48 research outputs found

    Hair Mineral Levels in Dogs with Atopic Dermatitis

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    Atopic dermatitis is a genetic allergic skin disease that can be triggered by various environmental factors. This research aimed to study the possible correlation between heavy metal and mineral concentration and presence of atopic dermatitis. Hair samples from dogs suffering from atopic dermatitis were analyzed and compared to samples from the control group via ICP-OES method. Cu was the only element significantly decreased (p = 0.01) in the study group. No statistical significance was found for heavy metals

    Assessment of Heavy Metal and Mineral Levels in Hair Samples from Dogs with Mammary Neoplasms

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    Neoplasms involve abnormal tissue growths developing in an uncoordinated, persistent manner, faster than adjacent normal tissues. Several researchers have studied the possible implications of heavy metals and mineral levels on human mammary neoplasms using hair analysis. The study’s objective was to assess the levels of heavy metals and other mineral elements in dogs suffering from mammary neoplasms. Hair samples were analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). All analyzed elements registered higher levels in clinically healthy dogs. The interaction between health status and keeping conditions significantly influenced the levels of Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Ni, Co, Pb, and V. Concurrently, dogs with mammary neoplasms living outdoors registered the highest levels for most minerals, compared to dogs with mammary neoplasms living indoors, suggesting a possible implication of pollution

    Structural Features of Old Growth Forest from South Eastern Carpathians, Romania

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    Background and Purpose: Romania’s forests are of globally significant value due to their natural characteristics, as similar forests in some other parts of the world have been lost forever. These types of forests, so-called "virgin" and "quasi-virgin (old growth)" forests, are also identified in the Buzau Mountains, which are part of the Eastern Carpathians in Romania (Curvature Region). Materials and Methods: To study and understand the structure and dynamics of primeval forest, four permanent one-hectare research plots were installed in the Penteleu Mountains, part of the Buzau Mountains. All trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) greater than 80 mm were measured and their main dendrometric characteristics (DBH, height and social position) registered. The forest structure was analysed by fitting different theoretical distribution functions (beta, gamma, gamma 3P, gamma 3P mixt, loglogistic 3p, lognormal 3P and Weibull 3p). The structural homogeneity of the permanent research plots was tested using the Camino index (H) and Gini index (G). Results: For the smaller DBH categories, Norway spruce was relatively shorter in height, but with increasing DBH, the heights of Norway spruce exceeded those of European beech. Stand volume varied between 615 and 1133 m3 per hectare. The area of maximum stability where we encountered the lowest tree height variability was recorded between the 60 cm and 100 cm diameter categories. The Lorenz curve and the Gini index indicated that the studied stands have high structural biodiversity. Conclusions: The results showed that the studied forests have an optimal structural diversity, assuring them a higher stability and multifunctionality. Thus, these forests are models for managed forests

    Mononuclear Cu(II) complexes of novel salicylidene Schiff bases: synthesis and mesogenic properties

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    Two new Schiff base ligands 1 and 2 (where 1 = 4-(2-hydroxybenzilidenamino)-phenyl-4-(decyloxy)-2-(pent-4-enyloxy)benzoate, 2 = 4-(4-(decyloxy)-2-hydroxybenziliden amino)-phenyl-4-(decyloxy)-2-(pent-4-enyloxy)benzoate) and their copper (Cu)(II) complexes have been synthesised and characterised. The derivatives were fully characterised structurally, and their mesomorphic behaviour was investigated by polarised optical microscopyand differential scanning calorimetry. The structure of Cu(II) complex having 1 as ligand (3) was determined by X-ray diffraction. The Schiff base ligands exhibit enantiotropic nematic phases, the Cu(II) complex 4 shows monotropic nematic phase behaviour, while compound 3 does not show mesomorphism

    The effect of habitat on hair copper, molybdenum, and selenium levels in cats

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    Cu, Mo, and Se are essential trace minerals, which maintain proper activity of some animal organisms functions. The main goal of this study was the assessment of Cu, Mo and Se levels in the hair of pet cats in an urban environment. The hair samples were collected from flank region from 20 clinically healthy pet cats. Analysis of hair Cu, Mo, and Se content of pet cats kept indoors (5 males and 5 females) and outdoors (5 males and 5 females), were performed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The mean Cu level in indoor pet cats was 19.47 mg•kg−1 for males and 10.58 mg•kg−1 for females, and in outdoor male cats was 10.33 mg•kg−1 and 14.32 mg•kg−1 for females. Generally, Mo registered lower mean levels when mean Cu levels were higher and higher levels when Cu was lower, indifferent of habitat, sex or age. The mean Se hair levels registered insignificant differences for the same habitat in pet cats below 5 years and above 5 years. In this study, the habitat statistically insignificant influenced hair Cu, Mo, and Se levels in pet cats

    Influence of thermal preparation method on mineral composition of Pangasius fish

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    Determination of metallic/mineral elements in seafood, such as fish, is of great importance in assessing both their nutritional quality and also the risk of environmental contamination, and use of fish as a biomarker for aquatic environment pollution could represent a reliable approach. Cooking method changes the mineral concentrations and could contribute to loss or increment of some essential, non- essential or toxic elements concentration. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of three different cooking methods (boiling, roasting, and microwave cooking) on the mineral concentrations of Pangasius fish filets from the Bucharest (Romania) market. Mineral content in raw and cooked Pangasius fish samples was evaluated by ICP-OES, after microwave digestion, and the relative humidity of Pangasius fish samples was assessed by thermogravimetric method used. Ca, K, and Mg levels were higher in cooked samples compared to raw Pangasius fish, with the highest level in microwaved samples. Na levels were significantly higher in roasted and microwaved Pangasius fish, and significantly lower in boiled samples. The highest Fe concentration was found in roasted samples. Al and Zn levels registered the same pattern with the highest level in roasted samples, and Se level in roasted samples was insignificantly different compared to raw samples. Pb levels were significantly increased in boiled and roasted Pangasius fish meat samples and Cd levels registered the highest concentration in raw samples

    Chemistry and photochemistry of novel aromatic spiroketals derived from 2,6-bis(5-bromo-2-hydroxybenzylidene) cyclohexanone

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    Natural colorants such as flavylium and xanthylium derivatives have attracted considerable interest in the last decades due to their potential health effects and replacement of synthetic pigments. In addition, these type of compounds exhibit versatile photochromic properties by switching from a variety of colourswhen submitted to different external stimuli[1-3]. The aim of the present work was to design novel photochromic systems based on xanthylium derivatives. Therefore, we have synthesized and characterized 2,6-bis(5-bromo-2- hydroxybenzylidene)cyclohexanone. The network of chemical reactions when submitted to light and different pH values has been investigated. A new colorless compound 3,11-dibromo7,8-dihydro-6H-chromeno[3,2-d]xanthenes(Scheme 1) isolated from the equilibrated solution of trans-chalcone specie in methanolhave been isolated and fully characterized by NMR and X-ray diffraction. The rate of the reaction increased when the solution of trans-chalcone was exposed to sunlight. The spiroketal form was stable at in neutral and basic conditions, while at low pH values it converts into xantylium cationic form

    Behavior of bipyridine derivative Cu(I) complexes in donor solvents

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    Cu(I) complexes are known as highly emissive compounds having interesting fluorescence applications[1].Theluminescence is generated by more intense metal to ligand charge transfer (MLCT) electronic transitions for Cu(I), affording longer excited-statelifetimes compared to transient d-d excited state of Cu(II)[2].Herein we report the behavior of two bipyridine derivative Cu(I) complexes containing phenanthroline and biquinoline ligands, respectively, in donor solvents as dimethylsulfoxide and acetonitrile.The Cu(I) phenanthroline complex (1) is unstable in solution,due to oxidation of Cu(I) to Cu(II) in time, accompanied by change in coordination geometry from tetrahedral to trigonal bipyramidal. The Cu(I) biquinoline complex (2) is more stable in donor solvents,the stability increasing at low temperatures with the stabilization of tetragonal geometry of Cu(I).In case of biquinoline ligand, this kind of geometry is stabilized by the bulky aryl substituentsatαposition with respect to the pyridine nitrogen

    Novel asymmetric benzylidenecyclohexanone photochromic compound as food dye with antioxidant properties

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    Nature has always been the provider of compounds with unique properties and amazing application within or outside the living organisms [1]. Color is certainly one of the natural features that have always fascinated researchers from almost all fields of knowledge and compounds with such properties have been isolated from raw materials or have been designed and synthesized based thereon [2]. Flavylium derivatives are natural or synthetic compounds responsible for certain color of fruits and flowers and are able to turn from yellow to red and blue depending on the pH of the media [3]. They are also studied for their photochromic behavior when excited with different wavelengths and their network of chemical transformation has been the subject of many research papers [4,5]. We have focused lately on the synthesis of xanthylium derivatives [6], compounds similar in behavior with flavylium ones with symmetrical and asymmetrical substituents on the aromatic rings. The photochromic behavior of the new asymmetric benzylidene cyclohexanone derivative 4-(p-hydroxybenzylidene)-6-hydroxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroxanthylium chloride (HTX)in aqueous solution at different pH values was studied using UV-Vis, NMR and fluorescence spectroscopy. In strong acid environment HTX exhibits purple color and a broad absorption band at about 516 nm, corresponding to the presence of the xanthylium cation, while in basic conditions the solutions are red, with an absorption band at about 596 nm. At pH ranging from 9 to 12 HTX is bluish and suffers spontaneous transformations between species involved in the network of chemical reactions. HTX shows good fluorescence behavior at all pH values. HTX has a good antioxidant character of 55.15% determined by DPPH method. The features described above and its curcumin origin would highly recommend it for application in the field of food colorants