510 research outputs found

    Scatterer that leaves "footprints" but no "fingerprints"

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    We calculate the exact transmission coefficient of a quantum wire in the presence of a single point defect at the wire's cut-off frequencies. We show that while the conductance pattern (i.e., the scattering) is strongly affected by the presence of the defect, the pattern is totally independent of the defect's characteristics (i.e., the defect that caused the scattering cannot be identified from that pattern).Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Resonances in a two-dimensional electron waveguide with a single delta-function scatterer

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    We study the conductance properties of a straight two-dimensional electron waveguide with an s-like scatterer modeled by a single delta-function potential with a finite number of modes. Even such a simple system exhibits interesting resonance phenomena. These resonances are explained in terms of quasi-bound states both by using a direct solution of the Schroedinger equation and by studying the Green's function of the system. Using the Green's function we calculate the survival probability as well as the power absorption and show the influence of the quasi-bound states on these two quantities.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Hall of Mirrors Scattering from an Impurity in a Quantum Wire

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    This paper develops a scattering theory to examine how point impurities affect transport through quantum wires. While some of our new results apply specifically to hard-walled wires, others--for example, an effective optical theorem for two-dimensional waveguides--are more general. We apply the method of images to the hard-walled guide, explicitly showing how scattering from an impurity affects the wire's conductance. We express the effective cross section of a confined scatterer entirely in terms of the empty waveguide's Green's function, suggesting a way in which to use semiclassical methods to understand transport properties of smooth wires. In addition to predicting some new phenomena, our approach provides a simple physical picture for previously observed effects such as conductance dips and confinement-induced resonances.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review B. Minor additions to text, added reference

    Children’s friendships in middle childhood: how number of friends, reciprocity and friendship quality relate to peer and school identification, and general self-worth

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    Children’s friendships are important for well-being and school adjustment, but few studies have examined multiple indices of friendships together in middle childhood. The current study surveyed 7 to 11-year olds (n = 314) about their friendships, best friendships, friendship quality and indices of self-worth, identification with peers and identification with school. Peer relationships were positively related to self-worth, but not identification with peers or school. Best friendship quality moderated the relationship between number of reciprocated friendship nominations and self-worth. Children with a reciprocated best friend had higher friendship quality and peer identification than others. Where best friendship was reciprocated, the relationship with identification with peers was mediated via positive friendship quality. The results suggest that friendship reciprocity is particularly relevant for children’s self-worth and identification with peers. The findings are discussed in relation to the importance of fostering the development of reciprocated friendships

    Transport through a quantum ring, a dot and a barrier embedded in a nanowire in magnetic field

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    We investigate the transport through a quantum ring, a dot and a barrier embedded in a nanowire in a homogeneous perpendicular magnetic field. To be able to treat scattering potentials of finite extent in magnetic field we use a mixed momentum-coordinate representation to obtain an integral equation for the multiband scattering matrix. For a large embedded quantum ring we are able to obtain Aharanov-Bohm type of oscillations with superimposed narrow resonances caused by interaction with quasi-bound states in the ring. We also employ scattering matrix approach to calculate the conductance through a semi-extended barrier or well in the wire. The numerical implementations we resort to in order to describe the cases of weak and intermediate magnetic field allow us to produce high resolution maps of the ``near field'' scattering wave functions, which are used to shed light on the underlying scattering processes.Comment: RevTeX, 13 pages with included postscript figures, high resolution version available at http://hartree.raunvis.hi.is/~vidar/Rann/VG_04.pd

    Absence of charge backscattering in the nonequilibrium current of normal-superconductor structures

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    We study the nonequilibrium transport properties of a normal-superconductor-normal structure, focussing on the effect of adding an impurity in the superconducting region. Current conservation requires the superfluid velocity to be nonzero, causing a distortion of the quasiparticle dispersion relation within the superconductor. For weakly reflecting interfaces we find a regime of intermediate voltages in which Andreev transmission is the only permitted mechanism for quasiparticles to enter the superconductor. Impurities in the superconductor can only cause Andreev reflection of these quasiparticles and thus cannot degrade the current. At higher voltages, a state of gapless superconductivity develops which is sensitive to the presence of impurities.Comment: Latex file, 11 pages, 2 figures available upon request [email protected], to be published in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Quantum current magnification in a multi-channel mesoscopic ring

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    We have studied the current magnification effect in a multi-channel open mesoscopic ring. We show that the current magnification effect is robust even in the presence of several propagating modes inspite of mode mixing and cancellation effects. The magnitude of circulating currents in the multi-channel regime can be much larger than that in a single channel case. Impurities can enhance or degrade the current magnification effect depending sensitively on the system parameters. Circulating currents are mostly associated with Fano resonances in the total transport current. We further show that system-lead coupling qualitatively changes the current magnification effect.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Resistive transport in a mesoscopic proximity superconductor

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    We review transport measurements in a normal metal (N) in contact with one or two superconducting (S) islands. From the experiment, we distinguish the Josephson coupling, the mesoscopic fluctuations and the proximity effect. In a loop-shaped N conductor, we observe large h/2e-periodic magnetoresistance oscillations that decay with temperature T with a 1/T power-law. This behaviour is the signature of the long-range coherence of the low-energy electron pairs induced by the Andreev reflection at the S interface. At temperature and voltage below the Thouless energy â„ŹD/L2\hbar D / L^2, we observe the re-entrance of the metallic resistance. Experimental results agree with the linearized quasiclassical theory.Comment: 8 pages, 6 included epsf figures, Invited paper at the LT21 Conference, Praha, August 1996. To appear in Czech. J. of Phys. 46, Part S6 (1996

    Conductance and localization in disordered wires: role of evanescent states

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    This paper extends an earlier analytical scattering matrix treatment of conductance and localization in coupled two- and three Anderson chain systems for weak disorder when evanescent states are present at the Fermi level. Such states exist typically when the interchain coupling exceeds the width of propagating energy bands associated with the various transverse eigenvalues of the coupled tight-binding systems. We calculate reflection- and transmission coefficients in cases where, besides propagating states, one or two evanescent states are available at the Fermi level for elastic scattering of electrons by the disordered systems. We observe important qualitative changes in these coefficients and in the related localization lengths due to ineffectiveness of the evanescent modes for transmission and reflection in the various scattering channels. In particular, the localization lengths are generally significantly larger than the values obtained when evanescent modes are absent. Effects associated with disorder mediated coupling between propagating and evanescent modes are shown to be suppressed by quantum interference effects, in lowest order for weak disorder
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