6 research outputs found

    Erdheim-Chester Disease and Concomitant Tuberculosis Successfully Treated with Chemotherapy and Long-Term Steroids

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    Erdheim-Chester disease (ECD) is a rare histiocytosis usually affecting the skeletal system, but visceral organs and central nervous system involvement are common as well. Probability exists that immunomodulatory therapies and disorders can play a role in clinical course of the disease. Because of rarity of the disorder, it is hard to classify it and standardize the treatment options, but, according to published material and our experience, cytotoxic chemotherapy and long-term steroids have therapeutic benefit. Although this approach can probably be accepted as standard of care management, novel therapeutic modalities should be explored, and pathogenesis and disorder classification should be cleared out as well. The case of ECD affecting skeletal system and lungs and concomitant laryngeal tuberculosis successfully treated with chemotherapy and long-term steroid therapy is presented

    Sex or Surgery – Erectile Dysfunction after Radical Treatment of Localized Prostate Cancer

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    The maintenance of satisfactory quality of life is major concern in majority of patients who elect treatment for localized prostate cancer. We conducted a cross-sectional study to determine sexual function after radical prostatectomy (RP) and external beam radiotherapy (EBRT). Study population consisted of series of 57 patients with early-stage adenocarcinoma of the prostate, treated in our institution in the period from January 2003 till December 2003. Thirty three patients underwent radical retropubical prostatectomy and 24 patients were treated by primary radical radiotherapy. Patients have been given the full international index of erectile function (IIEF) questionnaire two to four and six months after the treatment. Post treatment sexual function in patients treated by EBRT is significantly better than in patients treated by RP (48,5% vs. 21.57%, p<0,0001). Subgroup analysis reveals that satisfaction with erectile function, maintaining of sexual intercourse and possibility of ejaculation is better in patients treated by EBRT than in patients treated by RP (44.67% vs. 11.57%, p <0,0001) as well as general satisfaction with quality of sexual life (48.5% in EBRT group vs. 21.57% in RP group, p <0,0001). On the other hand, sexual desire remains the same in both groups of patients (63.75% in EBRT group vs. 60.61% in RP group, p = 0.71). Six months after surgical or radiotherapy treatment erectile function is almost as twice as worse in patients treated by surgery than in patients treated by radiotherapy

    Unutarstanični signalni putevi u karcinogenezi kolorektalnog tumora

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    Karcinom kolorektalnog tumora jedna je od najčešćih i najsmrtonosnijih malignih bolesti, s oko 500 000 novootkrivenih sluča jeva diljem svijeta godišnje. Zlatni standard sekundarne prevencije je kolonoskopija s polipekto mijom, koja smanjuje učestalost raka crijeva za 30-40% u rizičnoj populaciji. Prvotni pokušaji primarne prevencije karcinoma crijeva selektivnim nesteroidnim protuupal nim lijekovima pokolebani su njihovom neočekivanom toksičnošću. Boljim upoznavanjem unutarstaničnih signalnih puteva karcinogeneze, čiji pregled donosimo u ovom članku, spoznaju se nove mogućnosti njihovog selektivnog isključivanja, a samim time i sprečavanja nastanka karcinoma

    Prognostički značaj serumske koncentracije HER2/ECD u bolesnica s lokaliziranim tumorima dojke

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    Scope of the problem HER2 overexpression is well established risk factor of worse prognosis in metastatic and early breast cancer. HER2 positivity can be determined from tumor tissue by immunohistochemical staining or by fluorescent in situ hybridization, or from serum by measuring concentration of HER2 receptor extracellular domain (HER2/ECD). HER2/ECD correlates well with worse prognosis in metastatic and locally advanced (stage III) disease if serum concentration is >15 ng/ml, but there is no consistent data for patients with early breast cancer. Study design and results 41 patients with stage I and II breast cancer and 52 healthy controls were included into the study. HER2/ECD was determined before surgery and correlated with HER2/neu overexpression, Ki67, hormone receptor status and disease stage, and compared with value in healthy controls. Mean serum HER2/ECD concentration in patients was 8.62 ng/ml and 5.78 ng/ml in controls, and the difference was statistically significant (p=0.000061). The best diagnostic cut-off value was 7.7 ng/ml, with 76.92% sensitivity and 72.92% specificity. Positive predictive value of the test was 69.77% and negative predictive value was 79.55%, with 74.71% of patients correctly classified. Serum HER2/ECD correlated with hormone receptors status, and no correlation with histological overexpression has been observed. Conclusion Serum HER2/ECD concentration of ≥7.7 ng/ml has possible diagnostic value in stage I and II breast cancer. It should not be used as a determinant of HER2 positivity. Prognostic significance of HER2/ECD in early breast cancer, its correlation with hormone receptor status, and interconnection between hormone receptors and HER2 receptor signaling should be further analyzed, since it may have therapeutic implications

    Treatment of cancer-related anemia

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    Anemia with consequent tissue hypoxia is common problem in cancer patients. Developed via various patophysiological mechanisms, it has deleterious effect on quality of life and survival of patients with cancer. Recognition of symptoms and timely initiation of treatment improve patients' quality of life, as well as efficacy of oncological treatment. Red blood cells transfusions are well known and efficient way of anemia correction. They are "golden standard" in treatment of cancer-related anemia today, and are unavoidable in almost all patients with hemoglobin concentration below 80 g/L. Newest therapy guidelines in developed countries, supported by recent literature, encourage use of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHu-EPO), although detailed meta-analyses and prospective randomized clinical trials have shown that rHu-EPO decreases the need for transfusions in only 9-45% patients with cancer, only if they have mild anemia, rHu-EPO increases incidence of thromboembolic events, and suspicion arises that it supports tumor cells growth and multiplication. Therefore, it is necessary to define subgroups of patients which are best candidates for rHu-EPO therapy, to accomplish lower intensity of transfusion therapy

    Sex or surgery - erectile dysfunction after radical treatment of localized prostate cancer [Seks ili kirurgija - erektilna disfunkcija nakon radikalnog liječenja lokaliziranog raka prostate]

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    The maintenance of satisfactory quality of life is major concern in majority of patients who elect treatment for localized prostate cancer. We conducted a cross-sectional study to determine sexual function after radical prostatectomy (RP) and external beam radiotherapy (EBRT). Study population consisted of series of 57 patients with early-stage adenocarcinoma of the prostate, treated in our institution in the period from January 2003 till December 2003. Thirty three patients underwent radical retropubical prostatectomy and 24 patients were treated by primary radical radiotherapy. Patients have been given the full international index of erectile function (IIEF) questionnaire two to four and six months after the treatment. Post treatment sexual function in patients treated by EBRT is significantly better than in patients treated by RP (48.5% vs. 21.57%, p < 0.0001). Subgroup analysis reveals that satisfaction with erectile function, maintaining of sexual intercourse and possibility of ejaculation is better in patients treated by EBRT than in patients treated by RP (44.67% vs. 11.57%, p < 0.0001) as well as general satisfaction with quality of sexual life (48.5% in EBRT group vs. 21.57% in RP group, p < 0.0001). On the other hand, sexual desire remains the same in both groups of patients (63.75% in EBRT group vs. 60.61% in RP group, p = 0.71). Six months after surgical or radiotherapy treatment erectile function is almost as twice as worse in patients treated by surgery than in patients treated by radiotherapy