78 research outputs found

    Accuracy of breeding values for production traits in turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) using recursive models with or without genomics.

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    BACKGROUND Knowledge about potential functional relationships among traits of interest offers a unique opportunity to understand causal mechanisms and to optimize breeding goals, management practices, and prediction accuracy. In this study, we inferred the phenotypic causal networks among five traits in a turkey population and assessed the effect of the use of such causal structures on the accuracy of predictions of breeding values. METHODS Phenotypic data on feed conversion ratio, residual feed intake, body weight, breast meat yield, and walking score in addition to genotype data from a commercial breeding population were used. Causal links between the traits were detected using the inductive causation algorithm based on the joint distribution of genetic effects obtained from a standard Bayesian multiple trait model. Then, a structural equation model was implemented to infer the magnitude of causal structure coefficients among the phenotypes. Accuracies of predictions of breeding values derived using pedigree- and blending-based multiple trait models were compared to those obtained with the pedigree- and blending-based structural equation models. RESULTS In contrast to the two unconditioned traits (i.e., feed conversion ratio and breast meat yield) in the causal structures, the three conditioned traits (i.e., residual feed intake, body weight, and walking score) showed noticeable changes in estimates of genetic and residual variances between the structural equation model and the multiple trait model. The analysis revealed interesting functional associations and indirect genetic effects. For example, the structural coefficient for the path from body weight to walking score indicated that a 1-unit genetic improvement in body weight is expected to result in a 0.27-unit decline in walking score. Both structural equation models outperformed their counterpart multiple trait models for the conditioned traits. Applying the causal structures led to an increase in accuracy of estimated breeding values of approximately 7, 6, and 20% for residual feed intake, body weight, and walking score, respectively, and different rankings of selection candidates for the conditioned traits. CONCLUSIONS Our results suggest that structural equation models can improve genetic selection decisions and increase the prediction accuracy of breeding values of selection candidates. The identified causal relationships between the studied traits should be carefully considered in future turkey breeding programs

    Usefulness of mid-infrared spectroscopy as a tool to estimate body condition score change from milk samples in intensively-fed dairy cows.

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    Directly measuring individual cow energy balance is not trivial. Other traits, like body condition score (BCS) and BCS change (ΔBCS) can, however, be used as an indicator of cow energy status. Body condition score is a metric used world-wide to estimate cow body reserves and the estimation of ΔBCS was, until now, conditional on the availability of multiple BCS assessments. The aim of the present study was to estimate ΔBCS from milk mid-infrared (MIR) spectra and days in milk (DIM) in intensively-fed dairy cows using statistical prediction methods. Daily BCS was interpolated from cubic splines fitted through the BCS records and daily ΔBCS was calculated from these splines. Body condition score change records were merged with milk MIR spectra recorded on the same week. The data set comprised 37,077 ΔBCS phenotypes across 9,403 lactations from 6,988 cows in 151 herds based in Quebec (Canada). Partial least squares regression (PLSR) and a neural network (NN) were then used to estimate ΔBCS from 1) MIR spectra only, 2) DIM only, or 3) MIR spectra and DIM together. ΔBCS data in both the first 120 DIM and 305 DIM of lactation were used to develop the estimates. Daily ΔBCS had a standard deviation of 4.40*10-3 BCS units in the 120-d data set and of 3.63*10-3 BCS units in the 305-d data set. 4-fold cross-validation was used to calibrate and test the prediction equations. External validation was also conducted using more recent years of data. Irrespective of whether based on the first 120 or 305 DIM, or when MIR spectra only, DIM only or MIR spectra and DIM were jointly used as prediction variables, NN produced the lowest root mean square error (RMSE) of cross-validation (1.81*10-3 BCS units and 1.51*10-3 BCS units, respectively, using the 120-d and 305-d data set). Relative to predictions for the entire 305 DIM, the RMSE of cross-validation was 15.4% and 1.5% lower in the first 120 DIM when using PLSR and NN, respectively. Predictions from DIM only were more accurate than those using just MIR spectra data but, irrespective of the data set and of the prediction model used, the combining DIM information with MIR spectral data as prediction variables reduced the RMSE compared with inclusion of DIM alone, albeit the benefit was small (the RMSE from cross-validation was reduced up to 5.5% when DIM and spectral data were jointly used as model features instead of DIM only). However, when predicting extreme ΔBCS records, the MIR spectral data was more informative than DIM. Model performance when predicting ΔBCS records in future years was similar to that from cross-validation demonstrating the ability of MIR spectra of milk and DIM combined to estimate ΔBCS, particularly in early lactation. This can be used to routinely generate estimates of ΔBCS to aid in day-to-day individual cow management

    Applicability of single-step genomic evaluation with a random regression model for reproductive traits in turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo).

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    Fertility and hatchability are economically important traits due to their effect on poult output coming from the turkey hatchery. Traditionally, fertility is recorded as the number of fertile eggs set in the incubator (FERT), defined at a time point during incubation by the identification of a developing embryo. Hatchability is recorded as either the number of fertile eggs that hatched (hatch of fertile, HOF) or the number hatched from all the eggs set (hatch of set, HOS). These traits are collected throughout the productive life of the bird and are conventionally cumulated, resulting in each bird having a single record per trait. Genetic evaluations of these traits have been estimated using pedigree relationships. However, the longitudinal nature of the traits and the availability of genomic information have renewed interest in using random regression (RR) to capture the differences in repeatedly recorded traits, as well as in the incorporation of genomic relationships. Therefore, the objectives of this study were: 1) to compare the applicability of a RR model with a cumulative model (CUM) using both pedigree and genomic information for genetic evaluation of FERT, HOF, and HOS and 2) to estimate and compare predictability from the models. For this study, a total of 63,935 biweekly FERT, HOF, and HOS records from 7,211 hens mated to 1,524 toms were available for a maternal turkey line. In total, 4,832 animals had genotypic records, and pedigree information on 11,191 animals was available. Estimated heritability from the CUM model using pedigree information was 0.11 0.02, 0.24 0.02, and 0.24 0.02 for FERT, HOF, and HOS, respectively. With random regression using pedigree relationships, heritability estimates were in the range of 0.04-0.09, 0.11-0.17, and 0.09-0.18 for FERT, HOF, and HOS, respectively. The incorporation of genomic information increased the heritability by an average of 28 and 23% for CUM and RR models, respectively. In addition, the incorporation of genomic information caused predictability to increase by approximately 11 and 7% for HOF and HOS, respectively; however, a decrease in predictability of about 12% was observed for FERT. Our findings suggest that RR models using pedigree and genomic relationships simultaneously will achieve a higher predictability than the traditional CUM model

    Genome-wide association study reveals candidate genes relevant to body weight in female turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo).

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    The underlying genetic mechanisms affecting turkey growth traits have not been widely investigated. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) is a powerful approach to identify candidate regions associated with complex phenotypes and diseases in livestock. In the present study, we performed GWAS to identify regions associated with 18-week body weight in a turkey population. The data included body weight observations for 24,989 female turkeys genotyped based on a 65K SNP panel. The analysis was carried out using a univariate mixed linear model with hatch-week-year and the 2 top principal components fitted as fixed effects and the accumulated polygenic effect of all markers captured by the genomic relationship matrix as random. Thirty-three significant markers were observed on 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 12 chromosomes, while 26 showed strong linkage disequilibrium extending up to 410 kb. These significant markers were mapped to 37 genes, of which 13 were novel. Interestingly, many of the investigated genes are known to be involved in growth and body weight. For instance, genes AKR1D1, PARP12, BOC, NCOA1, ADCY3 and CHCHD7 regulate growth, body weight, metabolism, digestion, bile acid biosynthetic and development of muscle cells. In summary, the results of our study revealed novel candidate genomic regions and candidate genes that could be managed within a turkey breeding program and adapted in fine mapping of quantitative trait loci to enhance genetic improvement in this species

    The usual suspects: Co-occurrence of integument injuries in turkey flocks.

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    The present study investigated the prevalence and co-occurrence of integument injuries in Canadian turkeys. Participating farmers scored 30 birds in their flock for integument injuries to the head/neck (HN), back/tail (BT), and footpad (FP) using a simplified scoring system (0: no sign of injury, 1: mild injury, 2: severe injury). Information from 62 flocks was used to calculate the prevalence of any (score ≥1) and severe (score 2) injuries on a flock- and individual-level. Chi-square analyses were performed to determine the likelihood of integument injury co-occurrence. The prevalence of each type of injury varied between flocks. While the majority of flocks reported injuries, the within-flock prevalence was relatively low and largely comprised of mild cases (score 1). Given their higher prevalence, the data indicate that FP injuries are overall more widespread and more severe among Canadian turkey flocks than HN and BT injuries. Co-occurrence of different integument injuries was observed in 7% of birds and 58.1% of flocks reported at least one bird with co-occurring injury types. Despite the low prevalence of multiple injury types, birds with one type of injury were more likely to present with other injury types. Indeed, birds with HN injuries were 4 times more likely to have BT injuries, and birds with FP injuries were 1.5 times more likely to have BT injuries compared to birds that do not have these respective injuries. The data increase our understanding of the co-occurrence of these common integument injuries which can help inform a holistic management approach to rear turkeys with healthy skin and feather cover

    Investigating inbreeding in the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) genome

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    The detrimental effects of increased homozygosity due to inbreeding have prompted the development of methods to reduce inbreeding. The detection of runs of homozygosity (ROH), or contiguous stretches of homozygous marker genotypes, can be used to describe and quantify the level of inbreeding in an individual. The estimation of inbreeding coefficients can be calculated based on pedigree information, ROH, or the genomic relationship matrix. The aim of this study was to detect and describe ROH in the turkey genome and compare estimates of pedigree-based inbreeding coefficients (FPED) with genomic-based inbreeding coefficients estimated from ROH (FROH) and the genomic relationship matrix (FGRM). A total of 2,616,890 pedigree records were available. Of these records, 6,371 genotyped animals from three purebred turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) lines between 2013 and 2019 were available, and these were obtained using a dense single nucleotide polymorphism array (56,452 SNPs). The overall mean length of detected ROH was 2.87 ± 0.29 Mb with a mean number of 84.87 ± 8.79 ROH per animal. Short ROH with lengths of 1 to 2 Mb long were the most abundant throughout the genome. Mean ROH coverage differed greatly between chromosomes and lines. Considering inbreeding coefficient means across all lines, genomic derived inbreeding coefficients (FROH = 0.27; FGRM = 0.32) were higher than coefficients estimated from pedigree records (FPED = 0.14). Correlations between FROH and FPED, FROH and FGRM, and FPED and FGRM ranged between 0.19 to 0.31, 0.68 to 0.73, and 0.17 to 0.30, respectively. Additionally, correlations between FROH from different lengths and FPED substantially increased with ROH length from -0.06 to 0.33. Results of the current research, including the distribution of ROH throughout the genome and ROH-derived inbreeding estimates, can provide a more comprehensive description of inbreeding in the turkey genome. This knowledge can be used to evaluate genetic diversity, a requirement for genetic improvement, and develop methods to minimize inbreeding in turkey breeding programs

    A Description of Laying Hen Husbandry and Management Practices in Canada

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    Canadian laying hen farms are transitioning from conventional cage housing to furnished cage and non-cage housing systems to improve laying hen welfare. However, little is known about the current housing and management systems in Canada. This study addresses this knowledge gap by describing different housing and management practices used on farms where laying hens were housed in furnished cages or non-cage housing systems. A questionnaire covering farm and housing conditions, litter management, nutrition and feeding, environmental control, flock characteristics, rearing and placement, health, egg production and performance were distributed through provincial egg boards to 122 producers across Canada. Data were collected from 65 laying hen flocks (52.5% response rate) in 26 furnished cage, 17 single-tier and 22 multi-tier systems. Flocks were on average 45.1 ± 14.59 weeks old (range: 19–69 weeks). Frequencies of different management practices were calculated according to housing system. Most flocks were reared in the same housing system as they were housed in during lay, with the exception of furnished cage layers which were reared in conventional cage systems. Results indicated that a large proportion of non-cage systems were either fully slatted or had manure as a litter substrate, which could have implications for consumer perspectives on these systems. Further research is needed to develop clear recommendations on proper litter management for farmers. In general, flock health was managed through daily inspections and vaccination schemes, whereas veterinarian involvement on-farm was less common. Vaccination, hygiene, and effective biosecurity should be maintained to ensure good health in laying hens in furnished cage and non-cage systems during the transition to these systems

    Genetic Parameters of White Striping and Meat Quality Traits Indicative of Pale, Soft, Exudative Meat in Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo).

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    Due to the increasing prevalence of growth-related myopathies and abnormalities in turkey meat, the ability to include meat quality traits in poultry breeding strategies is an issue of key importance. In the present study, genetic parameters for meat quality traits and their correlations with body weight and meat yield were estimated using a population of purebred male turkeys. Information on live body, breast, thigh, and drum weights, breast meat yield, feed conversion ratio, breast lightness (L*), redness (a*), and yellowness (b*), ultimate pH, and white striping (WS) severity score were collected on 11,986 toms from three purebred genetic lines. Heritability and genetic and partial phenotypic correlations were estimated for each trait using an animal model with genetic line, hatch week-year, and age at slaughter included as fixed effects. Heritability of ultimate pH was estimated to be 0.34 ± 0.05 and a range of 0.20 ± 0.02 to 0.23 ± 0.02 for breast meat colour (L*, a*, and b*). White striping was also estimated to be moderately heritable at 0.15 ± 0.02. Unfavorable genetic correlations were observed between body weight and meat quality traits as well as white striping, indicating that selection for increased body weight and meat yield may decrease pH and increase the incidence of pale meat with more severe white striping. The results of this analysis provide insight into the effect of current selection strategies on meat quality and emphasize the need to include meat quality traits into future selection indexes for turkeys
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