41 research outputs found

    Model Komunikasi Lintas Budaya Dalam Resolusi Konflik Berbasis Pranata Adat Melayu Dan Madura Di Kalimantan Barat

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    The title of this study is The Cross Cultural Communication Model in Conflict ResolutionBased On Customs in Malayan and Madurese, West Kalimantan. The aims of this study are toinvestigate: whatever of the Malayan and Madurese customs which can functioning as conflictresolution media; how are functioning process of that customs; and how the respons of WestKalimantan communities to the use of that customs.The research method used are ethnographic multiple side studies. The findings are theMalayan and Madurese customs which functioning as conflict resolution medium is themusyawarah custom.The musyawarah custom can resolution the small conflict only, whereas toresolution of the large conflict, ussualy obligate to the police.The musyawarah customs did bykepala desa or traditional management of Malayan and Madurese as soon as when the conflicthappened. The musyawarah custom based and spritualited on Islam religi. The musyawarahcustom has preventive function to avoid widely and to stopping conflict (to create peace). WestKalimantan communities (Malayan-Madurse and non Malayan-Madurese) can approve the useof musyawarah custom to be media of conflict resolution, but if conflict connecting with Dayak,the resolution must use Dayak customs

    Pengendalian Sosial Berbasis Modal Sosial Lokal pada Masyarakat di Kalimantan Barat

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    This study is about Social Control Based On Social Capital (A Case Study on Dayak-Malay-Madurese at Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan). The aims of this study are: (1) To know how social interaction exists on multicultural communities at Ketapang Regency; (2) How is the social capital at multicultural communities at Ketapang Regency; (3)and How is the social control on multicultural communities at Ketapang Regency. The research method is a case study of multisitus. The observational and deep interview targets: goverment official leaders and staffs (Camat, Kepala Desa, Kepala Dusun), traditional management or custom leaders, and multiethnic grass-roots. The research findings are: (1) the form of social capital on Dayak communities at Ketapang Regency is traditional law, whereas on Malay and Madurese communities, the form is tradition of musyawarah based on Islam law (2) preventively the social control by local community as social bonding was run by traditional leadership, religious leaders, interethnic communication forums, interreligion communication forums and other social institutions leadership; (3) represively social control by local social capital as social bridging was run on law of Dayak custom, custom of ethnicity called “musyawarah bersendikan syariat Islam” on Malay and Madurese, and formal law implementation

    Faktor Penyebab Menurunnya Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran Sosiologi di SMA

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    The title of this researchis the Decline Causes of Student Results In Learning Sociology at SMA PGRI 02 Ella Downstream Melawi. The method usedis descriptive method. The data collection techniquesin this study is using observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Inthis study, the data source is in highschool students PGRI 02 Ella Hilir RegencyMelawi.Suggests that student learning out come sarede clining due to multiple factors. Both internal factor sare factors that originate from with in the students them selvesas well as external factor sare factors that originate from out side the student(student environment it self). The factor sare derived from the student (internal) are: a) theattitudefactor, b) lazyfactor, c) timefactor, d)oversimplifthetask, e) How students learning, f) Too Relaxed, That factor derived fromself esteem, so that student learning out comes lately decreased. The external factor sare factors that are beyond the student or individual (student environment it self)include: a)Environmental Family or parents, b)Environmental School, c) Community Environment. From the aboveit can be conclud that the definition ofstudent learning outcomesis the change that happens to students after participating in a learning process, learning out come the feedback given by the students

    Analisis Interaksi Sosial antara Guru dan Siswa pada Proses Pembelajaran Sosiologi di SMA

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    : The purpose of this research to know social interaction between teachers and students XI social class 1 in learning sociology at public senior high school two ambawang.with research used that is a qualitative approach with the methods deskriptif.the result show collection used is a technique observation, interview,and study documentation, with a gatherer data in the form of a guide observation,an interview guide and documention.output research showed social interaction between teachers and their students at the time of learning sociology apply to four the process . Open , explai, discuss , and close the process learning .interaction who practice by teachers and students XI social class 1 going well , based on the results of observation , interview,and documentation have researchers do prove most of the students class XI social class 1 and subject teachers

    Interaksi Sosial Siswa Sesama Tingkat Antar Golongan Etnik Di Lingkungan Asrama SMA Taruna Bumi Khatulistiwa

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    Social Interaction Student Fellow Level Inter-Group Ethnic Boarding High School Youth in Environmental Earth's Equator Kubu Raya. Schools that have special characteristics as a boarding school (Boarding Schooll) in which all students have to stay in a hostel in carrying out their daily activities with a variety of ethnic available. This study aims to analyze things-things pertaining to: social contacts and social communication students. Forms of research used in this study is descriptive qualitative research method. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentary study, while data collection tool is the observation sheet, interview guides, and documentation. The analysis presented in this study is descriptive qualitative. These results indicate that: students' social interactions that occur in the environment of the Earth Equator Hostel SMA Taruna already pretty well established in terms of social contact and communication

    Peran Tokoh Masyarakat dalam Pembentukan Kepribadian Remaja di Desa Penyeladi Kecamatan Kapuas Kabupaten Sanggau

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    Masalah umum dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana peran tokoh masyarakat dalam pembentukan kepribadian remaja di Desa Penyeladi Kecamatan Kapuas Kabupaten Sanggau. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah 1. bagaimana peran tokoh masyarakat sebagai motivator dalam pembentukan kepribadian remaja 2. bagaimana peran tokoh masyarakat sebagai pembimbing dalam pembentukan kepribadian remaja 3. kepribadian remaja yang bagaimana yang dapat dibentuk dari para tokoh tersebut. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data yaitu observasi langsung, komunikasi langsung dan dokumenter dengan alat pengumpulan data pedoman wawancara, pedoman observasi, catatan lapangan dan dokumentasi. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa peran tokoh masyarakat sebagai seorang motivator dan pembimbing, tentunya memiliki caranya masing-masing dalam memberikan motivasi dan bimbingan guna untuk membentuk kepribadian remaja.Sedangkan sebagai pembimbing keempat tokoh masyarakat tersebut memberikan bantuan kepada remaja tersebut untuk dapat memahami dirinya, sehingga dia sanggup mengarahkan dirinya dan dapat bertindak dan berperilaku secara wajar sesuai dengan tuntutan dan keadaan di lingkungan. Kata Kunci : Peran Tokoh Masyarakat, Pembentukan Kepribadian Remaja Abstrac: A common problem in this research is how the role of community leaders in the formation of adolescent personality in the village Penyeladi Kapuas District of Sanggau. The problem in this research are: 1. how the role of community leaders as a motivator in the formation of adolescent personality 2. how the role of community leaders as a leader in the formation of adolescent personality 3. teens how personality can be formed from the figures. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Techniques used in data collection are direct observation, direct communication and file collection tools documentary with interview guidelines, observation guidelines, field notes and documentation. Sources of file in this study are primary file and secondary file. The results showed that the role of community leaders as a motivator and mentor, of course, have their own way in providing motivation and guidance in order to shape the personality teens. While as supervising four community leaders to provide assistance to the adolescent to be able to understand him, so that he could directing himself and can act and behave fairly in accordance with the demands and circumstances in the environment

    Kontribusi Gawai Dayak dalam Menumbuhkan Nilai-nilai Solidaritas Generasi Muda Desa Sekendal

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    This research goals to Gawai Dayak contribution in arising the solidarity values in Sekendal village Air Besar Municipal Landak Regency. The problems are how was the process to hold Gawai Dayak in Sekendal village, how was the contribution of Gawai Dayak in arising the moral feeling value, and the trust of togetherness on the youth generation in Sekendal village. The method is qualitative-descriptive. The data collecting techniques are observation, interview, and documentation study. As for, the data collecting instruments are observation guideline, interview guideline, and documentation. The result shows that Gawai Dayak in Sekendal village is still maintained well with Gawai Dayak is held routinely every year. It gives the contribution in arising the moral feeling values to youth generation in Sekendal village. It also gives the contribution in arising the trust of togetherness to youth generation in Sekendal village