9 research outputs found

    Speed and Atmosphere Influences on Nanotribological Properties of NbSe2

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    Nanotribological properties of NbSe2 are studied using an atomic friction force microscope. The friction force is measured as a function of normal load and scan speeds ranging from 10 nm s−1 to 40 μm s−1 under two atmospheres (air and argon). At low speed, no effect of atmosphere is noticed and a linear relationship between the friction and normal forces is observed leading to a friction coefficient close to 0.02 for both atmospheres. At high speed, the tip/surface contact obeys the JKR theory and the tribological properties are atmosphere dependent: the shear stress measured in air environment is three times lower than the one measured under argon atmosphere. A special attention is paid to interpret these results through numerical data obtained from a simple athermal model based on Tomlinson approach

    Dendritic Cell-Mediated-Immunization with Xenogenic PrP and Adenoviral Vectors Breaks Tolerance and Prolongs Mice Survival against Experimental Scrapie

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    In prion diseases, PrPc, a widely expressed protein, is transformed into a pathogenic form called PrPSc, which is in itself infectious. Antibodies directed against PrPc have been shown to inhibit PrPc to PrPSc conversion in vitro and protect in vivo from disease. Other effectors with potential to eliminate PrPSc-producing cells are cytotoxic T cells directed against PrP-derived peptides but their ability to protect or to induce deleterious autoimmune reactions is not known. The natural tolerance to PrPc makes difficult to raise efficient adaptive responses. To break tolerance, adenovirus (Ad) encoding human PrP (hPrP) or control Ad were administered to wild-type mice by direct injection or by transfer of Ad-transduced dendritic cells (DCs). Control Ad-transduced DCs from Tg650 mice overexpressing hPrP were also used for immunization. DC-mediated but not direct administration of AdhPrP elicited antibodies that bound to murine native PrPc. Frequencies of PrP-specific IFNγ-secreting T cells were low and in vivo lytic activity only targeted cells strongly expressing hPrP. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that CD3+ T cell infiltration was similar in the brain of vaccinated and unvaccinated 139A-infected mice suggesting the absence of autoimmune reactions. Early splenic PrPSc replication was strongly inhibited ten weeks post infection and mean survival time prolonged from 209 days in untreated 139A-infected mice to 246 days in mice vaccinated with DCs expressing the hPrP. The efficacy appeared to be associated with antibody but not with cytotoxic cell-mediated PrP-specific responses

    Buganda royalism and political competition in Uganda’s 2011 elections

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    International audienceAlthough the 2011 elections in Uganda did not result into the expected splitbetween Buganda voters and President Museveni, the electoral campaign is agood empirical entry point to understand the forms of contemporary royalistmobilisations, and the way Buganda, its nature and its fate, are conceptualised bypolitical elites today. In the constituency of Kampala where fieldwork wasconducted, Buganda was very present in the rally speeches. Political adversariessaw it as a powerful source of popular support. It thus impacted the lines againstwhich politicians competed: their strategies and the criteria against which theywere asking to be judged. In their rally speeches, electoral candidates producedconflicting, but also sometimes convergent, conceptions of what it means tobe a good leader in Buganda, for both men and women. Particularly, politicalopponents shared and projected a behavioural conception of ‘Gandaness’ thatmixes autochthony and loyalty to the king

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