1,127 research outputs found

    The Importance of Goal Setting: Why Every Pharmacist Should Make Goal Setting a Habit

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    But how many of us actually practice what we preach? We have pledged to apply our knowledge, experience, and skills to the best of our ability to assure optimal outcomes for our patients. As the pharmacy profession evolves, and as we train future generations of pharmacists, we have increased opportunities to expand our role and impact as a pharmacist. Goal setting is an important and valuable tool to support us in our personal and professional growth

    The Role of Community Pharmacy-Based Vaccination in the USA: Current Practice and Future Directions

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    Community pharmacy-based provision of immunizations in the USA has become commonplace in the last few decades, with success in increasing rates of immunizations. Community pharmacy-based vaccination services are provided by pharmacists educated in the practice of immunization delivery and provide a convenient and accessible option for receiving immunizations. The pharmacist\u27s role in immunization practice has been described as serving in the roles of educator, facilitator, and immunizer. With a majority of pharmacist-provided vaccinations occurring in the community pharmacy setting, there are many examples of community pharmacists serving in these immunization roles with successful outcomes. Different community pharmacies employ a number of different models and workflow practices that usually consist of a year-round in-house service staffed by their own immunizing pharmacist. Challenges that currently exist in this setting are variability in scopes of immunization practice for pharmacists across states, inconsistent reimbursement mechanisms, and barriers in technology. Many of these challenges can be alleviated by continual education; working with legislators, state boards of pharmacy, stakeholders, and payers to standardize laws; and reimbursement design. Other challenges that may need to be addressed are improvements in communication and continuity of care between community pharmacists and the patient centered medical home

    What’s the Big Deal about Statins?

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    Statins are a group of cholesterol-lowering medications that have been shown evidence to be beneficial for tens of millions of Americans. Some examples of statin medications you may have heard of include: atorvastatin (Lipitor), rosuvastatin (Crestor), simvastatin (Zocor), pravastatin (Pravachol) and lovastatin (Mevacor). Statins are one of the most commonly prescribed medications in the United States. One in four adults over the age of 45 years old are currently taking a statin for its many benefits. See below for more information about its use

    Using Community Pharmacy Immunization Screening Forms to Identify Potential Immunization Opportunities

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    Immunization screening forms are completed for each patient that is to be vaccinated in the pharmacy. Screening forms contain demographic and health questions, which are used to determine if a patient is contraindicated to receive a vaccine. The objective is to determine if patient responses to questions on these forms can be used to identify potential vaccine indications. De-identified data was retrospectively collected from 11 community pharmacies in California and Michigan that included basic demographics, answers to immunization screening questions, and vaccine(s) administered during that visit. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendations were used to forecast vaccine needs using the limited demographic and health history available from the screening forms. Descriptive statistics are presented, characterizing patient demographics and health condition-based recommendations, and the percentage of patients in a pharmacy population that may have potential indications for additional vaccines. Data were collected from 8669 pharmacy vaccine screening forms. Using the patient’s date of birth on the screening form, 10% (n = 759) and 34.6% (n = 2615) of patients receiving vaccines at the pharmacy may be indicated for the zoster, or both the zoster and pneumococcal vaccines, respectively. Screening form questions that inquire about medical history are also able to identify 13.9% (n = 977) of patients with a potential need for pneumococcal vaccines. Our data indicate that pharmacists can identify potential immunization opportunities proactively by using their immunization screening form, not only to identify contraindications, but also indications

    Quins elements i característiques han de tenir els boscos per influenciar la salut humana?

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    Malgrat el creixent interès de la comunitat científica i de la societat envers el potencial dels boscos com a font de salut humana, la literatura científica existent no permet establir relacions coherents entre el tipus de bosc i diferents variables de salut. Així es desprèn d'un estudi liderat per l'investigador de l'ICTA-UAB Albert Bach publicat recentment a la revista International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health i en el qual realitza una revisió sistemàtica de la literatura científica existent amb l'objectiu de determinar quines característiques haurien de tenir els boscos per generar un impacte en la salut humana.A pesar del creciente interés de la comunidad científica y de la sociedad hacia el potencial de los bosques como fuente de salud humana, la literatura científica existente no permite establecer relaciones coherentes entre el tipo de bosque y diferentes variables de salud. Así se desprende de un estudio liderado por el investigador del ICTA-UAB Albert Bach publicado recientemente en la revista International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health y en el cual realiza una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica existente con el objetivo de determinar qué características deberían de tener los bosques para generar un impacto en la salud humana.Despite the increasing interest of the scientific community and society towards the potential of forests as a source of human health, the existing scientific literature does not allow for a coherent relationship between the forest type and different health variables. This follows from a study led by ICTA-UAB researcher Albert Bach recently published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health where a systematic review of the existing scientific literature was conducted in order to determine what characteristics a forest should have to generate impact on human health

    A Guide to the California Immunization Registry and Its Use to Enhance the Delivery of Immunization Services

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    Pharmacists in California are assuming a greater role as independent providers of immunizations for children and adults under Senate Bill 493 (SB 493). One of the requirements for pharmacists as independent providers of immunizations in California is that they must report their administered doses to the California immunization registry system (CAIR). The National Vaccine Advisory Committee Standards for Immunization Practice also supports this practice by recommending that all immunizing providers report vaccinations to their local and state immunization information systems (IIS). This document presents background and specific features of CAIR; best practice recommendations for the use of IIS lookup, forecasting, follow-up, and recall; and documentation features to enhance the delivery of immunization services

    Avaliação de lagoas de lemnas no polimento de efluentes e na fixação de CO2

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental.Atualmente, a remoção de nutrientes em sistemas de tratamento de esgotos é um grande desafio para o setor de saneamento. As tecnologias empregadas para este fim são, geralmente, dependentes de energia e alta complexidade operacional gerando ônus aos municípios. Se os nutrientes não forem removidos adequadamente, os efluentes descartados podem causar sérios problemas aos corpos receptores, como a eutrofização. Por outro lado, os sistemas convencionais de tratamento também são responsáveis pela emissão de gases do efeito estufa (GEE) como CO2, CH4 e N2O. Como alternativa, as lagoas de lemnas têm sido utilizadas com sucesso para o polimento de efluentes e vêm se popularizando nos últimos anos, pois, além da grande capacidade dessas plantas na remoção de nutrientes e na fixação de CO2, ocorre a produção de uma biomassa com elevado potencial de valorização para fins energéticos e nutricionais. Assim, o presente estudo avaliou duas lagoas de lemnas (L. punctata) em escala piloto para a remoção de nitrogênio e fósforo do esgoto sanitário, além da produtividade de biomassa e fixação de carbono. A eficiência de remoção para o nitrogênio total (Nt= NO3 + NTK), ficou em 87,2% e 81,1%, para LL1 e LL2 respectivamente. Para o nitrogênio amoniacal as eficiências alcançadas foram de 86,1% em LL1, e 95,8% em LL2. Já para o fosfato (PO4), a remoção ficou em 82% para LL1 e 93% para LL2. A produtividade média de biomassa para as duas lagoas foi de 4,23 g/m².d-1. Pela estimativa da fixação de CO2 para as lagoas avaliadas, chegou-se a uma taxa média de 4,65 g/m2.d-1, ou em torno de 17 t/ha .ano-1. De maneira geral, as lagoas avaliadas apresentaram bons resultados na remoção de nutrientes, e se mostraram como uma tecnologia potencial para auxiliar a diminuir as emissões de CO2 em sistemas de tratamento de esgotos domésticos

    Anàlisi d'un sistema pel reconeixement d'objectes en imatges en temps real

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    En l'àmbit del reconeixement d'imatges pretenem analitzar i augmentar el rendiment d'un dels millors algorismes En l'àmbit del reconeixement d'imatges pretenem analitzar i augmentar el rendiment d'un dels millors algorismes En l'àmbit del reconeixement d'imatges pretenem analitzar i augmentar el rendiment d'un dels millors algorismes En l'àmbit del reconeixement d'imatges pretenem analitzar i augmentar el rendiment d'un dels millors algorismes En l'àmbit del reconeixement d'imatges pretenem analitzar i augmentar el rendiment d'un dels millors algorismes En l'àmbit del reconeixement d'imatges pretenem analitzar i augmentar el rendiment d'un dels millors algorismes En l'àmbit del reconeixement d'imatges pretenem analitzar i augmentar el rendiment d'un dels millors algorismesIn the field of image recognition, we aim to analyze and improve performance of one of the best algorithms known nowadays to detect all objects in an image in less than a second. Our main purpose is to understand how it works, analyze the algorithmic complexity involved and get some estimations on the possible improvements as regards the ability to detect objects as the speed with which it does. We will show the results from the entire analysis of algorithmic complexity and what this implies in terms of chances for improvement. We have also included the importance of the input parameters of the algorithm randomized Prim (RP) accompanied by a study what values can increase its performance

    On the explanation for quantum statistics

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    The concept of classical indistinguishability is analyzed and defended against a number of well-known criticisms, with particular attention to the Gibbs' paradox. Granted that it is as much at home in classical as in quantum statistical mechanics, the question arises as to why indistinguishability, in quantum mechanics but not in classical mechanics, forces a change in statistics. The answer, illustrated with simple examples, is that the equilibrium measure on classical phase space is continuous, whilst on Hilbert space it is discrete. The relevance of names, or equivalently, properties stable in time that can be used as names, is also discussed.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures; to appear in Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physic

    Implementing Pharmacy-Based Travel Health Services: Insight and Guidance from Frontline Practitioners

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    PURPOSE In California, the passage of SB493 in July of 2013 was a milestone in advancing pharmacy practice. Among other things, the new legislation allows pharmacists to provide routine immunizations without a protocol and furnish medications for international travelers for conditions not requiring a diagnosis. When developing a pharmacist-run travel health service, consideration must be given to multiple important factors, including pharmacist training, physician partnership, logistics, from scheduling to documentation, and the resources necessary to provide a travel health service.5 This article sets out to provide guidance and insight to pharmacists seeking to implement a travel health service. SUMMARY Travel health requires providers with knowledge regarding epidemiology, transmission, and prevention of travel-associated infectious diseases, a complete understanding of vaccine indications and procedures, and prevention and management of noninfectious travel-associated health risks. Pharmacists seeking to implement travel health services need to seek out appropriate resources for pharmacist training, workflow and logistical considerations, and travel health-specific resources to optimally provide this service. CONCLUSION The traveling population is at significant risk for travel-related diseases, but only a small number actually get the advice, vaccines and medications they need. With the passage of SB493 in California, the 40,000 registered pharmacists and 6,000 pharmacies across California could provide the essential access, convenience and expertise that a growing traveling population needs to stay healthy while abroad. Whether in a community pharmacy or ambulatory care clinic, pharmacists must ensure they can provide or arrange for personalized, comprehensive travel health services