42 research outputs found

    Changes in Sarcoplasmic and Myofibrillar Proteins of Spent Hen and Broiler Meat during the Processing of Surimi-like Material (Ayami)

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    Spent hens (Rhode Island Red), aged 18 months and broilers (White Leghorn) aged 2 months were processed into a surimi-like material called Ayami. The processing method includes grinding the material twice through a 5mm grinder plate, followed by three steps of washing with ice cold water, after which the washed meat is mixed with cryoprotectants and stored in polythylene bags at - 15°C. Changes in sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins during the processing stages were monitored using the snS-PAGE method. The electrophoretic pattern showed a decrease in intensity in the components of myofibrillar proteins after the first wash, with little changes after the second and third wash. For sarcoplasmic proteins, the intensity of components with molecular weights lower than 100,000 Dalton decreased, whereas the components with molecular weights higher than 100,000 Dalton increased. Washing has significant effects on the sarcoplasmatic and myofibrillar proteins of both spent hen and broiler meat. Such results could explain the gelation properties of surimi-like materials like Ayami

    Added Soy Proteins in Processed Meats in Malaysia

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    Two methods were used to determine the amount of soya protein added in some local processed meat products. The use of soya protein in processed meat formulation is increasing because of the high cost of meat. At present there are no strict measures to ensure the proper use of food extenders in meat and other products. Results from this study indicate that most meat products such as burgers and frankfurters produced locally contain between 5 - 25% added soya protein. The enzymatic method of determining soya protein was found to be more sensitive than the centrifugation method. However, for routine quality control work, the AOAC (1980) centrifugation method would be more practical and economical

    Taste Panel Evaluation and Acceptance of Soy-beef Bur~er

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    This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the addition of textured soy protein (TSP) at 0%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% levels on the quality and general acceptance of soy-beef burgers by trained taste panels as well as the consumer. Analyses carried out at three-week intervals include TBA values, water holding capacity, cooking loss, sensory evaluation and consumer acceptance. The increase of textured soy protein levels in beef burger resulted in significant decrease in TBA values and cooking loss. The addition of textured soy protein also increased the water holding capacity of the products. Generally, storage time reduced the quality of these products. Sensory properties showed that the substitution of meat with textured soy protein increased the intensity of beany flavour and taste. The addition of textured soy protein decreased the colour acceptance but had no specific effect on the quality attributes such as appearance, texture, saltiness and juidness of the product. Results of the consumer acceptance test showed that there were no significant differences in preference for the 0%,20% and 30% levels of textured soy protein in beef burger

    Determination of Meat Content in Processed Meats Using Currently Available Methods

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    Four methods were used in the determination of meat content in local meat and meat products. Current methods available are not reliable and applicable to routine monitoring and quality control by the regulating laboratories as well as the meat processing industry. A reliable and practical method is needed to monitor meat Introductions and ensure that they are meeting the minimum requirement of sixty five (65 %) percent meat content. The total pigments and hemoglobin technique was found to be applicable for determination of meat content in locally Inocessed beef burgers, when compared to the Modified Method of Stubbs & More (1919), and Pearson Method (1975

    Functional Properties of Gelatin Hydrolysate from Salmon Skin (Salmo salar)

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    Gelatin hydrolysate is derived from a hydrolysis of gelatin (denatured collagen) to expose the functional properties of the hydrolysate obtained. This study was carried out to determine functional properties of gelatin hydrolysate from salmon skin as influenced by the degree of enzymatic hydrolysis. Aqueous extraction of gelatin from salmon skin was done at 45oC for 60 minutes. The extracted gelatin was then hydrolysed using 1% alcalase at 54.5oC and pH 8. The functional properties determined were molecular weight, solubility, foaming capacity and stability, emulsifying activity and stability index were analysed. It was found that different time of hydrolysis (5, 15, 45 and 180 minutes) resulted in different degree of hydrolysis (DH) (10, 20, 30 and 40%, respectively). The gelatin hydrolysate at 40% DH showed the highest solubility (p<0.05). However, the foaming and emulsifying properties were the highest at 10% degree of hydrolysis (p<0.05)

    Effects of palm fat blends inclusion on the quality of chicken frankfurters

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    Three types of palm fats (PF) to be incorparated into meat batters were prepared from palm oil (PO) and palm stearin (POs) with the ratio ofpO:POs at 60:40, 70:30 and 80:20 (wt/wt). The slip melting point (SMP), iodine value (IV) and solid fat content (SFC) ofPF were measured. Eight formulations offrankfurters were then produced using PF60:40, PF70:30, PF80:20 and palm olein (POo) at 20% and 25% offat levels. Chopping temperature, emulsion stability (ES) and water holding capacity (WHC) ofmeat batters containing PF and POo were measured. At 25%fat level, meat batters mixed with PF60: 40 recarded the highest final chopping temperatures at the end of comminution, while POo recarded the lowest value. Fluid loss of meat batters prepared with PF60:40 and PF80:20 were significantly lower at 20% fat level compared to that of25%(P<0.05). Higher WHC was exhibited by meat batters containing various PF compared to the one with POo (P<0.05)

    Quality assessment of local and franchise beef and chicken burgers

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    Six brands of local beef and chicken burgers, three brands of franchise beef and two brands of franchise chicken burgers were evaluated for proximate composition, myoglobin and meat content, colour (L, a, b values) and microbiology composition i.e. Total Plate Count (CFU/gm), Coliform and Escherichia coli Counts (MPN/gm), Staphylococus aureus Count (CFU/gm) and presence of Salmonella sp. All franchise beef burgers had higher protein and moisture contents (except burger C) and lower carbohydrate content than the local brands. No significant differences (p > 0.05) in fat, ash and crude fibre contents were observed between local brands and franchise beef burgers. Most local brands of chicken burgers had lower levels of protein and moisture and higher levels of fat, fibre and carbohydrate than the franchises. No significant differences (p > 0.05) in ash content was observed between the local brands and franchise chicken burgers. All beef burgers had low myoglobin and meat contents «65%) with the exception of AI, FI and GI burgers. Chicken burgers, EI, FI and franchise burger B had higher meat content (>65%) than the others. All beef and chicken burgers had higher 'L' values which ranged between 45.13 % to 53.68% and 62.75 % to 72.48% respectively except FI which was darker. Local brands of beef burgers had a higher 'a' value compared to the franchises and all chicken burgers had a low 'a" value except FI which was redder. Low Total Plate Count, Coliform and E. coli counts were detected in all burger samples. S. aureus counts in most local brands of beefand chicken burger samples were higher than the franchises which ranged from 2 to 11 CFU/gm sample and 6 to 22 CFU/gm sample respectively. Salmonella sp was not present in all burger samples

    Effect of different hydrolysis time and enzymes on chemical properties, antioxidant and antihyperglycemic activities of edible bird nest hydrolysate

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    Edible bird nest (EBN) is a dried glutinous secretion from the salivary glands of swiftlet species commonly found in the Southeast Asian region, including Malaysia. It is consumed traditionally by the Chinese as food delicacy and also considered as an important ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine for its beneficial health effects. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of enzymatic hydrolysis using alcalase, papain and papaya juice hydrolyze at 0.5 to 3 hr on the degree of hydrolysis (DH), protein solubility, concentration of reducing sugar, antioxidant and anti-hyperglycemic activity. In general, an increase in hydrolysis time increases the DH and soluble protein digestion rate. However, the concentration of reducing sugar was not affected by hydrolysis time. The solubility of proteins was highest for alcalase and papain at 3 h, while papaya juice at 2 h. Papain showed the highest antioxidant activity in 1 and 2 h of hydrolysis time whereas at 3 h, results for both papain and alcalase were higher compared to papaya juice. Result of anti-hyperglycemic activity showed that only EBN hydrolyzed using papaya juice has positive activity. Based on this study, enzymatic hydrolysis had improved the functional properties of EBN and results showed the potential of EBN to be developed as natural antioxidants and anti-hyperglycemic agents

    Kandungan kemarmaran stik ribeye dan kesannya terhadap ciri-ciri kualiti tekstur dan mikrostruktur daging

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    Kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti kandungan lemak intraotot (kemarmaran) dan kesannya terhadap ciri-ciri kualiti tekstur dan mikrostruktur daging stik ribeye daripada empat baka lembu berbeza iaitu Wagyu, Angus, Brahman dan Kedah-Kelantan (KK). Darjah kemarmaran diukur dengan menggunakan analisis imej berkomputer dan didapati mempengaruhi kelembutan daging. Keputusan menunjukkan sampel Wagyu yang mempunyai lemak intraotot yang tinggi (33.90%), turut mempunyai kapasiti pengekalan lemak (86.32%) yang tinggi secara signifikan (p<0.05) dan daging yang paling lembut (p<0.05) berbanding sampel Angus, Brahman dan KK. Berdasarkan ciri-ciri mikrostruktur daging, ruangan antara gentian otot dan diameter gentian otot didapati lebih besar bagi Wagyu berbanding sampel lain masing-masing pada ukuran 23.40 dan 47.01 μm. Perbezaan kandungan lemak intraotot sampel Wagyu dan KK turut diperlihatkan dalam imej mikrograf sampel daging

    Kesan penambahan Kappaphycus alvarezii, gelatin ikan dan gelatin kaki ayam terhadap ciri-ciri kualiti sosej ayam

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    Kappaphycus alvarezii kaya dengan karagenan yang banyak digunakan dalam industri makanan sebagai agen pemekat dan penstabil. Penggunaan gelatin ikan dan ayam dalam produk makanan dapat menggantikan gelatin lembu yang mempunyai banyak isu terutamanya berkaitan halal dan penyakit lembu gila (BSE). Penyelidikan ini adalah untuk menentukan kesan penambahan Kappaphycus alvarezii, gelatin ikan dan gelatin kaki ayam terhadap ciri-ciri kualiti sosej ayam. Dua formulasi optimum T1 (10% Kappaphycus alvarezii, 3.81% gelatin ikan, 7.63% gelatin kaki ayam) dan T2 (2.57% Kappaphycus alvarezii, 5% gelatin ikan, 7.63% gelatin kaki ayam) telah diperoleh daripada Kaedah Respon Permukaan (RSM) dalam kajian awalan. Kualiti sosej ayam dikaji berdasarkan analisis proksimat dan ujian jangka hayat (pH, nilai TBA dan warna). Ujian jangka hayat dijalankan selama 3 minggu pada suhu penyimpanan 4 ± 1°C Penambahan Kappaphycus alvarezii, gelatin ikan dan gelatin kaki ayam meningkatkan (p<0.05) kandungan protein dan abu tetapi menurunkan (p<0.05) kandungan lemak. Nilai pH bagi sampel T1 dan T2 lebih tinggi berbanding dengan C semasa tempoh penyimpanan. Nilai TBA bagi sampel T1 dan T2 adalah rendah dibandingkan dengan C semasa tempoh penyimpanan. Penambahan Kappaphycus alvarezii, gelatin ikan dan gelatin kaki ayam mengubah warna bagi sampel T1 dan T2 sepanjang tempoh penyimpanan. Penambahan Kappaphycus alvarezii, gelatin ikan dan gelatin kaki ayam mengubah warna sosej ayam sepanjang tempoh penyimpanan. Kajian ini menunjukkan penambahan campuran Kappaphycus alvarezii, gelatin ikan dan gelatin kaki ayam pada tahap optimum menghasilkan sosej ayam yang lebih berkualiti