27 research outputs found

    Virusni enteritisi pasa ā€“ stari i novi patogeni

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    Sarkocistioza pasa u nekim regionima Srbije

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    The results of an investigation related to Sarcocystis spp. infection of dogs in Serbia are presented in this paper, for the first time after 25 years. In order to investigate the prevalence of sarcocystiosis in dogs, 448 dogs were examined. Considering feeding and living conditions, the dogs were divided in to 5 categories (city dogs - 100, village dogs - 188, dogs from a shelter - 54, military dog farm - 42 and dogs from private kennels - 64). Considering age, they were divided in to four groups (puppies - 49, young dogs 6 months to 1 year of age - 86, 1-3 year old dogs -117 and 196 dogs older than 3 years). The results obtained show that 2.46% (11/448) of the examined dogs were positive. Significant differences in the presence of sporocysts were established among the categories. The highest rate of positive cases was found in the dogs from the shelter (5.56%), followed by village dogs (3.72%) and there was no difference between these categories. There was a 1% positive rate among city dogs, while there were no positive animals in the remaining two categories. Considering age, significant differences were detected among all groups in respect to the presence of infected dogs (p lt 0.10). The highest rate was found in the group of dogs older than 3 years (4.59%), then in the group of dogs aged 1-3 years (1.71%), while there were no positive animals in the other two groups.U ovom radu se prvi put u poslednjih 25 godina iznose rezultati ispitivanja infekcije pasa sa Sarcocystis spp. u Srbiji. U cilju ispitivanja rasprostranjenosti sarkocistioze kod pasa, ukupno je ispitano 448 pasa koji su prema uslovima držanja i načinu ishrane podeljeni u 5 kategorija (gradski psi - 100; seoski psi - 188; psi iz prihvatnog centra - 54; psi iz vojne odgajivačnice - 42; psi iz privatnih odgajivačnica - 64), a prema starosti u 4 starosne grupe (Å”tenad - 49, mladi psi od 6 meseci do 1 godine - 86; psi od 1 do 3 godine - 117; psi stariji od 3 godine - 196 pasa). Ustanovljena je prevalenca infekcije od 2.46% (11/448). Između ispitivanih kategorija su ustanovljene značajne razlike (p lt 0.15) u pogledu pozitivnih nalaza. Najveći procenat pozitivnih jedinki je ustanovljen u kategoriji pasa iz prihvatnog centra (5.56%), a zatim u kategoriji seoskih pasa (3.72%), a između ovih kategorija nisu utvrđene značajne razlike. U kategoriji gradskih pasa je ustanovljen 1% pozitivnih jedinki, dok u preostale dve kategorije nije bilo pozitivnih slučajeva. Uzimajući u obzir starost ispitivanih pasa ustanovljene su značajne razlike u pogledu prisustva sporocista u fecesu ispitivanih pasa (p lt 0.10). Najveći procenat pozitivnih nalaza je ustanovljen u grupi pasa starijih od 3 godine (4.59%), zatim u grupi pasa u starosti 1-3 godine (1.71%), dok u preostale dve starosne grupe nije bilo pozitivnih slučajeva

    Seroprevalences of Rickettsia conorii, Ehrlichia canis and Coxiella burnetii in Dogs from Montenegro

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    Due to an unfortunate error during the processing of the article, the given name and family name of all authors were interchanged. The original article has been corrected

    Seroepizootiological investigations of animals from Obedska bara locality for presence of Avian influenza virus

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    The disease caused by Influenza viruses has been well known for a very long time. In the recent period there has been noted an occurrence of pandemics caused by Influenza viruses type A with a high rate of mortality. The ongoing pandemic caused by avian influenza virus serotype H9N9 began in Hong Kong in 1992, and another pandemic caused by serotype H5N1 began in China (Hong Kong) in 1999. The world wide spreading of these viruses occurred due to migratory birds. Avian influenza was confirmed in Serbia in 2007. The goal of this study was to examine whether the avian influenza viruses type A circulate in the region of the Obedska bara marsh, which is a famous resort for many birds in Serbia, as well as many birds migrating from Europe to Africa and vice versa. The samples of blood sera of many animal species (123 samples from fowl, 64 samples from donkeys, 40 samples from horses) were tested by serologic reaction of inhibition of haemmaglutination (IHA) for the presence of antibodies to influenza A subtypes H5N1, H5N2, H5N3, H7N1 and H7N2. Also, the samples of blood sera of experimental chicken exposed to wild life in Obedska bara (sentinel species) were tested. Antibodies to subtypes H5N1, H5N2, H5N3, H7N1 and H7N2 were found in chicken from Dec, Boljevci, Petrovcic and Kupinovo villages but no antibodies were found in blood sera from hams from Dobanovci, Jakovo, Becmen and Surcin villages. From 23 samples from ducks antibodies were detected in 3 samples, and from 22 geese blood sera antibodies were found in 4 samples. From a total of 40 horse blood sera tested one was tested positive, and from 64 donkey sera 17 were positive for the presence of antibodies for avian influenza type A. In blood sera of experimental chicken antibodies were found by subtype H5N1 with corrections with H5N2 and H7N1

    Simulation of the transmission by vectors of bluetongue disease and analysis of the control strategy

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    Bluetongue disease is an infectious non-contagious disease of domestic and wild ruminants, transmitted by hematophagous insects of the genus Culicoides. In endemic areas the disease has a seasonal character, occurs usually in summer when the population of vectors is at its peak. Culicoides are active at temperatures in the range from 13 degrees to 35 degrees C. The replication of the virus stops when the environmental temperature is below 13 degrees C. It has been reported that the temperature and humidity of the environment affect to a great extent the biology of the vector and the survival of the virus in the reservoirs. During the summer, the number of infected cattle and sheep is directly dependent on the density of the population of the vector, the length of vectors life-span, the temperature of the environment and by precipitation, the affinity of the vector to different hosts, and the ability of the vector to locate the host. Bluetongue has been spreading worldwide due to climatic changes and increasing average daily temperatures. The seasonal occurrences of the disease and the climate change have conditioned the need for adopting new strategies. The stochastic SEIRD mathematical model has been developed in order to simulate the transmission of the Bluetongue virus through the susceptible ruminant population on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, as well as to investigate the effect of climatic factors on the vector population and the magnitude of a possible epizootia. Besides the effects of climatic factors, we have analyzed a number of different approaches in the control of the disease based upon the vaccination of ruminants and control of vectors

    Profiles of virulence genes in enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli isolates from suckling piglets in Serbia

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    A total of 120 Escherichia coli (E. coli) strains from suckling piglets with diarrhoea and 30 E. coli strains from healthy piglets were tested for the presence of fimbrial and enterotoxin virulence genes. Out of the 120 isolates sampled from diarrheic piglets, 81 (67.5%) expressed one or more genes encoding virulence factors. Adhesin genes were detected in 52 (43.33%) out of 120 E. coli isolates, and the most common among them was F4 adhesin (33.33%). Genes encoding E. coli toxins were detected in 81 (67.5%) isolates. E. coli included in the study carried genes for one or more of the following toxins: STa, STb, LT and EAST1. The astA gene encoding EAST1 was the most prevalent and was identified in 72 (60%) E. coli isolates. EAST1 toxin was detected in 5 out of 30 isolates (16.7%) from healthy piglets. Among the 81 isolates expressing virulence genes, a total of 15 different combinations for fimbrial and toxin genes were found. The most common virulence pattern was F4/STb/LT/EAST1 detected in 23.45% of E. coli strains isolated from suckling piglets with diarrhoea. The results indicate that F4 adhesin and EAST1 toxin are the most common in E. coli isolates sampled from diarrhoeic suckling piglets in Serbia

    Antiviral drugs resistance - importance for veterinary medicine

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    Kada se govori o rezistenciji mikroorganizama, naročito u veterinarskoj medicini, najčeŔće se misli na sojeve bakterija koji su otporni na hemioterapeutike, prevashodno antibiotike. Uobičajeno dodavanje antibiotika stočnoj hrani, neselektivna, nekontrolisana i često bezrazložna upotreba antibiotika u terapiji i preventivi samo su neki od razloga za ovakav prilaz rezistenciji mikroorganizama. Međutim, u proteklih nekoliko decenija, jedna od najintenzivnijih sfera istraživanja farmaceutske industrije su antivirusni preparati. Može slobodno da se kaže da se o virusima koji izazivaju oboljenja sisara praktično sve zna. Od načina replikacije, mehanizama kojima patogeno deluju na tkiva i organe, ponaÅ”anja u inficiranim ćelijama, a za neke viruse je poznat i celokupni genetski kod. Međutim, do danas je za komercijalnu upotrebu registrovano tek tridesetak preparata uz male izglede da se repertoar ovih lekova u dogledno vreme značajnije poveća. Mehanizam delovanja antivirusnih lekova najčeŔće je inhibicija neke virusne aktivnosti koja je neophodna da se odigra infekcija na nivou ćelije. To su inhibicija adsopcije virusa, fuzije virusa sa ćelijom, uklanjanja virusnih omotača, inhibicija virusnih enzima (virusne DNK polimeraze, reverzne transkriptaze, virusnih proteaza, neuraminidaze, dehidrogenaza i hidrolaza) kao i inhibicija sinteze virusne RNK. Pored potencijalnog značaja nastanka rezistentnih virusa u slučaju da se upotrebe antivirusni preparati kod životinja male (luksuzne) prakse, postoji i opasnost metafilaktične primene antivirusnih lekova kod onih vrsta životinja koje se koriste za ishranu ljudi, za profilaksu virusa koji izazivaju značajne zoonoze.Especially in veterinary medicine, resistance to antimicrobial drugs is most frequently referred to bacterial resistance to chemotherapeutics especially antibiotics that we use in order to cure bacterial diseases in animals. Usual animal feed antibiotic supplementation, nonselective, uncontrolled and often with no reason usage of antibiotic in therapy and prophylaxis are just some of the reasons for such approach to microorganismā€™s resistance. However, in last few decades development of antiviral drugs is one of the most intensive fields of the work of the pharmaceutical industry. One can easily say that there are a few unanswered questions as far as viruses that cause disease of mammals are concerned. As a science, virology is aware of all aspects of virus biology and infectology. Mechanisms of the virus replication, pathogenic pathways in infected hosts and all aspects of virus biology are well known. Moreover, for most of the important viruses, whole genetic base has been elucidated. In spite of that, up to now there are not more than thirty commercially registered antiviral drugs with a little chance this number to increase. Antiviral repertoire most frequently is inhibition of some virus activity such as virus adsorption, fusion with the cell, virus uncoating, inhibition of virus enzymes (DNA polymerase, reverse transcriptase, neuraminidase, protease, dehydrogenase and hydrolase) as well as virus RNA replication. Apart of the potential importance as a part of the therapy in small-luxury veterinary praxis, antivirus drugs are potential hazard if they are used as a part of metaphylaxis in order to prevent diseases in the animal species that we use as a food. At the same time there is a risk of virus becoming resistant in case of using antiviral drugs in the prophylaxis of the zoonoses

    Monoclonal antibodies as a tool for virus antigen characterization and modification

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    Od brojnih polja primene (dijagnostika, ispitivanje patogeneze infekcija, terapija tumora), u proteklih nekoliko decenija monoklonska antitela (MAT) su se intenzivno koristila i u karakterisanju virusnih antigena. U zavisnosti od procedure obavljanja pojedinih seroloÅ”kih reakcija, tačnije - u zavisnosti od načina pripreme antigena, moguće je zaključiti da li se kao antigen koristi cela virusna čestica ili se radi o nekoj njenoj supstrukturi. Koristeći Western blot, radio imuno test i precipitaciju u gelu, kao i neutralizacione testove in vivo (neutralizacija u miÅ”evima) i in vitro (plak redukcioni test), ustanovljeno je da se u strukturi virusa uzročnika slinavke i Å”apa nalaze sekvencionalni (najviÅ”e 7) i konformacioni (najviÅ”e 12) epitopi. Prilikom obavljanja preliminarnih ispitivanja kompetitivnog radio imuno testa, ustanovljeno je da jedno monoklonsko antitelo, kada formira imuni kompleks sa epitopom za koji je specifično, uslovi pojačavanje vezivanja najmanje tri monoklonska antitela koja su specifična za epitope od kojih je jedan bio sekvencionalan, a dva su bila zavisna od konformacije antigene strukture.Of the many fields of application (diagnosis, testing the pathogenesis of infections, cancer therapy) over the past few decades, monoclonal antibody (mAb) have been extensively used in the characterization of viral antigens. Depending on the procedures for carrying out some serological reactions, and depending on the method of preparing antigen in particular, it is possible to investigate whether the antigen used is a whole virus or was it an its substructure.Using Western blot, radio-immunoassay and gel precipitation and neutralization tests in vivo (neutralization in mice) and in vitro (plaque reduction test), it was found that the in the structure of the virus that causes foot and mouth disease, there are sequential (maximum 7) and conformation (maximum 12) epitopes. During the preliminary investigations in order to prepare competitive radio immunoassay test, it was found that one monoclonal antibody, when in immune complex with the epitope for which it is specific, increased binding at least three monoclonal antibodies specific for epitopes of which one was sekvencionalan and two have been dependent on the conformation of the antigen structure

    Procena kolostralne zaŔtite teladi

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    The aim of these investigations was to examine the concentration of total proteins and total immunoglobulins in blood serum of calves and on the bases of the obtained results to evaluate the risk of their contracting a disease in the first month of life. Examinations were carried out on 23 calves maintained in farm conditions, whose medical condition was monitored in the first month of life. Blood samples were taken by puncture from the v. jugularis immediately at birth, and at 24 and 48 hours after that, and blood serum was obtained by spontaneous coaggulation. The concentration of total proteins in blood serum was determined using biuretic probe, and the immunoglobulin level using the refractometric method with the zinc-sulphate test (ZST). The average value of total proteins in calves immediately at birth was low and stood at 42Ā±0.3 g/l. The increased concentration of total proteins in calves after the intake of colostrum is a result of the absorption of colostrum immunoglobulins. A high positive correlation was established between the concentration of total proteins and total immunoglobulins at 24 and 48 hours after birth (rxy = 0.92 and rxy = 0.75). Based on the results of monitoring the health condition and the values for total protein concentrations during the examined period (24 and 48 hours after birth) it is possible to make the following risk evaluation regarding diseases in newborn calves: 1) proteinaemia lower than 50 g/l presents a high risk; 2) proteinaemia between 50-54 g/l presents a medium risk: and, 3) proteinaemia between 55-69 g/l presents a low risk for diseases occurring in newborn calves.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita koncentracija ukupnih proteina i ukupnih imunoglobulina u krvnom serumu teladi i na osnovu toga izvrÅ”i procena rizika oboljenja u prvom mesecu života. Ispitivanje je izvedeno na 23 teleta u farmskim uslovima držanja, čije je zdravstveno stanje praćeno u prvom mesecu života. Uzorci krvi uzimani su punkcijom v. jugularis neposredno po rođenju, 24. i 48. sata, a krvni serum je dobijen spontanom koagulacijom. Koncentracija ukupnih proteina u krvnom serumu određivana je biuretskom probom, a nivo imunoglobulina refraktometrijskom metodom koriŔćenjem cink-sulfat testa (ZST). Prosečna vrednost ukupnih proteina kod teladi neposredno po rođenju bila je niska i iznosila je 42 Ā± 0,3 g/l. Povećanje koncentracije ukupnih proteina kod teladi nakon unoÅ”enja kolostruma rezultat je apsorpcije kolostralnih imunoglobulina. Visoka pozitivna korelacija utvrđ ena je između koncentracije ukupnih proteina i ukupnih imunoglobulina u periodu 24. i 48. sata po rođenju (rxy=0,92 i rxy = 0,75). Na osnovu rezultata praćenja zdravstvenog stanja i vrednosti koncentracije ukupnih proteina u ispitivanom periodu (24-og i 48-og sata) moguć e je dati sledeću procenu rizika oboljenja novorođene teladi: 1) proteinemija manja od 50 g/l odgovara visokom riziku; 2) proteinemija između 50 i 54 g/l odgovara srednjem riziku i 3) proteinemija između 55 i 69 g/l odgovara malom riziku za pojavu oboljenja novorođene teladi

    Prvi izveŔtaj o rasprostranjenosti i kliničkoj slici infekcije mačaka sa Bartonella henselae na području Novog Sada

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    Cat Scratch Disease (CSD) is an infective disease of animals and humans caused with Bartonella henselae. Prevalence of infection varies between 0 and 68% depending on different population of cats and geographical region. Naturally infected cats are often clinically healthy and are inapparent germ carriers. In this investigation 40 cats from the area of Novi Sad were analyzed. After the epidemiological questionnaire was made, all cats were clinically investigated. To determine the presence of specific antibodies of class G on Bartonella henselae the method of indirect immunofluorescence was used. For the first time in Serbia, in the area of Novi Sad municipality the infection caused by Bartonella henselae in the population of cats was detected. Prevalence of specific antibodies of class IgG on Bartonella henselae antigen in the population of cats was 57%. The most common clinical manifestations in seropositive cats were gingivitis and lymphoadenopathy.Bolest mačijeg ogreba (BMO) je infektivno oboljenje životinja i ljudi izazvano sa Bartonella henselae. Prevalencija infekcije varira u zavisnosti od populacije mačaka i geografskog regiona i kreće se od 0 do 68%. Prirodno inficirane mačke su često klinički zdrave, inaparentne kliconoÅ”e. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 40 mačaka sa područja Novog Sada. Nakon uzimanja epidemioloÅ”ke ankete, sve mačke su klinički pregledane. Za utvrđivanje prisustva specifičnih antitela klase G na antigene Bartonella henselae koriŔćen je test indirektne imunofluorescencije. Na geografskom području grada Novog Sada i okoline, po prvi put je u Republici Srbiji, utvrđeno prisustvo infekcije izazvane uzročnikom Bartonella henselae u populaciji mačaka. Prevalencija specifičnih antitela klase IgG na antigen Bartonella henselae u populaciji mačaka iznosila je 57%. NajčeŔće kliničke manifestacije kod seropozitivnih mačaka bile su gingivitis i limfadenopatija