopy signatures were quieter than the two, separated tail-canopy signatures. Significant loudness occurs after a sonic boom signature. Such loudness probably comes from the aircraft engines

    Determination of stores pointing error due to wing flexibility under flight load

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    The in-flight elastic wing twist of a fighter-type aircraft was studied to provide for an improved on-board real-time computed prediction of pointing variations of three wing store stations. This is an important capability to correct sensor pod alignment variation or to establish initial conditions of iron bombs or smart weapons prior to release. The original algorithm was based upon coarse measurements. The electro-optical Flight Deflection Measurement System measured the deformed wing shape in flight under maneuver loads to provide a higher resolution database from which an improved twist prediction algorithm could be developed. The FDMS produced excellent repeatable data. In addition, a NASTRAN finite-element analysis was performed to provide additional elastic deformation data. The FDMS data combined with the NASTRAN analysis indicated that an improved prediction algorithm could be derived by using a different set of aircraft parameters, namely normal acceleration, stores configuration, Mach number, and gross weight

    Spontaneous Growth of Gallium-Filled Microcapillaries on Ion-Bombarded GaN

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    Bottom-up growth of microscopic pillars is observed at room temperature on GaN irradiated with a Ga+ beam in a gaseous XeF2 environment. Ion bombardment produces Ga droplets which evolve into pillars, each comprised of a spherical Ga cap atop a Ga-fille

    Dynamic Pattern Formation in Electron-Beam-Induced Etching

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    © 2015 American Physical Society. We report highly ordered topographic patterns that form on the surface of diamond, span multiple length scales, and have a symmetry controlled by the precursor gas species used in electron-beam-induced etching (EBIE). The pattern formation dynamics reveals an etch rate anisotropy and an electron energy transfer pathway that is overlooked by existing EBIE models. We, therefore, modify established theory such that it explains our results and remains universally applicable to EBIE. The patterns can be exploited in controlled wetting, optical structuring, and other emerging applications that require nano- and microscale surface texturing of a wide band-gap material

    Localized probing of gas molecule adsorption energies and desorption attempt frequencies

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    © 2015 American Chemical Society. Gas-mediated electron beam induced etching (EBIE) and deposition (EBID) can be used to measure activation energies that are interpreted as the adsorption energies of surface-adsorbed precursor molecules. However, the measured quantities often disagree with adsorption energies measured by conventional analysis techniques such as thermally programmed desorption and have anomalous dependencies on parameters such as the electron beam current used to perform EBID. Here, we use the theory of EBIE and EBID rate kinetics to explain this behavior and identify conditions under which the activation energies and the associated pre-exponential factors correspond to gas molecule adsorption energies and desorption attempt frequencies, respectively. Under these conditions, EBIE and EBID can be used as robust, nanoscale techniques for the analysis of adsorbates

    Redistribution of Adhesive Forces through Src/FAK Drives Contact Inhibition of Locomotion in Neural Crest

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    Contact inhibition of locomotion is defined as the behavior of cells to cease migrating in their former direction after colliding with another cell. It has been implicated in multiple developmental processes and its absence has been linked to cancer invasion. Cellular forces are thought to govern this process; however, the exact role of traction through cell-matrix adhesions and tension through cell-cell adhesions during contact inhibition of locomotion remains unknown. Here we use neural crest cells to address this and show that cell-matrix adhesions are rapidly disassembled at the contact between two cells upon collision. This disassembly is dependent upon the formation of N-cadherin-based cell-cell adhesions and driven by Src and FAK activity. We demonstrate that the loss of cell-matrix adhesions near the contact leads to a buildup of tension across the cell-cell contact, a step that is essential to drive cell-cell separation after collision

    PDGF controls contact inhibition of locomotion by regulating N-cadherin during neural crest migration

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    A fundamental property of neural crest (NC) migration is contact inhibition of locomotion (CIL), a process by which cells change their direction of migration upon cell contact. CIL has been proven to be essential for NC migration in amphibians and zebrafish by controlling cell polarity in a cell contact-dependent manner. Cell contact during CIL requires the participation of the cell adhesion molecule N-cadherin, which starts to be expressed by NC cells as a consequence of the switch between E- and N-cadherins during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). However, the mechanism that controls the upregulation of N-cadherin remains unknown. Here, we show that platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (PDGFRα) and its ligand platelet-derived growth factor A (PDGF-A) are co-expressed in migrating cranial NC. Inhibition of PDGF-A/PDGFRα blocks NC migration by inhibiting N-cadherin and, consequently, impairing CIL. Moreover, we identify phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT as a downstream effector of the PDGFRα cellular response during CIL. Our results lead us to propose PDGF-A/ PDGFRα signalling as a tissue-autonomous regulator of CIL by controlling N-cadherin upregulation during EMT. Finally, we show that once NC cells have undergone EMT, the same PDGF-A/PDGFRα works as an NC chemoattractant, guiding their directional migration

    The X-43A Six Degree of Freedom Monte Carlo Analysis

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    This report provides an overview of the Hyper-X research vehicle Monte Carlo analysis conducted with the six-degree-of-freedom simulation. The methodology and model uncertainties used for the Monte Carlo analysis are presented as permitted. In addition, the process used to select hardware validation test cases from the Monte Carlo data is described. The preflight Monte Carlo analysis indicated that the X-43A control system was robust to the preflight uncertainties and provided the Hyper-X project an important indication that the vehicle would likely be successful in accomplishing the mission objectives. The X-43A in-flight performance is compared to the preflight Monte Carlo predictions and shown to exceed the Monte Carlo bounds in several instances. Possible modeling shortfalls are presented that may account for these discrepancies. The flight control laws and guidance algorithms were robust enough as a result of the preflight Monte Carlo analysis that the unexpected in-flight performance did not have undue consequences. Modeling and Monte Carlo analysis lessons learned are presented

    Изучение резонансного взаимодействия в многоатомной молекуле С2Н2D2- cis, основанное на высокоточных экспериментальных данных сильнорезонирующих полос: v10, v8, v7, v4, v6, v12, 2v10

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    Известно, что молекула этилена является естественной компонентой атмосферного воздуха, участвующей в процессах атмосферной химии и формировании глобального климата. Он играет значительную роль в химии тропосферы и генерации озона. Вследствие вышесказанного в течение многих лет спектры высокого разрешения этилена и его изотопологов являлись предметом пристального внимания. Однако, работ по изучению инфракрасных спектров молекулы cis-C2H2D2 ограниченное количество.Данная работа направлена на изучение спектров высокого разрешения молекулы cis-C2H2D2 в диапазоне 600-1200см-1.В результате исследования спектров определили количество найденных переходов в 2 раза больше с max квант. числами J и Ka, чем были определены в ранних работах. Следует отметить, что полосы ν10, v4 были исследованы впервыеEthylene is a naturally occurring compound in ambient air that affects atmospheric chemistry and the global climate. It plays a significant role in tropospheric chemistry and ozone generation. Therefore in recent years, HR infrared studies of ethylene and eseveral isotopic species have led to a better understanding of its molecular structure. However, high-resolution infrared investigation on cis-C2H2D2 remains limited. This master thesis is focused on the study of high resolution spectra of cis-d2-ethylene molecule in 600-1200 cm-1. As the result of analysis of the experimentally recorded spectra we were able to assign about two times more transitions with higher values of quantum number J and Ka than it was made before. The ν10, v4 and v8 bands were studied at the first time

    Does primary brachial plexus surgery alter palliative tendon transfer surgery outcomes in children with obstetric paralysis?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The surgical management of obstetrical brachial plexus palsy can generally be divided into two groups; early reconstructions in which the plexus or affected nerves are addressed and late or palliative reconstructions in which the residual deformities are addressed. Tendon transfers are the mainstay of palliative surgery. Occasionally, surgeons are required to utilise already denervated and subsequently reinnervated muscles as motors. This study aimed to compare the outcomes of tendon transfers for residual shoulder dysfunction in patients who had undergone early nerve surgery to the outcomes in patients who had not.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 91 patients with obstetric paralysis-related shoulder abduction and external rotation deficits who underwent a modified Hoffer transfer of the latissimus dorsi/teres major to the greater tubercle of the humerus tendon between 2002 and 2009 were retrospectively analysed. The patients who had undergone neural surgery during infancy were compared to those who had not in terms of their preoperative and postoperative shoulder abduction and external rotation active ranges of motion.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the early surgery groups, only the postoperative external rotation angles showed statistically significant differences (25 degrees and 75 degrees for total and upper type palsies, respectively). Within the palliative surgery-only groups, there were no significant differences between the preoperative and postoperative abduction and external rotation angles. The significant differences between the early surgery groups and the palliative surgery groups with total palsy during the preoperative period diminished postoperatively (p < 0.05 and p > 0.05, respectively) for abduction but not for external rotation. Within the upper type palsy groups, there were no significant differences between the preoperative and postoperative abduction and external rotation angles.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In this study, it was found that in patients with total paralysis, satisfactory shoulder abduction values can be achieved with tendon transfers regardless of a previous history of neural surgery even if the preoperative values differ.</p