669 research outputs found

    The Relation Between Coastal Flood Risk and Ecosystem Services Affecting Coastal Tourism: A Review of Recent Assessments

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    It is widely accepted by the scientific community that coastal cities are considered the most vulnerable urban areas. Future climate change scenarios and impacts are expected to exacerbate coastal flood risk with ecological and economic influence on the ecosystem services and human activities as coastal tourism. In this context, the aim of this chapter, reviewing recent research, is to explore the state of the art on the vulnerability of coastal zones, mainly due to the risk of “great floods”, and the potential adaptation of coastal tourism to address this issue in the face of climate change. The perspective of this review analysis is to deepen the interrelations among climate change and flood risk related to coastal ecosystem services and their impacts on coastal tourism. Particularly, by conducting a systematic review focused on Australian and European regions, the present study examines the emergent themes about these topics while addressing the need to deal with an integrated approach. We searched two academic literary databases and identified 16 studies that met the selection criteria for this review. Findings highlighted that relatively few studies had analysed the interrelationships between these issues, showing a research gap both from a regional geographic coverage and from a strategy perspective. Emergent themes of the recent studies reviewed here could help to discover critical features and future research axes for more resilient coastal urban communities

    Art et autoreprésentation : la figure du pape entre le xie et le xive siècle

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    Les études de ces dernières décennies ont montré que les papes des xie au xiiie siècles ont élaboré une autoreprésentation très riche en recourant à une créativité métaphorique, symbolique et rituelle qui a placé au centre de l’attention le corps du pape lui-même. Les études sur le mécénat artistique ont mis en évidence la place centrale de la Rome pontificale dans le panorama artistique européen, grâce à la présence d’artistes tels que Pietro Cavallini, Jacopo Torriti et Arnolfo di Cambio. Innocent III et Boniface VIII, en particulier, ont institué une stratégie d’autoreprésentation novatrice que des recherches récentes ont approfondie à plusieurs niveaux. Ce programme avait pour objectif de soutenir le rapprochement symbolique entre la figure du pape et celle du Christ, et l’aspiration de ce premier à être le « vrai empereur ». Sous Boniface VIII, la symbolique du pouvoir du pape connaît une extension maximale. La tiare devient le symbole de la sommité de l’Arche de Noé, et les statues bonifaciennes fondent l’autoreprésentation physique du pape.Scholarship from the past decades has demonstrated that popes from the eleventh to the fourteenth centuries developed extremely elaborate modes of self-representation. Their metaphorical, symbolic and ritual creativity revolved around the central entity of the pope’s body. Studies on artistic patronage have revealed the central role of papal Rome in the greater artistic landscape of Europe, due to the contributions of artists such as Pietro Cavallini, Jacopo Torriti, and Arnolfo di Cambio. The strategies of self-representation employed by Innocent III and Boniface VIII were particularly innovative and multilayered, as recent research has amply shown. Their objective was to affirm the symbolic parallel between the figure of the pope and that of Christ, and the former’s claim to being the “true emperor.” The symbolic vocabulary of papal power reached it most extensive form under Boniface VIII. The pope’s tiara was equated with the summit of Noah’s ark, and the statues of Boniface VIII provided a foundation for the physical self-representation of the pope.Die Forschung der letzten Jahrzehnte hat die Vielfältigkeit der päpstlichen Selbstdarstellungen vom 11. bis zum 13. Jahrhundert aufgezeigt. Reich an metaphorischer, symbolischer und ritueller Kreativität haben diese Selbstdarstellungen vor allem den Körper selbst des Papstes in den Mittelpunkt gestellt. Die dem Mäzenatentum gewidmeten Studien haben den zentralen Platz herausgestellt, den das pontifikale Rom innerhalb des europäischen Kunstpanoramas, insbesondere durch Künstler wie Pietro Cavallini, Jacopo Torriti und Arnolfo di Cambio, eingenommen hat. Besonders Innozenz III. und Bonifatius VIII. haben neue Strategien der Selbstdarstellung entwickelt, die in der aktuellen Forschung auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen untersucht wurde. Dieses bildnerische Programm hatte zum Ziel, die Papstfigur und seine Ambition, der „wahre Herrscher“ zu sein, in die symbolische Nähe der Christusfigur zu stellen. Unter Bonifatius VIII. erlebt die Symbolik der päpstlichen Macht ihren Höhepunkt. Die Tiara wurde das Symbol der Spitze der Arche Noah, während die Statuen von Bonifatius die physische Selbstdarstellung des Papstes begründeten.Gli studi di questi ultimi decenni hanno mostrato che i papi dall’xi al xiii secolo misero a punto un’autorappresentazione ben calcolata. Essi fecero ricorso ad una creatività metaforica, simbolica e rituale che ha collocato al centro dell’attenzione il corpo del papa medesimo. Gli studi sul mecenatismo artistico hanno messo in evidenza il ruolo centrale della Roma pontificia nel panorama artistico europeo, grazie ad artisti quali Pietro Cavallini, Jacopo Torriti e Arnolfo di Cambio. Innocenzo III e Bonifacio VIII costruirono in particolare una strategia di autorappresentazione innovativa, che ricerche recenti hanno approfondito a vari livelli. Questo programma aveva come obiettivo di affermare il confronto simbolico tra la figura del papa e quella di Cristo, e la sua aspirazione ad essere il “vero imperatore”. Sotto Bonifacio VIII, la simbologia del potere del papa conosce il massimo sviluppo. La tiara diviene simbolo della sommità dell’arca di Noé e le statue di Bonifacio fondano l’autorappresentazione fisica del papa.Los estudios de las últimas décadas han demostrado que entre los siglos xi y xiii se elaboró una riquísima autorepresentación del papado. Se acudió a una creatividad metafórica, simbólica y ritual que colocó en el centro de atención el mismo cuerpo del papa. Los estudios sobre el mecenazgo artístico pusieron en evidencia la plaza central de la Roma pontifical en el panorama artístico europeo, gracias a artistas como Pietro Cavallini, Jacopo Torriti y Arnolfo di Cambio. Inocencio III y Bonifacio VIII en concreto construyeron una novadora estrategia de autorepresentación que recientes investigaciones exploraron a distintos niveles. El programa tenía por objetivo reforzar el simbólico acercamiento entre la figura del papa y la de Cristo, así como su aspiración por ser el « emperador verdadero ». Con Bonifacio VIII, la simbólica del poder del papa conoce una máxima extensión. La tiara se convierte en el símbolo de la cumbre del arca de Noé, y las estatuas bonifacianas fundamentan la autorepresentación física del papa

    Lagrangian tracer homogenization and dispersion in a simplified atmospheric GCM

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    Lagrangian transport in the atmosphere is numerically studied by using a simplified general circulation model (SGCM) with Newtonian cooling and Rayleigh friction. Long-term Lagrangian behaviour is analyzed by determining hemispheric and global homogenization times and by studying the time evolution of tracer distributions. At short times, the properties of absolute dispersion are considered. The tracer dynamics reveals the presence of transport barriers associated with slow inter-hemispheric and troposphere-stratosphere exchanges, and with a slow crossing of the boundary between the Ferrel and Hadley cells

    940-73 Predictive Value for Major Arrhythmic Events of Ventricular Arrhythmias Detected in the Subacute Phase of a Fibrinolysed Myocardial Infarction. An Analysis of the GISSI-2 Data Base

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    The relationship between ventricular arrhythmias (VA) in the subacute phase of a myocardial infarction and subsequent major arrhythmic events (MAE) was mainly defined in the prefibrinolytic era, We examined the large population of patients enrolled in the GISSI-2 study in order to evaluate the significance and predictive power for MAE (sustained ventricular tachycardia -SVT-and sudden death -SD-) of VA detected by Holter monitoring during the subacute phase of a fibrinolysed acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Of the 12,381 pts. enrolled in the GISSI-2 study, an Holter monitoring was available in 8,676 and a six month follow-up was completed in 7,713. During the follow-up 84 pts. died suddenly and 26 experienced one or more SVT. The relationship between VA and MAE was evaluated by odds ratio (OR) and their 95% confidence intervals. OR for MAE was 4.5 (2.7–7.5) if the Holter showed > 10 ventricular ectopic beats per hour; 2.3 (1.5–3.7) if couplets were present; 3.3 (1.5–7.0) if nonsustained ventricular tachycardias (NSVT) were noticed; 3.0 12.0–4.5) if any complex VA was detected. A multivariate analysis (Cox modell including the major prognostic determinants confirmed the independent prognostic value of VA in the Holter recording except for NSVT. Any arrhythmic parameter had a very low positive predictive power (from 2.4 to 3.0%). In conclusion, our data show that VA still have, in the fibrinolytic era, a prognostic significance for MAE, but the predictive power is very low and is therefore mandatory to add other variables to identify the pts. more at risk

    Sistemi locali territoriali e sostenibilitĂ  ambientale

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    Contributi di ricerca ; n.177/2003- Indice #5- Introduzione #7- Categoria locale-globale ecosistemi in rete #13- Categoria passivo-attivo: ecosistemi e ruolo #19- Verso indicatori appropriati al ruolo attivo degli ecosistemi #23- Relazioni socio-economiche e sostenibilitĂ  ambientale #31- SostenibilitĂ  ambientale e qualitĂ  dell'ambiente locale #41- Verso uno slot ambientalmente sostenibile #47- Slot e sostenibilitĂ  ambientale: il calcolo dell'impronta ecologica della Val Chisone #53- Conclusioni #63- Bibliografia #6
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