10 research outputs found

    Building peace by supporting post-conflict electoral processes

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    Les élections post-conflit ou élections de sortie de crise organisées sous l’égide de la communauté internationale en vue de rétablir la paix dans les pays sortant de violents conflits armés ont un bilan mixte caractérisé par le succès ou l’échec selon les cas. Ce bilan mitigé représente le problème principal auquel cette recherche tente de répondre à travers les questions suivantes : l'assistance électorale étrangère est-elle efficace comme outil de rétablissement de la paix dans les sociétés post-conflit? Qu'est ce qui détermine le succès ou l'échec des élections post-conflit à contribuer efficacement au rétablissement de la paix dans les sociétés déchirées par la guerre? Pour résoudre cette problématique, cette thèse développe une théorie de l’assistance électorale en période post-conflit centrée sur les parties prenantes à la fois du conflit armé et du processus électoral. Cette théorie affirme que l'élément clé pour le succès des élections post-conflit dans le rétablissement de la paix est le renforcement de la capacité de négociation des parties prenantes à la fois dans le processus de paix et dans le processus électoral post-conflit. Dans les situations post-conflit, une assistance électorale qui se voudrait complète et efficace devra combiner à la fois le processus électoral et le processus de paix. L'assistance électorale sera inefficace si elle se concentre uniquement sur les aspects techniques du processus électoral visant à garantir des élections libres, transparentes et équitables. Pour être efficace, l'accent devra également être mis sur les facteurs supplémentaires qui peuvent empêcher la récurrence de la guerre, tels que l’habilité des individus et des groupes à négocier et à faire des compromis sur les grandes questions qui peuvent menacer le processus de paix. De fait, même des élections transparentes comme celles de 1997 au Liberia saluées par la communauté internationale n’avaient pas réussi à établir des conditions suffisantes pour éviter la reprise des hostilités. C’est pourquoi, pour être efficace, l'assistance électorale dans les situations de post-conflit doit prendre une approche globale qui priorise l'éducation civique, la sensibilisation sur les droits et responsabilités des citoyens dans une société démocratique, le débat public sur les questions qui divisent, la participation politique, la formation au dialogue politique, et toute autre activité qui pourrait aider les différentes parties à renforcer leur capacité de négociation et de compromis. Une telle assistance électorale fera une contribution à la consolidation de la paix, même dans le contexte des élections imparfaites, comme celles qui se sont détenues en Sierra Leone en 2002 ou au Libéria en 2005. Bien que la littérature sur l'assistance électorale n’ignore guère l'importance des parties prenantes aux processus électoraux post-conflit (K. Kumar, 1998, 2005), elle a fortement mis l'accent sur les mécanismes institutionnels. En effet, la recherche académique et professionnelle est abondante sur la réforme des lois électorales, la reforme constitutionnelle, et le développement des administrations électorales tels que les commissions électorales, ainsi que l’observation électorale et autres mécanismes de prévention de la fraude électorale, etc. (Carothers & Gloppen, 2007). En d'autres termes, les décideurs et les chercheurs ont attribué jusqu’à présent plus d'importance à la conception et au fonctionnement du cadre institutionnel et des procédures électorales. Cette thèse affirme qu’il est désormais temps de prendre en compte les participants eux-mêmes au processus électoral à travers des types d'assistance électorale qui favoriseraient leur capacité à participer à un débat pacifique et à trouver des compromis aux questions litigieuses. Cette approche plus globale de l'assistance électorale qui replace l’élection post-conflit dans le contexte plus englobant du processus de paix a l’avantage de transformer le processus électoral non pas seulement en une expérience d’élection de dirigeants légitimes, mais aussi, et surtout, en un processus au cours duquel les participants apprennent à régler leurs points de vue contradictoires à travers le débat politique dans un cadre institutionnel avec des moyens légaux et légitimes. Car, si le cadre institutionnel électoral est important, il reste que le résultat du processus électoral dépendra essentiellement de la volonté des participants à se conformer au cadre institutionnel et aux règles électorales.The record of the international community is mixed regarding support of post-conflict electoral processes developed to consolidate peace in countries emerging from internal armed conflict. It has constituted the empirical puzzle this dissertation strives to explore through the following questions: Is foreign electoral assistance effective as a tool for peace making in post-conflict societies? What determines the success or failure of electoral assistance as a tool for peace making in war-torn societies? In this dissertation, I developed and implemented an actors-centered, post-conflict electoral assistance theory that proposes ways to achieving peace consolidation in countries torn by civil war. I have argued that the key element for the success of post conflict elections in restoring peace is the extent to which electoral assistance builds the negotiation capacity of stakeholders in both the peace process as well as in the post-conflict electoral process. It is of vital importance that in post-conflict settings, comprehensive and effective electoral assistance must combine both the electoral process and the peace process. Electoral assistance will be unsuccessful if it focuses only on the technical aspects of the electoral process to ensure free and fair elections. To be effective in post-conflict countries, electoral assistance must contribute to establishing a durable peace by facilitating dialogue between former parties to the conflict and other societal groups, encouraging negotiation, and emphasizing compromise. Consequently, in post-conflict settings, an electoral process should not focus solely on strengthening electoral institutions that can guarantee free and fair elections. Emphasis should also be placed on additional factors that can prevent the recurrence of war, such as the abilities of individuals and groups to negotiate and reach compromises over major issues that may threaten the peace process. Even internationally acclaimed free and fair post-conflict elections, such as the one that took place in Liberia in 1997, do not necessarily prevent further war. From this standpoint, in order to be effective, electoral assistance in post-conflict settings must take a comprehensive approach that prioritizes such activities as civic education, awareness programs about citizens’ rights and responsibilities in a democratic society, public debate on divided issues, political participation, skills training, and any other activity that might help various parties in building their capacity for negotiation and compromise. Foreign electoral assistance that encompasses such issues will make a substantial contribution to consolidating the peace even in the context of imperfect elections, like those held in Sierra Leone in 2002 or Liberia in 2005. While the literature regarding electoral assistance in post-conflict situations does not ignore the importance of various stakeholders (K. Kumar, 1998, 2005), it has heavily focused on institutional mechanisms such as the reforms of laws and constitutions as well as on the development of electoral administrations, including electoral commissions, offices of voter registration, polling stations, election monitoring, etc. (Carothers & Gloppen, 2007). In other words, policy-makers and scholars have ascribed more importance to the design and enforcement of the framework and rules of the electoral process than to the assistance to participants in the post-conflict electoral process. I propose that now is the time to take into account the participants themselves through the above mentioned types of electoral assistance activities that would foster their ability to engage in peaceful debate over contested issues in an effort to find compromise. This more comprehensive form of electoral assistance can transform the electoral process to be not only an experience of the election of legitimate leaders, but also, and more importantly, to be a time during which participants learn to settle their conflicting points of view through debate, compromise and ultimately, through ballots and not through bullets. For, if the total framework of the process matters, the outcome of the process will rely on how participants comply with the rules

    Dignity across borders : rethinking the protection of refugees and IDPs from an ethical perspective

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    Thesis advisor: David HollenbachThe purpose of this reflection – Dignity across borders: Rethinking the protection of refugees and IDPs from an ethical perspective – has been to challenge contemporary ways of thinking and dealing with issues related to refugees and IDPs. Today, refugees and IDPs are often reduced to their needs. They are often perceived as bodies to shelter, to heal or to clothe; mouths to feed; victims of persecution to protect, etc. In the same perspective, contemporary debates on treatments of refugees and IDPs tend to rotate around the financial costs of processing claims, social security benefits for asylum seekers, and social tensions arising from the presence of large numbers of refugees and IDPs in receiving countries or communities. While acknowledging the importance of all these issues and needs, the stance of this reflection has been to refocus the debate on the concept of human dignity which transcends borders such as nationality, ethnicity, religion, race, etc. From this standpoint, the debate changes and gains more fundamental and moral depths. From the same stance, but grounded in the biblical experience, the Roman Catholic Church‘s social discourse on refugees and IDPs challenges the current international refugee protection regime. Because all are created in the image and likeness of God, all humans share the same dignity. Their dignity and their rights as humans are not related to their citizenship, but to the fact that they have been born into the human family. This is the foundation of Christian universalism that challenges the current refugee protection regime that is based on the membership of states. Yet, Christian universalism includes also a realism that respects the state sovereignty within its borders. Conversely, the main claim of Catholic social teachings on refugee issues is that the refugee issues should not be perceived only from the standpoint of the state, such as national security concern and borders control. Above all, refugees should be perceived as human beings, as dignities across borders.Thesis (STL) — Boston College, 2010.Submitted to: Boston College. School of Theology and Ministry.Discipline: Sacred Theology

    Push, pull, and push-back to land certification: regional dynamics in pilot certification projects in Côte d'Ivoire

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    Since 2000, many African countries have adopted land tenure reforms that aim at comprehensive land registration (or certification) and titling. Much work in political science and in the advocacy literature identifies recipients of land certificates or titles as 'programme beneficiaries', and political scientists have modelled titling programmes as a form of distributive politics. In practice, however, rural land registration programmes are often divisive and difficult to implement. This paper tackles the apparent puzzle of friction around rural land certification. We study Côte d'Ivoire's rocky history of land certification from 2004 to 2017 to identify political economy variables that may give rise to heterogeneous and even conflicting preferences around certification. Regional inequalities, social inequalities, and regional variation in pre-existing land tenure institutions are factors that help account for friction or even resistance around land titling, and thus the difficult politics that may arise around land tenure reform. Land certification is not a public good or a private good for everyone

    République centrafricaine : le rôle de la « communauté internationale »

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    Book Review: Jaimie Bleck, Education and Empowered Citizenship in Mali

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