6 research outputs found

    Higher division of popliteal artery: a case report

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    During the routine dissection of anatomy in an adult male cadaver at the department of anatomy, Manipal University, Manipal, higher division of popliteal artery was observed on the right side. This artery divided proximal to upper border of popliteus muscle into anterior and posterior tibial arteries. Inferomedial genicular artery which is usually a branch of popliteal artery was found to be arising from anterior tibial artery. However arterial branching pattern and point of bifurcation of popliteal artery on the left side were usual. The knowledge of these variations will be useful for angiography or various surgical approaches during knee joint surgery.

    Accessory renal arteries: a case report

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    During dissection of abdomen by the undergraduate medical students three accessory renal arteries were observed on the right side. The superior accessory artery was a small vessel arising from aorta just above the normal renal artery. It entered the anterior surface of kidney just below the upper pole. The middle and inferior arteries were caudal to the normal renal artery. The middle artery was arising from testicular artery and entered the anterior surface of kidney below the hilum. The inferior artery was arising from aorta just above its bifurcations and entered the lower pole of kidney. The importance of accessory renal arteries in surgical procedures of the posterior abdominal wall and renal transplantation are discussed

    Communication between musculocutaneous and median nerves: a case report

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    Musculocutaneous nerve is a branch of lateral cord of brachial plexus. It innervates muscles of flexor compartment of arm and continuous as the lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm without any communication with median or any other nerves. The present report describes a case of variation in musculocutaneous nerve observed in adult male cadaver during routine dissection on the right side. The musculocutaneous nerve did not pierce coracobrachialis muscle and gave a communicating branch to median nerve in the middle of the arm. It is important to be aware of this variation while planning a surgery in the region of axilla or arm, as these nerves are more liable to be injured during operations

    Anomalous superficial peroneal nerve with higher division: a case report

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    The superficial peroneal nerve is one of the terminal branch of common peroneal nerve. There are reports in the available literature about the variant course and distribution of this nerve. The variations of the above nerve are important and provide important information to surgeons during dissection of lower limb. In the present case a rare higher division of superficial peroneal nerve into medial and lateral branches in the leg was seen in an adult male cadaver in left lower limb. Awareness of anatomical variations of superficial peroneal nerve presented here becomes important to avoid injury in clinical situations like pain over the lateral malleolus

    Anomalous origin of superior laryngeal artery from external carotid artery report

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    Abstract During routine dissection in Anatomy Department, KMC Manipal, anomalous origin of superior laryngeal artery arising from external carotid artery was observed on the right side in an adult male cadaver. Superior laryngeal artery normally is a branch of superior thyroid artery. It supplies laryngeal muscles, mucosa and glands. The origin of lingual and facial arteries normal. The courses of nerves in the carotid triangle are also normal. the left carotid arterial system. V may arise from lingual, facial, ascending pharyngeal, external carotid artery or even from the common carotid artery. There are reports of rare variation of the common trunk of origin of superior laryngeal and inferior thyroid artery from the external carotid artery linguofacial trunk. Though embryogenesis of this variation is not clear, but may be important for reconstruction surgery of the larynx, laryngeal transplantation and it will also be useful to the surgeons in minimizing the post aware of these variations in the super selective intra laryngeal cancers