253 research outputs found

    Impact of Educational Intervention Measures on Knowledge regarding HIV/ Occupational Exposure and Post Exposure Prophylaxis among Final Year Nursing Students of a Tertiary Care Hospital in Central India

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    Amongst the different Health Care Personnel nurses are at a greater risk of being accidentally exposed to HIV and other Blood Borne Pathogens. The present study was conducted among 50 final year nursing students of a Medical College Hospital to assess the knowledge regarding HIV, occupational exposure and Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) among the students and analyses the impact of educational intervention measures on the issues amongst the study subjects. A Pre-designed and Pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire was used to evaluate the level of knowledge before and after educational intervention sessions. Knowledge regarding risk of transmission of HIV by needle-stick injury and body fluids against which universal precautions were mandatory increased by 72% following the intervention sessions (χ2 = 53.202, p <0.001). 72% and 36% respondents correctly knew the duration within which to start PEP and the drugs available for PEP, post educational sessions 98% and 96% students were aware of it: the difference being statistically significant (χ2 = 11.294, p <0.001) and (χ2 = 37.748, p <0.001) respectively. The mean pre-intervention score was 8.32; mean post-intervention score was 14.40: statistical analysis showed the results to be significant (t= 13.857, p< 0.001). The study reflects that there is a dearth of knowledge among the study group. Incorporating the concerned issues in the academic curriculum to provide the students with adequate knowledge and information during their formative years is needed

    Statistically Comparable UV-spectrophotometric Method development for the Estimation of Probenecid in tablet Dosage Form with the Application of Hydrotropic Solubilization Phenomenon.

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    Statistically comparable method has been developed, validated, for estimating probenecid in tablet dosage form with the application of hydrotropic solubilization phenomenon. This research effort utilizes 2M sodium acetate as hydrotropic solubilizing agent which enhances the aqueous solubility of probenecid by 85 folds. The drug stability in hydrotropic solution was found to be more than 48hrs.The probenecid hydrotrope obeys the Beers Lambert law at maximum wavelength of 244.5nm. The drug response was found to be linear in the range of 2 26 g/ml with correlation coefficient of 0.9987.The non-interference of hydrotropic agent and additives in the course of probenecid estimation ensures the specificity of the proposed method.The mean recovery of 99.43% reflects its accuracy, obtained in good terms. The method precision results were found to be within limit expressed in %RSD (NMT 2%). The results of comparison of proposed method with standard method (IP 2010) were found to be in the similar range. The comparison provides evidence of proposed method to be simple, less time consuming, safe and eco-friendly. The validation (as per ICH 2005) of the proposed method accesses its use in the routinely quality control of probenecid in tablet dosage form

    Ecofriendly Repellent-A Study of Control of Mosquito Vectors

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    Repellents such as Allethrin,Diethyltoluimide etc are widely used in India to combat mosquito nuisance and malaria. These repellent is commonly used in different formulations like mats ,coils,lotions and aerosols under different company brand names,are posing tremendous health hazards.Looking to the health hazard problem, a field study was carried out to evaluate the mosquito repellent action of essential oils viz,Citrus sinensis oil,Cymbopogon winterianus oil,Cymbopogon flexuosus oil and Azadirachta indica oil in a large room against mosquito vectors. Azadirachta indica oil and Cymbopogon winterianus oil show the remarkable most effective repellent properties and other essential oil are also show effective effect. These essential oils was then employed as active ingredients in the preparation of cream and tested on 40 human volunteers of the age group between 18-40 years. Most of the volunteers reported 80% mosquito repellency. This study demonstrates the potential of essential oils as repellents against both day and night biting of mosquitoes. It was found to be safe and suitable alternative to DEET (N, Ndiethyl-3-methyl Benzamide), the most common currently available repellent KEY WORDS:- DEET, Clevenger Apparatus, Repellent Crea

    Cutaneous manifestations in patients with chronic kidney diseases on haemodialysis

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    Background: Cutaneous and mucosal disorders are of the common problems in patients on long term haemodialysis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency and nature of cutaneous lesions among patients with chronic kidney diseases who received maintenance haemodialysis.Methods: Eighty patients with chronic kidney diseases on haemodialysis were studied. All of the patients were fully examined for cutaneous, hair, nail and mucosal changes. Diagnostic measures such as scraping and biopsy of the lesions was carried out, where necessary.Results: The patients were 30 females and 50 males with a mean age of 47.6 years. The duration of haemodialysis was 36±11 months. All patients included in this study had at least one cutaneous manifestation attributable to CRF. The most prevalent findings were xerosis (66.2%) followed by pallor (57.5%), pruritus (51.25%), infections (33.75%), AV shunt dermatitis (16.25%), pigmentary changes (13.75%), purpura, ecchymoses (8.75%) and perforating disorders (2.5%). Hair changes were diffuse alopecia (16.25%), brittles, lustreless hair (3.75%) and sparse body hairs (1.25%). Oral changes were candidiasis (10%), angular cheilitis (3.75%), gingivitis (2.75%), fissured tongue (2.75%) and lichen planus (1.25%). Nail changes were leukonychia (10%), dystrophic nails (7.5%) onychomycosis (6.25%), subungual hyperkeratosis (5%) and half and half nails (1.25%).Conclusions: At least one cutaneous manifestation is found in all CRF patients. The etiology of CRF does not affect the cutaneous, hair or nail abnormalities. Factors such as diagnostic climate and early treatment influence some disorders such as xerosis, pruritus and infections

    Cutaneous manifestations in renal transplant recipients

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    Background: Skin lesions both benign and malignant occur frequently in renal transplant recipients receiving long term immunosuppressive drugs. Aim was to study cutaneous manifestations in renal transplant recipients (RTRs).Methods: Thirty two patients with chronic kidney diseases who underwent renal transplant were included in the study. All of the patients were fully examined for cutaneous, hair, nail and mucosal changes. Diagnostic measures such as scraping and biopsy of the lesions was carried out, where necessary.Results: Out of 32 patients, 23 (71.8%) were male and 9 (28.1%) were females. Skin infections occurred in 84.3% of the patients and most of them were fungal infections (37.5%), followed by viral infection in (31.2%) patients. Oral mucosal changes, hair and nail comprising of (34.3%), (71.8%), (43.7%) patients respectively. Only malignancy seen in one patient was basal cell carcinoma. Drug induced cutaneous manifestations were acneiform eruptions (18.75%), hirsutism (15.6%), hypertrichosis (9.3%), striae (6.25%), gingival hyperplasia (3.12%) and skin atrophy (3.12%).Conclusions: Skin lesions are a significant problem in renal transplant recipients. A careful monitoring of these patients is recommended for early diagnosis and treatment

    Epidemiological study of herpes zoster in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Herpes Zoster, which presents as a localized, painful cutaneous eruption is a common clinical problem, caused by reactivation of latent Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) and is usually self- limiting in healthy adults. In this era of HIV infection, HIV seropositive patients are at increased risk of severe or disseminated cutaneous or visceral involvement. Aim was to analyse the clinical pattern and epidemiological factors of Herpes Zoster and to know the HIV prevalence among patients with Herpes Zoster.Methods: A total of 110 patients with Herpes Zoster attending dermatology department at Uttar Pradesh university of medical sciences (UPUMS), Saifai, Etawah, India from a period of July 2015 to July 2017 were included in the study.Results: Out of 110 patients, 79 were males 31 were females. Age group varied from 8-80 years. Most common dermatomes involved were thoracic followed by ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve. 33.6% of patients showed HIV seropositivity. Most commonly observed complication was post herpetic neuralgia which was encountered in 36% of the patients and most of these patients were above the age of 60 years. Post herpetic neuralgia was more commonly seen in seropositive individuals as compared to seronegative individuals.Conclusions: Disseminated zoster and multi-dermatomal involvement were encountered in immuno-compromised individuals. Post herpetic neuralgia was seen in elderly patients, especially in case of ophthalmic zoster.

    PG1004+130: Hybrid Morphology Source or a Restarted FRII? A uGMRT Polarimetric Investigation

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    We present here the polarization image of the hybrid morphology (HYMOR) and broad-absorption line (BAL) quasar PG1004+130 at 694~MHz obtained with the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (uGMRT). We detect linear polarization in this source's core, jets, and lobes. The visible discontinuity in total intensity between the inner jets and the kpc-scale lobes suggests that the source is restarted. The inferred poloidal magnetic (B-) field structure in the inner jet is consistent with that observed in Fanaroff-Riley (FR) type II sources, as are the B-fields aligned with the lobe edges. Moreover, archival Chandra and XMM-Newton data indicate that PG1004+130 displays several FRII-jet-like properties in X-rays. We conclude that PG1004+130 is a restarted quasar, with both episodes of activity being FRII type. The spectral index images show the presence of an inverted spectrum core (α=+0.30±0.01\alpha=+0.30\pm0.01), a steep spectrum inner jet (α=−0.62±0.06\alpha=-0.62\pm0.06) surrounded by much steeper lobe emission (α≈−1.2±0.1\alpha\approx-1.2\pm0.1), consistent with the suggestion that the lobes are from a previous activity episode. The spectral age difference between the two activity episodes is likely to be small (<1.2×107<1.2 \times 10^7 years), in comparison to the lobe ages (∼3.3×107\sim 3.3\times 10^7 years). The inferred B-fields in the lobes are suggestive of turbulence and the mixing of plasma. This may account for the absence of X-ray cavities around this source, similar to what is observed in M87's radio halo region. The depolarization models reveal that thermal gas of mass ∼(2.4±0.9)×109\sim (2.4\pm0.9)\times 10^9 M⊙_\odot is mixed with the non-thermal plasma in the lobes of PG1004+130.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Hypervelocity impact induced mechanoluminescence of phosphors

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    Phosphors are materials doped with one or more impurities that give cold light emission when excited. When a high velocity projectile strikes the backside of a metal plate whose front side is coated with phosphor, then the light emission takes place from the phosphor. ZnS:Mn is an important phosphor which has many applications. It is observed that, when a projectile moving with a hypervelocity makes an impact on to the metal plate coated with ZnS:Mn phosphors, then&nbsp; intense mechanoluminescence (ML )is produced.. The present paper reports the kinetics of ML induced by hypervelocity impact on ZnS:Mn phosphors ,whereby a good agreement is found between the experimental and theoretical results.&nbsp

    A Kpc-scale Radio Polarization Study of PG BL Lacs with the uGMRT

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    We present here uGMRT band 4 (~650MHz) polarization images of 8 BL~Lac objects belonging to the Palomar-Green (PG) `blazar' sample. A large fraction of the sources (~63%) reveal core-halo radio structures with most of the polarization detected in the inner core-jet regions. PG1101+385 and PG2254+075 exhibit a `spine-sheath structure' in polarization. The core-halo and `spine-sheath' structures are consistent with the Unified Scheme suggestion that BL~Lacs are the pole-on beamed counterparts of Fanaroff-Riley (FR) type I radio galaxies. PG1418+546 and PG0851+203 (OJ287) show the presence of terminal hotspots similar to FR type II radio galaxies. They were also found to be low-spectrally peaked BL Lacs, supportive of the `blazar envelope' scenario for BL~Lacs and quasars. Fractional polarization ranges from 1-13% in the cores and 2-26% in the inner jets/lobes of the sample BL Lacs. Compared to the varied radio morphology of quasars from the PG `blazar' sample, the BL~Lacs appear to be less diverse. A comparison of the inferred core magnetic (B-) field structures on arcsec- (kpc-) scales w.r.t. the Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) jet direction does not reveal any preferred orientation, suggesting that if large-scale ordered B-fields exist, they do so on scales smaller than probed by the current observations. However, the presence of polarized emission on arcsec-scales suggests that any mixing of thermal plasma with the synchrotron emitting plasma is insufficient to fully depolarize the emission via the internal depolarization process.Comment: 17 pages; 12 figures; MNRAS accepte
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