57 research outputs found

    A op??o pela contratualiza??o dos servi?os de sa?de no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul como modelo de gest?o e transfer?ncia de recursos p?blicos

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    This study was carried out in a theoretical framework to investigate the contractual forms of public and private services that provide health care in the Unified Health System (SUS) network, in order to achieve the general objective of knowing the forms of contracting used by the State of Rio Grande do Sul with social and non-profit organizations and private initiative to provide actions and services in the SUS and the specific objectives of pointing out the differentiation between agreements and contracts with public and private institutions to provide services in the SUS network , analyze the legal means in the signing of agreements and contracts between the government and service providers, identify the responsibility of the contract verification commission and what items are analyzed to identify irregularities and what penalties are applied to service providers and raise data in the transparency portal of agreements and contracts signed with public and private institutions that provided services in the SUS network. In order to carry out the study, the methodological course was used, with bibliographical review in contents that approached contracting in the public health services. It was concluded that the process of contracting in public management was born from the perspective that the State, through contractual instruments, passes on to non-state entities the execution of certain services. But in this transition, the state remains responsible for public policies, playing the role of financier, inductor and regulator, so that the services are provided properly, with quality and efficiency defined in the contractual terms.Estudo realizado em referencial te?rico, para averiguar as formas de contratualiza??o dos servi?os p?blicos e privados que prestam a??es de sa?de na rede do Sistema ?nico de Sa?de (SUS), para alcan?ar o objetivo geral de conhecer as formas de contratualiza??o usadas pelo Estado do Rio Grande do Sul com as Organiza??es Sociais e sem fins lucrativos e a iniciativa privada, para prestarem a??es e servi?os no SUS e os objetivos espec?ficos de apontar a diferencia??o entre conv?nios e contratos realizados com institui??es p?blicas e privadas, para prestarem servi?os na rede do SUS, analisar os meios legais na firma??o dos conv?nios e contratos efetuados entre o governo e as empresas prestadoras de servi?os, identificar a responsabilidade da comiss?o de verifica??o de contratos e quais itens s?o analisados para identificar irregularidades e quais penalidades s?o aplicadas ?s prestadoras de servi?os e levantar dados no portal de transpar?ncia de conv?nios e contratos firmados com institui??es p?blicas e privadas que prestaram servi?os na rede do SUS. Para a realiza??o do estudo foi utilizado o percurso metodol?gico com revis?o de bibliografia em conte?dos que abordaram a contratualiza??o nos servi?os p?blicos de sa?de. Concluiu-se que o processo de contratualiza??o na gest?o p?blica nasceu da perspectiva de que o Estado, por meio de instrumentos contratuais, repassa ?s entidades n?o-estatais a execu??o de determinados servi?os. Mas nesta transi??o, o Estado permanece como respons?vel pelas pol?ticas p?blicas, exercendo o papel de financiador, indutor e regulador, para que os servi?os sejam prestados adequadamente, com qualidade e efici?ncia definidas nos termos contratuais

    A randomised controlled crossover trial investigating the short-term effects of different types of vegetables on vascular and metabolic function in middle-aged and older adults with mildly elevated blood pressure: the VEgetableS for vaScular hEaLth (VESSEL) study protocol

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    A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is recommended for cardiovascular health. However, the majority of Australians do not consume the recommended number of vegetable servings each day. Furthermore, intakes of vegetables considered to have the greatest cardiovascular benefit are often very low. Results from prospective observational studies indicate that a higher consumption of cruciferous vegetables (e.g. broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower) is associated with lower cardiovascular disease risk. This may be due to the presence of specific nutrients and bioactive compounds found almost exclusively, or at relatively high levels, in cruciferous vegetables. Therefore, the aim of this randomised controlled crossover trial is to determine whether regular consumption of cruciferous vegetables results in short-term improvement in measures related to cardiovascular disease risk, including ambulatory blood pressure, arterial stiffness, glycaemic control, and circulating biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammation

    Desempenho de Cultivares de Soja TransgĂȘnica (Intacta e Rr1) na MacrorregiĂŁo SojĂ­cola 1, Avaliadas na Safra 2013/14 ela Rede Soja Sul de Pesquisa.

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    A Rede Soja Sul de Pesquisa, composta por empresas de melhoramento e de pesquisa (CCGL Tecnologia, Coodetec, GDM Genética do Brasil, Embrapa Clima Temperado, Embrapa Trigo, Fepagro, Geneze Sementes, Nidera Sementes, Syngenta Seeds, TMG, Instituto Federal de Sertão e Fundação Pró-Sementes), conduz ensaios que avaliam, no mesmo ambiente e manejo, o desempenho agronÎmico de cultivares registradas por diferentes obtentores. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o rendimento de grãos de cultivares de soja das tecnologias Intacta e RR1, em ambientes da Macrorregião sojícola 1

    Crosstalk between JNK and SUMO Signaling Pathways: deSUMOylation Is Protective against H2O2-Induced Cell Injury

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    Background: Oxidative stress is a key feature in the pathogenesis of several neurological disorders. Following oxidative stress stimuli a wide range of pathways are activated and contribute to cellular death. The mechanism that couples c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling, a key pathway in stress conditions, to the small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO), an emerging protein in the field, is largely unknown. Methodology/Principal Findings: With this study we investigated if SUMOylation participates in the regulation of JNK activation as well as cellular death in a model of H 2O 2 induced-oxidative stress. Our data show that H 2O 2 modulates JNK activation and induces cellular death in neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. Inhibition of JNK’s action with the D-JNKI1 peptide rescued cells from death. Following H2O2, SUMO-1 over-expression increased phosphorylation of JNK and exacerbated cell death, although only in conditions of mild oxidative stress. Furthermore inhibition of SUMOylation, following transfection with SENP1, interfered with JNK activation and rescued cells from H 2O 2 induced death. Importantly, in our model, direct interaction between these proteins can occur. Conclusions/Significance: Taken together our results show that SUMOylation may significantly contribute to modulation o

    Ensaio de competição de cultivares tolerantes ao glifosato da rede soja sul de pesquisa, safra 2009/10.

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