94 research outputs found

    Generalised nonminimally gravity-matter coupled theory

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    In this paper, a new generalised gravity-matter coupled theory of gravity is presented. This theory is constructed by assuming an action with an arbitrary function f(T,B,Lm)f(T,B,L_m) which depends on the scalar torsion TT, the boundary term B=∇μTμB=\nabla_{\mu}T^{\mu} and the matter Lagrangian LmL_m. Since the function depends on BB which appears in R=−T+BR=-T+B, it is possible to also reproduce curvature-matter coupled models such as f(R,Lm)f(R,L_m) gravity. Additionally, the full theory also contains some interesting new teleparallel gravity-matter coupled theories of gravities such as f(T,Lm)f(T,L_m) or C1T+f(B,Lm)C_1 T+ f(B,L_m). The complete dynamical system for flat FLRW cosmology is presented and for some specific cases of the function, the corresponding cosmological model is studied. When it is necessary, the connection of our theory and the dynamical system of other well-known theories is discussed.Comment: Matches published version in EPJ

    Is Gravity Actually the Curvature of Spacetime?

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    The Einstein equations, apart from being the classical field equations of General Relativity, are also the classical field equations of two other theories of gravity. As the experimental tests of General Relativity are done using the Einstein equations, we do not really know, if gravity is the curvature of a torsionless spacetime, or torsion of a curvatureless spacetime, or if it occurs due to the non-metricity of a curvatureless and torsionless spacetime. However, as the classical actions of all these theories differ from each other by boundary terms, and the Casimir effect is a boundary effect, we propose that a novel gravitational Casimir effect between superconductors can be used to test which of these theories actually describe gravity.Comment: Essay received an honorable mention in the Gravity Research Foundation Essay Competition 2019. 7 page

    Noether Symmetry Approach in f(T,B)f(T,B) teleparallel cosmology

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    We consider the cosmology derived from f(T,B)f(T,B) gravity where TT is the torsion scalar and B=2e∂μ(eTμ)B=\frac{2}{e}\partial_{\mu}(e T^{\mu}) a boundary term. In particular we discuss how it is possible to recover, under the same standard, the teleparallel f(T)f(T) gravity, the curvature f(R)f(R) gravity and the teleparallel-curvature f(R,T)f(R,T) gravity, which are particular cases of f(T,B)f(T,B). We adopt the Noether Symmetry Approach to study the related dynamical systems and to find out cosmological solutions.Comment: 21 page

    Stability of a dd-dimensional thin-shell wormhole surrounded by quintessence

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    We study the stability of different higher dimensional thin--shell wormholes (HDTSW) in general relativity with a cosmological constant. We show that a dd--dimensional thin--shell wormhole surrounded by quintessence can have three different throat geometries: spherical, planar and hyperbolic. Unlike the spherical geometry, the planar and hyperbolic geometries allow different topologies that can be interpreted as higher-dimensional domain walls or branes connecting two universes. To construct these geometries, we use the cut-and-paste procedure by joining two identical vacuum spacetime solutions. Properties such as the null energy condition and geodesics are also studied. A linear stability analysis around the static solutions is carried out. Our stability analysis takes into account a more general HDTSW geometry than previous works so it is possible to recover other well-known stability HDTSW conditions.Comment: 10 pages; 3 figures; matches the accepted version, to appear in Gravitation and Cosmolog

    (N+1)-dimensional Lorentzian evolving wormholes supported by polytropic matter

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    In this paper we study (N+1)(N+1)-dimensional evolving wormholes supported by energy satisfying a polytropic equation of state. The considered evolving wormhole models are described by a constant redshift function and generalizes the standard flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetime. The polytropic equation of state allows us to consider in (3+1)(3+1)-dimensions generalizations of the phantom energy and the generalized Chaplygin gas sources.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in European Physical Journal

    New Exact Spherically Symmetric Solutions in f(R,Ï•,X)f(R,\phi,X) gravity by Noether's symmetry approach

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    The exact solutions of spherically symmetric space-times are explored by using Noether symmetries in f(R,ϕ,X)f(R,\phi,X) gravity with RR the scalar curvature, ϕ\phi a scalar field and XX the kinetic term of ϕ\phi. Some of these solutions can represent new black holes solutions in this extended theory of gravity. The classical Noether approach is particularly applied to acquire the Noether symmetry in f(R,ϕ,X)f(R,\phi,X) gravity. Under the classical Noether theorem, it is shown that the Noether symmetry in f(R,ϕ,X)f(R,\phi,X) gravity yields the solvable first integral of motion. With the conservation relation obtained from the Noether symmetry, the exact solutions for the field equations can be found. The most important result in this paper is that, without assuming R=constantR=\textrm{constant}, we have found new spherically symmetric solutions in different theories such as: power-law f(R)=f0Rnf(R)=f_0 R^n gravity, non-minimally coupling models between the scalar field and the Ricci scalar f(R,ϕ,X)=f0Rnϕm+f1Xq−V(ϕ)f(R,\phi,X)=f_0 R^n \phi^m+f_1 X^q-V(\phi), non-minimally couplings between the scalar field and a kinetic term f(R,ϕ,X)=f0Rn+f1ϕmXqf(R,\phi,X)=f_0 R^n +f_1\phi^mX^q , and also in extended Brans-Dicke gravity f(R,ϕ,X)=U(ϕ,X)Rf(R,\phi,X)=U(\phi,X)R. It is also demonstrated that the approach with Noether symmetries can be regarded as a selection rule to determine the potential V(ϕ)V(\phi) for ϕ\phi, included in some class of the theories of f(R,ϕ,X)f(R,\phi,X) gravity.Comment: Accepted for publication in JCAP. The title and the abstract have been changed and new exact solutions have been added with more cases. The existence of horizons of our solutions has been discussed to

    Generalised teleparallel quintom dark energy non-minimally coupled with the scalar torsion and a boundary term

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    Within this work, we propose a new generalised quintom dark energy model in the teleparallel alternative of general relativity theory, by considering a non-minimal coupling between the scalar fields of a quintom model with the scalar torsion component TT and the boundary term BB. In the teleparallel alternative of general relativity theory, the boundary term represents the divergence of the torsion vector, B=2∇μTμB=2\nabla_{\mu}T^{\mu}, and is related to the Ricci scalar RR and the torsion scalar TT, by the fundamental relation: R=−T+BR=-T+B. We have investigated the dynamical properties of the present quintom scenario in the teleparallel alternative of general relativity theory by performing a dynamical system analysis in the case of decomposable exponential potentials. The study analysed the structure of the phase space, revealing the fundamental dynamical effects of the scalar torsion and boundary couplings in the case of a more general quintom scenario. Additionally, a numerical approach to the model is presented to analyse the cosmological evolution of the system.Comment: Matches published version in JCAP. Some small changes in the numerical sectio
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