54 research outputs found

    A reduced data dynamic energy model of the UK houses

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    This thesis describes the development of a Reduced Data Dynamic Energy Model (RdDEM) for simulating the energy performance of UK houses. The vast quantity of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) data stored at the national scale provides an unprecedented data source for energy modelling. The majority of domestic energy models developed for the UK houses in recent years, including the Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) model used for generating EPCs, employ BREDEM (Building Research Establishment Domestic Energy Model) based steady state calculation engines. These models fail to represent the transient behaviours that occur between building envelope and systems with external weather conditions and occupants. Consequently, there is an ongoing debate over the suitability of such models for policy making decisions; which has raised the interest in dynamic energy models to overcome these shortcomings. The RdDEM eliminates the main drawback associated with dynamic energy modelling, namely the large amount of required input data compared to steady-state models, by enhancing a reduced set of data which was originally collected for EPCs. A number of new inferences and methodological enhancements were tested and implemented in the RdDEM using a sample of semi-detached houses. In this way, SAP equivalent input data could be converted automatically for use in dynamic energy modelling software, EnergyPlus. Simulations of indoor air temperatures and space heating energy demand from the RdDEM were compared to those from SAP for 83 semi-detached houses. The comparison was also carried out with more detailed models, on a sub-set of the modelled dwellings. Finally, the predicted energy savings that resulted from energy efficiency improvements of the dwellings were compared and estimated potential for saving energy from the RdDEM was quantified. ii The results show that it is technically feasible to develop dynamic energy models of these houses using equivalent inputs. In the majority of cases, the RdDEM predicted lower indoor air temperatures than SAP, and consequently the energy demands were lower. The RdDEM predicted annual space heating demand to be lower than SAP in 72% of the houses, however the difference was less than 10% in 94% of the houses. The RdDEM predicted slightly higher (< 2%) energy saving potentials compared to SAP when the same set of energy saving measures were implemented in both models. The development of these new methods for automatically creating SAP equivalent inputs from reduced data but for use in a dynamic energy model offers new opportunities for inter-model comparisons as well as a dynamic alternative to the SAP when variations in energy demand and indoor air temperatures are required

    A Reduced Data Dynamic Energy Model of the UK Houses

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    This thesis describes the development of a Reduced Data Dynamic Energy Model (RdDEM) for simulating the energy performance of UK houses. The vast quantity of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) data stored at the national scale provides an unprecedented data source for energy modelling. The majority of domestic energy models developed for the UK houses in recent years, including the Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) model used for generating EPCs, employ BREDEM (Building Research Establishment Domestic Energy Model) based steady state calculation engines. These models fail to represent the transient behaviours that occur between building envelope and systems with external weather conditions and occupants. Consequently, there is an ongoing debate over the suitability of such models for policy making decisions; which has raised the interest in dynamic energy models to overcome these shortcomings. The RdDEM eliminates the main drawback associated with dynamic energy modelling, namely the large amount of required input data compared to steady-state models, by enhancing a reduced set of data which was originally collected for EPCs. A number of new inferences and methodological enhancements were tested and implemented in the RdDEM using a sample of semi-detached houses. In this way, SAP equivalent input data could be converted automatically for use in dynamic energy modelling software, EnergyPlus. Simulations of indoor air temperatures and space heating energy demand from the RdDEM were compared to those from SAP for 83 semi-detached houses. The comparison was also carried out with more detailed models, on a sub-set of the modelled dwellings. Finally, the predicted energy savings that resulted from energy efficiency improvements of the dwellings were compared and estimated potential for saving energy from the RdDEM was quantified. ii The results show that it is technically feasible to develop dynamic energy models of these houses using equivalent inputs. In the majority of cases, the RdDEM predicted lower indoor air temperatures than SAP, and consequently the energy demands were lower. The RdDEM predicted annual space heating demand to be lower than SAP in 72% of the houses, however the difference was less than 10% in 94% of the houses. The RdDEM predicted slightly higher (< 2%) energy saving potentials compared to SAP when the same set of energy saving measures were implemented in both models. The development of these new methods for automatically creating SAP equivalent inputs from reduced data but for use in a dynamic energy model offers new opportunities for inter-model comparisons as well as a dynamic alternative to the SAP when variations in energy demand and indoor air temperatures are required

    Patološka i biokemijska istraživanja pokusno izazvanoga hipotireoidizma u ovaca.

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    The objective of this experiment was to determine pathological and biochemical changes in hypothyroid sheep. Experiments were carried out using 12 Iranian crossbred sheep aged between 3-3.5 years old and weighing 45-65 kg. The animals were divided into two groups, 4 sheep as control and 8 as the experimental group. Hypothyroidism was induced in experimental animals by giving thiourea 50 mg/kg body mass daily for 4 weeks. Blood samples were taken weekly for T3 and T4 measurements. There was a highly significant decrease (P<0.01) in values of T3 and T4 in experimental animals as compared to the control group. At the end of the experiment all the animals of control and experimental groups were sacrificed and necropsied. Tissue samples were collected from the thyroid, kidney, liver, skin and spleen and stained by hematoxylin and eosin and sudan 3 and 4. In the experimental group the following changes were observed: the thyroid gland was moderately enlarged and firm in texture and darker in color. Histopathologically, the epithelial lining of the thyroid follicles showed hypertrophy and hyperplasia which projected into the lumen. The lumens of the follicles were empty of colloid. Kidneys were apparently normal but microscopically showed glomerular lipidosis and tubular changes including mild congestion and lipidosis. The liver was pale, anemic, friable and enlarged. The hepatocytes exhibited fatty change and some inclusion bodies in their nuclei. Moreover, hyperplasia of bile ducts and mononuclear cell infiltration of liver were seen. The skin was mainly normal in the majority of the cases but histologically one case showed hyperkeratosis of the epidermis, associated with excessive keratin formation within the hair follicles. In the spleen, the number and size of macrophages were increased and one case showed some petechial hemorrhages on its surface. The treated ewes showed significant hyperlipidemia (P<0.01) and hypercholesterolemia (P<0.01). A significant decline (P<0.01) was detected in HDL as well as a significant increase (P<0.01) in LDL serum levels of the treated ewes.Svrha pokusa bila je istražiti patološke i biokemijske promjene u ovaca s hipotireoidizmom. U pokus je uzeto 12 iranskih križanih ovaca u dobi od 3 do 3,5 godine tjelesne mase 45 do 65 kg. Ovce su bile podijeljene u dvije skupine: četiri su uzete u kontrolnu, a osam u pokusnu skupinu. Hipotireoidizam je u pokusnih životinja bio potaknut davanjem 50 mg/kg tjelesne mase tioureje dnevno u tijeku četiri tjedna. Uzorci krvi uzimani su tjedno za mjerenje T3 i T4. Ustanovljeno je značajno smanjenje (P<0,01) vrijednosti T3 i T4 u pokusnih životinja u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Na kraju pokusa sve su životinje pokusne i kontrolne skupine bile žrtvovane i razuđene. Uzeti su uzorci tkiva štitnjače, bubrega, jetre, kože i slezene te su pripremljeni histološki preparati obojeni hematoksilin-eozinom i sudan 3 i 4 postupkom. U pokusnoj skupini štitasta žlijezda bila je blago povećana, čvrste strukture i jače obojena. Epitel tireoidnoga folikula je hipertrofirao, a uočena je i hiperplazija projicirana u lumen. U lumenu folikula nije ustanovljen koloid. Bubrezi su makroskopski bili nepromijenjeni, ali je mikroskopski ustanovljena glomerularna lipidoza i tubularne promjene uključujući blagu kongestiju i lipidozu. Jetra su bila blijeda, anemična, prhka i povećana. U hepatocitima je ustanovljena masna degeneracija i inkluzijska tjelešca u jezgrama. Povrh toga ustanovljena je hiperplazija žučovoda i mononuklearna infiltracija jetrenoga tkiva. Koža je makroskopski bila normalna u većine životinja, ali je patohistološki u jednom slučaju ustanovljena hiperkeratoza epidermisa povezana s obilnom tvorbom keratina unutar dlačnih folikula. U slezeni je bio povećan broj makrofaga i njihova veličina, a u jednom slučaju ustanovljena su petehijalna krvarenja na površini. Pokusne ovce pokazivale su značajnu hiperlipidemiju (P<0,01) i hiperkolesterolemiju (P<0,01). Ustanovljen je značajan pad razine (P<0,01) lipoproteina velike gustoće kao i značajno povećanje (P<0,01) razine lipotroteina male gustoće u pokusnih ovaca

    Comparison of Cardiac Arrhythmias between Late Pregnancy and Early Post-partum Periods in Clinically Healthy Iranian Fat-Tailed Sheep

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    The current study was conducted to find out the prevalence of cardiac arrhythmias in clinically healthy Iranian fat-tailed sheep in two physiological states, i.e., late pregnancy and early post-partum periods. The electrocardiogram (ECG) was recorded from 32 sheep (early post-partum, n=17 and late pregnant, n=15) without any clinical signs of cardiac diseases. Assessment of ECG revealed that 84.3% of sheep had one or two kinds of cardiac arrhythmias. Two types of cardiac arrhythmias which detected in this study were sinus tachycardia and sinus arrhythmia. The proportion of different cardiac arrhythmias between early post-partum and late pregnant sheep, were significantly (P=0.003) different. Sinus tachycardia was the most frequent arrhythmia recorded in both groups. Since none of the sheep with cardiac arrhythmias exhibited any clinical signs of heart disease at the time of ECG recording, the arrhythmias seen in this study could be regarded as physiological ones

    Sleep arousal events detection using PNN-GBMO classifier based on EEG and ECG signals: A hybrid-learning model

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    Foremost sleep event is the sudden change of sleep stages, mainly from deep sleep to light sleep. The notion is very effective in the detection of sleep disorders. In this paper, the detection of arousal events is performed using an automatic analysis of EEG and ECG signals. Unlike previous methods, which rely solely on the detection of sleep stages, early recognition of change in sleep stages can facilitate the progression of some diseases. Detecting the change in sleep stages is a complex process and requires the expertise of a neurologist. Features can be extracted by three fractal descriptors, Lyapunov exponent and cumulatively discrete wavelet transform. A subset of the features is then applied into the probabilistic neural network optimized by Gases Brownian Motion Optimization (GBMO) algorithm. The set of EEG and ECG signals are samples of the SHHS sleep database that have been incorporated into the learning model with some pre-processing. In addition, solving uncertainty problem of responses, repeatability, and convergence to the minimum error are among the strengths of the proposed model. Compared to the conventional feature extraction and classification methods, outputs were obtained that are more acceptable, and the model for two- and four-class states reached averaged errors of less than 2% and 7% with K-fold cross-validation

    A Novel Mathematical Model of the Solar Assisted Dehumidification and Regeneration Systems

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    This paper introduces a state-of-the-art modelling technique to investigate the performance of solar assisted dehumidification and regeneration cycles. The dehumidification/regeneration system investigated in this study employs a solid adsorbent bed and enables use of both solar energy and returning warm air to deliver efficient dehumidification and regeneration of the treated air. Study of literature revealed a huge gap between model results and industrial performance of such systems. Hence, the modelling work presented in this paper employs Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) technique to close the gap between model outputs and real-life operation parameters of the system. An extensive amount of laboratory tests were also carried out on the dehumidification/regeneration system and model predictions were validated through comparison with experimental results. The model predictions were found to be in good agreement with experimental results, with maximum error not exceeding 10%. The GPR technique enables simultaneous analysis of a vast quantity of key system parameters derived from mathematical models and laboratory tests. The system parameters investigated in this study include: temperature, relative humidity and flow rate of process air, and temperature of regeneration air, solar radiation intensity, operating time, moisture extraction efficiency of the dehumidification cycle and moisture removal efficiency of the regeneration cycle. Investigation of both modelling and experimental results revealed that efficiencies of the both dehumidification and regeneration cycles decrease as relative humidity of the process air increases. The increase in regeneration temperature leads to an increase in regeneration efficiency whereas; it does not have a significant impact on the dehumidification efficiency. A similar trend was also observed when solar intensity were increased. The proposed technique reduced the complexity of model by eliminating the need for heat and mass transfer calculations; reduced the performance gap between model results and real-life performance data, and increased the reliability of model outputs by showing a good agreement with experimental results. The GPR based mathematical model delivers an effective design and performance evaluation tool for the solar assisted dehumidification and regeneration systems and provides an unprecedented opportunity for commercializing such systems

    The role of programmable TRVS for space heating energy demand reduction in UK homes

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    This paper aims to investigate the potential of advanced radiator controls to reduce space heating energy demand in dwellings. The study uses Dynamic Thermal Modelling (DTM) to compare the space heating energy consumption of dwellings with programmable Thermostatic Radiator Valves (TRVs) and dwellings with conventional TRVs. Conventional TRVs can often lead to overheating or heating rooms when not required. Programmable TRVs can overcome these limitations and this study employs DTM software package, DesignBuilder to estimate the resultant heating energy savings in a semi-detached dwelling. It is found that use of programmable TRVs can lead to space heating energy savings of up to 30%, without reducing thermal comfort of occupants


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    Mol­ecules of the title compound, C23H26Cl2O4, are linked by hydrogen bonds between the hydroxyl O atom and the carbonyl O atom of a neighboring mol­ecule. The central hydropyran and fused cyclohexanone rings adopt half-chair conformations, while the fused hydroxycyclohexanone ring adopts a chair conformation

    Patološka i biokemijska istraživanja pokusno izazvanoga hipotireoidizma u ovaca.

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    The objective of this experiment was to determine pathological and biochemical changes in hypothyroid sheep. Experiments were carried out using 12 Iranian crossbred sheep aged between 3-3.5 years old and weighing 45-65 kg. The animals were divided into two groups, 4 sheep as control and 8 as the experimental group. Hypothyroidism was induced in experimental animals by giving thiourea 50 mg/kg body mass daily for 4 weeks. Blood samples were taken weekly for T3 and T4 measurements. There was a highly significant decrease (P<0.01) in values of T3 and T4 in experimental animals as compared to the control group. At the end of the experiment all the animals of control and experimental groups were sacrificed and necropsied. Tissue samples were collected from the thyroid, kidney, liver, skin and spleen and stained by hematoxylin and eosin and sudan 3 and 4. In the experimental group the following changes were observed: the thyroid gland was moderately enlarged and firm in texture and darker in color. Histopathologically, the epithelial lining of the thyroid follicles showed hypertrophy and hyperplasia which projected into the lumen. The lumens of the follicles were empty of colloid. Kidneys were apparently normal but microscopically showed glomerular lipidosis and tubular changes including mild congestion and lipidosis. The liver was pale, anemic, friable and enlarged. The hepatocytes exhibited fatty change and some inclusion bodies in their nuclei. Moreover, hyperplasia of bile ducts and mononuclear cell infiltration of liver were seen. The skin was mainly normal in the majority of the cases but histologically one case showed hyperkeratosis of the epidermis, associated with excessive keratin formation within the hair follicles. In the spleen, the number and size of macrophages were increased and one case showed some petechial hemorrhages on its surface. The treated ewes showed significant hyperlipidemia (P<0.01) and hypercholesterolemia (P<0.01). A significant decline (P<0.01) was detected in HDL as well as a significant increase (P<0.01) in LDL serum levels of the treated ewes.Svrha pokusa bila je istražiti patološke i biokemijske promjene u ovaca s hipotireoidizmom. U pokus je uzeto 12 iranskih križanih ovaca u dobi od 3 do 3,5 godine tjelesne mase 45 do 65 kg. Ovce su bile podijeljene u dvije skupine: četiri su uzete u kontrolnu, a osam u pokusnu skupinu. Hipotireoidizam je u pokusnih životinja bio potaknut davanjem 50 mg/kg tjelesne mase tioureje dnevno u tijeku četiri tjedna. Uzorci krvi uzimani su tjedno za mjerenje T3 i T4. Ustanovljeno je značajno smanjenje (P<0,01) vrijednosti T3 i T4 u pokusnih životinja u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Na kraju pokusa sve su životinje pokusne i kontrolne skupine bile žrtvovane i razuđene. Uzeti su uzorci tkiva štitnjače, bubrega, jetre, kože i slezene te su pripremljeni histološki preparati obojeni hematoksilin-eozinom i sudan 3 i 4 postupkom. U pokusnoj skupini štitasta žlijezda bila je blago povećana, čvrste strukture i jače obojena. Epitel tireoidnoga folikula je hipertrofirao, a uočena je i hiperplazija projicirana u lumen. U lumenu folikula nije ustanovljen koloid. Bubrezi su makroskopski bili nepromijenjeni, ali je mikroskopski ustanovljena glomerularna lipidoza i tubularne promjene uključujući blagu kongestiju i lipidozu. Jetra su bila blijeda, anemična, prhka i povećana. U hepatocitima je ustanovljena masna degeneracija i inkluzijska tjelešca u jezgrama. Povrh toga ustanovljena je hiperplazija žučovoda i mononuklearna infiltracija jetrenoga tkiva. Koža je makroskopski bila normalna u većine životinja, ali je patohistološki u jednom slučaju ustanovljena hiperkeratoza epidermisa povezana s obilnom tvorbom keratina unutar dlačnih folikula. U slezeni je bio povećan broj makrofaga i njihova veličina, a u jednom slučaju ustanovljena su petehijalna krvarenja na površini. Pokusne ovce pokazivale su značajnu hiperlipidemiju (P<0,01) i hiperkolesterolemiju (P<0,01). Ustanovljen je značajan pad razine (P<0,01) lipoproteina velike gustoće kao i značajno povećanje (P<0,01) razine lipotroteina male gustoće u pokusnih ovaca

    Usporedba metaboličkih i jetrenih pokazatelja u krvi masnorepih i polumasnorepih pasmina ovaca prije i poslije janjenja

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    Tail fat is present in some breeds of sheep and they use this fat according to their energy requirements. We hypothesized that this fat deposition may interfere with the metabolism of ewes during pregnancy and lactogenesis. Hence, the present study was carried out to clarify the probable effect of tail fat on metabolic and hepatic biomarkers during different pre- and post-partum periods of fat-tailed in comparison with semi-fat-tailed ewes. Adult Mehraban (n = 10) and Chios (n = 10) ewes were selected and blood sampling was performed from all ewes at 2 and 4 months after mating, and 1, 2 and 3 months after parturition. Serum concentrations of glucose, total protein, albumin, globulin, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine transaminase, gamma glutamyl transferase, beta-hydroxy acid, non-esterified fatty acids, triglyceride, cholesterol, high, low and very low density lipoproteins, total, direct and indirect bilirubin were assayed in all specimens. Glucose in Chios ewes was significantly higher than in Mehraban at all the times studied. The circulating levels of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine transaminase, gamma glutamyl transferase, triglyceride, cholesterol, high, low and very low density lipoproteins, beta-hydroxy acid and non-esterified fatty acids were significantly higher in Mehraban ewes than in the Chios breed at different pre- and post parturient periods. The results of the current research revealed that metabolic and hepatic biomarkers alter during the pregnancy and lactation periods in sheep, which reflects the energy demands and metabolic alterations during these periods. Furthermore, it may be stated that the presence of tail fat in Mehraban ewes may alter the metabolic and hepatic functions in this breed. Tail fat may interfere with lipid metabolism and hepatic function during peri-parturient periods and it may be suggested that semi-fat-tailed breeds, such as Chios, may have more intensive metabolic pathways due to lower body fat storages.Masnoća u repu nekih pasmina ovaca služi kao energetska zaliha organizma. Pretpostavili smo da ta zaliha masti može biti povezana s metabolizmom ovaca tijekom bređosti i laktacije. U skladu s tim cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je pojasniti mogući učinak masnoće u repu na metaboličke i jetrene pokazatelje u razdoblju prije i poslije janjenja kod masnorepih i polumasnorepih ovaca. Odabrane su odrasle ovce pasmina Mehraban (n = 10) i Chios (n =10), kojima su uzeti uzorci krvi 2 i 4 mjeseca nakon parenja te 1, 2 i 3 mjeseca nakon janjenja. Analizirane su serumske koncentracije glukoze, ukupnih proteina, albumina, globulina, aspartat-aminotransferaze, alanin-transaminaze, gama-glutamil transferaze, beta-hidroksi kiseline, neesteficiranih masnih kiselina, triglicerida, kolesterola, ukupnog HDL-a i LDL-a, direktnog i indirektnog bilirubina u svim uzorcima. Glukoza u ovaca pasmine Chios bila je znakovito povećana u odnosu na ovce pasmine Mehraban u svim ispitanim intervalima. Razine AST-a, ALT-a, GGT-a, triglicerida, kolesterola, HDL-a i LDL-a, beta-hidroksi kiseline i neesteficiranih masnih kiselina u Mehraban ovaca bile su znakovito veće nego u ovaca Chios u različitim intervalima prije i poslije janjenja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se metabolički i jetreni pokazatelji mijenjaju tijekom bređosti i laktacije što se odražava na energetske potrebe i metaboličke promjene u tim razdobljima. Nadalje, može se zaključiti da masnoća u repu ovaca Mehraban mijenja metaboličke i jetrene funkcije u te pasmine. Masnoća u repu može biti povezana s metabolizmom lipida i funkcijom jetre u peripartalnom razdoblju i može se pretpostaviti da polumasnorepe pasmine poput ovaca Chios mogu imati brži metabolizam zbog manjih zaliha masnoće