206 research outputs found

    A Halomethane thermochemical network from iPEPICO experiments and quantum chemical calculations

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    Internal energy selected halomethane cations CH3Cl+, CH2Cl2+, CHCl3+, CH3F+, CH2F2+, CHClF2+ and CBrClF2+ were prepared by vacuum ultraviolet photoionization, and their lowest energy dissociation channel studied using imaging photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy (iPEPICO). This channel involves hydrogen atom loss for CH3F+, CH2F2+ and CH3Cl+, chlorine atom loss for CH2Cl2+, CHCl3+ and CHClF2+, and bromine atom loss for CBrClF2+. Accurate 0 K appearance energies, in conjunction with ab initio isodesmic and halogen exchange reaction energies, establish a thermochemical network, which is optimized to update and confirm the enthalpies of formation of the sample molecules and their dissociative photoionization products. The ground electronic states of CHCl3+, CHClF2+ and CBrClF2+ do not confirm to the deep well assumption, and the experimental breakdown curve deviates from the deep well model at low energies. Breakdown curve analysis of such shallow well systems supplies a satisfactorily succinct route to the adiabatic ionization energy of the parent molecule, particularly if the threshold photoelectron spectrum is not resolved and a purely computational route is unfeasible. The ionization energies have been found to be 11.47 ± 0.01 eV, 12.30 ± 0.02 eV and 11.23 ± 0.03 eV for CHCl3, CHClF2 and CBrClF2, respectively. The updated 0 K enthalpies of formation, ∆fHo0K(g) for the ions CH2F+, CHF2+, CHCl2+, CCl3+, CCl2F+ and CClF2+ have been derived to be 844.4 ± 2.1, 601.6 ± 2.7, 890.3 ± 2.2, 849.8 ± 3.2, 701.2 ± 3.3 and 552.2 ± 3.4 kJ mol–1, respectively. The ∆fHo0K(g) values for the neutrals CCl4, CBrClF2, CClF3, CCl2F2 and CCl3F and have been determined to be –94.0 ± 3.2, –446.6 ± 2.7, –702.1 ± 3.5, –487.8 ± 3.4 and –285.2 ± 3.2 kJ mol–1, respectively

    Benchmark thermochemistry of the C_nH_{2n+2} alkane isomers (n=2--8) and performance of DFT and composite ab initio methods for dispersion-driven isomeric equilibria

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    The thermochemistry of linear and branched alkanes with up to eight carbons has been reexamined by means of W4, W3.2lite and W1h theories. `Quasi-W4' atomization energies have been obtained via isodesmic and hypohomodesmotic reactions. Our best atomization energies at 0 K (in kcal/mol) are: 1220.04 n-butane, 1497.01 n-pentane, 1774.15 n-hexane, 2051.17 n-heptane, 2328.30 n-octane, 1221.73 isobutane, 1498.27 isopentane, 1501.01 neopentane, 1775.22 isohexane, 1774.61 3-methylpentane, 1775.67 diisopropyl, 1777.27 neohexane, 2052.43 isoheptane, 2054.41 neoheptane, 2330.67 isooctane, and 2330.81 hexamethylethane. Our best estimates for ΔHf,298K\Delta H^\circ_{f,298K} are: -30.00 n-butane, -34.84 n-pentane, -39.84 n-hexane, -44.74 n-heptane, -49.71 n-octane, -32.01 isobutane, -36.49 isopentane, -39.69 neopentane, -41.42 isohexane, -40.72 3-methylpentane, -42.08 diisopropyl, -43.77 neohexane, -46.43 isoheptane, -48.84 neoheptane, -53.29 isooctane, and -53.68 hexamethylethane. These are in excellent agreement (typically better than 1 kJ/mol) with the experimental heats of formation at 298 K obtained from the CCCBDB and/or NIST Chemistry WebBook databases. However, at 0 K a large discrepancy between theory and experiment (1.1 kcal/mol) is observed for only neopentane. This deviation is mainly due to the erroneous heat content function for neopentane used in calculating the 0 K CCCBDB value. The thermochemistry of these systems, especially of the larger alkanes, is an extremely difficult test for density functional methods. A posteriori corrections for dispersion are essential. Particularly for the atomization energies, the B2GP-PLYP and B2K-PLYP double-hybrids, and the PW6B95 hybrid-meta GGA clearly outperform other DFT functionals.Comment: (J. Phys. Chem. A, in press

    Calculation of molecular thermochemical data and their availability in databases

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    Thermodynamic properties of molecules can be obtained by experiment, by statistical mechanics in conjunction with electronic structure theory and by empirical rules like group additivity. The latter two methods are briefly re-viewed in this chapter. The overview of electronic structure methods is intended for readers less experienced in electronic structure theory and focuses on concepts without going into mathematical details. This is followed by a brief description of group additivity schemes; finally, an overview of databases listing reliable thermochemical data is given

    Ab initio vs molecular mechanics thermochemistry: Homocubanes

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    10.1021/ci0300285Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences443903-906JCIS