1,257 research outputs found

    Firm-specific productivity risk over the business cycle: facts and aggregate implications

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    Is time-varying firm-level uncertainty a major cause or amplifier of the business cycle? This paper investigates this question in the context of a heterogeneousfirm RBC model with persistent firm-level productivity shocks and lumpy capital adjustment, where cyclical changes in uncertainty correspond naturally to cyclical changes in the cross-sectional dispersion of firm-specific Solow residual innovations. We use a unique German firm-level data set to investigate the extent to which firm-level uncertainty varies over the cycle. This allows us to put empirical discipline on our numerical simulations. We find that, while firm-level uncertainty is indeed countercyclical, it does not fluctuate enough to significantly alter the dynamics of an RBC model with only first moment shocks. The mild changes we do find are mainly caused by a bad news effect: higher uncertainty today predicts lower aggregate Solow residuals tomorrow. This effect dominates the real option value effect of time-varying uncertainty, highlighted in the literature. --Ss model,RBC model,lumpy investment,countercyclical risk,aggregate shocks,idiosyncratic shocks,heterogeneous firms,news shocks,uncertainty shocks.

    The cross-section of firms over the business cycle: new facts and a DSGE exploration

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    Using a unique German firm-level data set, this paper is the first to jointly study the cyclical properties of the cross-sections of firm-level real value added and Solow residual innovations, as well as capital and employment adjustment. We find two new business cycle facts: 1) The cross-sectional standard deviation of firm-level innovations in the Solow residual, value added and employment is robustly and significantly countercyclical. 2) The cross-sectional standard deviation of firm-level investment is procyclical. We show that a heterogeneousfirm RBC model with quantitatively realistic countercyclical innovations in the firm-level Solow residual and non-convex adjustment costs calibrated to the non-Gaussian features of the steady state investment rate distribution, produces investment dispersion that positively comoves with the cycle, with a correlation coefficient of 0.65, compared to 0.61 in the data. We argue more generally that the cross-sectional business cycle dynamics impose tight empirical restrictions on structural parameters and stochastic properties of driving forces in heterogeneousfirmmodels, and are therefore paramount in the calibration of these models. --Ss model,RBC model,cross-sectional firm dynamics,lumpy investment,countercyclical risk,aggregate shocks,idiosyncratic shocks,heterogeneous firms.

    The Cross-section of Firms over the Business Cycle: New Facts and a DSGE Exploration

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    Using a German firm-level data set, this paper is the first to jointly study the cyclical properties of the cross-sections of firm-level real value added and Solow residual innovations, as well as capital and employment adjustment. We find two new business cycle facts: 1) The cross-sectional standard deviation of firm-level innovations in the Solow residual, value added and employment is robustly and significantly countercyclical. 2) The cross-sectional standard deviation of firm-level investment is procyclical. We show that a heterogeneous-firm RBC model with quantitatively realistic countercyclically disperse innovations in the firm-level Solow residual and non-convex adjustment costs calibrated to the non-Gaussian features of the steady state investment rate distribution, produces investment dispersion that positively comoves with the cycle, with a correlation coefficient of 0.58, compared to 0.45 in the data. We argue more generally that the cross-sectional business cycle dynamics impose tight empirical restrictions on structural parameters and stochastic properties of driving forces in heterogeneous-firm models, and are therefore paramount in the calibration of these models.Ss model, RBC model, cross-sectional firm dynamics, lumpy investment, countercyclical risk, aggregate shocks, idiosyncratic shocks, heterogeneous firms

    Firm-Specific Productivity Risk over the Business Cycle: Facts and Aggregate Implications

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    Is time-varying firm-level uncertainty a major cause or amplifier of the business cycle? This paper investigates this question in the context of a heterogeneous-firm RBC model with persistent firm-level productivity shocks and lumpy capital adjustment, where cyclical changes in uncertainty correspond naturally to cyclical changes in the cross-sectional dispersion of firm-specific Solow residual innovations. We use a German firm-level data set to investigate the extent to which firm-level uncertainty varies over the cycle. This allows us to put empirical discipline on our numerical simulations. We find that, while firm-level uncertainty is indeed countercyclical, it does not fluctuate enough to significantly alter the dynamics of an RBC model with only first moment shocks. The mild changes we do find are mainly caused by a bad news effect: higher uncertainty today predicts lower aggregate Solowresiduals tomorrow. This effect dominates the real option value effect of time-varying uncertainty, highlighted in the literature.Ss model, RBC model, lumpy investment, countercyclical risk, aggregate shocks, idiosyncratic shocks, heterogeneous firms, news shocks, uncertainty shocks

    Firm-specific productivity risk over the business cycle : facts and aggregate implications

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    Is time-varying firm-level uncertainty a major cause or amplifier of the business cycle? This paper investigates this question in the context of a heterogeneous-firm RBC model with persistent firm-level productivity shocks and lumpy capital adjustment, where cyclical changes in uncertainty correspond naturally to cyclical changes in the cross-sectional dispersion of firm-specific Solow residual innovations. We use a German firm-level data set to investigate the extent to which firm-level uncertainty varies over the cycle. This allows us to put empirical discipline on our numerical simulations. We find that, while firm-level uncertainty is indeed countercyclical, it does not fluctuate enough to significantly alter the dynamics of an RBC model with only first moment shocks. The mild changes we do find are mainly caused by a bad news effect: higher uncertainty today predicts lower aggregate Solowresiduals tomorrow. This effect dominates the real option value effect of time-varying uncertainty, highlighted in the literature

    Stellenwert farbdopplersonographischer Befunde in der (Differential-)Diagnose fokaler Milzläsionen: eine retrospektive Studie

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    Fokale Läsionen der Milz sind extrem selten und werden im Patientengut eines internistischen Ultraschall-Labors mit einer Häufigkeit von etwa 0,2 % bis 0,46 % beobachtet. Eine ätiologische Zuordnung ist häufig schwierig und erst in Verbindung mit klinischen Daten und dem sonographischen Verlauf möglich. Der Stellenwert der FKDS in der ätiologischen Zuordnung von fokalen Milzherden ist bisher unklar und wird kritisch beurteilt. Zu dieser Fragestellung liegen bisher keine methodenvergleichenden Studien vor. Zudem existieren keine umfassenden Daten zu FKDS-Befunden bei fokalen Milzläsionen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden retrospektiv die Flußmuster 98 ätiologisch gesicherter fokaler Milzläsionen in der FKDS charakterisiert. Weiter wurde anhand der Ultraschallbilder von 63 Patienten, die von unterschiedlich erfahrenen Befundern ausgewertet wurden, ein Methodenvergleich zwischen B-Mode-Sonographie und FKDS angestellt. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit können wie folgt zusammengefaßt werden: Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß ca. 68 % der fokalen Milzläsionen sich in der farbkodierten Duplexsonographie bzw. Power-Doppler-Sonographie mit fehlendem Flußsignal präsentierten. 15 % erschienen hypovaskularisiert, 8 % isovaskularisiert, 5 % wiesen ein hypervaskuläres Flußmuster auf und 3 % zeigten ein arteriovenöses Flußmuster. In der Darstellung des Flußsignals zeigte sich ein Unterschied zwischen den verwendeten Ultraschallgeräten: Mit neuerer Gerätechnik (ACUSON Sequoia) sank der Anteil als avaskulär detektierter Läsionen von 72,8 % (ACUSON 128) auf 63,2 %. Die diagnostische Treffsicherheit bei der Diagnose fokaler Milzläsionen im Ultraschall war sowohl in der B-Mode-Sonographie als auch in der FKDS von der Erfahrung des Befunders abhängig, d.h. erfahrene Befunder erzielten bessere Ergebnisse. Die diagnostische Treffsicherheit betrug beim unerfahrensten Befunder 32 % im B-Mode bzw. 35 % in der FKDS; die Werte des erfahrensten Befunders lagen bei 72 % (B-Mode) bzw. 75 % (FKDS). Im Gegensatz dazu wurde von den Befundern in 39,7 % bis 88,9 % der Fälle eine FKDS-Sonographie für die Diagnosesicherung für notwendig gehalten. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß die durch die FKDS erhobenen zusätzlichen Informationen unabhängig von der Erfahrung der Befunder keine signifikante Verbesserung der diagnostischen Treffsicherheit (Veränderung zwischen ? 1,6 % und + 4,8 %) erbrachten. Der Stellenwert der FKDS für eine Diagnosesicherung wurde somit von den Befundern überschätzt. Die Bedeutung der FKDS in der (Differential-)Diagnose fokaler Milzläsionen ist insgesamt als niedrig einzuschätzen. Ein routinemäßiger Einsatz der FKDS im Rahmen der Sonographie der Milz ist nicht notwendig. Bei speziellen Fragestellungen wie Ausschluß bzw. Diagnose eines AV-Aneurysmas ermöglicht die FKDS eine rasche und sichere Diagnose. Möglicherweise wird die kontrastmittelunterstützte Sonographie die diagnostische Treffsicherheit bei fokalen Milzläsionen erhöhen

    Uncertainty Business Cycles - Really?

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    Are fluctuations in firms’ profitability risk a major cause of regular business cycles? We study this question within the framework of a heterogeneous-firm dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with fixed capital adjustment costs. In such a model, surprise increases of risk lead to a wait-and-see policy for investment at the firm level and a decrease in aggregate economic activity. We calibrate the model using German firm-level data with a broader sectoral, size and ownership coverage than comparable U.S. data sets. The use of these data enables us to provide robust lower and upper bound estimates for the size of firm-level risk fluctuations. We find that time-varying firm-level risk on its own is unlikely to be a major quantitative source of regular business cycle fluctuations. When we augment a model with only aggregate productivity shocks by time-varying risk, the risk shocks dampen the high contemporaneous correlations of the productivity-shock-only model, but do not alter the other unconditional business cycle properties.