79 research outputs found

    Effect of ELF e.m. fields on metalloprotein redox-active sites

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    The peculiarity of the distribution and geometry of metallic ions in enzymes pushed us to set the hypothesis that metallic ions in active-site act like tiny antennas able to pick up very feeble e.m. signals. Enzymatic activity of Cu2+, Zn2+ Superoxide Dismutase (SOD1) and Fe2+ Xanthine Oxidase (XO) has been studied, following in vitro generation and removal of free radicals. We observed that Superoxide radicals generation by XO is increased by a weak field having the Larmor frequency fL of Fe2+ while the SOD1 kinetics is sensibly reduced by exposure to a weak field having the frequency fL of Cu2+ ion.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Biochemical and Fatty Acids Composition of Water Buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis) Follicular Fluid

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    Aim of this study was to characterize the biochemical and fatty acids composition of follicular fluid collected from follicles of different sizes and in different phases of ovarian cycle in water buffalo farmed in Italy. Ovaries were collected at slaughterhouse during the breeding season; follicular fluid was aspirated dividing samples in small and large follicles (< 6 mm and > 6 mm respectively) and in luteal and follicular phase. Biochemical analysis and gas-chromatography were performed. Biochemical and fatty acids composition were greatly influenced by both follicular dimension and phase of ovarian cycle. Biochemical composition and its variations were in agreement with previously study conducted in buffalo and other species. This is the first report of the fatty acids composition of buffalo follicular fluid. Twenty-two fatty acids were identified in follicular fluid; nine were saturated fatty acids, six monounsatured fatty acids and seven polyunsatured fatty acids. The most dominant fatty acids were linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and arachidonic acid. All the identified fatty acids concentrations vary at least because of follicle dimension or phase, with the exception of ĂŽÂł-linoleic acid and arachidonic acid which concentrations remain stable in all classes

    Metabolic Changes Associated with Different Levels of Energy Deficits in Mediterranean Buffaloes during the Early Lactation Stage: Type and Role of the Main Lipid Fractions Involved

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    Simple Summary The mobilization of lipids from adipose tissue increases fatty acids and ketone bodies levels. The & beta;-hydroxybutyrate is the main ketone body used to diagnose ketosis, a metabolic disorder of the transition period, in ruminants. Nevertheless, a specific cut-off for the ketosis of & beta;-hydroxybutyrate in buffaloes and the plasma lipid fractions related to ketone bodies have not been established. The relative concentrations of not only total plasma lipids but also lipid fractions such as phospholipids, free fatty acids, triglycerides, and cholesterol esters are influenced by the mobilization of lipids. Each of these fractions has a different role in animal metabolism, influencing energy redistribution and cell metabolism and function. The present study reveals the relationship between lipid fractions and changes in metabolism and inflammation that is related to variations in lipid classes according to different levels of energy deficits in the early lactation of Mediterranean buffaloes. Furthermore, buffaloes defined as at risk of ketosis showed similarities, with ketotic cows suggesting the necessity of further investigations in these ruminants. Cell function and energy redistribution are influenced by lipid classes (phospholipids (PLs), free fatty acids (FFAs), triglycerides (TGs), and cholesterol esters (CEs)). The aim of this study was to investigate metabolic alterations that are related to changes in lipid classes according to different levels of energy deficits in early lactating Mediterranean buffaloes (MBs). Sixty-three MBs were enrolled at the beginning of lactation using an observational study with a cross-sectional experimental design. Serum & beta;-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) levels were used to group the animals into a healthy group (Group H; n = 38; BHB < 0.70 mmol/L) and hyperketonemia risk group (Group K; n = 25; BHB & GE; 0.70 mmol/L). Statistical analysis was performed using a linear model that included the effect of the group and body condition score to assess differences in fatty acid (FA) concentrations. A total of 40 plasma FAs were assessed in each lipid class. Among the FAs, eight PLs, seven FFAs, four TGs, and four CEs increased according to BHB levels, while three FFAs, three TGs, and one CE decreased. The changes among lipid class profiles suggested the influence of inflammatory response, liver metabolism, and the state of body lipid reserves. In addition, the possible similarities of buffaloes at risk of hyperketonemia with ketotic cows suggest the necessity of further investigations in these ruminants

    Metabolic and hormonal adaptation in Bubalus bubalis around calving and early lactation

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    Pregnancy and lactation are physiological periods that result in an increased metabolic demand that, if not satisfied, could provoke a threat to homeostasis. In this study changes in the values of Non-Esterified Fatty Acids (NEFA) and β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), glucose, insulin, thyroid hormones, milk composition and yield were investigated in buffaloes during the late pregnancy and early lactation. From a total of 50 buffaloes, blood samples were collected -7±5 days before expected calving; +7±5; +30±5 and +50±5 days post-partum; milk samples were collected at the same post-partum time points. On serum samples, the values of Non-Esterified Fatty Acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), glucose, insulin, Triiodothyronine (T3), Thyroxine (T4) and Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) were evaluated. On milk, fat %, protein %, lactose %, somatic cells score (SCS), milk yield and daily milk production (DMP) were assessed. Peripartum period significantly influenced all studied parameters (P<0.05). Milk constituents and productivity statistically changed throughout monitoring period (P<0.005). Milk yield resulted positively correlated with insulin and TSH values, negatively correlated with NEFA and BHB. Insulin was negatively correlated with lactose % and positively correlated with SCS. The obtained results showed that the peripartum period and lactation are accompanied by marked changes in some biochemical variables and in the thyroid hormones values in Italian Mediterranean Buffaloes. Moreover, the relationship found between TSH values and milk yield seems to suggest a possible role of thyroid gland on the maintenance of lactogenesis. This study underlines the importance of monitoring the hormonal status of buffalo during the transition period in order to understand when adjustments of regulatory mechanisms break through physiological limits predisposing the buffalo to metabolic problems

    “There was something very peculiar about Doc…”: Deciphering Queer Intimacy in Representations of Doc Holliday

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in American Nineteenth-Century History on 8-12-14, available online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14664658.2014.971481This essay discusses representations of male intimacy in life-writing about consumptive gunfighter John Henry “Doc” Holliday (1851-1887). I argue that twentieth-century commentators rarely appreciated the historical specificity of Holliday’s friendships in a frontier culture that not only normalized but actively celebrated same-sex intimacy. Indeed, Holliday lived on the frayed edges of known nineteenth-century socio-sexual norms, and his interactions with other men were further complicated by his vicious reputation and his disability. His short life and eventful afterlife exposes the gaps in available evidence – and the flaws in our ability to interpret it. Yet something may still be gleaned from the early newspaper accounts of Holliday. Having argued that there is insufficient evidence to justify positioning him within modern categories of hetero/homosexuality, I analyze the language used in pre-1900 descriptions of first-hand encounters with Holliday to illuminate the consumptive gunfighter’s experience of intimacy, if not its meaning

    A global phylogeny of butterflies reveals their evolutionary history, ancestral hosts and biogeographic origins

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    Butterflies are a diverse and charismatic insect group that are thought to have evolved with plants and dispersed throughout the world in response to key geological events. However, these hypotheses have not been extensively tested because a comprehensive phylogenetic framework and datasets for butterfly larval hosts and global distributions are lacking. We sequenced 391 genes from nearly 2,300 butterfly species, sampled from 90 countries and 28 specimen collections, to reconstruct a new phylogenomic tree of butterflies representing 92% of all genera. Our phylogeny has strong support for nearly all nodes and demonstrates that at least 36 butterfly tribes require reclassification. Divergence time analyses imply an origin similar to 100 million years ago for butterflies and indicate that all but one family were present before the K/Pg extinction event. We aggregated larval host datasets and global distribution records and found that butterflies are likely to have first fed on Fabaceae and originated in what is now the Americas. Soon after the Cretaceous Thermal Maximum, butterflies crossed Beringia and diversified in the Palaeotropics. Our results also reveal that most butterfly species are specialists that feed on only one larval host plant family. However, generalist butterflies that consume two or more plant families usually feed on closely related plants
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