299 research outputs found

    Economic conditions as heterogeneity source of the factors of supply and demand

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    © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London.The last decade is seen as a decade of profound transformations; it has become one of the most difficult periods in the history of Russian economy. Mechanical borrowing of foreign recipes and values could not solve the problem of economic growth and has created a serious threat to undermine the economic potential of the nation. Due to these circumstances, important changes took place in the sphere of theory as well. In particular, in economic science, there has been a resolute turn to study the processes of economic transformation. Actual problems of the theory, practice, and prospect of anti-recessionary regulation, reformation, and transformation of economy are discussed by scientists

    Modelling of strategic networks of interaction of enterprise structures

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    In paper developed idea of the concept of formation of a network of interaction of enterprise structure as a result of management of processes of strategic management is that the relations with direct contractors of enterprise structure become object of management. Organizational forms of interaction of the companies can be attributed to parameters of interaction of a network. © IDOSI Publications, 2013


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    In process of work the problems are set and solved. There are problems of social welfare research inconditions of nonhomogeneity of objects and subjects of management, of revealing and substantiating insuperabledifficulties in rising of social welfare by approaches, worked out before. Also there developed a new directionin implementation of the most important aim of any socially-oriented econom

    Achieving sustainable development by of consumer expenses

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    The article deals with the problem of finding the factors that in conditions of development of modern Russian economy at postindustrial stage, influence the structure of consumer spending. The maintenance of system of state regulation of consumer expenses which includes hierarchical structuring target priorities, replacement of hold down demand actions by the measures directed on increase in expenses with high multiplier effect, carrying out moderate protectionist policy, reorientation of financial sector to integration with real sector is defined

    Improvement of the assessment of probability of implementation of administrative strategy of the knowledge-intensive enterprise taking into account the motivation factor

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    In paper solve the task assessment of dependence of quality of implementation of strategy of the knowledge-intensive enterprise from structure of motivation of its personnel. Special attention is deserved by opening within the Russian theory of the fifth type of motivation. Working hypothesis of research is the assumption that the greatest compliance of the actual indicators planned at implementation of administrative strategy is reached on condition that the structure of motivation of the personnel of the knowledge-intensive enterprise.© IDOSI Publications, 2013

    Development of Russian market of information technologies: Condition and trends

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    This article provides an overview of key segments of the market capacity of information technologies, on its main consumers across sectors and regions in the Russian Federation. The article considers the role of market of information technologies in development of world economy, analyses the main tendencies of development of market of information technologies and presents conservative, innovative forecasts and target prediction of development of this market segment in the Russian economy, considers necessity of state control of market of information technologies using methods of budget-financial, moneyand- credit and administrative-legal instruments

    Differentiation of Russian Region in terms of the agricultural production

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    The present article examines the regional inequality of agricultural production. The author gives his assessment to the degree of differentiation of the agricultural production in Russian Federation regions. The author has performed the analysis of decomposition of the regional inequality in the agricultural production. The received results indicate the re-enforcement of inequality of the agricultural goods production, including the separate categories of agricultural producers. © IDOSI Publications, 2013

    Demand and utility: New methodology

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    © 2014, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. In paper consider the impact of information and advertising on consumer behavior and the process of productive differentiation formation. Advertising, television, radio, magazines and direct mail as major constraints of mass media may act as sources of information. Economics modernization aimed at accelerated development of the knowledge intensive industries, which contribute to Russia’s entrance at the world economy; the reset of manufacturing base of Russian economics; development of import substitution industries and limited participation in international labor specialization

    Internet marketing as a factor of development of small and medium business in conditions of economic crisis

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    In the article, small and medium business is presented from the point of view of its influence on the parameters of the national economy. Key trends and factors of its development in conditions of crisis were identified, the sector with the most negative and positive dynamics, as well as reducing the scale and scope of state support of small and medium business were noted. A sociological survey of small and medium business is the basis for the formation and argumentation of the author's findings and suggestions. The results of a survey on the subject of identifying the problems and expectations of entrepreneurs of the city of Kazan the Republic of Tatarstan in 2016 were shown and analyzed. The survey results the relationship of the use of technologies of Internet marketing by the subjects of small and medium business and their relations to the economic conditions of doing business in the country and expectations for 2016. Respondents that use Internet technology have a positive attitude to the economic situation in the country; they are seeing an increase in the number of Internet users in Russia, the creation of new tools and applications to promote companies and brands on the Internet, the growth of customer confidence in Internet Commerce. It was concluded that Internet technologies are of great importance not only in the marketing promotion of the projects, but also directly affect the dynamics of development and the psychological state of the entrepreneurs: their relation to the economic crisis and expectations for 2016

    Improvement of instruments of the state cluster-based policy in the contexts of economic entities interrelation assymetry

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    The present article suggests the mathematical-statistic approach to increase state policy justification in the sphere of territorial clusters' development. The author made an analysis of the current tools of the cluster development planning, as well as has improved the system of indicators and has complemented the categorical instrument. It was shown that with the limited resources at the regional level the cluster approach produces the maximal effect. The present article has detected the role of dualistic interrelations of economic entities at the labour market. It was shown that the separation of the state policy onto the social and economical problems of spatial development produces the synergistic effect through the activation of economical growth points and human potential building. By the example of regions of the Volga federal district the author evaluates the algorithm for detection of the economic cluster and mechanisms of socio-economic status improvement. © IDOSI Publications, 2013
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