98 research outputs found

    Leadership Skills, Promoting Flow and Generating Profit: A Study of Millennial Managers Through Gamification

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    An increased number or organizations are shifting away from traditional hierarchical, command and control business strategies which focus solely on generating profit to focusing on both people and profit. In this study, Csíkszentmihályi’s flow state (1975/2000) is considered to correspond with the people side of the social enterprise model, where organizations focus on both people and profit. Csíkszentmihályi (1990) describes the flow experience as a mental state which occurs when a person is motivated and fully immersed in an activity, resulting in feelings of energized focus and profound enjoyment. The current study analyzed secondary data from 1,184 millennial managers that played FLIGBY, a business simulation gamifying various leadership skills, flow in the workplace, and related profita outcomes. The results demonstrated strong collinearity between the eight leadership skills of interest, resulting in the factor load of a new singular variable. The new variable was found to have a predictive relationship between promoting flow and generating profit

    Cultural Values and Creativity: A Two Country Comparison Between the United States and South Africa

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    Research on the influence of culture on creativity is in its infancy. Organizations world-wide may benefit from such research by implementing work environments that maximize creativity. In this article, the cross-cultural differences in creativity and the cultural values of cognitive uncertainty and desire for change were investigated. Three hundred eighty three undergraduate students from the University of North Florida and the University of Pretoria in South Africa participated in a study where creativity was measured using the Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults (ATTA; Goff & Torrance, 2002) and the Creative Achievement Questionnaire (CAQ), particularly the portion of the CAQ identifying domain specific achievements (CAQ; Carson, Peterson, & Higgins, 2005). In addition to measuring creativity levels in both cultures, two cultural values, Cognitive Uncertainty and Desire for Change, were measured. Results indicate a significant positive correlation between Desire for Change and the CAQ in the United States and a significant negative correlation between Cognitive Uncertainty and the CAQ in South Africa. Independent samples t-tests were also conducted, resulting in higher scores from the United States sample on the ATTA and higher scores from the South African sample on Cognitive Uncertainty. It is argued that the results could have implications for developing work environments that foster creativity

    Farmers' Awareness and Use of IPM for Soybean Aphid Control: Survey Results for the 2004, 2005, and 2006 Crop Years

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    In response to the introduction and rapid spread of soybean aphid as a major new invasive pest of soybean in North America, farmers who attended winter crop meetings in four states in North Central US were surveyed about their treatment of and knowledge about soybean aphids for crop years 2004, 2005, and 2006. Thirteen percent, 84%, and 35% of the farmers indicated they had treated for soybean aphid in 2004, 2005, and 2006, respectively. The average of the soybean acreage treated in each year was 50%, 87%, and 81%, respectively. Overall, the farmers showed a good understanding of soybean aphids and their impact on soybeans. Over 80% knew soybean aphids could repopulate and cause yield damage after an insecticide treatment. Seventy-five percent knew aphids damaged soybeans by sucking sap. Almost 80% said the frequency with which aphids should be treated for profitable control depends on aphid counts, weather conditions, and plant stage. On average, just under 70% considered an average of 250 aphids per plant to be the lowest density for profitable insecticide spraying. Scouting reports were selected by 84 to 94% of the farmers as very important information for the treatment decision; plant growth stage was the second most frequent selection.Crop Production/Industries,

    Farmers’ Awareness and Use of IPM for Soybean Aphid Control: Report of Survey Results for the 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 Crop Years

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    In response to the introduction and rapid spread of soybean aphid, farmers in the Upper Midwest were surveyed about their treatment of and knowledge about soybean aphids for crop years 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007. Overall, the farmers showed a fairly good understanding of soybean aphids and their impact on soybeans. Over 80% said soybean aphids could be treated and repopulate in the same crop year. For 2004-2006, at least 75% of the farmers said aphids damaged their soybeans by sucking sap. However this percentage dropped to 59% for 2007 with a greater percentage pointing at a combination of damage methods. This lower percentage for 2007 may be due to a broader, randomly selected sample of farmers who received the surveys by mail versus farmers who attended meetings in the first three years. However, even though fewer seemed to have a clear understanding of how aphids damage soybeans, other measures indicate a stable or improved understanding of soybean aphid biology and control. Over 70% said the frequency with which aphids should be treated for profitable control depends on aphid counts, weather conditions and plant growth stage. About a third of the farmers believed that aphids inflict the most damage during early flowering through pod set (R1-R3); however, about a third also thought aphids could inflict the most damage at any stage. Over half the farmers considered the lowest aphid density for profitable aphid control to be 250 aphids per plant. Over 80% said scouting reports were very important for making a decision to treat for aphids; over half the farmers said plant growth stage was also very important.Crop Production/Industries,

    Dynamics of structural transformation: An empirical characterization in the case of China, Malaysia, and Ghana

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    "The paper develops a metric of structural transformation that can account for the production of new varieties of goods embodying advancements in technological know-how and design. Our measure captures the dynamics of an economy's transformation and can be viewed as an extension of Hausmann and Klinger's static measure. We apply our measure to four-digit-level SITC trade data of China, Malaysia, and Ghana over the period 1962–2000. The results show that two important factors characterize the rapid transformation of the Chinese economy: the high proximity of its export basket to three main industrial clusters—capital goods, consumer durable goods, and intermediate inputs—and the increase in the values of the new goods belonging to those three clusters. Malaysia exhibits a similar but more modest pattern. In contrast, the structure of the Ghanaian economy appears unchanged over the entire 1962–2000 period. That economy is dominated by primary goods clusters, and the values of the goods in those clusters have remained relatively low. We also discuss qualitatively the role of policies and institutions in spurring transformation in the three countries." from authors' abstractStructural transformation, Discovery, technological change, Development strategies,

    Producers' Use of Crop Borders for Management of Potato Virus Y (PVY) in Seed Potatoes

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    Potato virus Y (PVY) is a very serious problem throughout most major seed potato producing states. Seed potato producers in Minnesota and North Dakota were surveyed in early 2005 to assess their perception of the profitability and risks associated with using crop borders to manage PVY in seed lots. Five of the 23 producers responding (a 25% response rate) said they had used crop borders in 2004. These 23 producers entered 152 seed lots into state seed certification programs. On average, producers had less than 0.1 seed lots rejected for PVY based on summer inspection. The average number of seed lots rejected in winter trials was 1.7. Of the 152 seed lots, these producers said they had entered into state seed certification programs, they reported detailed information on 108 lots. Generations 1 and 2 were the most likely generations to be protected by a crop border. Of these 108 seed lots, 104 passed summer inspection for PVY. Seventy-four percent of the 89 lots sent in for the winter test were reported to have passed. The use of crop borders was significant in explaining whether a seed lot had passed the winter test or not. Thirty-one (97%) of the 32 seed lots that were planted within a crop border passed the winter test while 31 (54%) of the 57 seed lots that were not planted with a crop border passed the winter test. No relationship was found between the choice of border crop and passing the winter test. Producers also were asked to state their agreement or disagreement with several statements regarding their knowledge and opinions on use of crop borders.Crop Production/Industries,

    Perception des directeurs (trices) des écoles élémentaires de la région 03 sur l'évaluation du personnel enseignant

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    Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 201

    Étude de l’activité antiamibienne des quelques plantes médicinales utilisées par les tradipraticiens de la ville de Lubumbashi, R.D.Congo

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    Objectifs: Cette étude a été menée dans le but de rechercher les solutions phyto thérapeutiques aux problèmes posés par les diarrhées amibiennes en évaluant l’activité anti amibienne des plantes médicinales utilisées par les tradipraticiens de la ville de Lubumbashi.Méthodologie et Résultats: Le protocole analytique comprend: les connaissances ethnobotaniques, le criblage chimique, les investigations mathématiques, la macération et les interactions prouvant l’adéquation ou non d’un éventuel traitement. Les cinq plantes les plus utilisées dans le traitement de diarrhée amibienne sont : Acalypha paniculata (queue de chat), Euphorbia hirta (herbe Australienne à asthme), Uapaca pilosa (palutivier), Uapaca bengoelensis (Alebié) et Psidium goyava (Goyavier). Les facteurs favorisant l’usage de ces plantes sont : l’accessibilité, la précarité des conditions de vie et l’urgence de traitement. Par le calcul de khi carré, il a été conclu qu’il n’existe pas de différences significatives d’effets thérapeutiques des extraits avec lesquels le traitement a eu lieu. L’antiamibiogramme a démontré la sensibilité d’Entamoeba histolytica vis-à-vis des extraits de quatre plantes à la concentration d’au moins 0,625 mg/ml sauf ceux de Psidium goyava.Conclusion et applications: L’activité antiamibienne a été prouvée pour toutes les espèces étudiées, sauf pour Psidium goyava. Il a été mis en évidence la sensibilité de Entamoeba histolytica vis-à-vis des extraits de Acalypha paniculata, Euphorbia hirta, Uapaca bengoelensis et Uapaca pilosa. La plus Faible Concentration Inhibitrice des extraits observée en vingt-quatre heures est de 0,625 mg / ml pour Euphorbia hirta (Plante entière) et pour les feuilles de Acalypha paniculata. C ‘est pourquoi nous encourageons l’utilisation par la population de Acalypha paniculata, Euphorbia hirta, Uapaca bengoelensis et Uapaca pilosa dans le traitement des diarrhées amibiennesMots clefs: Diarrhée - Entamoeba histolytica – antiamibiogrammeEnglish Title: Study of antiamibian activity of some medicinal plants used by traditional practitioners of the city of Lubumbashi, D R.CongoEnglish AbstractObjectives: This study was conducted in order to search for herbal solutions to the problems posed by amoebic diarrhea by evaluating the antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants used by traditional healers in Lubumbashi city.Methodology and Results: The analytical protocol includes ethnobotanical knowledge, chemical screening, math investigations, maceration and interactions proving the adequacy or not of any treatment. The five most commonly used plants in the treatment of amoebic diarrhea plants are: Acalypha paniculata, Euphorbia hirta, Uapaca bengoelensis, Uapaca pilosa and Psidium goyava. Factors encouraging the use of these plants are: accessibility, precarious living conditions and urgency of treatment. By calculating Chi square, it was concluded that there are no significant differences of therapeutic effects of the extracts with what the treatment took place.Susceptibility demonstrated a sensitivity of Entamoeba histolytica againt the extrats of four plants to the concentration of 0,625 mg/ml but not these of Psidium goyava.Conclusion and Application of the Results: Antiamoebic activity was proven for all species studied except for Psidium goyava. The sensitivity of Entamoeba histolytica to extracts of Acalypha paniculata, Euphorbia hirta, Uapaca bengoelensis and Uapaca pilosa has been demonstrated. The lowest Inhibitory Concentration of the extracts observed in twenty-four hours is 0.625 mg / ml for Euphorbia hirta (whole plant) and for leaves of Acalypha paniculata. That is why we encourage by the population the use of Acalypha paniculata, Euphorbia hirta, Uapaca bengoelensis and Uapaca pilosa in the treatment of amoebic diarrhea.Keywords: Diarrhea, Entamoeba histolytica, antiamibial tes


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    Recent research shows initial colonization of potato fields by winged green peach aphid is concentrated at field edges. This suggests that insecticides applied only to field margins during initial colonization would largely eliminate a colonizing aphid population, conserve natural enemies in the field center, and reduce insecticide use. To better understand the costs and benefits of reducing organophosphate use, the six participating growers were interviewed to ascertain their reason for participating and their satisfaction with the border only treatment method as well as their estimated net economic benefits. Five of the farms ranked cost reduction as the most important reason for participating. The sixth farm ranked reducing virus spread as the most important reason with cost reduction as their second most important reason. The average cost savings over all 28 participating fields of using the border treatment is estimated to be $23.85 per acre for the entire field-a 93% savings. Almost all the farmers found the border treatment method to be successful at aphid control. None of the farmers observed any impact on the physical yield of seed potato. All the fields were certified during the summer except for one of Farmer F's fields that was lost because of off type. In conclusion, the border treatment method seems likely to be adopted by many farmers since the potential cost saving is large and farmers dislike Monitor. However, some farmers may resist the method due to scouting requirements and costs. Also, farmers with fields that do not meet the uniformity requirements of the border treatment will not be successful in their use of the border method.Crop Production/Industries,

    Life prediction of power line damper.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.Power line function is to transfer electrical power. Power lines represent a major component in the transport process of electricity and they are subjected to various types of failures. Causes of failure include wind-induced oscillations or Aeolian vibrations. Wind causes transmission line conductors to undergo oscillatory motions which cause failure. To mitigate oscillations of line conductors, Stockbridge dampers are used. It has been observed that dampers are subjected to the same undesirable and destructive effects from vibrations as the conductors they are meant to protect. In the case of a damper, the cyclic bending as well as the friction between its wire cables are caused by vibrations leading to failure. The mathematical model describing the bending stress of the symmetrical Stockbridge damper’s messenger cable near the clamped end is analyzed. The reliability of the mathematical model is assessed using experimental data obtained from the forced response test conducted at the VRTC laboratory at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban. Data from the experiment has been compared with the MatLab model established by the researcher. Due to friction between the wires of the messenger cable, variation of temperature is observed in the messenger cable during operation. Change of temperature of the messenger cable was investigated, as a function of time, at constant velocity and constant displacement. Experimental data were generated during dynamic characteristic tests on Stockbridge dampers and thereafter the prediction of the variation temperature was undertaken. There are various mechanical characteristics of a damper that can be affected with time. To reach the aim of this study, three types of vibration test were conducted on the Stockbridge damper: the fatigue test, the forced vibrations test and the free vibrations test. Tests were conducted on a shaker machine with new and used Stockbridge dampers to determine the remaining life of those dampers by looking at their different mechanical properties. The frequency domain and time spectrum were used to display the results. The fatigue test investigated one of the commonest types of Stockbridge damper failure, namely, loss of the small mass because of sustained high frequency resonance. Ultimately, data correlated well and two mathematical models were developed: one for predicting damage in the life of a Stockbridge damper (based on the highest resonance frequency of the damper), and one for predicting the temperature of the messenger cable
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