39 research outputs found

    Measurement of National Non-Visible Wealth through Intellectual Capital

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    The economy of knowledge requires measures of national wealth that take into account aspects not contemplated by GDP, in order to portray the situation of a country more truthfully. In this paper, we use a new model to measure the intellectual capital of nations, adapted from microeconomics. It is based on the observation of hidden capital as implicit generator of long-term wealth, considering not only sustainability and social wellbeing, but also intangible assets such as human development, economic structure, international trade, foreign image and innovation. This empirical study reveals the importance of hidden capital in a nation’s wealth, making the difference where economic growth is concerned, as the most developed countries record the highest scores of efficiency in terms of intangible capital.knowledge economy indicators, hidden wealth, intangibles, GDP

    Organic farming, a viable and feasible component of the Romanian agriculture

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    Taking into account the fact that organic farming is not a miracle, but a tangible reality of our days, a trend with more and more followers within the producers and consumers, this paper is included within those trying to demonstrate once more that for Romania also, the organic farming is a viable alternative to the traditional farming that leads in time to the degradation of soil and water resources, to air pollution, degradation of population heath etc. By using as working method the direct observation without intervention and consulting specialized reference sources, we have tried to select the most important definitions for the Romanian organic farming. We have also specified the objectives and principles of the organic farming and we have made a selection of the most important legal regulations on which the environment-friendly production is based, both at Community level and at national level. The analysis of the organic farming in Romania also showed that a process of institutional strengthening and development is currently undergoing for the organic farming, as in all the other countries, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, by its actions, puts the organic farming in the centre of the development of the Romanian agriculture. As such, the evolution of this sector from one year to another was dynamic, with a steady pace growth of the eco-cultivated areas and of the number of animals resulted from organic livestock breeding. The analysis performed entitles us to consider that the organic farming is an inadequately capitalized opportunity for Romania that could place the country as a front-runner on the European market

    Organic farming, a viable and feasible component of the Romanian agriculture

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    Taking into account the fact that organic farming is not a miracle, but a tangible reality of our days, a trend with more and more followers within the producers and consumers, this paper is included within those trying to demonstrate once more that for Romania also, the organic farming is a viable alternative to the traditional farming that leads in time to the degradation of soil and water resources, to air pollution, degradation of population heath etc. By using as working method the direct observation without intervention and consulting specialized reference sources, we have tried to select the most important definitions for the Romanian organic farming. We have also specified the objectives and principles of the organic farming and we have made a selection of the most important legal regulations on which the environment-friendly production is based, both at Community level and at national level. The analysis of the organic farming in Romania also showed that a process of institutional strengthening and development is currently undergoing for the organic farming, as in all the other countries, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, by its actions, puts the organic farming in the centre of the development of the Romanian agriculture. As such, the evolution of this sector from one year to another was dynamic, with a steady pace growth of the eco-cultivated areas and of the number of animals resulted from organic livestock breeding. The analysis performed entitles us to consider that the organic farming is an inadequately capitalized opportunity for Romania that could place the country as a front-runner on the European market

    The right of foreigners to purchase agricultural lands in Romania. Cross-border conflict mediation

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    Ever since becoming a member state of the European Union, Romania had to adapt its internal laws so that the citizens of other EU member states, or those of other entities for which this right is acknowledged by Law 17/2014, stateless persons residing in these states and legal persons established in accordance with the internal laws of these states can benefit from a regulatory framework in virtue of which they can acquire the right of private property over Romanian agricultural fields, under the same conditions as Romanian citizens, stateless persons based in Romania or Romanian legal persons. Outsourcing the civil circuit over the Romanian agricultural fields raises a serious question over the reaction of the society, which is still vibrant to anything that concerns the preservation of property over the ancestral land

    Interleukin-17 -association to silent lupus nephritis and disease activity

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    ABSTRACT Background: Systemic lupus erythematosus is a multiorganic, chronic immune disease and lupus nephritis, a severe manifestation, represents the strongest predictor of a poor outcome of this pathology. Cytokines play an important role in lupus nephritis and consequently, their use as biomarkers of active systemic lupus erythematosus disease is of particular interest. The purpose of this work was to study the pro-inflammatory role of interleukin-17 in renal involvement in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Methods: We performed a retrospective study of 87 patients diagnosed with SLE according to the Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics 2012 diagnosis criteria. In this study, we determined the serum levels of interleukin-17 by ELISA. Results: It was observed that 49 patients in the study group presented with positive values of interleukin-17, range (1.12 -23.66) pg/ml. There was a positive correlation of interleukin-17 with active SLE as assessed by the Systemic Lupus Erythematous Disease Activity Index. No association was found between serum interleukin-17 level and renal pathology at the inclusion or in the clinical history of the patients. Patients with leukocyturia and hematuria presented higher values of serum interleukin-17 than those without these manifestations. In the linear regression model, after adjusting for age, gender and treatment we found an independent association between serum IL-17 levels and leukocyturia presence with OR=2.06, 95% CI range (1.22-2.89). Conclusions: A positive correlation has been observed between serum IL-17 and the SLE disease activity as assessed by the SLEDAI score computed without anti-DNA antibodies. Also, the IL-17 levels was strongly associated with the presence of leukocyturia and hematuria, even in patients with no clinical evidence of renal disease that might have silent lupus nephritis usually associated with a benign renal outcome

    OGOI - A Child Care Facility in Dialogue with Nature

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    Abweichender Titel nach Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersDiese Arbeit behandelt den Entwurf einer Kinderpflegeeinrichtung, unter der Berücksichtigung der besonderen sozioökonomischen Lage der Waisenkinder im Südwesten Rumäniens. Gemütlichkeit und Vollständigkeit werden meistens mit den schützenden Merkmalen unserer eigenen vier Wände assoziiert. Es wird nach einer einfühlsamen Architektur gestrebt, die zum Nest des Menschen wird,um den Kindern ein Zuhause zu schaffen, sie zu versorgen und sie in der Welt zu verorten. Ein Grundstein, der sie in den ersten Lebensabschnitten unterstützen wird und ihnen eine affektive und gesunde Entwicklung ermöglicht.This thesis deals with the design of a children‘s village, considering the special socio-economic situation of orphans in the south-west of Romania. Comfort and completeness are mostly associated with the protective features of our own four walls. The aim is to design a sensitive architecture that becomes the nest of the human being, with the purpose of creating a home for the children, taking care of them, and locating them in the world. A foundation that will support them in the first stages of life, allowing them an affective and healthy development.23

    Indirect spectrophotometric method for determination of captopril using Cr(VI) and diphenylcarbazide

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    A spectrophotometric method for the indirect determination of captopril (CP) in pharmaceutical formulations is proposed. The proposed procedure is based on the oxidation of captopril by potassium dichromate and the determination excess oxidant on the basis of its reaction with diphenylcarbazide (DPC). Under the optimum conditions, a good linear relationship (r = 0.9997) was obtained in the range of 0.08-3.5 µg mL-1. The assay limits of detection and quantitation were 0.024 and 0.08 µg mL-1, respectively. The results obtained for captopril determination in pharmaceuticals using the proposed method and those obtained with the US Pharmacopoeia method were in good agreement at the 95% confidence level

    Copper (II) Species with Improved Anti-Melanoma and Antibacterial Activity by Inclusion in β-Cyclodextrin

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    To improve their biological activity, complexes [Cu(bipy)(dmtp)2(OH2)](ClO4)2·dmtp (1) and [Cu(phen)(dmtp)2(OH2)](ClO4)2·dmtp (2) (bipy 2,2′-bipyridine, phen: 1,10-phenantroline, and dmtp: 5,7-dimethyl-1,2,4-triazolo [1,5-a]pyrimidine) were included in β-cyclodextrins (β-CD). During the inclusion, the co-crystalized dmtp molecule was lost, and UV-Vis spectra together with the docking studies indicated the synthesis of new materials with 1:1 and 1:2 molar ratios between complexes and β-CD. The association between Cu(II) compounds and β-CD has been proven by the identification of the components’ patterns in the IR spectra and powder XRD diffractograms, while solid-state UV-Vis and EPR spectra analysis highlighted a slight modification of the square-pyramidal stereochemistry around Cu(II) in comparison with precursors. The inclusion species are stable in solution and exhibit the ability to scavenge or trap ROS species (O2·− and HO·) as indicated by the EPR experiments. Moreover, the two inclusion species exhibit anti-proliferative activity against murine melanoma B16 cells, which has been more significant for (2)@β-CD in comparison with (2). This behavior is associated with a cell cycle arrest in the G0/G1 phase. Compared with precursors, (1a)@β-CD and (2a)@β-CD exhibit 17 and 26 times more intense activity against planktonic Escherichia coli, respectively, while (2a)@β-CD is 3 times more active against the Staphylococcus aureus strain

    Evaluation of the Cytotoxic Activity of the Usnea barbata (L.) F. H. Wigg Dry Extract

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    The secondary metabolites of lichens have proven to be promising sources of anticancer drugs; one of the most important of these is usnic acid, which is a phenolic compound with dibenzofuran structure that is responsible for the numerous biological actions of lichens of genus Usnea. As a result, in this study, we related to this phenolic secondary metabolite. The aim of the present study is the evaluation of the cytotoxic activity of Usnea barbata (L.) F. H. Wigg dry acetone extract (UBE). In advance, the usnic acid content was determined in various extracts of Usnea barbata (L.) F. H. Wigg: the liquid extracts were found in water, ethanol, acetone, and the dry acetone extract; the highest usnic acid quantity was found in the dry acetone extract. First, the cytotoxic action of UBE was assessed using Brine Shrimp Lethality (BSL) test; a significant lethal effect was obtained after 24 h of treatment at high used concentrations of UBE, and it was quantified by the high mortality rate of the Artemia salina (L.) larvae. Secondly, in vitro cytotoxicity of UBE was evaluated on human tongue squamous cells carcinoma, using CAL 27 (ATCC® CRL-2095™) cell line. The most intense cytotoxic effect of UBE on CAL 27 cells was registered after 24 h; this response is directly proportional with the tested UBE concentrations. The obtained results have been reported regarding usnic acid content of UBE, and the data show that CAL 27 cells death was induced by apoptosis and high oxidative stress

    Copper (II) Species with Improved Anti-Melanoma and Antibacterial Activity by Inclusion in β-Cyclodextrin

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    To improve their biological activity, complexes [Cu(bipy)(dmtp)2(OH2)](ClO4)2·dmtp (1) and [Cu(phen)(dmtp)2(OH2)](ClO4)2·dmtp (2) (bipy 2,2′-bipyridine, phen: 1,10-phenantroline, and dmtp: 5,7-dimethyl-1,2,4-triazolo [1,5-a]pyrimidine) were included in β-cyclodextrins (β-CD). During the inclusion, the co-crystalized dmtp molecule was lost, and UV-Vis spectra together with the docking studies indicated the synthesis of new materials with 1:1 and 1:2 molar ratios between complexes and β-CD. The association between Cu(II) compounds and β-CD has been proven by the identification of the components’ patterns in the IR spectra and powder XRD diffractograms, while solid-state UV-Vis and EPR spectra analysis highlighted a slight modification of the square-pyramidal stereochemistry around Cu(II) in comparison with precursors. The inclusion species are stable in solution and exhibit the ability to scavenge or trap ROS species (O2·− and HO·) as indicated by the EPR experiments. Moreover, the two inclusion species exhibit anti-proliferative activity against murine melanoma B16 cells, which has been more significant for (2)@β-CD in comparison with (2). This behavior is associated with a cell cycle arrest in the G0/G1 phase. Compared with precursors, (1a)@β-CD and (2a)@β-CD exhibit 17 and 26 times more intense activity against planktonic Escherichia coli, respectively, while (2a)@β-CD is 3 times more active against the Staphylococcus aureus strain