28 research outputs found

    Measles and rubella in Italy, e-learning course for health care workers

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    Introduction. Since 2003, strategic plans for the elimination of measles and congenitalrubella have been adopted in the World Health Organization European Region. In Italy,a network of reference laboratories for measles and rubella (MoRoNet) has been recentlyimplemented to ensure high-quality laboratory investigation for the confirmation ofcases and outbreaks. Training among health care workers (HCWs) is one of the tasks ofMoRoNet and an e-learning course was produced to improve the knowledge on internationaland national elimination plans and laboratory surveillance for measles and rubella.Methods. The course, based on the problem based learning methodology, was offeredfree of charge. Data about all participants and those who completed the course havebeen collected and analysed.Results. 5822 participants enrolled and 3995 (69%) completed the course; comparisonbetween pre- and post-test shows a significant improvement in knowledge. The averagescore obtained from the satisfaction questionnaire is 4.5 out of 5.Discussion and conclusions. Course’s results are satisfactory, and data show a significantimprovement in knowledge among participants. Most of them were satisfied withcontent, learning methodology and platform. Moreover, this course represents one ofthe possible strategies to overcome resistance and mistrust about vaccinations amongHCWs

    SARS-CoV-2 infection. The environmental endurance of the virus can be influenced by the increase of temperature

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    Objectives: To evaluate whether the increase of temperature can influence the environmental endurance of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Methods: Virus was inoculated on a plastic surface and harvested at predefined time-points in parallel at 20°C–25°C (room temperature; RT) and at 28°C (June temperature; JT). Samples were tested by TCID50 titres on Vero cells. Results: Our results confirm that fomite transmission of the emerging SARS-CoV-2 is possible: the virus reserved its ability to infect cells for up to 84 hours at both RT and JT on a plastic surface, with TCID50 viral titres of 0.67 and 0.25 log10, respectively. At RT, an important reduction in the viral titre, from 4 log10 to 3 log10 TCID50, was observed during the first 24–36 hours. At JT, the same decay was observed more rapidly (between 8 and 12 hours), The rate of viral inactivation by D-value was 24.74 hours at RT and 12.21 hours at JT. Conclusions: This remarkable difference between the two temperatures suggests that virus vitality can be influenced by the environmental temperature and that the hot season could reduce the probability of COVID-19 transmission

    Measles in Italy, laboratory surveillance activity during 2010

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    Introduction. The European Regional Office of the World Health Organization (WHO/Europe) developed a strategic approach to stop the indigenous transmission of measles in its 53 Member States by 2015. This study describes the measles laboratory surveillance activity performed by the National Reference Laboratory for Measles and Rubella at the Italian National Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di SanitĂ ) during 2010. Methods. Urine, oral fluid and capillary blood samples from 211 suspected measles cases arrived to the NRL from different regions of Italy for confirmation of the clinical diagnosis. Serological and/or molecular assays were performed; after molecular detection, positive samples were sequenced and genotyped.Results and discussion. 85% (180/211) of the specimens were confirmed as measles cases and 139 of these were analyzed phylogenetically. The phylogenetic analysis revealed a co-circulation of D4 and D8 genotypes for the reviewed period

    Genotyping of circulating measles strains in Italy in 2010

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    Introduction. The European Regional Office of the World Health Organization developed a strategic approach to stop the indigenous transmission of measles in its 53 Member States by 2015. In Italy, laboratory surveillance activity is implemented by the National Reference Laboratory for Measles and Rubella at the Italian National Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di SanitĂ , Rome). The role of the National Reference Laboratory is to strengthen surveillance systems through rigorous case investigation and laboratory confirmation of suspected sporadic cases and outbreaks. Genetic characterization of wild-type measles virus is an essential component of the laboratory-based surveillance. This study describes the molecular characterization of measles virus strains isolated during 2010. Methods. Dried blood spots, urine and oral fluid samples were collected from patients with a suspected measles infection. Serological tests were performed on capillary blood, and viral detection was performed on urine and oral fluid samples through molecular assay. Positive samples were sequenced and phylogenetically analysed.Results and discussion. The phylogenetic analysis showed a co-circulation of genotypes D4 and D8, and sporadic cases associated to genotypes D9 and B3. Then, molecular epidemiology of measles cases permitted to establish that D4 and D8 were the endemic genotypes in Italy during 2010

    Measles outbreaks in the Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy, during 2016

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    Background and aim. Despite the availability of a vaccine,measles continues to be endemic in Italy, where an increase of cases was reported during 2016. This study describes the measles outbreaks in Emilia-Romagna Region (ERR), one of the Italian regions mostly affected. Materials and Methods. A total of 101 suspected cases were reported in ERR during 2016. Laboratory diagnosis by serological and/or molecular methods was performed on 142 specimens (78 urine, 19 oral fluid and 45 sera) related to 97 suspected cases. For positive cases, measles virus (MV) strains involved were identified. Results. Among 101 suspected cases, 72 (71.3%) were confirmed. Vaccination status was known for 61 (84.7%) cases, of which 56 (91.8%) were unvaccinated. The highest incidence was found in the age group 15-39 years. In addition, for the 34.7% (25/72) of confirmed cases, the transmission occurred in nosocomial settings, where healthcare workers were involved (60% of cases). Roma/Sinti population were also involved in 12.5% (9/72)or confirmed cases. Both groups are considered hard-to-reach for immunization. The phylogenetic analysis showed circulation of MV strains belonging to genotype B3 and D8 in 45 (80.4%) and 11 cases (19.6%), respectively. In 94.7% of cases, the measles endemic transmission was demonstrated. Conclusions. This data obtained through active surveillance showed the endemic transmission of MV within a population with immunity gaps including healthcare workers (20.8% of confirmed cases), among which the spread of two endemic MV strains was observed

    Measles in Italy: Viral strains and crossing borders

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    In 2017, Italy experienced one of the largest outbreaks of measles in recent years, with 5404 notified cases and 4347 confirmed cases. A further 2029 cases were notified during the first 6 months of 2018, and 1516 of them were laboratory-confirmed. The B3 and D8 genotypes were identified as those responsible for the outbreak. Possible transmission routes can be established by monitoring the circulating measles virus strains in support of the national health authorities to warn people and travellers. Keywords: Outbreak, Measles, Genotype identification, Surveillanc

    Measles outbreak in Apulia, southern Italy

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    recently, a serological study conducted in the province of Bari (Apulia, southern Italy) revealed a high level of susceptibility to measles virus (MV) in that area. In our paper we describe the recent outbreak occurred in the province of Lecce (Apulia), where a high level of susceptibility can be hypothesized same as the province of Bari, with regard to the molecular epidemiology of M

    Antioxidant Activity of Citrus Limonoids and Investigation of Their Virucidal Potential against SARS-CoV-2 in Cellular Models

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    : The COVID-19 pandemic represents an unprecedented global emergency. Despite all efforts, COVID-19 remains a threat to public health, due to the complexity of mass vaccination programs, the lack of effective drugs, and the emergence of new variants. A link has recently been found between the risk of developing a severe COVID-19 infection and a high level of oxidative stress. In this context, we have focused our attention on natural compounds with the aim of finding molecules capable of acting through a dual virucidal-antioxidant mechanism. In particular, we studied the potential of grapefruit seed extracts (GSE) and their main components, belonging to the class of limonoids. Using chemical and biological approaches including isolation and purification of GSE, antioxidant and virucidal assays, we have shown that grapefruit seed constituents, belonging to the class of limonoids, are endowed with remarkable virucidal, antioxidant and mitoprotective activity

    Measles re-emergence in Northern Italy: Pathways of measles virus genotype D8, 2013–2014

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    Molecular surveillance and advanced phylogenetic methods are important tools to track the pathways of Measles virus (MV) genotypes, provide evidence for the interruption of endemic transmission and verify the elimination of the disease. The aims of this study were to describe the genetic profile of MV genotype D8 (D8-MV) strains circulating in Northern Italy (Lombardy Region) during the 2013-2014 period and to analyze the transmission chains and estimate the introduction time points using a phylogenetic approach. Forty-four strains of D8-MV identified from 12 outbreaks and 28 cases reported as sporadic were analyzed. Molecular analysis was performed by sequencing the highly variable 450 nt region of the N gene of MV genome (N-450), as recommended by the WHO. Phylogenetic analyses and tree time-scaled reconstruction were performed with BEAST software. We could trace back the transmission pathways that resulted in three chains of transmission, two introductions with limited spread (two familiar outbreaks), and two single introductions (true sporadic cases). The D8-Taunton transmission chain, which was involved in 7 outbreaks and 13 sporadic cases, was endemic during the studied period. Furthermore, two novel local variants emerged independently in March 2014 and caused two transmission chains linked to at least 3 outbreaks. Overall, viral diversity was high and strains belonging to 5 different variants were identified. The results of this study clearly demonstrate that multiple lineages of D8-MV co-circulated in Northern Italy. Measles can be considered a re-emerging disease in Italy and additional efforts are necessary to achieve measles elimination goal