1,399 research outputs found

    Some new results on irradiation characteristics of synthetic quartz crystals and their application to radiation hardening

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    The paper reports some new results on irradiation characteristics of synthetic quartz crystals and their application to radiation hardening. The present results show how the frequency shift in quartz crystals can be influenced by heat processing prior to irradiation and how this procedure can lead to radiation hardening for obtaining precise frequencies and time intervals from quartz oscillators in space

    Some new results on the frequency characteristics on quartz crystals irradiated by ionizing and particle radiations

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    The frequency behavior of AT-cut quartz crystals irradiated by X -, gamma rays and fast neutrons. Initial instability in frequency for gamma and neutron irradiated crystals was found. All the different radiations first give a negative frequency shift at lower doses which are followed by positive frequency shift for increased doses. Results are explained in terms of the fundamental crystal structure. Applications of the frequency results for radiation hardening are proposed

    Topological phase transition and two dimensional topological insulators in Ge-based thin films

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    We discuss possible topological phase transitions in Ge-based thin films of Ge(Bix_xSb1x_{1-x})2_2Te4_4 as a function of layer thickness and Bi concentration xx using the first principles density functional theory framework. The bulk material is a topological insulator at xx = 1.0 with a single Dirac cone surface state at the surface Brillouin zone center, whereas it is a trivial insulator at xx = 0. Through a systematic examination of the band topologies we predict that thin films of Ge(Bix_xSb1x_{1-x})2_2Te4_4 with xx = 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 are candidates for two-dimensional (2D) topological insulators, which would undergo a 2D topological phase transition as a function of xx. A topological phase diagram for Ge(Bix_xSb1x_{1-x})2_2Te4_4 thin films is presented to help guide their experimental exploration.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in Physical Review B (2012

    A note on quantiles in large samples

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    A note on the fundamental identity of sequential analysis

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    Classification into two multivariate normal distributions with different covariance matrices

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    Linear procedures for classifying an observation as coming from one of two multivariate normal distributions are studied in the case that the two distributions differ both in mean vectors and covariance matrices. We find the class of admissible linear procedures, which is the minimal complete class of linear procedures. It is shown how to construct the linear procedure which minimizes one probability of misclassification given the other and how to obtain the minimax linear procedure; Bayes linear procedures are also discussed

    Large deviations of the sample mean in general vector spaces

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    Let X1, X2, ··· be a sequence of i.i.d. random vectors taking values in a space V, let X-n = (X1 + ··· + Xn)/n, and for J ⊂ V let an(J) = n-1log P(X-n∈ J). A powerful theory concerning the existence and value of limn→∞ an(J) has been developed by Lanford for the case when V is finite-dimensional and X1 is bounded. The present paper is both an exposition of Lanford's theory and an extension of it to the general case. A number of examples are considered; these include the cases when X1 is a Brownian motion or Brownian bridge on the real line, and the case when X-n is the empirical distribution function based on the first n values in an i.i.d. sequence of random variables (the Sanov problem)