66 research outputs found

    Systematic DC/AC Performance Benchmarking of Sub-7-nm Node FinFETs and Nanosheet FETs

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    In this paper, we systematically evaluate dc/ac performances of sub-7-nm node fin field-effect transistors (FinFETs) and nanosheet FETs (NSEETs) using fully calibrated 3-D TCAD. The stress effects of all the devices were carefully considered in terms of carrier mobility and velocity averaged within the active regions. For detailed AC analysis, the parasitic capacitances were extracted and decomposed into several components using TCAD RF simulation platform. FinFETs improved the gate electrostatics by decreasing fin widths to 5 nm, but the fin heights were unable to improve RC delay due to the trade-off between on-state currents and gate capacitances. The NSEETs have better on-state currents than do the FinFETs because of larger effective widths (W-eff) under the same device area. Particularly p-type NSEETs have larger compressive stress within the active regions affected by metal gate encircling all around the channels, thus improving carrier mobility and velocity much. On the other hand, the NSEETs have larger gate capacitances because larger W-eff increase the gate-to-source/drain overlap and outer-fringing capacitances. In spite of that, sub-7-nm node NSEETs attain better RC delay than sub-7-nm node as well as 10-nm node FinFETs for standard and high performance applications, showing better chance for scaling down to sub-7-nm node and beyond.11Ysciescopu

    Bottom oxide Bulk FinFETs Without Punch-Through-Stopper for Extending Toward 5-nm Node

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    Structural advancements of 5-nm node bulk fin-shaped field-effect transistors (FinFETs) without punch-through-stopper (PTS) were introduced using fully calibrated TCAD for the first time. It is challenging to scale down conventional bulk FinFETs into 5-nm technology node due to the sub-fin leakage increase. Meanwhile, bottom oxide deposition after anisotropic etching for source/drain (S/D) epi formation prevents the sub-fin leakage effectively even without the PTS doping, thus achieving better gate-to-channel controllability. Bottom oxide FinFETs also have smaller gate capacitances than do conventional FinFETs because the parasitic capacitances decrease by smaller S/D epi separated from the bottom Si layer, which reduces junction and outer-fringing capacitances. But smaller S/D epi decreases the stresses along the channel direction, and the effective widths decrease by the bottom oxide layer blocking the current paths at the bottom side of fin channels. Furthermore, increase of the interconnect resistance and capacitance parasitics down to 5-nm node diminishes the improvements of total delays as the interconnect wire length increases greatly. In spite of these drawbacks, 5-nm node bottom oxide FinFETs achieve smaller total delays than do the 7-nm node conventional FinFETs, especially for low-power applications, thus promising for the scalability of bulk FinFETs along with simple and reliable process by avoiding PTS step.11Ysciescopu

    Source/Drain Patterning FinFETs as Solution for Physical Area Scaling Toward 5-nm Node

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    A novel and feasible process scheme to downsize the source/drain (S/D) epitaxy of 5-nm node bulk fin-shaped field-effect transistors (FinFETs) were introduced by using fully-calibrated TCAD for the first time. The S/D epitaxy formed by selective epitaxial growth was diamond-shaped and occupied a large proportion of the device size irrespective of the active channel area. However, this problem was solved by patterning the low-k regions prior to S/D formation by preventing the lateral overgrowth of S/D epitaxy; the so-called S/D patterning (SDP). Its smaller S/D epitaxy decreased the average longitudinal channel stresses and drive currents for NFETs. However, the small diffusions of the boron dopants into the channel regions improved the short-channel effects and alleviated the drive current reduction for PFETs. Gate capacitances decreased greatly by reducing outer-fringing capacitances between the metal-gate stack and S/D regions. Through SPICE simulation based on the virtual source model, operation frequencies and dynamic powers of 15-stage ring oscillators were studied. SDP FinFETs have better circuit performances than the conventional and bottom oxide bulk FinFETs along with smaller active areas, promising for further area scaling through simple and reliable S/D process.11Ysciescopu

    Role and Potential of Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer in Anaerobic Digestion

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    Anaerobic digestion (AD) is an effective biological treatment for stabilizing organic compounds in waste/wastewater and in simultaneously producing biogas. However, it is often limited by the slow reaction rates of different microorganisms' syntrophic biological metabolisms. Stable and fast interspecies electron transfer (IET) between volatile fatty acid-oxidizing bacteria and hydrogenotrophic methanogens is crucial for efficient methanogenesis. In this syntrophic interaction, electrons are exchanged via redox mediators such as hydrogen and formate. Recently, direct IET (DIET) has been revealed as an important IET route for AD. Microorganisms undergoing DIET form interspecies electrical connections via membrane-associated cytochromes and conductive pili; thus, redox mediators are not required for electron exchange. This indicates that DIET is more thermodynamically favorable than indirect IET. Recent studies have shown that conductive materials (e.g., iron oxides, activated carbon, biochar, and carbon fibers) can mediate direct electrical connections for DIET. Microorganisms attach to conductive materials' surfaces or vice versa according to particle size, and form conductive biofilms or aggregates. Different conductive materials promote DIET and improve AD performance in digesters treating different feedstocks, potentially suggesting a new approach to enhancing AD performance. This review discusses the role and potential of DIET in methanogenic systems, especially with conductive materials for promoting DIET

    Gate-All-Around FETs: Nanowire and Nanosheet Structure

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    DC/AC performances of 3-nm-node gate-all-around (GAA) FETs having different widths and the number of channels (Nch) from 1 to 5 were investigated thoroughly using fully-calibrated TCAD. There are two types of GAAFETs: nanowire (NW) FETs having the same width (WNW) and thickness of the channels, and nanosheet (NS) FETs having wide width (WNS) but the fixed thickness of the channels as 5 nm. Compared to FinFETs, GAAFETs can maintain good short channel characteristics as the WNW is smaller than 9 nm but irrespective of the WNS. DC performances of the GAAFETs improve as the Nch increases but at decreasing rate because of the parasitic resistances at the source/drain epi. On the other hand, gate capacitances of the GAAFETs increase constantly as the Nch increases. Therefore, the GAAFETs have minimum RC delay at the Nch near 3. For low power applications, NWFETs outperform FinFETs and NSFETs due to their excellent short channel characteristics by 2-D structural confinement. For standard and high performance applications, NSFETs outperform FinFETs and NWFETs by showing superior DC performances arising from larger effective widths per footprint. Overall, GAAFETs are great candidates to substitute FinFETs in the 3-nm technology node for all the applications

    Packaging and Antenna-Assembled Hybrid Stacked PCB with Novel Vertical Transition for 39 GHz 5G Base Stations

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    This paper proposes a novel packaging and large-scale antenna-assembled structure for a printed circuit board (PCB) that reinforces productivity, facilitates cost reduction, and maintains reliability. This was achieved by splitting the antenna from the main board and packaging it into a radio-frequency integrated circuit. In addition, two innovative solutions—an externally attachable flexible PCB antenna and a PCB-embedded coaxial line—are introduced to overcome the degradation in antenna performance and vertical RF transition loss in the proposed low-cost hybrid PCB. First, the proposed externally attachable flexible PCB antenna and a parasitic air-coupled antenna, which were easily assembled on the PCB, achieved an antenna efficiency of 95% and an impedance bandwidth of 7 GHz. Second, the fabricated coaxial line exhibited enhanced impedance matching over a wide frequency range of 30–40 GHz and improved insertion loss of approximately 1.4 dB. Furthermore, the packaged antenna, composed of 256 dual-polarized antenna elements per stream, incorporated a 39 GHz CMOS-based 16-channel phased-array transceiver IC. The set-level beam-forming measurements were verified considering an effective isotropic radiated power of 55 dBm at boresight and a steering range >±60°. In addition to being suitable for mass production in terms of cost and reliability, the proposed structures and solutions met the required antenna and beam-forming performance for commercial 39 GHz base stations without sacrificing performance

    RCHC: A Holistic Runtime System for Concurrent Heterogeneous Computing

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    Concurrent heterogeneous computing (CHC) is rapidly emerging as a promising solution for high-performance and energy-efficient computing. The fundamental challenges for efficient CHC are how to partition the workload of the target application across the devices in the underlying CHC system and how to control the operating frequency of each device in order to maximize the overall efficiency. Despite the extensive prior work on the system software techniques for CHC, efficient runtime support for CHC that robustly supports both functional and performance heterogeneity without the need for extensive offline profiling still remains unexplored. To bridge this gap, we propose RCHC, a holistic runtime system for concurrent heterogeneous computing. RCHC dynamically profiles the target application and constructs the performance and power estimation models based on the runtime information. Guided by the estimation models, RCHC explores the system state space, determines the best system state that is expected to maximize the efficiency of the target application, and accordingly executes it. Our experimental results demonstrate that RCHC significantly outperforms the baseline version (e.g., 61.0% higher energy efficiency on average) that employs the GPU and achieves the efficiency comparable with that of the static best version, which requires extensive offline profiling

    Quantifying the Performance and Energy-Efficiency Impact of Hardware Transactional Memory on Scientific Applications on Large-Scale NUMA Systems

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    Hardware transactional memory (HTM) is supported by widely-used commodity processors. While the effectiveness of HTM has been evaluated based on small-scale multi-core systems, it still remains unexplored to quantify the performance and energy-efficiency of HTM for scientific workloads on large-scale NUMA systems, which have been increasingly adopted to high-performance computing. To bridge this gap, this work investigates the performance and energy-efficiency impact of HTM on scientific applications on large-scale NUMA systems. We first quantify the performance and energy efficiency of HTM for scientific workloads based on the widely-used CLOMP-TM benchmark. We then discuss a set of generic software optimizations that can be effectively used to improve the performance and energy efficiency of transactional scientific workloads on large-scale NUMA systems. Finally, we present case studies in which we apply a set of the optimizations to representative transactional scientific applications and significantly optimize their performance and energy efficiency on large-scale NUMA systems

    Hap: A heterogeneity-conscious runtime system for adaptive pipeline parallelism

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    Heterogeneous multiprocessing (HMP) is a promising solution for energy-efficient computing. While pipeline parallelism is an effective technique to accelerate various workloads (e.g., streaming), relatively little work has been done to investigate efficient runtime support for adaptive pipeline parallelism in the context of HMP. To bridge this gap, we propose a heterogeneity-conscious runtime system for adaptive pipeline parallelism (HAP). HAP dynamically controls the full HMP system resources to improve the energy efficiency of the target pipeline application. We demonstrate that HAP achieves significant energyefficiency gains over the Linux HMP scheduler and a state-of-the-art runtime system and incurs a low performance overhead

    Analyzing and optimizing the performance and energy efficiency of transactional scientific applications on large-scale NUMA systems with HTM support

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    Hardware transactional memory (HTM) is widely supported by commodity processors. While the effectiveness of HTM has been evaluated based on small-scale multi-core systems, it still remains unexplored to quantify the performance and energy efficiency of HTM for scientific workloads on large-scale NUMA systems, which have been increasingly adopted to high-performance computing. To bridge this gap, this work investigates the performance and energy-efficiency impact of HTM on scientific applications on large-scale NUMA systems. Specifically, we quantify the performance and energy efficiency of HTM for scientific workloads based on the widely-used CLOMP-TM benchmark. We then discuss a set of generic software optimizations, which effectively improve the performance and energy efficiency of transactional scientific workloads on large-scale NUMA systems. Further, we present case studies in which we apply a set of the performance and energy-efficiency optimizations to representative transactional scientific applications and investigate the potential for high-performance and energy-efficient runtime support