22 research outputs found

    Sintomas depressivos e eventos estressores em crianças e adolescentes no contexto de institucionalização Depressive symptoms and stressful events in children and adolescents in the institutionalized context

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    INTRODUÇÃO: O presente estudo verificou a manifestação de sintomas depressivos e a freqüência e o impacto de eventos estressores em crianças e adolescentes institucionalizados e não-institucionalizados. MÉTODO: Participaram 257 jovens de 7 a 16 anos de ambos os sexos, sendo que 130 residiam em abrigos de proteção e 127 moravam com suas famílias na região metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Todos os participantes freqüentavam da 1ª à 8ª série do ensino fundamental de escolas públicas localizadas em bairros de baixas condições socioeconômicas. Foram aplicados os instrumentos Children's Depression Inventory e o Inventário de Eventos Estressores na Infância e Adolescência. RESULTADOS: Foram encontradas médias mais altas no Children's Depression Inventory e no Inventário de Eventos Estressores na Infância e Adolescência no grupo institucionalizado, com diferença significativa. Os eventos mais freqüentes foram "ter que obedecer às ordens de seus pais" para o grupo da família e "ser levado para um abrigo" no outro grupo. Os eventos que apresentaram maior impacto foram "morte de um dos pais", "ser estuprado", "ser rejeitado pelos familiares" e "ser tocado sexualmente contra a vontade". Foram encontradas diferenças entre os sexos e entre os contextos no impacto atribuído aos eventos. Os adolescentes, independentemente dos contextos, apresentaram freqüência de eventos significativamente maior do que as crianças, o que não ocorreu quanto ao impacto. CONCLUSÃO: Os jovens abrigados apresentaram maior exposição a situações potenciais de risco, o que pode estar relacionado à maior manifestação de sintomas depressivos. A avaliação do impacto de um evento estressante, no entanto, não esteve correlacionada com o Children's Depression Inventory em nenhum dos contextos.<br>INTRODUCTION: The present study examined the manifestation of depressive symptoms, as well as frequency and impact of stressful events in institutionalized and non-institutionalized children and adolescents. METHOD: A total of 257 youths, of both genders, aged 7-16 years were included in this study. Of these, 130 lived in protection youth shelters and 127 lived with their families in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre. All participants were attending 1st to 8th grades of public elementary schools located in low-income neighborhoods. Children's Depression Inventory and Stressful Events in Childhood and Adolescence Inventory were used. RESULTS: Data pointed out a significant difference, with higher means in the Children's Depression Inventory and Stressful Events in Childhood and Adolescence Inventory for the institutionalized group. The most frequent events for the family group was "to have to obey your parent's rules," and "to be taken to a protection shelter" was most frequent for the other group. The events of greater impact were "death of one parent," "to be raped," "to be rejected by members of the family," and "to be sexually touched against one's will". Considering the participant's gender and context, differences were found in attributed impact. Adolescents, regardless of context, had a higher frequency of significant events than children, which did not occur concerning impact. CONCLUSION: Results indicated that institutionalized youths were more exposed to potential risk situations, which could be related to the manifestation of more depressive symptoms. However, assessment of the impact of a stressful event was not correlated with the Children's Depression Inventory in any context

    Sleep disorders in high school and pre-university students

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    Adolescence is a period in which youngsters have to make choices such as applying for university. The selection process is competitive, and it brings distress and anxiety, risk factors for the appearance of sleep disorders. OBJECTIVE: To verify the occurrence of sleep disorders in third-year high school and pre-university students. METHOD: This cross-sectional descriptive study comprised a sample of 529 students (M=241, F=288) from three public schools, four private schools and two pre-university courses - a middle-class neighborhood in the city of São Paulo - aged between 16 and 19 years old. We used the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) - a standardized questionnaire. RESULTS: The participants (52.9%) took about 30 minutes to fall asleep, with an average of 306.4 minutes asleep, moderate daytime sleepiness (n=243, 45.9%) and indisposition (n=402, 75.9%) to develop the activities. The scores (M and F) were similar regarding problems that affect sleep. CONCLUSION: The investigated population showed sleep disorders and poor sleep quality