3 research outputs found

    South Africa (2009) - Salient Contemporary Features in Facts and Figures

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    South Africa is a demographically diverse country where many divisions (still) tend to coincide with racial boundaries, beset by a wide range of socio-economic problems typical of developing countries and otherwise stemming from its colonial past and a discriminatory past policy of apartheid. The paper describes the country's salient features in facts and figures in order to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of society in terms of demography, education, employment, public health care, poverty, housing, crime and the economy. The picture presented tends to be on the dark side, but also hopeful for the future thanks to inter alia a strong globalised economy

    A critical appraisal of the problems and prospects of theological non-realism

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    This study in philosophical-theology investigates the problems and prospects of theological non-realism, as proposed and developed by the Cambridge philosopher of religion Don Cupitt. After contextualising non-realism within the worldview, epistemology and theology of pre-modernity, modernity and postmodernity, the study appraises the prospects of non-realism as a new philosophical and theologica default position for Christianity and how it relates to what has been referred to as the New Reformation. The study hypothesises and contends that, although radical in orientation and multifarious in prospect, it is a viable and valid basis for Christian reformation. After contextualising, considering some religious and theological content, as well as critique and contrapuntal positions, the study delineates theoretical and practical reformatory options. By and large concurring with Cupitt, the study also deviates from him, particularly with respect to the prospect of ecclesiastical post-Christianity. Although this is not a study in practical theology, this study nevertheless aims to move the debate about the New Reformation forward by proposing non-realism as a basis for a new ChurchBiblical and Ancient StudiesThesis (D. Th. (Religious Studies)

    Die residensi毛le struktuur van die metropool - 'n sosiaal-ruimtelike vertolking van die Suid-Afrikaanse geva

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    D.Phil.Authors and researchers from disciplines studying the relationship between social processes and spatial patterns agree that the characteristics of society, specifically the divisions within society, are mirrored in the residential structure of the city. The transformation of the former into discernible patterns of residential differentiation is effected by four mechanisms. These are residential mobility, the housing market, institutions and socio-spatial engineering, i.e. the manipulation of social and spatial structures by those in power to achieve certain social and political-ideological goals. The purpose of this study is firstly, to analyse the functioning of the mechanisms which shape the residential structure and secondly, to describe the divisions in society, i.e. , the socio-political basis of the South African metropolis, against the backdrop of its spatial implications on the residential structure. Thirdly, to describe the characteristics of the structure in terms of its spatial patterns and distinctive characteristics and lastly, to construct an explanatory model of the structure..