69 research outputs found

    Influence of Political and Economic Factors Increasing the Risk of HIV Transmission

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    Objective:the main objective of this study is to identify the influencing role of political and economic factors increasing the risk ofHuman Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) transmission. Methodology: Mix research design was used to draw the data from 404 respondents of Kathmandu valley, Nepal. Simple random sampling was done to select the respondents. Statistical analysis was done for quantitative data and manual editing and analysis was done for qualitative data. Ethical approval was taken from the Nepal Health Research Counsel to conduct this research.Result:The primary survey data shows that around 90% respondents agreed that conflict contributes increasing the risk of HIV transmission in Nepalese context also; however, the secondary data shows the similar increasing trend of HIV in before and during the conflict situation of Nepal that varied the result with primary data.  Poverty and migration are reported as the economic factors significantly associated with the risk of HIV transmission.Conclusion:influence of political factors found contradictory between the primary and secondary data, though it is associated with the risk of HIV transmission. The Government of Nepal has identified the agenda of HIV and AIDS as a "priority 1" program under the National Plan. Besides that, Government should work by adopting the multidimensional approach to reduce the risk of HIV transmission. Key words: Economic, Factors, HIV, Political, Ris

    On deformations of pasting diagrams, II

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    We continue the development of the infinitesimal deformation theory of pasting diagrams of k-linear categories begun in TAC, Vol 22, #2. In that article the standard result that all obstructions are cocycles was established only for the elementary, composition-free parts of pasting diagrams. In the present work we give a proof for pasting diagrams in general. As tools we use the method developed by Shrestha of simultaneously representing formulas for obstructions, along with the corresponding cocycle and cobounding conditions by suitably labeled polygons, giving a rigorous exposition of the previously heuristic method; and deformations of pasting diagrams in which some cells are required to be deformed trivially

    Named Entity Recognition for Nepali Text Using Support Vector Machines

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    Abstract Named Entity Recognition aims to identify and to classify rigid designators in text such as proper names, biological species, and temporal expressions into some predefined categories. There has been growing interest in this field of research since the early 1990s. Named Entity Recognition has a vital role in different fields of natural language processing such as Machine Translation, Information Extraction, Question Answering System and various other fields. In this paper, Named Entity Recognition for Nepali text, based on the Support Vector Machine (SVM) is presented which is one of machine learning approaches for the classification task. A set of features are extracted from training data set. Accuracy and efficiency of SVM classifier are analyzed in three different sizes of training data set. Recognition systems are tested with ten datasets for Nepali text. The strength of this work is the efficient feature extraction and the comprehensive recognition techniques. The Support Vector Machine based Named Entity Recognition is limited to use a certain set of features and it uses a small dictionary which affects its performance. The learning performance of recognition system is observed. It is found that system can learn well from the small set of training data and increase the rate of learning on the increment of training size

    A web-based AI assistant Application using Python and JavaScript

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    Our research is mainly based on a chatbot which is powered by Artificial Intelligence. Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence assistants such as Apple’s Siri, Google’s Now and Amazon’s Alexa are currently fast-growing and widely integrated with many smart devices. These assistants are built with the primary purpose of being personal assistants for every individual user in certain contexts. In this research, we would highlight the development process of the chatbots, features, problems, case studies and limitations. This research delivers the information, helps developers to build answer bots and integrate chatbots with business accounts. The aim is to assist users and allow transactions between client companies and their customers. As a result, users can accomplish results to queries as well as clients can grow their business

    Cells as delivery vehicles for cancer therapeutics

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    Cell-based therapeutics have advanced significantly over the past decade and are poised to become a major pillar of modern medicine. Three cell types in particular have been studied in detail for their ability to home to tumors and to deliver a variety of different payloads. Neural stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells and monocytes have each been shown to have great potential as future delivery systems for cancer therapy. A variety of other cell types have also been studied. These results demonstrate that the field of cell-based therapeutics will only continue to grow
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