41 research outputs found

    Lebanon's Earliest Potting Traditions in Regional Context

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    Discussion and Conclusions: Ceramics, society and economy in the northern Levant

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    Mechanochemical generation of perchlorate

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    Perchlorate (ClO4−) is widespread in the solar system having been detected on Earth, on Mars, in chondrite meteorites and in lunar samples. On Mars, perchlorates expand the potential for habitable conditions by lowering the freezing point of liquid water in the formation of brines. In future manned space exploration their presence poses a hazard to human health, however, it also represents opportunities as a source of oxygen and fuel. Despite their prevalence, the mechanism(s) of perchlorate formation in different solar system environments are poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that perchlorate can be generated through the mechanical activation of silicates in the presence of chloride

    Insights into the economic organization of the Phoenician homeland: a multidisciplinary investigation of the later Iron Age II and Persian period Phoenician amphorae from Tell el-Burak

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    This paper details the results of a large-scale multi-disciplinary analysis of Iron Age pottery from a settlement in the core of the Phoenician homeland. The research presented is centred upon a large corpus of Phoenician carinated-shoulder amphorae (CSA) from the later Iron Age II and Persian period contexts at the coastal site of Tell el-Burak. Traditional typological investigations are combined with a focused archaeometric approach including a new quantitative method for the morphometric analysis of amphorae, thin-section petrography, geochemistry and organic residue analyses, aimed at gaining a more detailed understanding of the organization of the Phoenician economy. Despite gradual, but marked typological changes, very little change in the fabrics of these amphorae was noted over the 400-year Iron Age occupation of the site. The research, thus, demonstrates that the production of Iron Age amphorae from Tell el-Burak was highly organized, and was undertaken by long-lived, sustained and centralized modes. The establishment of Tell el-Burak and this new pottery industry coincides with the proliferation of the world’s first great imperial powers, the Neo-Assyrian, Neo-Babylonian and Persian empires; the outcomes of this research provide new insights into socio-economic strategies adopted in the Phoenician homeland during this pivotal time

    The Pottery

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