72 research outputs found

    Interpreting the 750 GeV diphoton excess in minimal extensions of Two-Higgs-Doublet models

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    It is shown that the 750 GeV diphoton excess can be explained in extensions of Two-Higgs-Doublet Models that do not involve large multiplicities of new electromagnetically charged states. The key observation is that at moderate and large tanβ\tan\beta the total decay width of the 750 GeV Higgs is strongly reduced as compared to the Standard Model. This allows for much more economical choices of new states that enhance the diphoton signal to fit the data. In particular, it is shown that one family of vector-like quarks and leptons with SM charges is enough to explain the 750 GeV diphoton excess. Moreover, such charge assignment can keep the 125 GeV Higgs signal rates exactly at the SM values. The scenario can interpret the diphoton excess provided that the total decay width of a hypothetical resonance that would be measured at the LHC turns out to not exceed few GeV.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; v2: fig.3, discussion of ditau constraints, comments and references added; to appear in PL

    Minimal Non-Abelian Supersymmetric Twin Higgs

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    We propose a minimal supersymmetric Twin Higgs model that can accommodate tuning of the electroweak scale for heavy stops better than 10% with high mediation scales of supersymmetry breaking. A crucial ingredient of this model is a new SU(2)_X gauge symmetry which provides a D-term potential that generates a large SU(4) invariant coupling for the Higgs sector and only small set of particles charged under SU(2)_X, which allows the model to be perturbative around the Planck scale. The new gauge interaction drives the top yukawa coupling small at higher energy scales, which also reduces the tuning.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, matched to the published versio

    Asymptotically Free Natural SUSY Twin Higgs

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    Twin Higgs (TH) models explain the absence of new colored particles responsible for natural electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB). All known ultraviolet completions of TH models require some non-perturbative dynamics below the Planck scale. We propose a supersymmetric model in which the TH mechanism is introduced by a new asymptotically free gauge interaction. The model features natural EWSB for squarks and gluino heavier than 2 TeV even if supersymmetry breaking is mediated around the Planck scale, and has interesting flavor phenomenology including the top quark decay into the Higgs and the up quark which may be discovered at the LHC.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Supersymmetric D-term Twin Higgs

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    We propose a new type of supersymmetric Twin Higgs model where the SU(4) invariant quartic term is provided by a D-term potential of a new U(1) gauge symmetry. In the model the 125 GeV Higgs mass can be obtained for stop masses below 1 TeV, and a tuning required to obtain the correct electroweak scale can be as low as 20 %. A stop mass of about 2 TeV is also possible with tuning of order O(10) %.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures; v2: appendix extended, matches version published in JHE

    New Regions in the NMSSM with a 125 GeV Higgs

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    It is pointed out that mixing effects in the CP-even scalar sector of the NMSSM can give 6-8 GeV correction to the SM-like Higgs mass in moderate or large tanβ\tan\beta regions with a small value of the singlet-higgs-higgs superfields coupling λO(0.1)\lambda\sim\mathcal{O}(0.1). This effect comes mainly from the mixing of the SM-like Higgs with lighter singlet. In the same parameter range, the mixing of the heavy doublet Higgs with the singlet may strongly modify the couplings of the singlet-like and the 125 GeV scalars. Firstly, the LEP bounds on a light singlet can be evaded for a large range of its masses. Secondly, the decay rates of both scalars can show a variety of interesting patterns, depending on the lightest scalar mass. In particular, a striking signature of this mechanism can be a light scalar with strongly suppressed (enhanced) branching ratios to bbˉb\bar{b} (gggg, ccˉc\bar{c}, γγ\gamma\gamma) as compared to the SM Higgs with the same mass. The γγ\gamma\gamma decay channel is particularly promising for the search of such a scalar at the LHC. The 125 GeV scalar can, thus, be accommodated with substantially smaller than in the MSSM radiative corrections from the stop loops (and consequently, with lighter stops) also for moderate or large tanβ\tan\beta, with the mixing effects replacing the standard NMSSM mechanism of increasing the tree level Higgs mass in the low tanβ\tan\beta and large λ\lambda regime, and with clear experimental signatures of such a mechanism.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, references added, version to be publishe